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        이동근,조인철 경상대학교 환경보전연구소 1998 環境保全硏究所報 Vol.6 No.1

        경제·사회활동의 진전과 생활양식의 변화가 급격히 이루어지고 있으며, 향후 인근주민들의 물질충족 수준은 더욱 향상되고, 보다 안정된 자연환경을 바라는 욕구도 한층 강해질 것으로 예상된다. 또한 다음 세대를 위한 질 높은 수환경의 확보에 대한 필요성이 증대되고 있으며, 그러한 수환경을 보존·유지시킬 수 잇는 지역환경보전 시스템에 대한 Program의 개발이 요구되어지고 있다. 따라서, 본 연구에서는 서부 경남지역의 상수원인 진양호의 효율적인 활용과 수질보전 및 개선을 효율적으로 달성하기 위한 구체적인 방법을 연구·조사 하였으며, 아래에 나열하였다. 1) 농촌과 도시, 또는 상수원 지역과 물 소비지역의 교류를 촉진하고, 지역특성에 대한 깊은 상호이해를 바탕으로 진양호와 상류수계의 수환경에 대한 공동인식을 육성한다. 2) 제도, 매체 등을 이용하여 정보공개와 공청회 등 쌍방교류를 긴밀히 하여 수환경에 관한 정보를 사회전체가 공유하고 시민 참여를 위한 기반을 확립한다. 3) 수환경에 대한 학습과 환경부하가 적은 절수 및 순환형 수환경을 이룰 수 있는 생활방식으로의 전환을 실현하기 위하여 의식의 변화를 실제 행동으로 연결시킬 수 있도록 노력한다. 4) 자연이 지닌 기능을 보전 및 활용하고, 수질을 개선하여 새로운 수문화를 창조한다. 5) 지역주민과 기업 및 비정부조식(NGO)을 포함한 시민이 사업계획의 입안에서 실시, 평가에 이르기까지의 과정에 참여하는 기회를 확대함으로서 환경문제에 관한 시민들의 적극적인 참여를 유도한다.

      • 합천 박실늪의 교란된 습지에서 식생의 회복 과정

        김철수,오경환 경상대학교 환경보전연구소 1999 環境保全硏究所報 Vol.7 No.-

        버들류 (Salix spp.)가 우점한 경남 합천군 박실지의 연안대에서 1997년과 1998년에 각각 3월부터 8월까지 인위적인 교란전·후의 식생구조와 토양환경을 조사하여 식생의 회복 과정을 밝혔다. 수생 및 습생 관속식물상을 비교한 결과, 교란 전에는 41과 91속 105종, 20변종으로 125종류, 교란 후에는 50과 119속 141종 24변종, 1품종으로 166종류가 각각 출현하여 종수가 증가하였다. 교란 전·후에 출현한 관속식물을 Swan (1970)의 기준에 따라 증가종 (increaser), 감소종 (decreaser), 중립종 (neutral), 침입종 (invader), 후퇴종 (retreater) 등의 5개 범주로 구분한 결과 전체 207종류 가운데 82종(40%)이 새로 나타난 침입종이고, 41종(20%)은 사라진 후퇴종으로서 모두 123종 (60%)의 종조성이 변화되어 식생 변화가 크게 나타남을 알 수 있었다. 교란 전·후의 생활형 조성은 Th-D_1-R_6-e형으로 동일하였고, 유사도지수는 CCs= 0.81 및 C=0.89이었으며, 종다양서지수는 2.45 및 2.52로서 약간 증가하였다. 교란 전·후의 토양 성분을 분석한 결과 pH는 5.14 및 6.18, 전기전도도 (㎛cm^-1)는 99.64 및 70.61, 유기물량 (%)은 2.17 및 1.46, 총질소량 (%)은 0.06 및 0.04, 유효인량 (mg/100g)은 0.15 및 0.08등으로서, 교란 후에 pH는 증가하였으나, 전기전도도, 유기물량, 총질소량 및 유효인량은 감소하였다. Vegetation structure and soil properties were investigated before and after artificial disturbance of willow forest to reveal the vegetative regeneration at the Parksil-nup wetland in Hapchoˇn-gun, Kyoˇngsangnam-do, Korea from March to August in 1997 and 1998. The flora of the undisturbed year was composed of 41 families, 91 genera, 105 species and 20 varieties or 125 taxa of the vascular hydrophytes and hygrophytes, and that of the disturbed year was 50 families, 119 genera, 141 species, 24 varieties and 1 form or 166 taxa of vascular plants, and total 207 taxa. Among 207 taxa, 82 taxa (40%) was classified as the invaders and 41 taxa (20%) as the retreaters by the Swan (1970). The biological spectra of the undisturbed and the disturbed year were same as Th-D_₁R_5-e. Similarity indices between the disturbed and the undisturbed years were CCs=0.81 and C=0.89, and species diversity indices (H') were 2.52 in the disturbed year and 2.45 in the undisturbed year. Sediment properties of the undisturbed and the disturbed year were pH 5.14 and 6.18, conductivity 99.64 and 70.61㎛ho㎝^-1, organic matter 2.17 and 1.46%, total nitrogen 0.06 and 0.04%, and available phosphrous 0.15 and 0.08 ㎎/100g, respectively. Conductivity, organic matter, total nitrogen, and available phosphorus decreased after the artificial disturbance.

