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        삼환계 항우울제의 부작용으로 나타난 간대성 근경련증 1례

        최종필,박성수,박준석,나상준,Choi, Jong-Pil,Park, Seong-Soo,Park, Joon-Seok,Na, Sang-Jun 대한임상독성학회 2006 대한임상독성학회지 Vol.4 No.2

        Myoclonus is manifested in a variety of situations including metabolic derangements, brain lesions, epilepsy, and drugs toxicity. We reported a rare case of amitriptyline-induced myoclonus. A 64-year-old man with a tension-type headache was administered amitriptyline at 15 mg/day. Eight days after initiation of amitriptyline, multifocal myoclonus developed, involving the face and upper extremities. Two hours after the administration of clonazepam at 1 mg, myoclonus resolved completely.

      • 압전소자와 변위 확대 기구를 이용한 마이크로 펀칭 시스템 개발

        최종필(Jong Pil Choi),이광호(Kwang Ho Lee),이혜진(Hye Jin Lee),이낙규(Nak Gyu Lee),김병희(Byeong Hee Kim) 한국생산제조학회 2007 한국공작기계학회 춘계학술대회논문집 Vol.2007 No.-

        This paper presents the design of micro punching system using PZT actuator and displacement amplification device. The micro punching system consists of precision guide and PZT module. A precision guide module includes the ball guided LM and micro step. motor with 30㎜ stroke and 0.5 ㎛ resolution. A PZT module consists of PZT and displacement amplification device with flexure hinge mechanism. The flexure hinge consists of two levers and leaf type spring mechanisms in three-dimensional structure. The flexure hinge module consists of three flexure hinge. Therefore, it can be improved the mechanical stiffness, frequency response, and characteristic of assemble by symmetric structure with the circular pattern. The detailed design of the flexure hinge was performed using finite element analysis. Its output displacement can produce about 5 times larger than input displacement.

