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        백제 무령왕릉 출토 金銅履 수착 직물 연구

        조효숙,이은진,전현실 한국복식학회 2007 服飾 Vol.57 No.1

        This study is considered about the fabrics culture of Baekje Period by analyzing the fabrics pieces at a inner part of the gilt-bronze shoes found at the tomb of King Mu-ryeong in 1971 AD. The analysis methods of the fabrics pieces are a photographing of fabrics pieces surface by VMS, Digital camera(Nikon Coolpix 995) and the analysis of samples by SEM, XRD and FT-IR.It is assumed this fabrics pieces are the inner shoes, which consisted of compound woven silk at outward, some of tabby and a hemp at inward and the braids for decoration, of the gilt-bronze shoes. The features are as follows.1. All of compound woven silk are the warp-faced compound tabby of plain fabrics and the density is various from high to low one. Compound woven silk which is attached the gilt-bronze shoes of the tomb of King Mu-ryeong weaves in high density by a thick thread. The fibers material of compound woven silk prove to be a silk by the analysis of wrap samples by SEM, XRD and FT-IR. 2. Tabby are excavated under the condition which attached on reverse side of compound woven silk. Those can classify two types. First, the fine weaving by high density of wrap and weft. Second, the loose warp weaving with one warp and some of weft. 3. Hemp is almost ramie by SEM analysis and the density is different. Ramie which supposed to be attached Guem has the very low density. In addition to, Ramie pieces, excavated in condition and weaved finely, proved the conspicuous weaving skill in Baekje period. 4. Various kinds of braid are found and these ones classifies by fiber material and entwining way. Two types out of these are the one of silk thread, decorates the upper, middle parts of compound woven silk shoes and the other of hemp thread, decorates the lower parts. 金銅履는 우리나라 삼국 및 고대 일본의 대표적인 신발이나 그 용도에 대해 명확하게 밝혀진 바가 아직 없으나 출토 유물에서 유사하게 나타나는 형태의 공통성은 고대 여러 나라의 문화적 공유성을 짐작하게 하는 증거가 되고 있다.1971년에 발굴된 무령왕릉에서도 완전한 상태는 아니나 금동리에 수착된 약간의 직물편을 확인할 수 있어 삼국시대 금동리의 실태를 파악하는데 매우 중요한 자료라고 생각된다.이 직물편은 형태가 많이 훼손되었으나 무령왕릉 출토 금동리의 외형(곡선 각도, 높이)과 유사하며 후지노끼 고분의 금동리 안에도 이와 유사한 직물편이 들어 있었던 것으로 미루어 금동리 안에 넣었던 신발류로 추정된다. 또한 대략적인 직물의 종류를 파악할 수 있는 정도의 상태로 남아 있어 겉은 錦 직물, 안쪽에는 몇 장의 평견과 마직물을 두었을 것으로 보이며, 상단중간 및 하단에도 다양한 종류의 매듭 끈으로 장식되어 있는 것을 확인할 수 있었다.직물편들은 대부분 덩어리로 굳어 있었으며 만지면 부서질 정도로 건조한 상태였다. 색상은 땅속에 천오백 여년 묻혀 있었으므로 대부분 갈색류로 변화되었으나 아직 붉은색이 남아 있는 부분도 있고 갈색 종류라 하더라도 명도와 채도에 차이를 보여 당시에는 다양한 색상이었을 것으로 짐작된다. 錦은 여러 조각이 발굴되었는데 이들은 모두 평조직의 경금이었으며, 밀도는 조밀한 것에서부터 성근 것까지 비교적 다양하였다. 平絹은 경금 이면에 배접된 상태로 출토되고 있었고, 이는 두 유형으로 분류된다. 하나는 비교적 높은 밀도로 직조되어 경위사 조직이 흐트러짐 없이 잘 남아 있는 것, 다른 하나는 여러 가닥의 위사를 사용하여 경·위사 굵기를 차이가 나도록 하였으며 경사 사이에 간격이 생겨 매우 성글게 직조한 것으로 구분되는데, 전자는 絹, 후자는 紗나 로 생각된다.麻織物은 SEM 분석에 의해 대부분 저마로 확인되었는데, 밀도에 있어 차이를 보였다. 그 중 외관상 대마로 보일 정도로 밀도가 상당히 낮은 것은 확실히 비단 신발에 배접되었을 것으로 추정된다. 마지막으로 다양한 종류의 매듭 끈도 발견되었는데, 이 매듭 끈들은 소재와 엮는 방식에 따라 세 가지 유형으로 구분할 수 있었고, 무령왕릉 출토 직물류의 많은 부분을 차지하였다. 이상의 무령왕릉 금동리의 직물들은 6세기 후반으로 추정되는 일본 후지노끼 고분에서 출토된 직물들과는 공통점이 많이 발견되며, 특히 금동리 형태를 고려해 볼 때 두 고분의 연관성도 생각해 볼 수 있다. 일본 나라국립박물관의 政倉院에 소장된 많은 유물들 중에는 백제나 신라에서 보낸 것으로 추정되는 것이 많은데 우리나라에서 이러한 고대 직물 자료들이 계속적으로 발굴되고 연구될 때 이를 입증할 수 있으리라 생각된다. 본 보고서에서는 유물의 손상을 막기 위하여 무령왕릉에서 발굴된 직물자료 중 표면에서 채취할 수 있는 표본 샘플들만을 조사한 자료이다. 출토직물에 관한 좀더 정확한 자료정리를 위해서는 앞으로 경화된 직물덩어리들을 적합한 환경을 만든 후 분리 과정을 거쳐 내부에 묻혀 있는 직물들까지 모두 조사하는 심층연구가 이루어져야 된다고 사료된다.