      • 南江周邊 濕地의 植物群落 構造와 土壤環境

        윤성아,이정환,오경환 경상대학교 환경보전연구소 1994 環境保全硏究所報 Vol.2 No.1

        Plant community structure, soil environment, nutrient contents of plant, and the correlation between soil environments and nutrient contents of plant were investigated from July to August in 1991 in the wetland around the Nam - River, Gyeongsangnam-do, Korea. 1. The flora of the investigated area was composed of 38 families, 93 genera, 108 species, 15 varieties and 1 form or total 124 taxa of hygrophytes. Among them, dominant species was Persicaria thunbergii. 2. Importance value of Persicaria thunbergii was 57.9, and those of Humulus japonicus, Miscanthus sacchariflorus and Persicaria hydropiper were 20.5, 15.8 and 12.6, respectively. 3. As the result of the association analysis, Humulus japonicus showed positive correlation with Persicaria thunbergii, Miscanthus sacchariflorus and Artemisia princeps, and the negative correlation with Persicaria hydropiper, Echinochloa crus-galli and Bidens frondosa. And Persicaria thunbergii showed the negative correlation with Persicaria hydropiper and Artemisia princeps. 4. Ranges of species diversity indices were 0.694 ∼ 1.284. Number of species and species diversity indices were positively correlated. 5. Ranges of soil environment such as pH, conductivity, organic matter, total nitrogen and total phosphorus were 5.9 ∼ 6.8, 25.8 ∼ 164.3 ㎛ho ㎝^-1, 1.16 ∼ 6.28 %, 0.35 ∼ 1.68 ㎎ g^-1, and 0.068 ∼ 0.446 ㎎ g^-1, respectively. 6. Ranges of total nitrogen and total phosphorus contents of Persicaria thunbergii were 1.426 ∼ 2.560 % and 1.712 ∼ 2.295 ㎎ g^-1. 7. As the result of the correlation analysis among soil environmental factors and nutrient contents of Persicaria thunbergii, soil factors except pH showed the positive correlation with one another. Total nitrogen content of Persicaria thunbergii showed the positive correlation with soil factors such as conductivity, organic matter, total nitrogen and total phosphorus, suggesting that these nutrients were absorbed and accumulated by the plant.