      • KCI등재

        조기축구동호인들이 인식하고 있는 국내 프로축구 이미지 분석

        최종필(Choi Jong-Pil),홍재승(Hong Jae-Seoung) 한국스포츠산업경영학회 2003 한국스포츠산업경영학회지 Vol.8 No.2

        본 연구는 국내 프로축구에 대한 이미지를 행동적, 심리적, 평가적, 그리고 부정적인 측면에 대하여 조기축구동우회 회원들이 인식하고 있는 개인적 특성의 차이를 규명하는 것이었다. 표본추출은 경기도 소재 안성시소속 조기축구회 10개클럽 회원들을 모집단으로 선정하여 15일간에 거쳐 편의추출법(convenience sampling method)을 이용하여 193명의 유효표본 수를 얻었다. 측정도구로는 이승진(2001)과 구기용(1999)의 설문지를 수정ㆍ보완하고 50명의 예비조사를 거쳐 최종 연구의 설문지로 사용하였다. 도시도구의 신뢰계수는 행동적 이미지 α=.912, 심리적 이미지 α=.832, 평가적 이미지 α=.855, 그리고 부정적 이미지 α=.735로 나타났으며, 자료분석은 t-test와 일원변량분석(one-way ANOVA)으로 하였으며 Sheffe 사후검증도 추가로 실시하였다. 이상과 같은 연구방법 및 절차를 거쳐 얻은 결과 및 결론은 다음과 같다. 첫째, 조기축구회원들의 연령대별 국내 프로축구 이미지에서는 행동적, 심리적, 그리고 부정적 이미지에 대해서 95% 신뢰수준에서 통계적으로 유의한 차이가 있었다. 둘째, 조기축구회원들의 소득수준별 국내 프로축구 이미지차이에서는 하위 4개 요인에서 모두 통계적으로 유의한 차이를 볼 수가 있었다. 셋째, 직업별로 본 국내 프로축구 이미지의 차이에서는 소득수준과 마찬가지로 하위요인 4개요인 모두 95%의 신뢰수준에서 통계적으로 유의한 차이가 있었다. 넷째, 학력별로 본 프로축구의 이미지의 차이에서는 행동적 이미지 및 평가적 이미지에서 유의한 차이가 있었다. 다섯째, 국내 프로축구 선호팀별로 본 프로축구 이미지에 있어서는 행동적, 심리적 그리고 평가적 이미지에서 통계적으로 유의한 차이가 있었다. 여섯째, 국내 프로축구 시청빈도에 따른 국내 프로축구에 대한 이미지에서는 하위 4개요인 모두 통계적으로 유의한 차이가 나타났다. 일곱째, 프로축구중계 이용매체별로 본 프로축구 이미지에서는 행동적, 심리적, 그리고 평가적 이미지에 있어서 유의한 차이가 나타났다. 마지막으로, 프로축구 이용정보 채널별로 본 프로축구 이미지에 있어서는 행동적, 심리적, 그리고 평가적 이미지에서 통계적으로 유의한 차이가 있다는 것을 볼 수가 있었다. 이러한 결과를 토대로 얻은 결론은 첫째, 국내 프로축구 팬 확보를 위하여 다양한 이벤트나 프로그램을 통한 프로축구에 대한 이미지 개선이 보다 필요하다. 둘째, 특히 저소득층이나, 서비스직 종사자, 그리고 국내 여성팬 확보를 위하여 노력하는 것이 급선무라 여겨지며, 국내 프로축구에 대한 부정적 및 무관심적인 부분의 해소를 위한 노력이 더욱 필요할 것이다. 셋째, 울산 현대, 부산 대우, 그리고 수원 삼성 프로팀은 그들의 고정팬들을 위한 새로운 팀 이미지 개선 및 창출에 노력해야 할 것이다. 마지막으로, 국내에서 활동하고 있는 각 프로축구 구단은 소속축구팀의 보다 좋은 이미지를 갖기 위하여 다양한 TV 프로그램 서비스를 통한 영상매체에 보다 심도있는 노력이 절실히 요구될 것이다. The purpose of this study was to examine the image of Korean pro-soccer team as behavioral, psychological, evaluating, and negative image by soccer club member. To accomplish the purpose, 197 members from ten stratified randomly selected soccer club were surveyed by means of the revised questionnaires. The content validity and reliability were determined by conducting a pilot study. The reliability coefficient was found to be α=.735-.912. The tool utilized a 5 point Likert scale was employed for ascertaining the level of agree that each respondent attached to each item. The following statistical methods were applied by employing the SPSS 10.0V. for the statistical analysis; t-test and one-way ANOVA. The results and conclusion of the this study were as follows; First, there were significant differences behavioral, psychological, and evaluating image by years of age on the soccer club member. Second, there were significant differences at all of behavioral, psychological, evaluating, and negative image by the level of income on the soccer club member. Third, there were significant differences behavioral, psychological, evaluating, and negative image by the occupation on the soccer club member. Forth, there were significant differences behavioral and evaluating image by an academic background on the soccer club member. Fifth, there were significant differences behavioral, psychological, and evaluating image by the occupation on the soccer club member. Sixth, there were significant differences at all of behavioral, psychological, evaluating, and negative image by the preference team on the soccer club member. Seventh, there were significant differences behavioral, psychological, and evaluating image by the utilization of use at hookup on the soccer club member. Finally, there were significant differences behavioral, psychological, and evaluating image by information channel of pro-soccer on the soccer club member. Therefore, First, the manager of pro-soccer team needs to improve the image of pro-soccer by means of various events and new programs for increasing fans. Second, the Korean pro-soccer teams need to increase fans such as low incommir, women, and service-workers, and get rid of negative imgae on the pro-soccer and indifference with it. Third, the Korean pro-soccer teams such as Ulsan Hyundai, Busan Daewoo, and Suwon Samsung have to make a new image on the teams in order to meet the satisfaction of their fans. Finally, the Korean pro-soccer teams should develop their public relation with the media of TV for improving their image.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        대학생들의 스포츠ㆍ레저용품 구매 선택 시 고려요인 및 구매행동 분석

