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        『지나간 시절의 이야기』의 서지사항 논의: 편찬시기, 저자, 제목, 사본에 대한 연구사 검토

        한정숙 ( Hahn Jeong-sook ) 서울대학교 러시아연구소 2021 러시아연구 Vol.31 No.2

        이 글은 『지나간 시절의 이야기』의 편찬과정, 저자, 제목에 대한 논의들을 개관한 후 현존 사본들의 특징을 소개한다. 편찬과정과 관련해서는 샤흐마토프의 ‘선행문집들 및 세 편찬본’론 혹은 이를 수정한 ‘선행문집들 및 두 편찬본’론과 이에 대한 찬반논의 그리고 최근 학자들의 논의를 살펴본다. 저자에 대해서는 네스토르 설과 이에 대한 비판론을 소개한다. 필자가 보기에는 네스토르가 유일한 저자는 아니더라도 가장 중요한 저자이므로 그를 『지나간 시절의 이야기』의 저자로 보는 것이 잘못된 것이 아니다. 제목에 관해서는 여러 해석 혹은 제안들이 있어 왔지만 현재는 ‘지나간 시절의 이야기’가 통용되고 있다는 것을 소개한 후, 그 근거가 무엇인지 보여주고자 한다. 사본들에 대한 절에서는 『지나간 시절의 이야기』 현존 사본들의 편찬 경위와 특징을 짚어본다. This article is a historiographical survey on Povest’ Vremennykh Let (PVL). It tried to overview the controversies over the process of compilation / redaction, the identity of author(s) / compilators, the meaning of the title and the distinctions of various codex. As regards the process of compilation, it reviewed the controversy over Shakhmatov’s hypothesis on the existence of three compilations and three editions (later, two editions). Regarding the question of the authorship the article reconsidered the pros and cons over the question if Nestor wrote the chronicle. I think Nestor is not the sole author but he is the most important person among the plural authors of the writings included in PVL. In Regard of the title there have been several interpretations. Nowadays many researchers prefer to call it Tale of Bygone Years. This article tried to show the reason why. In the part dealing with the codex some distinctive features of the various existing codex are shown. Questions regarding the writing and compilation of PVL and its various codex raise the necessity to consider the relations of chronicles and the power politics of rulers in Kievan Rus’ and early Muscovy. This article set its limits on reminding and articulating some issues relating such questions.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        알렉산드라 콜론타이와 여성주의: "부르주아" 여성주의 비판에서 사회주의적-급진적 여성해방론으로

        한정숙 ( Jeong Sook Hahn ) 서울대학교러시아연구소 2008 러시아연구 Vol.18 No.2

        This article tries to analyze and evaluate the relation of Aleksandra Mikhailovna Kollontai(1872-1952) to feminism. Some say she was too feministic, others criticized her anti-feministic tendencies. Considering the general social atmosphere of her early years which facilitated intellectual and political activities of women, one can say that Kollontai was beneficiary of the fruits Russian feminist movement in the long run had obtained. During the first decades of the 20th century Kollontai presented herself as a hard-liner opponent of feminism. But the concept of feminism in her period was understood in a very narrow sense. Feminists were considered as identical with suffragettes, who fought for women`s rights to political participation. Kollontai denounced `feminists`, claiming that they ignored the class differences among women. In her early years Kollontai denied the existence of women`s question separated from the whole social and economic system. As Marxist she maintained that women`s liberation could be possible only under socialist system. Against liberal feminists who tried to influence on women workers for the cause of unified women`s front, Kollontai endeavored to rally the latter under the banner of Social Democracy(i. e. Marxism). She emphasized the necessity to protect motherhood for women workers. But even before the Bolshevik Revolution Kollontai did not ignore the question of women`s independence as person and therefore directed her efforts to find new life norms of `new woman` regardless of class. After the Russian Revolution of 1917 Kollontai led for a time the Zhenotdel and devoted herself to restructuring of norms of marriage, family and gender-relations according to the Marxist theoretical framework. She wanted to build new principles of family under communism. After she ran into serious conflicts with the Bolshevik leadership(Lenin) over the Worker`s Opposition, Kollontai more and more devoted herself to the question of women`s liberation in everyday life and new sexual moral. She became to realize that even in a socialist state with a very progressive family law there existed women`s sufferings as such. Because of her concept of "Winged Eros" she went under crossfire but she progressed farther in the direction which a bigoted advocate of orthodox Marxism would not dare to dream of. Through her literary works Kollontai tried to show model norms of women`s solidarity, independence and sexual self-decision. Though Kollontai always upheld her Marxist belief and its theoretical tenets, her writings of 1920s on women`s liberation anticipated the new (radical) streams of feminist movement in the West after the 1968 Revolution. In this sense her thoughts on women`s liberation could be characterized as socialist-radical feminism. Kollontai rejected the term `feminism`, but she contributed more than anybody to the development of feminist thought by enlarging the boundary of discourses and activities for women`s liberation.