      • 여천공단 주변의 삼림식생 구조와 토양환경

        이혜정,이정환,오경환 경상대학교 환경보전연구소 1995 環境保全硏究所報 Vol.3 No.1

        대기오염이 삼림식생의 구조와 토양환경에 미치는 영향을 규명하기 위하여 여천공업단지 및 그 주변지역의 삼림에서 1992년 5월부터 1993년 8월까지 식물상, 삼림식생구조, 토양환경, 토양환경과 삼림식생 구조와의 관계 등을 조사하였다. 1. 조사지역에서 출현하는 관속식물은 55과 107속 125 종 16 변종 2 품종으로 총 143 종류가 출현하였으며, 우점종은 곰솔 (Pinus thunbergii)이었다. 2. 삼림 군집구조는 오염원에 가까울수록 교목층이 빈약하고 하층식생이 단순하였으며, 오염원에서 멀리 떨어진 대조구에서는 층위구조가 뚜렷하고 하층식생이 잘 발달되어 있었다. 3. 종다양성지수는 1.266~1.796으로서 오염원에 가까운 지역일수록 낮았고, 오염원에서 가장 멀리 떨어진 대조구에서 가장 높았으며, 출현종수는 종다양성지수와 양의 상관관계를 나타내었다. 4. 중요치는 곰솔이 12.2로 가장 높았고 졸참나무 (Quercus serata) 11.2, 때죽나무 (Styrax japonica) 10.4, 사스레피나무 (Eurya japonica) 9.3, 청미래덩굴 (Smilax china) 9.1등의 순이었다. 5. 층별 주요종의 중요치 변화를 보면, 교목층에서는 종다양성지수가 낮으 s지역으로 갈수록 소나무 (Pinus densifora)가 출현하지 않았고 참나무류 (Quercus spp.)는 전체 조사지소에서 다소 높은 중요치를 나타내었다. 관목층에서는 떠ㅐ죽나무가 종다양성지수가 가장 낮은 지역에서 현저하게 높은 중요치를 나타내었으며, 사스레피나무와 청미래덩굴은 대부분의 조사지소에서 중요치가 고르게 나타났다. 초본층에서는 미국자리공 (Phytolacca americana)과 댕댕이덩굴(Cocculus tribulus)이 종다양성지수가 낮은 지역에서 중요치가 증가하였다. 6. 조사지소별 중요치의 분석결과에 의하면 소나무는 대기오염에 민감하고, 참나무류와 사스레피나무는 중간 정도이며, 때죽나무, 미국자리공, 댕댕이덩굴 등은 내성이 있는 것으로 사료되었다. 7. 조사지역의 토양환경은 pH 4.15~5.08, 전기전도도 52.0~138.0 ㎛ho·cm^-1, 유기물량 3.8~14.6%, 총질소량 0.05~0.28%, 유효인량 0.05~0.29mg·100g^-1, 유효황량 88~335ppm 등으로 각각 나타났다. 오염원에 인접한 조사지소 1에서는 pH 4.15, 전기전도도 138.㎛ho·cm^-1, 유효황량 294ppm 등이었고, 대조구로 선정된 조사지소 9에서는 pH 5.08, 전기전도도 52.7㎛ho·cm^-1, 유효황량 88ppm 등으로 나타나 많은 차이가 있었다. 9. 토양 환경요인과 삼림식생 구조와의 관계에서, 대기 중의 아황산가스의 농도가 높아질수록 토양의 유효황량이 증가하였고, 토양의 유효황량은 출현종수 및 종다양성지수와 각각 음의 상관관계를 나타내었다. Flora, vegetation structure of forest, soil environment, and the correlation between soil environment and vegetation structure were investigated in the vicinity of Yeocheon Industrial Complex, Yeocheon-city, Choˇllanam-do in Korea from May 1992 to August 1993 with a view to reveal the influences of air pollution to the vegetation structure and soil. The flora of the study area was composed of 55 families, 107 genera, 125 species, 16 varieties and 2 forma or total 143 taxa of tracheophytes and dominant species was Pinus thunbergii. The species diversity indices (H') were lower near the pollution sources, and highest in the control site. The number of species was positively correlated with the species diversity indices. The importance value (I.V.) of Pinus thunbergii was highest as 12.3, and those of Quercus serrata, Styrax japonica, Eurya japonica and Smilax china were 11.0, 10.4, 9.3 and 9.1, respectively. In tree layer, Pinus densiflora was not distributed in the area which has lower species diversity indices, and Quercus spp. has rather high I.V. in all sites. In shrub layer, Styrax japonica showed remarkably high I.V. in area which has the lowest species diversity indices and Eurya japonica, Smilax china hold even I.V. in most of the sites. In herb layer, Phytolacca americana and Cocculus trilobus was increased in area which had low species diversity indices. According to the comparison with the importance values in each site, Pinus densifora was considered as sensitive to the air pollution, but Quercus spp. and Eurya japonica as intermediate, and Styrax japonica, Phytolacca americana and Cocculus trilobus as tolerant. As the result of the correlation analysis among soil environmental factors, pH showed the negative correlation with all the soil factors. The available sulfur showed the negative correlation with total nitrogen and available phosphorus. As the result of the correlation analysis among soil environmental factors and vegetation structure of forest, the available sulfur of soil incresed as concentration of SO₂ in the atmosphere was higher, and the available sulfur of soil were negatively correlated with the number of species and the species diversity indices.