      • 흡연습관이 운동습관이 혈중 총 콜레스테롤에 미치는 영향

        조효숙,남형천,정동혁 한국스포츠리서치 2003 한국 스포츠 리서치 Vol.14 No.1

        The purpose of this study is to suggest the direction for antismoking campaign, the appropriate training habits and control by investigating the effect of smoking habits and training habits to serum total cholesterol(STC). This investigation applied, to 520 healthy men, out-Patients at K hospital comprehensive health center in Sungbuk-Gu, Seoul with questionnaires, based on interview and self-report related to smoking habits and training habits. In this study the means and standard deviations for all items were calculated based on the data. The data verified through Independent Group t-test and Independent Group one way ANOVA with SPSS for Window Release 7.5. The significant level for verification of hypothesis was 5%. The result of this study are as follows: 1. The difference in level of STC in smoking group and non-smoking group. The smoking group contained higher level of STC by 23.31mg/dl, which was significantly different in statistics(p<.05). 2. The difference in level of STC in training group and non-training group. The training group contained higher level of STC by 27.72mg/dl, which was significantly different in statistics(p<.05). 3. The difference in level of STC in I group(non-smoking with training), II group(non-smoking with non-training), Ⅲgroup(smoking with training), IV group(smoking with non-training). The level of STC was lowest in I group and highest in Ⅳgroup, which was significantly different in statistics(p<.05). 4. The difference in level of STC in smoking with training group and smoking with non-training group by the amount of smoking per day and the duration of smoking. Regardless of the duration of smoking, the smoking with non-training group contained higher level of serum total cholesterol, which was significantly different in statistics(p<.05). In conclusion, training have an effect on the level of smoker's STC and smoking with non-training is a chief risk factor for disease related to STC. Considering the relation between smoking and training, smoking with training approved to be effective in decreasing the level of STC. Even for smokers with regular training or regular training or reducing the amount of smoking with regular training will be effective in preventing disease related to STC.

      • KCI등재
      • 産業革命期의 英國의 服飾

        趙孝淑 혜전대학 1986 論文集 Vol.4 No.-

        jt is said that the costume reflect the contemporary wags of lfe and the cultural level in every society. Therefore you should study the tend of the costume of a certain period in order to understand the hife, art and thougut of that time more precisely. This dissertation is to stuoly the srend of the English mnn's costume from 1760. to 1830. and to investigate the motives of it's change. There were tremendus changes in the English meis costume during the Industrial Revolution, Political Revolution and Emotional Revolution. all of these Revolutions had far reaching effects upon the English costume. The obvious Changes of English men's Costume during the lndustial Revolution are as follows. Tirstly, the mode was not led hy the aristocracy hut hy the general Puhlic. Secondly, the piuncipal interest of castume was in 'Cut' and 'Fit', not in 'Style' and 'Elegance'. Thirdly, Classical style which was simple and frugal prevailed over the fantastic and extavagant style in Rococo. Lastly the dark colored such as brown, lbue and green cotton and wool insted of light colored silk and velvet were used.

      • 『奉使圖』에 나타난 18세기의 服飾

        조효숙 韓國 暻園大學校 아시아文化硏究所 中國 中央民族大學 韓國文化硏究所 2000 亞細亞文化硏究 Vol.4 No.-

        This paper examines costumes of the king and the officials in the early 18th century through 『Bongsado』. According to 『Kookcho Orae eo』, when receiving the Imperial command, the basic courtesy is that the king marches in the method of Daeganobu wearing Ikson Kwan, Gonryongpo while the officials wear Samo, Tanryong. However in 『Chosun Wangjo Sillok』it is noted that the king and the officials march into Mowhakwan wearing Sobok and then they change their clothes to Ikson Kwan, black Gonryongpo to receive the Imperial command and change clothes once again to Sobok to have a party. The king in 『Bongsado』 is wearing Ikson Kwan and red Gonryongpo in every scene, which is approriate according to 『Kookcho Orae eo』 but different from the cases of 『Chosun Wangjo Sillok』. The shapes of Ikson Kwan and red Gonryongpo in 『Bongsado』 are almost same with those in other records except one thing which is the place Ojoryongbo is drawn. Concerning official costumes, Samo and Ribja are wrong, because in Chosun dynasty it is a principle to wear Samo in Sangbok and in case of wearing Ribja they should wear it as Yungbok with Chullik. In terms of Tanryong, the shape agrees with what has been studied by now but the color is a little problematic. We can find as many as eleven colors of Tanryong in 『Bongsado』 but it demands further discussion whether all of these colors were actually used or not. In sum, just as we found several mistakes in the costume of Chosun officials in 『Chosun Tongshinsa』 which was drawn by Japanese, there are some mistakes also in 『Bongsado』 drawn by chinese although they are basically devoted to the truth.

      • KCI등재

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