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        고다르의 <네 멋대로 해라>의 자기지시성

        최문수 문학과영상학회 2019 문학과영상 Vol.20 No.1

        Godard’s early films are known as being much influenced by Brecht’s Epic Theatre, whose ‘estrangement effect’ aims at distancing the audience from the theater by means of unconventional devices. In this vein, Silvio Gaggi ascribes the self-referentiality of Godard’s Breathless to the Brechtian mode, which employs devices designed to foreground style and remind the audience that what it is experiencing is artifice. On the contrary, Allen Thiher takes Godard’s early works, including Breathless, as the pop mode—corresponding to Gaggi’s Pirandellian mode—which self-consciously creates works that are essentially ironic works about other works. The self-referentiality of Breathless however can be exactly explained in terms of neither of the two modes. For in Breathless Brechtian devices serve to present a world where fiction is mixed with reality, rather than to foreground style and hence differentiate between them. On the other hand, the parody working in Breathless is not that of other works or genres, that is, of fiction but that of reality in which Godard believes the mass media causes individuals to accept stereotyped fictions uncritically. The film is self-referential in that being a form of the mass media in itself, it parodies the role of the mass media and raises questions about the nature of films.

      • 사천만 담수호 조성을 위한 기초분석

        최문수,조병진 경상대학교 환경보전연구소 1994 環境保全硏究所報 Vol.2 No.1

        This analysis was executed for freshening reservoir proposed in Sachon Bay on the purpose of using inflow discharged through Sachon diversion weir from the Namgang multi-purpose dam during the flood seasons. The freshening processes were analysed based on the Minami's analytical model for a standard freshening reservoir after the final closure of a sea-dike and predicted the salinity variation of the lake during 7 years. The results of this study can be summarized as follows : 1. As the results of the desalinization process computation, reservoir water can be used for industrial and irrigation purposes in the alternative 1 reservoir, irrigation purpose in the alternative 2 reservoir. The salinity was predicted under 300ppm during the flood seasons and 800ppm during the drought seasons in the alternative 1, under 500ppm during the flood seasons and 1,000ppm during the drought seasons in the alternative 2, three years later after the final closing. The numbers of the suitable desalinization culverts were estimated as four in the alternative 1 and two in the alternative 2 scheme. 2. The freshening processes after the establishment of the desalinization culverts have a considerable effect in comparison with those without culverts. But the salinity was not improved in proportion to the increasing number of the culverts, more than four culverts in the alt. 1 and two culverts in the alt. 2. 3. The fresh-salt layer of the reservoir both alt. 2 is raised up over the sill elevation (-4m, -3m) in the drought seasons without culverts, however, the layer draws down below the sill elevation when more than two culverts are installed and are maintained under -5∼-8 meters in the alt. 1 reservoir and -3 meters in the alt. 2 reservoir. 4. Some considerations when the seashore freshening reservoir is proposed are as follows : ① The quantity of the inflow water from the surrounding basins or the upper stream areas. ② The conservable water quality including the desalinization in the freshening reservoir. ③ Economical and technical feasibility comparing with construction of dam in inland. ④ The minimization of an ecological and environmental disruption etc.