      • 대두를 이용한 여천공단 주변의 토양오염 평가

        손홍점,이정환,오경환 경상대학교 환경보전연구소 1996 環境保全硏究所報 Vol.4 No.1

        대두를 아황산가스 오염의 지표식물로 이용할 수 있는 가능성을 모색하기 위하여 여천공단 주변의 대두경작지에서 1992년 8월 30일부터 1993년 8월 17일까지 대두엽의 가시피해지수, 피해색 및 피해형태, 수용성 황함량 등과 함께 토양환경을 조사하고 토양환경 요인간의 상호관계를 분석하였다. 1. 조사지역의 토양환경은 pH 4.45~6.59, 전기전도도 40.5~74.7 ㎛hocm^-1, 유기물량 3.61~9.61%, 총질소량 0.90~2.41 mgg^-1, 유효인량 6.83~43.60 mg 100g^-1, 유효황량 10.80~318.50 ppm 등이었다. 2. 토양환경 요인 중 총질소량이 유기물량과 양의 상관을 나타내었으며, pH는 유효황량, 유기물량 및 총질소량과 각각 음의 상관을 나타내었다. 3. 대두엽의 피해형태는 초기에 엽맥사이에 연두색의 반점 형태로 나타나다가 갈색으로 변색되며, 피해를 심하게 받으면 반점이 합쳐져서 결국 엽육조직이 파괴된다. 대두엽의 가시피해지수는 14.7~50.7%로서 조사지소 8이 가장 낮고 조사지소 1이 가장 높았다. 4. 대두엽의 수용성 황함량은 0.31~0.87 mg g^-1로서, 조사지소 2가 가장 낮고, 조사지소 7이 가장 높았다. 5. 대두엽의 가시피해지수 및 수용성 황함량과 토양의 유효황량은 각각 서로 양의 상관을 나타내었다. 따라서 대두를 이용하여 아황산가스에 의한 대기오염 및 토양오염을 평가할 수 있을 것으로 판단되었다. Soil environment, water soluble sulfur and visible injury characters of soybean plant were investigated to find out the possibility adopting the soy bean plants as the indicator of sulfur dioxide pollution from August 1992 to August in 1993 the vicinity of Yeocheon Industrial Complex, Yeocheon City, Chollanam-do, Korea. Ranges of soil environments such as pH, conductivity, organic matter, total nitrogen, available phosphorus and available sulfur were 4.45∼6.59, 10.5∼74.7㎛ho ㎝^-1, 3.61∼9,61%, 0.90∼2.41 ㎎ g^-1, 6.83∼43.60 ㎎ 10g^-1, and 10.80∼318.50 ppm, respectively. Total nitrogen showed the positive correlation with organic matter. The pH showed the negative correlation with available sulfur, organic matter and total nitrogen, respectively. Visible injury characters appeared as the light green and brown spots on the upper surface of interveinal areas, finally as the destruction of mesophyll of soybean plant leaves. Range of the visible injury indices was 14.7∼50.7%. It was highest in the site 1, and lowest in the site 8. Range of water soluble sulfur contents of soybean plant was 0.31∼0.87 ㎎ g^-1. It was highest in the site 7, and lowest in the site 2. The visible injury indices, water soluble sulfur contents of soybean plants, and the available sulfur of soil showed the positive correlation with one another. Therefore it was concluded that sulfur dioxide pollution of air and soil can be estimated by the soybean plants.

      • 환경에서의 오존이용 전망

        김병호,금경호,서양곤 경상대학교 환경보전연구소 2001 環境保全硏究所報 Vol.9 No.-

        Ozone was first used to disinfect water supplies in France in the early 1900s. Its use increased and eventually spread into several Western European countries. Today nearly 1,000 ozone disinfection installations exist (primarily in Europe), almost entirely for treating water supplies. A common use for ozone at these installations is to control taste-producing, odor-producing and color-producing agents. Ozone can also be used in wastewater treatment for odor control and in advanced wastewater treatment for the removal of soluble refractory organics, in lieu of the carbon-adsorption process. Ozone is also very effective virucide and is generally believed to be more effective than chlorine. Ozonation does not produce dissolved solids and is not affected by the ammonium ion or pH influent to the process. For these reasons, ozonation is considered a alternative to either chlorination of hypochlorination, especially where dechlorination may be required.

