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      • SNS를 활용한 중소기업의 마케팅 전략

        한호석 건국대학교 대학원 2014 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        본 연구의 목적은 SNS를 활용한 중소기업의 마케팅 활동 즉, 정보의 제공성, 브랜드관리, 유희성이 SNS활용에 미치는 영향과, 이러한 활용이 경영성과에 미치는 영향을 분석하는 데 있다. 모집단은 서울특별시 일부를 포함한 경기도 포천시, 양평군과 남양주지역의 지역의 중소제조업을 중심으로 임직원 212명에 대한 설문조사를 실시하였다. 설문조사 기간은 2014년 5월 16일부터 26일까지 약 11일동안 실시하였다. 총 201부가 회수되었으나 불성실한 답변과 일부 누락 설문지 등 11부를 제외한 190부를 분석에 사용하였다. 분석의 결과 정보제공성, 브랜드관리, 유희성이 SNS 활용에 정(+)적인 영향을 미칠 것이라는 가설은 모두 채택되었다. 또한 정보제공성, 브랜드관리, 유희성이 경영성과에 미치는 과정에서 SNS 활용은 매개역할을 하는 것으로 나타났다. 과거 기업들은 리디오 신문 TV 등을 통하여 기업 홍보 활동을 하였다면 현재는 SNS를 활용한 홍보활동이 대세를 이루고 있다. 인적자원이나 마케팅비용을 절감해야 하는 중소기업의 입장에서 SNS를 활용한 마케팅전략은 기업의 경영성과는 물론 기업홍보에 많은 도움이 될 것으로 기대된다. 향후 중소기업은 판로개척, 시장점령 등 다양한 방면에서 SNS 마케팅을 활용할 필요가 있다고 생각된다. The main objective of this study is the small business marketing activities utilizing SNS, namely, the provision of information, brand management, playfulness and the effects of the SNS utilization, management and utilization of these impacts to be analyzed. All 201 questionnaires were collected. However, the analysis used in the questionnaire survey is only 190 were used for analysis The results of analysis of provision information, brand management, playfulness SNS practical use impact on both the hypothesis was adopted. In addition, gender information, brand management, business performance on its playfulness is a mediating role in the process to take advantage of the SNS, respectively. TV radio newspaper companies, including the past through re-promotional activities If you are a company utilizing SNS fulfilling promotional activities for this trend. Human resources and marketing costs should take advantage of the SNS from the perspective of a small business marketing strategy, business performance, as well as the company's corporate communications is expected to be very helpful. SMEs are the future market reclamation, SNS market in various areas, such as occupation I think that it is necessary to take advantage of marketing.

      • 홀수 분할 방식을 활용한 드럼 기법 분석 : 아니카 닐즈(Anika Nilles)를 중심으로

        한호석 상명대학교 문화기술대학원 2019 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        현대의 대중음악 스타일은 반복적이고 단순한 음악 스타일을 추구한다. 닐즈는 현대의 대중음악과 같이 단순한 짝수 분할 방식으로 이루어진 음악 스타일에서 벗어난 홀수 분할 방식을 드럼 연주에 적용해 많은 청중들의 관심을 끌었다. 닐즈의 독보적인 음악 스타일은 충분히 대중들의 인기를 끌기 충분했으며 특히 드러머들이 홀수 분할 방식을 활용한 그녀의 드럼 기법에 많은 관심을 표했다. 본 논문의 목적은 홀수 분할 방식을 활용한 닐즈의 연주 기법을 분석하여 그 효과를 도출하고 활용 방안을 모색하는 것이다. 홀수 분할 방식을 기법의 분류, 음악의 구간에 따른 적용 방법, 그리고 드럼 기법으로의 표현 이 세 가지 관점으로 나누어 각각마다 활용되는 특징을 찾을 수 있었다. 도출된 기법의 효과를 알아보기 위해 해당 기법을 닐즈의 곡에 재해석하고, 그와 상반된 짝수 분할 방식을 주로 활용한 너바나의 곡에 적용하며, 자작곡에 전체적으로 적용했다. 본 연구는 홀수 분할 방식을 활용한 닐즈의 드럼 연주 기법을 세분화해 도출했으며 활용 방안을 제시했다. 닐즈는 활용한 기법의 특징을 돋보이게 연주했으며 기법의 다양한 활용 방법이 있다는 것으로 보아 그녀의 홀수 분할 방식을 활용한 연주 기법은 연구 가치가 있음을 알 수 있었다. 주요어: 홀수 분할 방식, 잇단음표, 드럼, 아니카닐즈 The modern pop style pursues a repetitive and simple style of music. Anika Nilles drew the attention of many audiences by applying odd division to drumming, deviating from the simple even division of music, such as modern popular music. Nilles unique style of music was enough to appeal to the public, In particular, drummers showed great interest in her drum technique using odd division. The purpose of this paper is to analyze Nilles performance techniques using odd division method to derive its effects and to find ways to utilize them. The odd split method was divided into three perspectives: the classification of techniques, the application of different sections of music, and the expression of drum techniques. The technique was reinterpreted to Nilles songs to see the effects of derived techniques, applied to Nirvana songs, which were mainly used in the opposite even division, and applied to the a song of one's own composition. This study was derived by disaggregating Nilles drum playing technique using odd division and suggested ways to utilize it. Nilles played well with the features of the technique, and the variety of uses of the technique showed that her technique using odd division was valuable. Many musicians are not using odd division methods for their songs just because of their high difficulty. There are considerable challenges and a large amount of practice is required, but the odd division of music can lead to a more creative and progressive movement than modern music. I hope that new and creative music will be produced in many modern music genres by applying the odd division method used in this research. Key Words: Odd meter, Tuplet, Drum, Anika Nilles