      • KCI등재
      • 관습법상 법정지상권과 압류의 처분금지효

        최문수 민사판례연구회 2014 民事判例硏究 Vol.- No.36

        In determining the identity requirement on the owner of land and ground building in terms of establishing legal superficies according to the custom on forced sale by auction, the Supreme Court of Korea changed a judgment which was based on the owner at the time of sale by auction without consideration on the injunctive effect of seizure on land or ground building. This Supreme Court judgment clarified the relationship between legal superficies according to the custom and the injunctive effect of seizure, which aroused practical confusions due to the contrary opinion on the Supreme Court judgement. Furthermore the Supreme Court judgment clarified the legal principle that the identity requirement on the owner of land and ground building in terms of establishing legal superficies according to the custom on forced sale by auction is determined based on the time at which the effect of seizure is created. In the fact that the effect of seizure is only applied to the real estate concerned and cannot constitute a disposition by itself, change in the time of judgment explained by the Supreme Court judgment already acknowledges a considerable exception to the established requirement of legal superficies according to the custom. This can be positively evaluated as an attempt to fully reflect confidence of the parties concerned about the real estate value at the time when seizure comes into effect in establishing legal superficies. However, while the problem of whether injunctive effect of seizure must be considered in establishing legal superficies according to the custom and the problem of whether the time for judgment of owner identity requirement should be normatively changed must be strictly differentiated, they have not been clearly differentiated in discussion by the existing theory. It is unfortunate that the Supreme Court judgment also reached a conclusion without clear demonstration of this. Conclusion drawn by the Supreme Court judgment is reasonable in various respects such as specific validity in many problematic cases in which establishment of legal superficies is changed, original intent of legal superficies system according to the custom, actual guarantee of the injunctive effect of seizure, predictability of auction participants and clarity of legal relation, and balance and expandability with cases in which establishment of legal superficies according to the custom arises as a problem. Moreover, the purpose of the Supreme Court judgment must be deeply appreciated in similar situations such as the injunction for prohibition of disposition and provisional registration of the right to request ownership transfer registration. The legal principle of the Supreme Court judgment can be extended and applied to such cases. 대상판결은 강제경매로 인한 관습법상 법정지상권의 소유자 동일성 요건을 판단함에 있어서, 토지 또는 지상건물에 대한 압류의 처분금지효를 고려하지 않고 매각 당시의 소유자만을 기준으로 삼았던 대법원 판결을 변경하였고, 이로써 기존의 상반된 판례로 실무상 혼란이 있었던 관습법상 법정지상권과 압류의 처분금지효와의 관계를 명확히 정리하였다. 나아가 대상판결은 강제경매로 인한 관습법상 법정지상권의 성립에 있어서는 압류의 효력이 발생하는 시점을 기준으로 토지와 지상건물 소유자의 동일성 요건을 판단한다는 법리를 명확히 설시하였다. 압류의 효력은 목적 부동산 자체에만 미치는 것일 뿐만 아니라 그 자체로 처분행위는 될 수 없다는 점에서, 대상판결이 설시하는 판단시점의 변경은 이미 정립된 관습법상 법정지상권의 요건론에 상당한 예외를 인정하는 결과가 되지만, 이는 압류의 효력이 발생한 시점을 기준으로 당시 거래 당사자들이 가진 부동산의 가치에 대한 신뢰를 법정지상권의 성립 여부에 있어서 온전히 반영하고자 하는 시도로서 긍정적으로 평가할 수 있다. 다만, 관습법상 법정지상권의 성립에서 압류의 처분금지효를 고려하여야 하는가의 문제와 소유자 동일성 요건의 판단시점 자체를 규범적으로 변경하여야 하는가의 문제는 엄격히 구별되는 문제임에도, 기존 학설상 양자의 쟁점이 명확히 구별되어 논의되지 못하였고, 대상판결도 이에 관한 뚜렷한 논증 없이 결론에 이른 것은 아쉬운 부분이다. 법정지상권의 성립 여부가 달라지는 여러 문제 사례들에 있어서의 구체적 타당성, 관습법상 법정지상권 제도의 본래 취지, 압류의 처분금지효의 실질적 보장, 경매 참여인들의 예측가능성과 법률관계의 명확성, 관습법상 법정지상권 성립이 문제되는 유사한 경우와의 균형과 확장 가능성 등의 여러 측면에서 대상판결의 결론은 결국 타당하다. 나아가 대상판결의 취지는 처분금지가처분, 소유권이전등기청구권 보전의 가등기 등 유사한 문제 상황들에 있어서도 깊이 음미되어야 하고, 이러한 경우에 있어서도 대상판결의 법리는 확대 적용될 수 있다고 본다.

