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      • KCI등재

        양파 Oleoresin의 가공

        최옥수,배태진 한국식품영양학회 1997 韓國食品營養學會誌 Vol.10 No.3

        양파의 일시 대량 처리가 가능한 oleoresin 가공을 시도하여 추출율과 품질 안정성을 고려한 제조조건을 검토하였다. 시료의 일반성분 조성은 수분 88.9%, 조단백질 1.97%, 조지방 0.51%, 탄수화물 8.12% 및 조회분 0.48%였고 total pyruvate 함량은 743.8㎍/g이었다. 생채양파 액즙을 Brix 70%로 감압농축하고 남은 잔사를 ethyl alcohol로 추출·농축하여 합한 제품, 양파를 가압열처리후 동일한 방법으로 제조한 제품 및 동결건조하여 50 mesh로 마쇄시킨 양파를 ethyl alcohol로 추출·농축한 제품의 수율은 각각 7.3, 9.1 및 0.8%이었으며, 총당함량은 각각 616.4, 712.3 및 150.3㎎/g으로 ethyl alcohol 추출제품은 수율과 유리당의 함량이 매우 낮았다. 그리고 overall odor intensity의 지표로서 total pyruvate 함량은 각각 1,733.7, 520.6 및 2,716.5㎍/g으로 가압 열처리하여 추출한 제품의 경우는 열처리과정에서 향기성분의 소실이 심하였다. 이상의 결과에서 양파 oleoresin 제조는 수율과 총당함량은 약간 낮으나 oleoresin의 품질을 크게 좌우하는 향기성분의 회수가 뛰어난 생채양파를 직접 사용하는 방법이 바람직하였다. 양파액즙 농축액과 용매추출물의 균일한 혼합을 위하여 2% PGDR(polyglycerol condensed ricinoleate)을 첨가하고 교반(10,000rpm, 30분)하여 유화시켰다. 이때 계면장력은 1.9 dyne/㎝였고, 60℃에서 24시간 방치시켰을 때 유화된 emulsion 생성율은 96.2%, 유화후 원심분리(2,000×G, 80분)시켰을 때 분리되지 않는 emulsion층의 부피는 92.6%로 유화안정성이 매우 높았다. 대두유 및 참깨유에 양파 oleoresin을 1% 첨가하여 가열산화를 유도시켰을 때의 유도기간 연장효과는 0.02% BHA를 첨가한 효과에 대하여 80.8∼82.2%에 해당하는 항산화 활성을 나타내었다. The purpose of this study was to investigate the extraction yield and quality stability as to the oleoresin process with large amount of onion at one time. The first mixed-product is raw onion juice which was reduced the compression and concentrated by Brix 70% mixed together with the residue which was extracted and concentrated by ethanol, the second product manufactured by the same method above after the autoclaving with onion, and the other product is made by grinding by 50mesh to freeze-dried onion. Each of yields were 7.3, 9.1 and 0.8% and each of total sugar content was 616.4, 712.3 and 150.3㎎/g. Therefore the product extracted by ethanol from freeze-dried onion was very low in yield and total sugar content. By the index of the overall odor intensity, contents of total pyruvate were 1,733.7, 520.6, and 2,716.5㎍/g for each product. As a result, oleoresin onion processing that desired to use raw onion was remarkable for odor recovery. For the homogenous mixture with concentrate of onion juice and ethanol extract were emulsified by the addition of 2% of PGDR(polyglycerol condensed ricinoleate) and agitation(10,000rpm, 30 minutes). At this time, interfacial tension was 1.9 dyne/㎝ and the formation of emulsion was for 96.2% when left over 24hours in 60℃. When it was to be centrifuged(2,000×G, 80 minutes) after emulsification, the volume of emulsion level without seperation was 92.6%, and very high in emulsification stability. The induced heating-oxidize with soy bean oil and sesame oil added to 1% of onion oleoresin, induction-time extension effect appeared with antioxidant activity that was applicable for 80.8∼82.2% as to the effect of addition of 0.02% BHA.