      • 진양호 습지의 식생구조와 환경요인

        이정아,김철수,이정환,오경환 경상대학교 환경보전연구소 1998 環境保全硏究所報 Vol.6 No.1

        The flora, vegetation structure and distribution of the vascular hydrophytes and hygrophytes, physico-chemical properties of sediment, and correlations with the environmental factors were investigated in the nine wetlands of the Chinyang-Lake, Chinju-city, Kyoˇngsangnam-do, Korea from June to November in 1996 to predict the changes of wetland ecosystem and to furnish the basic data for the counterplan to set up a measure for the conservation of the wetland due to the reinforcement of Namgang-Dam. 1. The flora of the study area was composed of 70 families, 176 genera, 245 species, 1 subspecies, 35 varieties and 2 form or total 283 kinds of the vascular hydrophytes and hygorphytes. The life forms of the vascular hydrophytes were classified as 23 kinds of emergent plants, 4 kinds of floating-leaved plants, 3 kinds of free-floating plants, and 8 kinds of submersed plants, respectively. 2. The importance values of Persicaria hydropiper was 5.94 and those of Polypogon fugax, Bidens frondosa, Salix glandulosa, Miscanthus sacchariflorus, Aneilema keisak and Eleocharis mamillata var. cyclocarpa were 5.47, 5.13, 4.93, 4.80, 4.35, and 4.18, respectively. The dominant species of sandbar, littorial zone and old field were Miscanthus sacchariflorus, Persicaria thunbergii, Echinochloa crus-galli var. frumentacea, respectively, and their importance values were 10.11, 8.48, and 16.34, respectively. 3. The ranges of species diversity indices (H') were 1.412∼1.930. It was highest in site I which was old field. The ranges of eqitability were 0.736∼0.934, and highest in the C site, which was the sandbar, and the ranges of community similarity indices (CC_s) were 0.293∼0.658 among the nine wetlands, and highest between B site and C site, which were sandbar. 4. The ranges of sediment properties such as pH, conductivity, organic matter, available phosphorus, and total nitrogen were 5.15∼6.33, 11.80∼42.83 ㎛ho㎝^-1, 1.59∼6.37%, 0.07∼0.17 ㎎/100g, and 0.03∼0.14%, respectively, Among these factors, conductivity and total nitrogen were highest in the sandbar as 23.85∼42.83 ㎛ho㎝^-1 and 0.03∼0.14%, organic matter was highest in the littoral zone as 3.23∼6.37%, and pH was highest in the disturbed area as 6.03∼6.33, respectively. 5. Percentage of the particle size for clay, silt, and sand were 2.00∼15.00%, 16.07∼59.33%, and 28.67∼78.33%, respectively. Content of sand and silt were same in the sandbar and littoral zone, but sand was high and silt was low in the disturbed area. 6. Among sediment factors, conductivity showed positive correlation with organic matter and total nitrogen. Organic matter also showed positive correlation with clay content. The pH showed negative correlation with conductivity, organic matter, available phosphorus, total nitrogen, and clay content, respectively. Content of clay showed positive correlation with silt, and sand showed negative correlation with clay and silt, respectively. 7. It was recommended that planting of willows is necessary to prevent the soil erosion and to offer the desirable landscape as soil stability is owed to them in the wetland ecosystem. The establishment of the nature reserve area is also considered to ensure the habitat for the animals and to maintain the diversity of the vascular hydrophytes and hygrophytes.

      • 지리산 왕등재 습지의 지표수 수질 및 토양 환경조사

        김종오,이창호,지인주 경상대학교 환경보전연구소 2001 環境保全硏究所報 Vol.9 No.-

        The this study was performed to survey the characteristics of surface water and soil in Wangdungjae wetland located at Chiri-Mountain. The results of survey summarized as follows; 1. The physico-chemical characteristics of surface water such as pH, temperature, and DO were in the range of 6.02-6.39, 13.5-24.3℃, and 3.81-9.97 ㎎/L, respectively. Also, the organic concentration such as BOD and COD were in the range of 1.3-1.61 ㎎/L and 3.55-0.07 ㎎/L, respectively. The water quality of five different sampling sites showed the similar characteristics. 2. The physico-chemical characteristics of soil showed the different properties with the soil sampling depth. According to increasing sampling depth, cation exchange capacity (CEC) and electric conductivity (EC) increased but pH decreased.

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