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      • 실물경제와 금융시장 간 관계에 대한 연구

        최남진 한양대학교 대학원 2016 국내박사

        RANK : 247631

        첫 번째 연구는 최근 저금리 등으로 인한 가계부채 증가세가 확대됨에 따라 가계부채가 국내 경제에 미치는 영향에 대한 관심이 높아지고 있다. 이에 본 연구는 생애주기-항상소득가설 등에 근거한 소비함수를 상정하여 단기적으로 가계부채가 소비에 미치는 영향을 실증분석 하였으며, 가계부채가 외생적 충격으로 인해 일정범위 이상으로 확대될 경우 소비에 부정적인 영향을 미칠 수 있음을 상정하여 가계부채의 변동성 변수를 소비함수에 추가하여 분석 하였다. 이와 더불어 가계부채가 중장기적으로 소비와 성장률에 어떤 영향을 미치는지 SVAR모형을 통해 실증분석 해보았다. 우선 실질 민간소비 증감률을 종속변수로, 실질 총소득 증감률과 실질 회사채 수익률, 실질 가계신용 증감률, 이자상환부담 증감률을 독립변수로 설정한 소비함수를 추정한 결과, 추정기간 중 가계부채 증가가 소비에 긍정적인 효과를 미친 것을 확인하였으며, 독립변수에 가계부채 변동성 변수를 추가한 모형의 추정결과를 통해 가계부채 증감률의 변동성 증가가 소비에 부정적인 영향을 미친 것을 확인하였다. 다음으로 이자율, 통화량, 총생산, 물가, 소비, 가계부채, 부동산가격 등 7변수로 구성된 SVAR모형을 추정한 결과, 가계부채 상승 충격은 소비와 성장률, 부동산가격을 상승시키는 것으로 나타났다. 이는 과거 가계부채 수준이 부채상환에 큰 부담이 없어 국내 소비와 성장률에 긍정적인 영향을 미친데 따른 것으로 보인다. 또한 가계부채가 자산시장 경로를 통해 부의 효과가 있었는지를 측정해본 결과, 가계부채는 자산시장 경로를 통해 소비와 성장률을 더욱 확대시킨 것으로 나타났다. 두 번째 연구는 외환위기를 기점으로 가계저축률이 급격히 하락한 것과는 대조적으로 우체국예금은 시장점유율이 크게 확대되었다는 점에 착안하여 우체국예금이 안전자산으로서 강한 성격을 가지고 있는지 실증분석 해보았다. 또한 대부자금설 및 유동성선호설 등에 근거한 실물경제 변수와 금융시장 변수를 VAR모형으로 설정하여 이자율과 저축, 안전자산과 투자자산, 실물경제와 금융시장 등의 관계를 실증분석 하였다. 우선 더미 변수를 활용한 OLS모형을 통해 우체국예금의 안전자산으로서의 성격을 분석한 결과, 우체국예금은 실물시장에 부정적인 충격이 발생할 경우 증가하는 모습을 보인 반면, 실물시장에 긍정적인 충격이 발생할 경우 감소하는 모습을 보임에 따라 안전자산으로서의 성격이 매우 강함을 확인하였다. 이는 같은 방법론을 통해 다른 시중은행들을 추정한 결과 일관되지 않은 결과가 나타났다는 점을 감안하면 우체국예금이 안전자산으로서의 성격이 매우 강함을 증명하는 결과라 할 수 있다. 다음으로 실물경제 변수와 금융시장 변수로 구성된 VAR모형을 추정한 결과, 이자율 상승 충격이 우체국예금 수신고를 상승시킴에 따라 경제이론에 근거한 대부자금설이 성립함을 확인하였다. 또한 내생변수인 종합주가지수 상승은 우체국예금 수신고를 하락시키는 것으로 나타남에 따라 두 변수가 금융시장에서 안전자산과 투자자산의 대체관계가 있음을 확인하였다. Recently, attention of people is increasing about the impact of household debt on the domestic economy in accordance with the expansion of household debt growth due to low interest rates. Through this study I try to make the empirical analysis of the impact on the consumption of household debt in the short-term assuming a consumption function based on Life cycle - permanent income hypothesis, the volatility variable of household debt were analyzed in addition to the consumption function if household debt growth is to expand beyond a certain range assuming that can have a negative effect on consumption. In addition, I has tried empirical analysis of household debt through the SVAR model which affect the consumption and growth in the medium to long term. The first, as a result of estimating the consumption function to set the real consumption of common people growth as the dependent variable and gross income rate, real return of corporate bond, rate of real household debt and the rate of burden of interest repayment as an independent variable, I found the fact that household debt increase of assumed duration to give a positive effect on consumption, and I was also found that increased volatility of household debt give a negative impact on consumption over the estimated results of the model by adding a volatility variable of household debt in the independent variable. Next, the result of estimating SVAR model consisting of seven variables, such as interest rate, money supply, Gross Domestic Product(GDP), price, consumption, household debt, and housing price, the shock of rising household debt is shown to increase the consumption , growth rates and real estate prices. It seems that the level of household debt in the past do not have a large debt repayment burden and give the positive impact on domestic consumption and growth. Also, I try to measure the result of household debt whether there is the wealth effect through the asset market path, the result shows that household debt is expanding consumption and growth further through the asset market path. The second study is an empirical analysis tried over the OLS model using dummy variables to confirm the characteristics for the postal savings as a risk free asset. I was also trying to empirical analysis on the endogenous relationship between real economic variables and financial market variables by setting the real economy and financial market variables into variable VAR model based on the loanable funds and liquidity preference theory. Analysis results showed that when the negative impact on the real economy occurs postal savings increased, therefore, I was confirmed that the characteristics of the strong risk free assets. Next, estimate the impact of rising interest rates VAR model results has confirmed that the loanable funds theory also holds in accordance with the Postal Savings rising. In addition, as the endogenous KOSPI rise effects declining of the Postal Savings, I was confirmed that the substitution relationship between risk free assets and investment assets in financial markets.