      • KCI등재

        양파 Oleoresin의 저장중 품질 변화

        최옥수,배태진 한국식품영양학회 1998 韓國食品營養學會誌 Vol.11 No.2

        양파를 생채로 착즙하여 분리한 액즙을 Brix 70%까지 감압농축시킨 것과 이어서 잔사에 ethyl alcohol을 가하여 추출한 것을 농축시켜 같이 합하고, 갈변방지를 위하여 1% cysteine의 첨가와 유화제로서 2% PGDR을 첨가하여 양파 oleoresin을 제조하고 저장중 품질 안정성을 검토하였다. 양파로부터 oleoresin에 추출된 당은 저장온도 5℃, 25℃ 및 40℃에서 매우 안정하여 저장 60일후까지도 함량변화는 거의 일어나지 않았다. 양파 oleoresin 추출 직후 갈변도를 나타내는 흡광도가 0.38로 담갈색을 띄었는데 5℃에서는 저장 60일 후에도 변화가 거의 없었으나, 25℃ 및 40℃에서 저장한 경우는 60일후 흡광도가 1.53 및 3.32로 증가하였고, cysteine을 1% 첨가한 경우는 대조구에 비하여 갈색 억제효과가 상당히 나타나 40℃에서 60일간 저장하였을 때의 흡광도는 대조구의 절반 수준으로 나타났다. 유화 안정성은 5℃ 저장의 경우 20일, 40일 및 60일후에 분리되지 않는 emulsion 층의 부피가 각각 96.8%, 94.1% 및 90.6%로 매우 안정하였고, 25℃ 및 40℃에서 60일 저장후는 83.2% 및 75.4%로 유화상태가 다소 불안정하였다. 생채 양파로부터 추출한 oleoresin을 저장시키지 않고 바로 대두유에 1% 첨가한 경우와 0.02% BHA를 첨가하였을 때 A.I. 는 각각 1.39 및 1.72를 나타내어 0.02% BHA를 첨가한 대두유의 유도기간 연장효과에 대하여 80.8%에 해당하는 항산화 활성을 나타내었고, 5℃ 및 25℃에서 60일 동안 저장한 양파 oleoresin을 대두유에 각각 1% 첨가하였을 때의 A.I. 는 1.37 및 1.30을 나타내어 실온 또는 그 이하의 온도에서는 양파 oleoresin이 가지는 항산화 활성은 매우 안정하였으며, 40℃에서 저장 60일후의 양파 oleoresin의 A.I. 는 1.08로 나타나 고온에서 저장기일이 길어질수록 양파 oleoresin의 항산화활성은 다소 불안정하였다. Overall odor intensity의 지표로서 total pyruvate 함량변화는 5℃, 25℃ 및 40℃에서 저장 60일후 잔존율이 각각 89.9%, 79.7% 및 65.2%로 저온에서는 상당히 안정하였다. 양파 oleoresin의 저장중 pyruvate 감소에 대한 반응속도 상수는 저장온도 범위 5∼10℃에서 1.381∼4.735mmol/ℓ·hr, Q10 값은 1.537∼1.694, 그리고 활성화 에너지는 11.649㎉/g mole이었다. As a way of mass process of onion, Allium cepa L., the oleoresin decompressed and concentrated is an alternative process to minimize lowering in the quality of onion during storage, to improve the original flavor and taste, and to increase variety as processing aids. This study was performed to investigate on the quality stability during storage of oleoresin. Oleoresin product was manufactured by mixing a concentration of onion juice and ethanol extract homogenously, emulsified by an additional 2% PGDR(polyglycerol condensed ricinoleate) and 1% cysteine. During 60 days storage at 5℃, 25℃ and 40℃ the total sugar content in oleoresin product was very stable, and absorbances at 420nm as browning reaction index were 0.38, 1.53 and 3.32, respectively, addition of 1% cysteine retarded the browning reaction effectively. When oleoresin product was centrifuged(2000×G, 60 minutes), the volumes of emulsion level without separation were 96.8%, 94.1% and 90.6%, respectively during 20days, 40 days and 60 days storage at 5℃, and those during 60 days storage at 25℃ and 40℃ were appeared to be 83.2% and 75.4%. Showing lower level as increasing storage temperature. Antioxidont indexes(AI) of soybean oil added 1% oleoresin without storage and 0.02% BHA were 1.39 and 1.72. The former showed 80.8% antioxidant activity on induction time extension effect of the latter. Antioxidant indexes of oleoresin decreased slightly as increasing storage temperature and were 1.37, 1.30 and 1.08. Total pyruvate contents were 89.9%, 79.7% and 65.2%, respectively during 60 days storage at 5℃, 25℃ and 40℃. Rate constant, Q_10 value and activation energy were 1.381∼4.735mmol/ℓ·hr, 1.537∼1.694 and 11.649 ㎉/g mole for the reduction of pyruvates in the range of storage temperatures during oleoresin storage.