      • KCI등재후보

        폐쇄형 뮤추얼펀드의 유동성제고 효과와 프리미엄현상에 대한 실증연구 : 채권형을 중심으로

        최문수,구자삼 명지대학교 금융지식연구소 2008 금융지식연구 Vol.6 No.1

        This paper examines the characteristics of the closed-end bond mutual funds in Korea. We firstly explore the current regulations, taxation and the market mechanism of closed-end mutual fund and review empirical and theoretical studies regarding the closed-end mutual funds. In general, they found that closed-end funds were traded at a discount when their investment is focused on stocks, which was statistically significant. On the other hand, closed-end bond funds were traded at a premium, although its extent is not statistically significant. We found the similar results for the bond fund. The liquidity enhancement made by the bond fund may cause the premium of bond funds, although it is not statistically significant. We also find that the premium of bond funds can be explained by an institutional feature of the fund, the investment strategy of the fund manager, and a liquidity shock. 본 연구의 실증분석결과에 의하면 채권형·폐쇄형 뮤추얼펀드의 프리미엄은 새로운 펀드의 시장진입으로 인하여 기존 펀드에 대한 수요가 감소되고 이는 프리미엄의 감소로 이어진다는 Cherkes외 2인(2007)의 주장을 지지하는 것으로 나타났으며 프리미엄이 펀드매니저의 운용능력을 나타내는 변수들과 정의 관계를 보임으로써 Cakici외 2인(2002)과 Berk와 Stanton(2007)의 펀드매니저 운용능력 가설을 지지하는 것으로 나타났다. 그러나 채권형·폐쇄형 뮤추얼펀드의 프리미엄은 그 크기가 통계적으로 유의하지 않은 것으로 나타나 Cherkes외 2인(2007)이 주장한 바와 같이 폐쇄형펀드가 국공채나 회사채와 같이 유동성이 적은 유가증권을 투자대상으로 하는 경우에 증권화를 통한 자산유동화로 인하여 간접적으로 유동성제고의 효과를 가져 옴으로써 펀드의 프리미엄 증대효과를 보인다는 가설은 통계적으로 지지되지 않았다. 그러나 채권형펀드가 주식형펀드처럼 할인되어 거래되지 않고 프리미엄을 갖고 거래된다는 점은 Cherkes외 2인(2007)이 주장한 유동성제고의 효과가 어느 정도는 존재한다고 보아야 할 것이다.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        윌리엄즈의 의식의 구현

        최문수 한국현대영미시학회 2020 현대영미시연구 Vol.26 No.2

        For Williams, poetry does not represent daily experience but the poet’s ‘consciousness of immediate contact with the world.’ One can contact things beyond the barrier of conventions such as conceptual knowledge, logic, and story, by means of sympathy as a function of imagination. It enables the poet to detect their peculiarities, and thereby his consciousness is enlarged and participates in the universal process of nature. This is why particular things are the only source of universal experience. The peculiarities of things can be expressed only through the tangible features of language, which dominate Williams’ poetry. The other function of imagination, ‘design’ organizes words so as to keep them from being subordinate to syntax and logic that blurs their particularity and tangibility. It also represents the movement of the consciousness, the sympathetic pulses the poet feels ‘in the condition of imaginative suspension.’ His representation therefore becomes materialization, and his poetry an object tangible and dynamic, which is an extension of nature. .

      • KCI등재

        윌리엄즈의 말의 해방

        최문수 한국현대영미시학회 2022 현대영미시연구 Vol.28 No.1

        For Williams, poetry needs to be real and to avoid the form of a story that represents and thus conceals reality. For poetry to be real, he asserts, its words must be liberated by getting tuned exactly to a fact, a particular reality, and thereby assume the reality of the fact. A fact is the pulse wave arisen among particular objects, which is a local aspect of the universal process of the energy transfer of nature. A poet therefore perceives and experiences the fact by participating in the process of nature through sympathy with those objects. Words can be tuned exactly to a fact by being organized into a design instead of a story and a traditional metrical form. Being a flexible structure of details and measures, a design is the replacement of both the strict forms. Words then work as words themselves free and dynamized, and with the reality given by the fact, dynamically move in rhythm with its wave and engender meaning in accordance with it. The liberation of words leads to that of facts and that of humans as well. Freed words reveal facts concealed by stories, enabling humans to directly contact them.

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