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        영상관법프로그램이 감정억압이 심한 내담자의 “신체증상”에 미치는 영향에 관한 사례연구

        한경옥 ( Kyeong Ok Han ) 한국명상상담학회 2012 명상심리상담 Vol.7 No.-

        본 사례는 감정억압이 심한 내담자의 정서적 반응과 신체증상과의 연관성을 알아보기 위하여 전체 3단계, 총 10회기로 구성하여 진행한 사례연구이다. 명상상담을 처음 접하는 내담자에게 명상을 충분히 경험하게 하기 위해 감정억압의 계기가 된 핵심 사례를 경청하고, 감정, 생각, 갈망을 알아차리고 미해결된 감정이나 생각, 갈망을 표현하게 한 후, 영상을 지우고 느낌을 관찰하게 하는 단계를 밟아나갔다. 마음작동 모델에 대한 내담자의 명확한 이해를 돕기 위해 2회기, 5회기, 그리고 9회기에서 별도의 이론적 설명을 추가하였다. 1회기에는 사전면담을 하였고, 영상관법프로그램은 2회기부터 실시하였다. 각 단계별 주제는 다음과 같다. 1단계(1회기~5회기) 가운데 2회기는 감정억압이 있었던 최근 사례 중심으로, 3회기는 바디스캔으로, 4회기는 역할 바꾸기로, 5회기는 그동안의 상담을 통해서 경험한 내용을 잘 이해하고 있는지 점검하는 단계로 구성하였다. 2단계는(6회기~9회기) 감정을 억압했던 과거 영상을 떠올려 직면하고 알아차림 한 후 과거 조건화된 습기를 이해하는 단계로서, 6회기에는 엄마와 아빠, 7회기에는 오빠, 8회기에는 사물을 대상으로 어릴 적 좌절된 욕구를 재 경험하는 단계로 구성하였다. 3단계는(10회기) 과거의 습기에서 벗어나 문제를 객관적으로 바라보고 가치 있는 행동을 선택하는 단체로서 두 개의 스크린 기법을 실시하였다. 본 사례의 연구결과는, 내담자가 현재의 대인관계에서 자기주장을 하지 못하고, 감정을 억압한 채 눈물만 흘리는 이유가 과거의 습기 때문이라는 것을 이해하는 데 영상관법 프로그램이 효과적이라는 것이다. 본 사례연구의 의의 첫째, 내담자는 대인관계에서 과거의 습기에 휩쓸리지 않은 채 감정과 생각, 갈망을 알아차림 하여 적극적으로 표현할 수 있었다고 진술하였다. 둘째, 감정억압과 신체반응이 대상에 따라 다르게 나타난다는 것을 알게 되었다. 셋째, 마음작동 모델과 몸 느낌관찰을 충분하게 숙지했고, 상담 종결 후 일상에서 이를 실천할 수 있게 되었다. This paper is a case research consisted of 3 stages, 10 session in order to examine the interrelation between the emotional responses and the physical symptoms of the client who suppress her own feelings. To experience meditation fully to the client learning the meditation counselling for the first time, I had listened to the crucial events making her suppress her fee1ings, helping her present unresolved feelings, thoughts, and desires, and then I had made her observe her own sensations out of images. To help her understand Mind Operating Model(MOM) precisely, I added specially theoretical explanations through the second, fifth, and ninth session. There was a pre-interview in first session, leading to Image-Based Mindfulness Meditation(IBMM) from second session. The followings are the topics of the each stage. The first stage was composed of five sessions. We dealt with the recent episodes occurring the suppressed feelings in the second session, conducting the body scan in the third session, playing role reversal in the fourth session, and then checked her how to understand the experienced contents through these sessions. The second stage was composed of four sessions in order to understand his own conditioned habits through IBMIM. And also to make her reexperience the frustrated desires as a child, we dealt with her mother and father in sixth session, her brother in seventh session, the things around her in eighth session. The third stage was composed of only one session in order to make her become free from past habits for the purpose of giving her new perspectives(as those are) about her problems. For this reason, I adopted two screen technics. The conclusion of this case research is that why the client isn`t self-assertive and suppress her own feelings dropping tears is derived from her past habits, and IBMlM program is very effective to be aware of this relation. The menaing of this case research First, the c1ient stated she could present actively her own feelings, thoughts, and desires through midfulness without being overwhelmed by the past habits on interpersonal relation. Second, she became aware that the suppression of emotions and physical responses showed differently depending on the subjects. Third, the client understood deeply the mind operating model and body scan, using these in daily life after completing the counselling.

