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      • KCI등재

        국가권력의 한계, 어디에서 비롯되는가

        홍영기 한국법철학회 2005 법철학연구 Vol.8 No.1

        Nicht nur Menschen, sondern auch Staaten existieren nur als ein Fragment in der Welt, also in der ganzen Leere. Der Staat, der keineswegs die ganze Welt bedeutet, besitzt nur einen begrenzten Teil seiner Umwelt und zwar fur einen bestimmten (Zeit)raum. Daher agiert der Staat nicht aus der hoheitlichen Position, sondern begegnet den gesellschaftlichen Kraften auf der gleichen Ebene. In diesem Bild sieht man den Staat begrenzt, zunachst nicht durch die Bestrebung von Burgern nach ihrer Freiheit, sondern durch seine bedingte Seinheit an sich, die am Anfang nur als eine Erscheinung des Daseins im Nichts bestimmt wird, wie andere Dinge. Diese Vorstellung wird in der Strafrechtswissenschaft einmal mit dem Hinweis auf die Universalitat der nichtbestrafenden Straftaten belegt, zum andern durch die berlegung gestutzt, dass die Bestrafung gegen die Straftaten eine ganz seltene Ausnahme ist. Demzufolge kann man nicht sagen, dass die Nichtbestrafung der Straftaten sui generis ist, wie es allgemein heist. Hierbei weis man vielmehr, dass die realisierte Tatigkeit des Strafanspruchs sui generis ist. Was positiv begrundet werden soll, ist nicht diese selbstverstandliche Grenze des Strafrechts, sondern die Ausubung des Strafanspruchs als eine Ausnahme.

      • KCI우수등재

        배임에서 결과 평가의 엄격성 -손해 및 위험에 대한 독일 해석론과 대조하여-

        홍영기 한국형사법학회 2019 刑事法硏究 Vol.31 No.1

        In recent developments in the german case law, the Federal Supreme Court and Federal Constitutional Court have interpreted the concept of ‘result’ in breach of trust (§266 StGB Untreue) cases strictly, in their intention to preserve the orientation towards the formalization of rule of law (“rechtstaatliche Formalisierung”). Since the crime of breach of trust turns out to be a crime of result (Erfolgsdelikt) and a crime constituted by violation of protected legal interests (Verletzungsdelikt), the courts underline that it is necessary to apply the principle of overall assessment of damages more strictly, so that the property damages caused by the conduct of breach could be counterbalanced by the property gains, which are also caused by the same conduct. This approach is partly criticized, that it lays too much emphasis on the ‘result’ of crime, leading to denial of the crime’s punishability under atypical circumstances where damages don’t occur at all or they are offset by gains. The approach is however maintained in appraisal of the ‘risk’ of the damages caused by the breach. This ‘risk’ is hereby not just considered as a vague possibility of damage occurrence, but itself as a damage of a kind, equal to an actual damage. This Breach of trust case appears to be the most important criminal legal issue in Korea currently. Despite its importance however, it is not certain if there is any clear legal base derived from higher principles to substantiate or exclude the punishability of such crime. If the courts are to be allowed to apply the ‘risk’ argument and the ‘attempted breach of trust’ argument in their assessment, whether the ‘result’ of breach of trust exists and therefore the elements of the criminal offence are fulfilled, then the punishability of the crime would be unreasonably extended, causing deformalization of criminal law. Therefore, it would be appropriate to limit the overcriminalization of the breach of trust cases by applying a strict assessment of ‘risk’, taking into account that breach of trust crime can be more clearly characterized in Korea as a crime of result (Erfolgsdelikt) and as a crime constituted by violation of protected legal interests (Verletzungsdelikt), than it is in Germany. An active application of the ‘attempted breach of trust’ clause, on the other hand, would not be able to prevent such overcriminalization. 최근 독일의 연방헌법재판소와 대법원은 배임의 결과발생을 엄격하게 해석함으로써 법치국가적 정형화를 유지하고자 하는 방향의 여러 판례를 내놓고 있다. 배임을 결과범이자 침해범으로 분명히 자리매김하면서 손해산정의 전체계산원칙을 더욱 엄격하게 이용하여, 행위로부터 결과된 본인의 재산상 손해를 본인에게 미친 이득과 상쇄해야 한다는 점을 강조한다. 특히 비유형적인 정황으로 인해 손해가 발생하지 않게 되었거나 이득으로 상쇄된 경우까지도 가벌성을 부정하는 예가 있어, 지나친 결과중심적 사고라는 비판을 받기도 한다. 이러한 방법은 손해발생의 ‘위험’을 계산하는 때에도 마찬가지로 유지된다. 이때의 위험은 손해발생의 막연한 가능성이 아니라 손해와 동등한 개념으로서 손해의 일종으로 생각되고 있다. 특히 기업 안에서 이루어지는 배임사안은 지금 우리나라에서도 지금 가장 중요한 형법문제이다. 그러나 사안을 대하는 평가자가 행위자의 임무위배행위에 대해서 배임의 가벌성을 근거짓거나 배제할 만한 분명한 상위의 근거가 있다고 보기 어려운 상황이다. 구성요건적 결과의 평가와 관련하여, 법원이 위험의 법리와 배임미수의 법리를 임의로 사용하는 경우에 배임의 가벌성 영역이 비정형적으로 확대될 우려가 있다. 우리형법이 독일규정에 비해 배임죄의 결과범 및 침해범적 성격을 더 강하게 띄고 있다는 점을 고려하여, 장차 결과(위험)의 엄격한 산정을 통해 배임의 과잉범죄화를 제한하는 것이 타당한 방법이다. 반면에 배임미수규정을 적극적으로 활용하는 방식은 이와 같은 정책적 효과를 기대할 수 없게 만든다.