      • KCI우수등재
      • KCI등재

        체르노빌 원전 사고

        한정숙(Hahn, Jeong Sook) 역사비평사 2013 역사비평 Vol.- No.103

        This paper surveys the Chernobyl nuclear accident on 26<sup>th</sup> April 1986, and reconsiders the effect and impact of the catastrophe. It examines in turn the conceptof “peaceful uses of atomic energy” which has served as the theoretical backbone for the construction of nuclear power plants during the Cold War period, transformations of Soviet energy policy, nuclear accidents in the Soviet Union before Chernobyl, the aftermath of the Chernobyl accident, its victims and destruction of nature, governmental management of the crisis and the lessons learned. During the 1960’s~70’s, the Soviet Union, one of the leaders in the development of atomic power, was forced to reexamine its energy policy that was on traditional energy resources such as gas and coal and began an intense program of nuclear power plant construction. Though some nuclear accidents occurred, these did not deter the Soviet government from continuing to promote its message of safe nuclear energy. In Ukraine, where nuclear power plants were particularly abundant, the Chernobyl tragedy happened with the most appalling psychological affects on humans and the environment. As to the causes of the Chernobyl accident, the explanation stressing the errors and mistakes of the power plant operators contrasted with the view that put the main blame on deficiencies on the construction design of the reactor. When one considered the tremendous destruction of life and environment that was caused by human carelessness, errors and mistakes, one is forced to conclude that nuclear power is not astable energy-producing option. The Soviet government was severely criticized for its incompetence and mismanagement in the Chernobyl catastrophe. Some people believed that such a disaster could only have happened under a rigid political system such as the Soviet Union. However, the crisis management of the Japanese government after the Fukusima nuclear accident of 2011 was no more reliable and trustworthy. That being said, the danger of nuclear power is not related with the type of political system is. The study of Chernobyl must not be the ‘chronicle of the future’, as the subtitle of a book by SvetlanaAleksievich about Chernobyl’s victims is called.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        역사서술로 우크라이나 민족을 만들어내다: 흐루셰프스키의 『우크라이나의 역사』와 우크라이나 정체성