      • 솔더의 점소성을 고려한 반도체 패키지의 유한요소해석 및 무아레 간섭계실험

        최남진 충북대학교 2010 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        Semi-conductor package assemblies are comprised of various materials that have different thermo-mechanical properties finite element method has been used extensively to analyze thermal deformation. Although almost kind of semi-conductor packages can be modeled, simplification and uncertainties are inevitable due to complex loading and boundary conditions. Because the solder material properties exhibit a severe non-linearity in higher temperature range, the linear elastic assumption may lose accuracy in numerical analysis. Numerical analysis will be accompanied by a simplification of the model. So, comparison of results of finite element analysis and evaluation is needed in order to predict thermal deformation of complex structures due to the change in temperature. This study is to investigate the creep behaviors of the solder ball in a flip chip package assembly during thermal cycling testing using a numerical analysis. A material models used in the analysis is viscoplastic model and creep model. The viscoplastic constitutive law introduced by Anand is frequently used due to its easy implementation. Anand model consists of two coupled differential equations that relate the inelastic strain rate to the rate of deformation resistance. The numerical value of these parameters for eutectic solder alloy were determined by Darveaux, Ye, and Wang, and used in three Anand models for viscoplastic analysis. Another finite element model used in finite element analysis is creep models called partitioned model. Partitioned model is incorporating elasto-plastic isotropic hardening. Shear specimen which consists of stainless steel, copper and interconnect solder block is analyzed for investigating time-dependent elastoplastic behavior prior to investigating the FC-PBGA package. The specimen is designed such that shear strain due to the mismatch of coefficient of thermal expansion between two material is dominant compare to other strain component. It is shown that time-dependent shear strain of solder by the partitioned model is in excellent agreement with those by moirIJ interferometry compare to those by viscoplastic models. Time-dependent creep deformation behavior of the FC-PBGA package is investigate by finite element analysis using partitioned model. Creep shear strain appeared most greatly at the left corner of the 6th solder ball. Creep shear strain is increased during 125→ dwell time and it is decreased during -25→ dwell time. As a cycle is progressed, creep shear strain is accumulated in the finite element analysis using partitioned model.