      • 독일 근대 건축에 나타난 사회주의적인 성격

        최옥수 영산대학교 2006 영산논총 Vol.16 No.-

        The german architects held an anarchical and utopian socialistic ideology from the first World War to the 1930's when the culture was controlled by the National Socialist. The architecture at that time was influenced by the trend of Avant-Gard under the slogan of the combination of art and industry. The politically and economically suffering circumstances caused by the first World War brought about the appearance of the unrealistic and illusional expressionism- architectures. The expressionism-architectures tried to express the noble spirits of the human and took geometrical dorms or organic sculpture forms in which the dynamical features of the futurism were shown. The economically recovered situation in 1924's made it possible to build the housing complex on a large scale and accordingly the distinctive and simple forms of new architectures appeared. The new architecture were standardized by the development of the geometrical form of the art trend abd Bauhaus and they were designs which enabled the massive production through the combination of the design and the techniques. The economical and rational new architecture disregarded the personal speciality and individuality and implied the socialistic ideology suggesting the society of horizontal class. The german architectural form reflected the political and economical situations at that time and the ideal socialist ideology as well as the art trend of Avant-garde which the architects held.

      • KCI등재

        이순석(李順石)의 공예와 디자인교육에 관한 연구

        최옥수 한국공예학회 1999 조형디자인연구 Vol.2 No.2

        Lee, Soon-Suk was a founder of the education of modern craft in Korea. He studied `Doan' at the Tokyo Art College in Japan since 1926. He as the first professor since 1946, established a curriculum and system of a department of `Doan' of Seoul National University. Further, he connected the education of `Doan' of Japan, which succeeded to the trend of the art and craft movement and the decorative art such as `art nouveau' in the western countries, to the education of `Doan' in university of Korea. In 1950', when he started the education of applied art, craft and design were not divided. And the education of applied art had a two dimensional and pictorial form with an artistic inclination. The object of the education of Lee, Sun-Suk was to connect the beauty of traditional craft with new ideas and senses. The content of his education was based on the mode picture, which omits and simplifies traditional materials or natural objects, landscapes. Since 1960', the concepts of craft and design were divided and known to Korean society and Lee, Sun-Suk too received the contemporary trend from a tour of inspection abroad. Therefore, the education of craft art was deviated from the influence of Japan and began to change centering around America. The government began to understand the importance of design and in connection with it, Lee, Sun-Suk founded Korean Design Center and opened Commerce and Industry Art Exhibition. Lee, Sun-Suk developed modern education of the craft and found the importance of the tradition and made every effort to connect it to new idea.

      • 가열 및 저장중 고추 oleoresin의 지질산화 및 항산화성

        배태진,김현주,강훈이,최옥수 여수대학교 1994 論文集 Vol.8 No.-

        Changes of lipid oxidation and antioxidative activity in modified oleoresin during heat treatment and storage were investigated. Lipid oxidation occurred somewhat to oleoresin red pepper after heat treatment for 5 hours at 150℃ and 200℃, whereas in the heat treatment at 50℃ and 100℃, occurred in little. During heat treatment for 5 hours at 100℃, oleoresin red pepper had a moderate antioxidation effect, but its antioxidation effect at 200℃ was not shown due to degradation of capsaicin. And oleoresin red pepper greatly inhibited the oxidation of soybean oil during storage at 25℃ and 40℃.

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