      • KCI등재후보

        영상관법이 신체변형장애에 미친 효과: 단일사례연구 중심으로

        한경옥 ( Kyeong Ok Han ) 한국명상상담학회 2014 명상심리상담 Vol.11 No.-

        Purpose: This study intended to understand the symptoms and causes of the disorder of a study participant with body dysmorphic disorder, to explore how Reflected Image Meditation (RIM by way of abbreviation) influences body dysmorphic disorder and to identify whether the effects of RIM would be kept during the follow-up. For achieving these aims, the researcher has combined the single case study design that is to say ABA with qualitative study for body dysmorphic disorder. Methods: The qualitative analysis and time-series analysis were used. The time-series analysis is relevant to the five symptoms of the study participant while including the self-observation worksheet, the pictures related to body dysmorphic disorder, breathing and psychological tests. The quotations were analyzed by qualitative analysis method, and the effects of RIM to body dysmorphic disorder and the change factors of body dysmorphic disorder were presented. Results: First, the participant could realize the five causes caused by BDD for herself. Second, As the past images that she didn`t want to remember have been spontaneously exposed, she could overcome the five symptoms related to BDD and the obsession over imaginary physical defect, and these effects have been kept during the follow-up. Conclusion: Considering people who are suffering from this disorder go to see a dermatologist or a plastic surgeon instead of receiving essential treatments, this study has great significance in the way that it has studied body dysmorphic disorder. Also, this study would be able to be a reference that could be helpful in clinical settings.

      • KCI등재

        Application of smartphone and wi-fi communication for remote monitoring and control of protected crop production environment

        허승오,한경,전상호,장용선,강신우,정선,김학진,이경환,Hur, Seung-Oh,Han, Kyeong-Hwa,Jeon, Sang-Ho,Jang, Yong-Sun,Kang, Sin-Woo,Chung, Sun-Ok,Kim, Hak-Jin,Lee, Kyeong-Hwan Institute of Agricultural Science 2011 Korean Journal of Agricultural Science Vol.38 No.4

        Protected crop production has been popular in Korea as well as in other countries. Intensive and continuous monitoring and control of the environment, which is labor- and time-consuming, is critical for stable crop productivity and profitability, otherwise damage could be happened due to unfavorable ambient and soil conditions. In the study, potential utilization of smartphone and remote access application in protected crop production environment was investigated. Tested available remote access applications provided functions of mouse click (left and right buttons), zooming in and out, and screen size and color resolution control. Wi-Fi data communication speeds were affected by signal intensity and user place. Data speeds at high (> -55 dBm), medium (-70~-56 dBm), and low (< -71 dBm) signal intensity levels were statistically different (${\alpha}=0.05$). Means of data communication speed were 6.642, 4.923, and 2.906 Mbps at hot spot, home, and office, respectively, and the differences were significant at a 0.05 level. Smart phone and remote access application were applied successfully to remote monitoring (inside temperature and humidity, and outside precipitation, temperature, and humidity) and control (window and light on/off) of green house environment. Response times for monitoring and control were less than 1 s at all places for high signal intensity (> -55 dBm), but they were increased to 1 ~ 10 s at home and office and to 10 ~ 30 s at hot spot for low signal intensity (< -71 dBm) for Wi-Fi. Results of the study would provide useful information for farmers to apply these techniques for their crop production.