        최종필(Choi Jong Pill),이종호(Lee Jong Ho) 한국스포츠산업경영학회 2004 한국스포츠산업경영학회지 Vol.9 No.1

        본 연구는 대학생들의 스포츠ㆍ레저용품 구매 선택 시 고려요인을 규명하고 대학생들의 스포츠ㆍ레저용품에 대한 구매 만족도를 규명하여 궁극적으로는 스포츠ㆍ레저용품 구매 만족도가 재구매 의도에 미치는 영향을 규명하는 것이다, 연구대상은 국내에 소재하는 4개 지역(경기지역, 충청지역, 영남지역, 호남지역) 재학 대학생을 모집단으로 총 372명이었으며, 조사기간은 2003년 10월 1일부터 11월 28일까지였다. 측정도구는 최영진(2002), 이창균(2000)의 설문지를 수정ㆍ보완하여 예비조사를 거친 후 최종 설문지로 사용하였다. 설문지 각 요인별 신뢰계수는 스포츠ㆍ레저용품 선택 시 고려요인 α=.891, 스포츠ㆍ레저용품 구매 만족도 α=.878, 그리고 재구매 의도 α=.834이었으며, 자료분석 방법은 t-test, 일원변량분석(one-way ANOVA), 그리고 중다회귀분석(Multiple Regression)법을 이용하였으며, 사후검증은 Scheffe 검증으로 집단 간 평균치의 차이를 검증하였다(유의수준 α=.05). 그 결과, 첫째, 스포츠ㆍ레저용품 구매 선택 시 고려요인은 학년과 가계소득에서 유의한 차이를 보이고 있으며, 전체적으로 저학년이 고학년보다 상표와 유행을 고려하는 것으로 나타난 반면, 저소득 가계집단 보다 고소득 가계집단에서 가격, 상표, 유행을 보다 고려하는 것으로 나타났다. 둘째, 스포츠ㆍ레저용품 구입 후 구매 만족도는 학년과 가계소득에서 유의한 차이를 보였다. 특히 2학년은 실용/편리, 4학년은 상표에서 보다 높은 만족을 보이고 있었으며, 고소득 가계집단일수록 가격, 실용/ 편리, 상표, 유행요인에서 만족도가 높게 나타났다. 셋째, 스포츠ㆍ레저용품에 대한 재구매 의도는 학년요인에서 유의한 차이를 보이고 있으며, 특히 고학년일수록 재구매 의사가 높은 것으로 나타났다. 마지막으로 스포츠ㆍ레저용품 구입 후 구매 만족도는 상표에 대한 만족과 유행에 대한 만족도가 재구매 의도에 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타났다. The purpose of this study was to examine sport and leisure goods consideration factors and consumer behavior. To accomplish the purpose of this study, 372 university students from four stratified randomly selected universities were surveyed by means of the revised questionnaires. The questionnaire utilized a five pont Likert-type scale was the degree of purchase behavior and the characteristic of sport and leisure goods that each respondent attached to each items. The following statistical method was applied by employing the SPSS 10.0V. for analysis methods: t-test, one-way ANOVA, multiple regression. For the post comparison to meaningful difference, Scheffe test was used. The major findings of the present study was as follows. First, the purchase of sports-leisure goods were significantly different with respect to grade and income, low grade show higher brand and trend than high grade, high income show higher price, brand, trend than high income. Second, the satisfaction of the purchase on sports and leisure goods were significantly different with respect to grade and income, sophomore showed greater satisfaction on practicality/convenience, senior showed greater satisfaction brand, high income showed greater price, practicality/convenience, brand, trend than low income. Third, the repurchase behavior on sport and leisure goods were significantly different with respect to grade, senior showed greater repurchase than freshman, junior. Four, the brand, trend satisfaction of sport and leisure goods significantly influenced on repurchase behavior.