        한정숙 ( Jeong Sook Hahn ) 서울대학교 러시아연구소 2014 러시아연구 Vol.24 No.2

        이 글은 미하일로 흐루셰프스키의 역사서술에서 우크라이나 민족의 정체성 문제, 특히 동슬라브인의 역사 속에서 우크라이나인들이 차지하는 위치문제에 대한 해석이 어떻게 이루어졌는지 살펴보는 것을 주된 목적으로 한다. 분석대상은 『삽화로 보는 우크라이나의 역사(lлюстрована lсторiя Украiни, 1911년; Иллюстрированная История Украины, 1913)』, 줄여서 『우크라이나의 역사』)이다. 이를 위해 20세기 초까지 우크라이나 정체성과 관련된 상반된 논의의 흐름을 살펴본 다음 흐루셰프스키의 역사학 형성과정과 특징을 삶의 궤적 속에서 개관하였다. 그리고 이어서『우크라이나의 역사』에서 드러나는 그의 우크라이나사 해석의 중요한 특징들을 짚어보았다. 이 책에서 흐루셰프스키는 우크라이나를 비잔티움-몽골-리투아니아-폴란드 등 여러 외국세력과의 관계 속에서 독자적으로 존속해 온 민족으로 다루고 있다. 그는문화적 측면에서 우크라이나의 민족적 정체성을 정교에 두고 있지만 이를 러시아 정교회와는 완전히 구분하여 다루었다. 러시아 제국의 지배 시기와 관련해서는 우크라이나의 독자성은 언어적 독자성에서 찾는 경향을 보인다. 그는 또한 코자크 집단을 민족정체성을 수호해 온 핵심집단으로 다루고 있다. 우크라이나 민족의 독자적 존립론과 관련하여 강력한 목적론적 견해를 제시한 것도 특징이다. 이 같은 작업을 통해 그는 ‘흐루셰프스키식 우크라이나 민족’을 형성해 낸 인물이라고 해도 과언이 아니다. At the turn of the 20th century the Ukrainian national identity was at the crossroad: Do they belong to the All-Russian nation or is there a proper Ukrainian nation? The historian M. Hrushevsky devoted his study for the establishment of the Ukrainians`` identity as an individual nation distinct from the Great Russians. His Illustrated History of Ukraine was written to make Ukrainian history accessible to broad public. Here he considers the Ukrainians not so much as one of the three East Slavic nations than as a nation that has its own existence in the multiple relations with various foreign powers including the Byzantine Empire, Poland and Russia. In his view the inheritance right of the Kievan Rus`` is recognized for Ukraine and Lithuania and denied to Russia. His interpretation of the Ukrainian history is imbued with teleological thinking. He thinks that there were Ukrainian ``elements`` from the early period. Culturally he sees the Orthodox faith as the fundament of the Ukrainian national identity, but draws a distinction between the Ukrainian and the Russian Church organizations. From the time of the Polish rule, Cossacks are esteemed as the leading group of the Ukrainian nation as the bearer of its statehood (государственность). For the nineteenth century when the most part of Ukraine was under Russian rule, Hrushevsky thinks that the Ukrainian language serves as indicator for Ukrainian identity. Throughout the work he emphasizes the interconnectedness between the Eastern Ukraine and Western Ukrainе and the unity of them. Thus he shaped the ``Ukrainian nation a la Hrushevsky``.

      • KCI등재

        19세기 시베리아의 지역적 자의식, 역사학을 만나다 -슬로프초프, 코스토마로프, 샤포프와 지역사-

        한정숙 ( Jeong Sook Hahn ) 한국외국어대학교 러시아연구소 2012 슬라브연구 Vol.28 No.3

        이 논문은 19세기 시베리아 지역의식 형성과 관련을 가졌다고 보이는 역사가들의 사론을 살펴본다. 여기서 표본적으로 선택한 역사가는 표트르 슬로프초프(1767~1843), 니콜라이 코스토마로프(1817~1885), 아파나시 샤포프(1831~1876)로 그들은 모두 시베리아 지역주의의 지도자 포타닌과 야드린체프에게서 높은 평가를 받았다. 슬로프초프는 시베리아라는 지역 자체가 엄밀한 학문으로서의 역사학의 고찰 대상이 될 수 있고 통사의 서술 대상이 될 수 있다는 것을 보여준 최초의 ``시베리아인``으로서, 시베리아인들에게 지역적 정체성에 대한 사유와 인식을 가능하게 해준 인물이다. 코스토마로프는 연방제의 중요성을 강조하면서 그 원리를 초기 루스의 역사 속에서 발견하고자 노력하였고, 19세기 러시아 제국에서도 이를 적용하고자 했던 역사가이다. 샤포프는 러시아 역사에서 지역적 독자성의 중요성에 대한 논의를 자신의 사관의 핵심으로까지 끌어올린 시베리아 출신 역사학자였다. 이 같은 사관은 인민의 자발적 활동을 통한 역사 발전이라는 또 하나의 핵심적 사관과 상보적인 관계를 가지고 있었다. 이들의 사학적 배경은 동일하지 않았고 역사관도 상이했다. 그럼에도 이들의 사고 근저에는 공통의 기본원리(에피스테메), 곧 중앙의 일방적 지배에 대비되는 원칙으로서 지역의 자율적 발전을 중시하는 견해가 깔려 있었으며 이는 그들의 후배 세대인 19세기 후반의 시베리아 지식인들과도 공유되는 원리였다. 젊은 세대 시베리아 지식인들은 그들에게서 시베리아라는 지역 자체의 역사성, 중앙과 지방의 대등한 관계, 지역의 독자적 발전의 중요성에 대한 견해를 수용하였고 이는 시베리아 지역주의 형성에도 기여했다고 할 수 있다. This article seeks to trace the characteristic historical views of Pyotr A. Slovtsov (1767~1843), Nikolai I. Kostomarov (1817~1885) and Afanasii P. Shchapov (1831~1876) in regard to the common basic principle of their views shared with theoreticians of Siberian Oblastnichestvo (regionalism) of the late 19th century. Slovtsov spent most of his life as an adult in Siberia. His greatest work Истори-ческое обозрение Сибири (Historical Overview of Siberia) traces history of Siberia from the fall of Khanate of Sibir to the period of Empress Catherine II. It is the first systematical history of Siberia written by a Sibiryak. The author tried to illuminate the autonomous socio-economic life and folkloric uniqueness of the Siberian people. Potanin called the book "the encyclopedia of Siberian life." As a historian belonging to the democratic-liberal school, Kostomarov endeavored to find out in history of Rus` the federalist principle of political body in contrast to the Moscow-centered autocracy. His interpretation of history tended to emphasize the tradition of autonomous development of each zemlia. Though he could not have enough interest in Siberia itself, his view of federalism encouraged young Siberian intellectuals to have pride in and attachment to their rodina. As the first Siberia-born historian who got a nation-wide reputation, Shchapov emphasized the importance of autonomous development of regions. He contrasted oblastnost` to centralism and maintained that in Russian history the principle of oblastnost` based on spontaneity and collective solidarity of people was dominant. All three historians were highly evaluated and respected by Potanin and Yadrintsev, the leaders of Siberian regionalism.