      • KCI등재후보

        Application of smartphone and wi-fi communication for remote monitoring and control of protected crop production environment

        허승오(Seung-Oh Hur),한경화(Kyeong-Hwa Han),전상호(Sang-Ho Jeon),장용선(Yong-Sun Jang),강신우(Sin-Woo Kang),정선(Sun-Ok Chung),김학진(Hak-Jin Kim),이경환(Kyeong-Hwan Lee) 충남대학교 농업과학연구소 2011 농업과학연구 Vol.38 No.4

        Protected crop production has been popular in Korea as well as in other countries. Intensive and continuous monitoring and control of the environment, which is labor- and time-consuming, is critical for stable crop productivity and profitability, otherwise damage could be happened due to unfavorable ambient and soil conditions. In the study, potential utilization of smartphone and remote access application in protected crop production environment was investigated. Tested available remote access applications provided functions of mouse click (left and right buttons), zooming in and out, and screen size and color resolution control. Wi-Fi data communication speeds were affected by signal intensity and user place. Data speeds at high (> -55 dBm), medium (-70~-56 dBm), and low (< -71 dBm) signal intensity levels were statistically different (α=0.05). Means of data communication speed were 6.642, 4.923, and 2.906 Mbps at hot spot, home, and office, respectively, and the differences were significant at a 0.05 level. Smart phone and remote access application were applied successfully to remote monitoring (inside temperature and humidity, and outside precipitation, temperature, and humidity) and control (window and light on/off) of green house environment. Response times for monitoring and control were less than 1 s at all places for high signal intensity (> -55 dBm), but they were increased to 1 ~ 10 s at home and office and to 10 ~ 30 s at hot spot for low signal intensity (< -71 dBm) for Wi-Fi. Results of the study would provide useful information for farmers to apply these techniques for their crop production.

      • KCI등재

        노인의 학습동기 측정도구개발 연구

        김영석(Kim Young Sek),한경옥(Han Kyeong ok),김재은(Kim Jae Eun) 한국평생교육학회 2018 평생교육학연구 Vol.24 No.1

        The purpose of this study was to develop a scale of older adults’ motivation so they could participate in lifelong education. To develop a preliminary scale, literature review was conducted; and practitioners, scholars, and older adult learners were interviewed. For exploratory factor analysis, 314 older adults (62 years old and above) were surveyed, and 38 items under four factors (learning self-efficacy, mastery goal orientation, performance goal orientation, and task value) were extracted. For confirmatory factor analysis, data were collected from 342 older adults (60 years old and above), and 23 items under four factors were produced. Then, using structural equation modeling, model fit indices showed that the final model is good. Seven experts in the field of adult education and gerontology checked the content validity, and one item was deleted. This study developed a learning motivation scale for older adults, and this scale may enable practitioners and scholars to deeply understand older adults’ learning and conduct related research. 기존의 노인의 학습동기 측정을 위해 활용되는 척도들이 노인이 갖고 있는 인지적, 사회적, 심리적 특성을 정확히 반영하지 못하였으므로, 본 연구에서는 노인의 학습동기를 정확히 측정할 수 있는 척도를 개발하고자 한다. 이를 위해 본 연구는 관련 문헌 분석, 전문가 및 노인학습자의 인터뷰를 통해 노인의 학습동기 측정도구 개발을 위한 예비 문항을 도출하였다. 그 후 62세 이상 노인 314명을 대상으로 탐색적 요인분석을 실시하여 총 4개 요인의 38개 문항을 도출하였다. 그리고 60세 이상 노인 342명을 대상으로 확인적 요인분석을 실시하여, 4개 요인의 24개 문항을 도출하였다. 구조방정식을 활용하여 모형 적합도를 판별한 결과 모형 적합도가 양호한 것으로 확인되었다. 신뢰도 검사 결과 역시 하위구성요인 및 전체 문항에 대한 신뢰도 역시 양호한 것으로 나타났다. 관련 분야 전문가 7인을 대상으로 한 문항별 내용타당도 및 전체도구의 내용타당도 검증을 실시하여 타당도가 낮은 문항 2개를 삭제하여 최종적으로 총 22문항이 도출되었다. 본 연구를 통해 노인의 학습동기를 측정할 수 있는 학업적 자기효능감, 숙달목표지향, 수행목표지향, 과제가치에 해당하는 측정문항을 개발하였다.

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