      • 이글루탄약고의 결로 감소를 위한 연구

        한호석 충남대학교 산업대학원 2007 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        The purpose of this thesis is to find out the optimal methods for the prevention of dew condensation in the igloo-type magazine. Considering weather conditions in the Korea, dew condensation in the igloo-type magazine is inevitable in summertime. In order to prevent or reduce the condensation a dehumidifier or injector of dry and cool air devices are effective. But, the expense of the devices are very high. This thesis suggest methods for prevention of condensation in the igloo-type magazine by natural environment other than artificial devices. By changing some parts of the igloo-type magazine, the air circulation in the house can be promoted. Then it can prevent dew condensation. The typical structure of igloo-type magazine has entrance in the front, the corners of the storage house are square-shaped. The air circulation at the rear corners is restricted, which makes humid air indoor stagnated. This increases dew condensation at the corners. To smooth the air condensation indoor, more ventilators should be made in the front, the square-shaped corners at the rear of the storage house must be changed into round shaped, and an extractor fan outdoor the ventilating opening connected to the rear ventilators should be installed. This structure of the storage house makes the outdoor air flow a lot in the storage house and discharged outdoor by the rear ventilators after circulating fast. The air flowed in from outdoor will raise the dew condensation temperature of air indoor, which will prevent dew condensation in the storage house. In order to apply this methods, (1) An ammunition magazine should be located where a lot of air can flow in, in order to keep air temperature in and outdoor same. (2) Heating systems should be installed to prevent coldness of earth cover from being transferred to the walls indoor. (3) In building the storage house, for water proof, the quality of concrete should be controlled thoroughly. (4) To prevent infiltration of underground water and to help rainwater drained fast, the drainage system should be perfect. The site for ammunition magazine should be dry hilly sections. The drainer around the ammunition magazine should be lower than the bottom of the ammunition magazine. And underground drainer should be installed in case for the underground water under the bottom of the ammunition magazine. (5) Enough ventilating space between ammunition layers should be secured for the smooth air-flow indoor. The methods suggested here is just methods that hasn't been experimented yet. So, to apply these methods, concrete data and scientific experiments such as simulation are necessary.

      • 우유일반광고가 우유소비량에 미치는 영향 분석 : 벡터자기회귀모형을 이용

        한호석 건국대학교 대학원 2008 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        This paper empirically analyzed the effected of generic milk advertising on the milk consumption in Korea using the vector autoregressive model. The monthly data from July 1999 through June 2007 in used. Since the generic milk advertising was broadcast on an irregular basis, every year, it generate missing observations. When it is distributed monthly basis. Accordingly, this study used regression imputation, linear interpolation, mean imputation, and linear trend imputation to make up for the missing observations in performing the empirical analysis. The result of the impulse response function indicated that when shock was given to the generic milk advertising expenditure, milk consumption increased for up to two months and after then it slowed down eventually going back to the equilibrium of milk consumption. The result of the variance decomposition indicated that the change in the amount of advertising expenditure affect the milk consumption to change from 0.9% to 3.9%. The result of this study implies that generic milk advertising has a positive impact on milk consumption though it is not significant due to the recent declination in milk consumption. Therefor the effort, such as advertising, on expanding, milk consumption should be kept, otherwise milk consumption may fall more than the current level.

      • 함수개념의 학습지도에 관한 연구 : 고등학교 공통수학 함수단원 중심으로

        한호석 한양대학교 교육대학원 1997 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        Recently, the goal of mathematics education lies in enhancement of problem-solving ability. In this context, clear understanding of the basic mathematical concepts will be essential not only to better understanding of higher level mathematical concepts and theoretical inference but also to finding and development of mathematical facts or laws. With such a basic conception in mind, this study was aimed at analyzing the concept of function, a basic concept connecting the school mathematics education to modern mathematics, and thereupon, explaining definition, terminology, nature, types and expression of functions. As is well shown in the analysis of students' understanding, it was found how important the concept and principle of function are important. In addition, it was also found that understanding of concept and principle of function is essential to low-performing students' understanding of mathematics. Beside, this study also reviewed the ways to make students understand the difficult mathematical problems easily. It is hoped that this study would be more or less helpful to the field teachers busy guiding students.

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