      • KCI등재

        2021년 형사법분야 대법원 주요판례와 평석

        홍영기 안암법학회 2022 안암 법학 Vol.- No.64

        The precedent, in which simply linking to the uploaded video without copyright holder's permission was viewed as criminal facilitation of the copyright infringement, showed us that its implication for criminal justice system precedes various principles of law. The court didn't determine following situations as house-trespass; one who entered a dwelling house only under some of co-resident's permission but not others' consents, and when one of co-resident entered his dwelling without one's permission who does not dwell that time. It's because court saw that a breach of the peace is legally protected interest in house-trespass. The precedent overturned its own decision and stated that the disposal of real estate by trustee in two-way trust is no longer viewed as embezzlement. This change is one of the remaining fruitions of efforts to decriminalize in the area of embezzlement and breach of trust. It only matters whether the act of actor caused any monetary damage to others in evaluating whether such act establish a breach of trust, while how much he benefited from is neither here nor there. It's because a breach of trust is a type of crime causing harm others just like other crimes. It is reasonable decision for Supreme Court to try to recognize admissible evidence under stricter requirements, when physical evidence was submitted during the investigation by third party rather than voluntarily submitted by accused himself. The judgment that the prosecutor abused his right to prosecute by prosecuting the same case again 4 years after the suspension of indictment, implies that court limited the discretion of criminal prosecution. Putting a great effort to evaluate the reliability of testimonial evidence strictly is court's decision to clarify the intended purpose of court-oriented trials, if the prosecutor interviewed same witness already at investigation institution who would later also be questioned in court even before questioning witness in trial proceeding. 2021년 형법분야의 몇몇 전원합의체 판결은 이론적으로 중요한 의미가 있는 테마에 대해 긴 분량을 할애하여 논구하고 있다. 그 가운데 저작권자의 허락 없이 업로드한 영상을 단지 링크행위를 통해 옮기는 것을 저작권법 위반의 방조행위로 판단한 판례에서는 형사정책적 의도로부터 여러 형법원리가 후퇴되는 모습이 드러난다. 공동거주권자의 허락 없이 일부 거주권자의 허락만 받고 주거에 들어간 것과, 공동거주권자가 주거에 현재하는 사람의 허락 없이 들어간 것을 주거침입죄로 평가하지 않은 판례는 주거침입죄의 보호법익을 사실상 평온으로 보려는 태도를 더욱 분명히 하고자 한 것이다. 형사소송법 분야에서 공소권남용을 긍정한 판례는 그 학술사적, 이론적으로 의미가 큰 데에 반해 판례에서의 논증이 대부분 생략되어 있어 아쉬움을 준다. 반면에 피의자 아닌 제3자에 의해 물증이 임의제출된 경우에 대법원이 피의자로부터 영장에 의해 압수된 경우에 상응하는 요건 하에 증거능력을 인정하고자 한 것이나, 공판과정에서 증인신문이 이루어지기 전에 미리 수사기관에서 검사가 증인이 될 사람을 면담한 후 증인신문한 경우 증언의 증명력평가를 엄격하게 하려 한 판례는, 적법절차원칙과 공판중심주의를 강화하려는 최근 법원의 경향을 그대로 이어가고 있는 것으로 평가된다.

      • 고관절 전치환술의 방법에 따른 성적의 비교관찰

        홍영기,손성근 고신대학교(의대) 고신대학교 의과대학 학술지 1989 고신대학교 의과대학 학술지 Vol.5 No.1

        A total hip replacement arthroplasty has become an established procedure in the management of painful arthntic hip in past two decades. And there are many reports that are concerned in a follow-up study of the total hip replacement arthroplasty. This is a follow-up study in 56 total hip replacement arthroplasties in 44 patients of 98 total hip replacement arthroplasties in 70 patients, performed at the Department of Orthopedic Surgery, Kosin Medical College, between January 1981 and March 1988. The author tries to find which type of implant is better and hopes that this report will provied guide to the surgeon who will be going to do total hip replacement arthroplasty. Our results concludes the followings : 1. There were 28 males(63.6%) and 16 females(36.4%). The peak age incidence was 6th decade, which comprised 31.8% of total cases. 2. A most common cause was post-traumatic or idiopathic avascular necrosis of the head, comprised 35 cases.(62.5%) 3. Variable prosthesis were used; Muller type, 15 cases, Charnley type, 12 cases; cementless PM type, 13 cases; and Harns/Galante types, 16 cases. 4. Postoperative complications were as follows : 4 cases of wound problem including 2 early deep infections, 2 dislocations, 1 femoral nerve palsy, 1 acetabular perforation, 1 stem perforation, 3 femoral shaft fractures, 4 cases of trochanteric wire breakasges, 6 ectopic ossifications, 4 cases of loosening including 3 femoral and 1 both femoral and acetabular components loosening. 5. Postoperative pain relief was better in Harris/Galante type(average 41.1 points). 6. The functional results was better in Harri/Galante type by average 43.3 points. 7. The range of motion(flexion) improve from 86.7 deg. to 104 deg in Harris/Galante type. 8. Postoperative total Harris hip scores were 92.7 points in Harris/Galante type, 85.5 points in Muller type, 79.7 points in Charnley type and 76.8 points in cementless PM type.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

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