      • 제2차 세계대전 시기 소련 여성 참전자들의 경험과 기억 - 스베틀라나 알렉시예비치의 증언집을 중심으로

        한정숙 ( Hahn Jeong-sook ) 강원대학교 통일강원연구원 2023 평화들 PEACES Vol.2 No.2

        이 글은 알렉시예비치의 구술사 증언집 『전쟁은 여자의 얼굴을 하지 않았다』를 중심으로 2차대전 시기 소련의 여성 참전자들의 전쟁 경험과 기억을 살폈다. 소련에서는 100만 명 이상의 여성이 대독 전쟁에 자발적으로 참여하였다. 『전쟁은 여자의 얼굴을 하지 않았다』는 이들 가운데 일부를 인터뷰한 후 증언을 독백식으로 정리한 것이다. 이 글은 이책을 소설이 아니라 구술사 자료로 보고 분석하였다. 젊은 소련 여성들은 독일의 침입을 받은 조국을 지키기 위해 자발적으로 전쟁에 참전했으나 전쟁에 대해 아무런 사전 지식을 가지지 못했다. 스탈린 군대는 이들의 입대를 허용했으면서도 숙소, 의복, 생리적 특징 등의 면에서 여성에 대한 최소한의 배려도 하지 않았다. 그들은 방어 전쟁의 정당성에 대한 확신을 가지고 있었기에 용감하게 싸우면서도 여성적 감수성을 잃지 않으려 노력하였다. 남성에 비해 훨씬 따뜻하고 인간적인 면을 가지고 있어서 위험한 상황이 아니면 적에게도 온정을 베풀었다. 그러나 종전 후 그들은 사회로부터 참전자로서 인정과 보상을 받지 못하고 오히려 여성참전자라는 이유로 냉대받고 침묵을 강요당하였다. 이들의 기억은 묻혀 있다가 조금씩 살아나고 있다. 전쟁은 여자의 얼굴을 하지 않은 것만이 아니라 인간의 얼굴을 하지 않았음을 확인할 수 있다. Focusing on Svetlana Alexievich’s oral history book of witness У войны не женское лицо (The Unwomanly Face of War) this article considers war experiences and memories of Soviet women warriors of the Second World War. Alexievich interviewed with women veterans and rearranged their words in the form of monologue in The Unwomanly Face of War. Young Soviet women participated in the war in order to defend their fatherland against the Nazi aggressors. But they were full of fantasy and did not have any knowledge of or information on war and military. The Stalin government allowed them to serve in the army but it did not pay them any attention and care in respect of accommodation, military uniform and even particular phenomenon related to menstruation. While women soldiers, convinced of righteousness of the defence war, fought courageously they at the same time gave efforts not to lose female sensibility. They were more warm-hearted and humane than male soldiers and showed mercy even towards enemy soldiers or citizens of a belligerent country. Despite all their contributions they did not receive social and political recognition or rewards after the end of the war. They were subjected to cold treatment and forced to silence because of their being women. Their memories had been buried for a long time and began to revive only slowly. The face of war is not only unwomanly but inhumane at all.

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