      • 초등과학 생명영역의 영재교육 프로그램 개발 : 고학년을 중심으로

        최남진 제주교육대학교 교육대학원 2006 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        우리 나라의 영재교육은 영재교육진흥법이 2002년에 공포된 후 2003년 4월부터 각 시·도교육청별로 실시되고 있으며 2005학년도부터는 그 교육대상과 교육영역이 확대되어 실시되고 있다. 그동안 영재교육에 대한 미약한 투자와 제한된 교육기회 등의 문제점을 감안할 때 그 영역과 대상에 있어서 영재교육의 확대 실시는 바람직한 일이다. 그동안 영재교육이 소수엘리트 중심의 교육에서 벗어나지 못하고 있으며 이러한 이유로 인해서 적극적인 투자가 이루어지고 있지 않는 실정이다. 이런 행·재정적인 문제로 인해 프로그램 개발은 주로 각 지역교육청이 연합하여 한국교육개발원에 위탁하여 개발하고 일선 영재학급 및 영재교육원에 보급하고 있다. 이와 같이 보급된 프로그램을 현장에 그대로 적용하거나, 혹은 실정에 맞게 수정한 후 적용하는 경우가 대부분일거라 생각한다. 이는 교육 받는 학생의 수준 및 흥미와 전·후프로그램의 상호관계를 고려하지 않는 처사라 할 수 있다. 이에 영재교육을 담당하고 있는 지도교사들은 어떻게 교육하고 프로그램을 개발해야 할 것인가에 많은 고민을 하고 있으며 이에 따라 지역실정과 교육현장에 적절한 영재교육 프로그램 개발의 필요성이 절실하다. 개발한 프로그램의 구성은 초등학교 5학년 2학기 과학 교과서, 실험 관찰 및 교사용 지도서의 환경과 생물을 기본주제로 하여 총 16시간을 할애하여 8차시로 구성하였다. 그리고, 영재학습 모형은 가장 널리 적용되고 있는 Renzulli의 3부심화학습 모형에 근간을 두고 탐구학습모형의 한 가지인 가설검증모형을 접목하였다. 영재교육 프로그램의 소재는 이미 알려진 사실 속에서도 얼마든지 다각도로 개발할 수 있고 이를 발판으로 창의성을 유발할 수 있는 것들이 많이 있다는 점을 감안하여 우리 주변에서 친근하게 대할 수 있는 소재부터 접근해 가는 지혜가 필요하다. 물론 질적인 면을 이야기하지 않을 수 없겠지만 이는 끊임없는 프로그램 개발과 프로그램 적용 후 수정보완 작업이 이루어질 때 해결할 수 있으리라 본다. Since education for the gifted children of promotion law was proclaimed in 2002, education for the gifted children of Korea is executed by each city and province offices of education from 2003 April. From 2005, the educational object and scope are enlarged. In the meantime, execution to consider short of investment and a problem of educational opportunities limited enlarged of the scope and object are desirable. As education for the gifted children can't get out of education of the small number elite center, an aggressive investor isn't performed. Also, because of administrative financial problems, an each local office of education combines and entrusts mainly to the Korean Educational Development Institute, be supplying to the gifted children classes and a education for the gifted children institute. I think that apply as a program spread to the spot, or applied after modifying, and a case will mostly rise so as to meet to actual situation. This isn't to take a level of an educational student to get, an interest and correlation of before and after program into consideration. So, teachers taking charge of education for the gifted children are worried about educating no matter how much, and developing a program. On this account, this suitable education for the gifted children program development is acutely necessary for local actual situation and the educational spot. The purpose of this study is to develop and apply effective strategies and program for the gifted-in-dcience. The teaching material for the gifted students was focussed on the ‘environment and life’ unit in 5th grade of science textbook, experiment observation and tutorial for a teacher program. And the program was composed of the eighth steps of total 16 hours. This study consisted of three steps according to the enrichment triad model of Renzulli which was applied most widely, and the hypothesis-verification model that is one of a investigation education model. Firstly, the gifted students investigated and expressed themselves for theological backgrounds and concepts, for examples, project introduction, effect factors and mind map drawing for environment and life. It is to provide basic data for the effective ideas and interest which help students have the appropriate conceptions for environment and life. In the second step, it contains effects of temperature on respiration number of a goldfish, light on growth of bean sprouts and water on growth of plants by scientific investigation activity. Lastly, it focussed on enlargement of post-learning through presentation of products of independent project for environment and life as an individual or small group for approach into the world of scientist. A material of education for the gifted children program can develop in fact to have been already known so as to be various. And this to scaffolds, we must approach from the materials which you can face intimately around us as you consider that there was much things which can cause creativity. Of course, it can't talk about an aspect in quality, but this can be solved when revised supplementation work consists after constant program development and application. It was concluded that this study may help teachers reconsider scientific program development for the gifted or enriched students and to be successful in the teaching-learning process.