      • 자동차용 AQS 시스템 성능 향상을 위한 구조 설계

        최종필(JongPil Choi),김병희(Byeonghee Kim),최우석(Woo-Seok Choi),김시동(Si-Dong Kim),민준원(Joon-Won Min),유승을(Seung-Eul Yoo) 대한기계학회 2009 대한기계학회 춘추학술대회 Vol.2009 No.11

        In recent years, concern among car users about air quality inside car cabins has been steadily increasing. A vehicle exhaust gases such as carbon monoxide(CO) and nitrogen oxides(NOx) entering the cabin not only reduce the quality of experience for everyone in the car, but are also harmful to the health. Therefore, an air quality sensor(AQS) system which can perform this function is issued. In this paper, the design of channel structure for an automotive AQS system was studied by computational fluid dynamic analysis according to the design parameters such as the number of air inlet, membrane porosity and permeability. Form these simulation results, the AQS system was developed and the performance test was conducted. And then we proposed new design of the AQS system to improve the performances which are response time and sensitivity.

      • 국제스포츠이벤트 개최 성과지표 개발 시사점

        최종필(Choi, Jong-Pill) 동북아시아문화학회 2021 동북아시아문화학회 국제학술대회 발표자료집 Vol.2021 No.07

        The purpose of this research is to enhance the effectiveness of sports events by developing key indicators to quantify the effectiveness of sports events. The research is to develop more than 150 kinds of quantitative key performance indicators (KPIs) for successful operation and results based on the stakeholders and life-cycle operational performance of sports events. The research method is to establish a basic system through two preliminary studies (quantitative studies) and to give about 150 quantifiable indices using expert group discussions and Delphi techniques. And the expected effect of this study is ① To increase the effectiveness of sports events as Gangwon Youth Olympic Games, 2032 Seoul-Pyongyang Olympic Games, etc. ② To revitalize residents and revitalize the region ③ To achieve the target of the market ④ To achieve the adverse function of mega-sports events.

      • KCI등재

        Fitness Club 서비스 품질에 대한 고객의 지각 차이

        최종필(Jong Pil Choi) 한국사회체육학회 2002 한국사회체육학회지 Vol.18 No.1

        The purpose of this study was to investigate the difference of perceived service quality at fitness club in Seoul, South Korea. First, on the Service Climate, Management Commitment to Service Quality, Program, Interpersonal Interaction, Task Interaction, Contact with Physical Environment, Contact Other Clients, Service Failure & Recovery, and Perceived Service Quality Factor is it statistically significant(p<.05) in the Overall Service Quality according to Gender. And, in general, men have all higher mean score of service quality than women in using the fitness service. Secondly, Overall Service Quality according to Age is statistically different(p<.05) in the Service Climate. Management Commitment to Service Quality, Task Interaction, and Perceived Service Quality Factor. Especially, under thirties(30) has the higher Service Quality level than over forties(40). Thirdly, on the Management Commitment to Service Quality, Program, Interpersonal Interaction, Task Interaction, Contact Other Clients, and Perceived Service Quality Factor is it statistically significant(p<.05) in the Overall Service Quality according to using Frequency of a week. That is, the higher the Frequency is, the more Service Quality level have. Fourth, Overall Service Quality according to Marital State and period of Membership is only statistically different(p<.01) in the Task Interaction. Especially, Single state has the high Service Quality level than Married state. Fifth, on the Overall Service Quality according to the Sorts of Sports, it is statistically significant(p<.01) in the Management Commitment to Service Quality, Interpersonal Interaction, Task Interaction, and Contact with Physical Environment factor. then, Bowling sports has the highest Service Quality level than other Sports.

      • 오프그리드용 풍력-연료전지 하이브리드 시스템 개발

        최종필(Choi, Jong-Pil),박내춘(Park, Nae-Chun),김상훈(Kim, Sang-Hun),김병희(Kim, Byeong-Hee),남윤수(Nam, Yun-Su),유능수(Yu, Neung-Su) 한국신재생에너지학회 2007 한국신재생에너지학회 학술대회논문집 Vol.2007 No.06

        This paper describes the design and integration of the wind- fuel cell hybrid system. The hybrid system components included a wind turbine, an electrolyzer (for generation of H2), a PEMFC (Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cell), storage system and BOP (Balance of Plant) system. The energy input is entirely provided by a wind turbine. A DC-DC converter controls the power input to the electrolyzer, which produces hydrogen and oxygen form water. The hydrogen used the fuel for the PEMFC. The hydrogen is compressed and stored in high pressure tank by hydrogen gas booster system.

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