      • 全南 就學前 敎育의 現況과 問題点

        최남진 全南大學校 敎育大學院 1980 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        The purpose of this study is to propose a plan for improving the problems which is existing in preschool education in Chonnam, after investigating and analyzing that. I studied the historcal development and the current situation of Chonnam preschool education in order to better understand and find out how much pelople understand it. I chose the subjects of this investigation 450 parsons out of parents of elementary schools, day care centers and kindergartents. elementary sohool teachers in Chonnam. The conolusions are as follows; 1.The developmental process of kindergartens is very slow in comparison with its history. In 1979, there were 45 kindergartens in Chonnam (about 6 percent of 749 ones in our country), and all were 2469 children(about 4 percent of 57430 children). 2.Preschool educational institutions are concentrated in cities. The numbers of kindergartens are 58 percent of all in 4 cities, and about 50 percant of all day care centers are centered in 4 citivs. Therefore children who live in rural districts have no opportunities to enter the presohool education. 3.The kindergarten teachers are not competent. The unlicensed teachers are 27 percent among 175 kindergarten teachers. 4.Social recognition about necessity of preschool education appearod to be affirmative and was comparatively high rate. 5.People think that the enrollement fees of preschool education are too expensive. As a result of this study I insist as follows for the purpose of improving the current preschool education. 1.More and more day care centers and kindergartens should be established so that all children can have a chance to learn. 2.It is necessary for us to enlight people to better understand the importance of preschool education Should. 3.Preschool education curriculum Should be connected with elementary school's. 4.The nececessary conditions for establishing a infant educational institutions should be loosed and the steps of procedure' should be simplified.

      • 휴리스틱 탐색전략을 이용한 배전계통 계획의 급전선 최적 경로 선정

        최남진 건국대학교 대학원 2001 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        This paper propose a heuristic algorithm based on the branch-exchange method to solve the Optimal Feeder Routing(OFR) problem for the distribution system planning. The OFR is a complex task which is generally formulated as a combinatorial optimization problem with various constraints, such as, voltage regulation, power loss, system reliability etc., to minimize the investment cost and system operation cost. Many heuristic methods are tested in this study find out the suitable one to solve the OFR problem and method are chosen because of its effective features for the combinatorial optimization. The proposed algorithm in this paper has following features : This study used the loop selection method which gives the maximum loss reduction in the network to reduce calculation quantity. The equation developed from the selection method can identify the most effective branch exchange operation for loss reduction. By applying this method, the calculation time is considerably reduce. A new index of power loss is designed to estimate the power loss reduction in branch exchange. The proposed index, called loss index, can be considered with both sides, the low voltage side and high voltage side branch connected with the one. The performances of the proposed algorithms and loss index were shown with 32, 69, 148 example bus systems. From the simulation results, it is shown that the proposed solution method is more suitable with the optimal feeder routing problem than the reconfiguration problem in distribution system.

      • 온라인 게임 환경에서 NPC 공격 패턴의 학습에 관한 연구

        최남진 한세대학교 대학원 2006 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        The actions of NPC make the game interesting while it is also an integral component to the game users at MMORPG(Massively Multi-player Online Role Playing Game) or RTS(Real-Time Simulation). On top of it, MOB belongs to very important NPC in order to proceed the game through combating with users. Previous MOB's actions were mostly proceeded by the given rule such as roaming certain domain or deciding the action by random sampling. But this kind of MOB's actions were pointed out as a game component which make the game process monotonous and unrealistic. To make MMORPG or RTS game more realistic, the research, for example, describing the movement of trees and weeds with adopting physical engine at the background or providing NPC(None player Character) with artificial intelligence has been done. However, these methods haven't applied to commercialized games yet because of complicated calculation and time-consuming algorithm. There was a research, which was applied with the behavioristic characters of PC and NPC through a simple artificial intelligence algorithm, performing to get the direction. The progress of the computer hardware and the development of high-speed CPU made it possible to apply the artificial intelligence algorithm to some extent, even if it's not perfect application of the artificial intelligence. This thesis suggests the more natural and fun way of the NPC action with the application of artificial intelligence to behavioristic characteristics such as NPC movements , attack and defense.

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