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      • KCI등재

        고온 태양열 공기식 흡수기의 충진재 변화에 따른 열전달 및 압력강하 성능 분석

        조자현(Ja Hyun Cho),이주한(Ju Han Lee),강경문(Kyung Mun Kang),서태범(Tae Beom Seo) 대한설비공학회 2008 설비공학 논문집 Vol.20 No.11

        The characteristics of heat transfer and pressure drop of several different porous materials which can be used as inserts inside solar volumetric air receivers were experimentally investigated. Generally, porous materials were inserted into solar volumetric air receivers to increase the thermal performance. In the present work, honeycomb (diameter: 100 ㎜, thickness: 30 ㎜), laminated mesh (diameter: 100 ㎜, thickness: 1 ㎜) are considered as the inserts for the experiment. The experimental apparatus consists mainly of a cylindrical ceramic duct as a receiver and an electric heater as an energy source. This system is an intake open loop, which used as air of working fluid. The temperatures inside the ceramic tube are measured by thermocouples, which are installed at each layer of the porous materials. The pressure-drop experimental apparatus is fabricated alike the above experimental equipment. An acrylic tube is used like as the ceramic tube, which has the same specifications of the ceramic tube. The pressure drop of porous materials inserted in the acrylic tube is measured between front and rear of those by transmitter. The results show that the laminated mesh surpasses the honeycomb of heat transfer and pressure drop increase as the porous material thickness and Reynolds number.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        계녀가(誡女歌)에 나타난 조선후기 양반 여성들의 감정구조 -「복선화음가(福善禍淫歌)」를 중심으로-

        조자현 ( Cho Ja-hyun ) 국제어문학회 ( 구 국제어문학연구회 ) 2009 국제어문 Vol.46 No.-

        조선후기 양반 부녀자들에 의해 창작이 이루어진 `계녀가`는 딸에게 시집살이 덕목을 가르치고 경계하는 노래이다. `계녀가`는 양반 남성이 지은 `계녀서`의 체제를 그대로 가사화한 것인데 유교적 이데올로기와 가부장적 가족제도를 공고히 할 목적으로 지어졌다. `계녀가`가 가부장적 질서를 표방하고 있는 것은 사실이지만 여성들이 `계녀가`를 통해 전승시키고자 했던 것은 유교적 이데올로기가 아니라 가부장적 질서 안에서 자신의 삶을 성공적으로 살아 내는 것, 스스로가 자신의 삶의 주체가 되는 것이었다고 할 수 있는데, 이는 양반 여성이 갖는 이중적 위치를 생각할 때 더욱 분명해진다. `계녀가`를 지은 여성들은 성적인 면에서는 남성의 지배를 받는 피지배층이었지만 신분적으로는 남성과 동일하게 지배층에 속했다. 일정한 나이가 되면 집안의 안주인으로서 살아야 했던 양반 여성들 역시 양반으로서의 정체성과 가문의식을 갖고 있었을 것이다. 가부장적 가족제도는 여성을 억압하는 구조적 장치였으나 여성들로서는 자신의 삶을 살아가야 할 기반이기도 했던 것이다. 그 속에서 며느리로서, 아내로서 시가의 당당한 일원으로 살아가기 위한 구체적인 방법들을 `계녀가`를 통해 담론화했다고 할 수 있다. 이러한 담론화를 통해 여성들은 공통의 `감정구조(Sturctures of feeling)`를 만들어 갔을 것으로 보인다. 이는 여성들이 단순히 필사자가 아닌 창작 주체로서 계녀가를 향유했음을 의미한다. 계녀가를 짓고 향유한 여성들은 양반이면서 여성이라는 공통요소를 지닌 채 같은 경험을 공유한 특정한 공동체이며 변화하는 세대에서 그들만의 문화를 형성해 나간 부상하는 존재들이었다. 이러한 `계녀가`는 조선후기로 가면서 내용상으로나 양식상으로나 큰 변화를 겪게 되는데, 이 시기 새롭게 등장한 것이 「복선화음가」 계열의 계녀가이다. 이 작품은 여성의 적극적인 치산활동을 담론화하고 있는데 「복선화음가」가 여러 형태의 이본을 산출하며 다수 유통된 것은 당시 여성들에게 치산의 문제가 얼마나 중요한 담론이었는가를 짐작하게 한다. 적극적인 치산행위를 통해 부를 이루고 그 부를 바탕으로 남편과 자식들을 성공시킴으로써 행복한 말년을 보내는 「복선화음가」 이씨 부인의 이야기는 당대의 여성들이라면 누구나 꿈꾸는 공통의 정서를 구조화한 것이다. 그러므로 「복선화음가」는 변화하는 시대에 여성들 스스로가 어떻게 살아야 할지에 대한 해답을 모색해 가는 과정을 보여준다고 하겠다. 그리고 그 과정은 다른 여성들과의 공유를 통해서 이루어진다. `Gyeneaga`, which was created by female yangbans in the latter period of ChoSun Dynasty, was a song aimed at teaching their daughters what they should do in their husband`s house and urging them to stay on the right course. The song immitating exactly the system of `Gyenease` created by male yangbans was intended to consolidate Confucian ideology and the patriarchal family structure. While Gyeneaga was explicitly in support of the patriarchal order, what females tried to hand down by means of this song may have been how to lead a successful life in such a male-oriented social order and develop themselves into the main player of their own life, not Confucian ideology. The point becomes even clearer in that women at that time were in a duel position. Those women who created `Gyeneaga` were the ruled under the direct influence of men in terms of their gender, but were among the ruling class as their male counterparts were in terms of their social position. Female yangbans, who should play a mistress role after coming to a certain age, must have had their own identity as yangban and a sense of family as well. While the male-dominated family system was a kind of social structure suppressing women, it was at the same time a foundation on which women had to lead their own life. It may be said that they piled up theoretically in `Gyeneaga` all the concrete measures they had to learn in order to properly live in such a social system as daughter-in-law and wife in their husband`s house. By this discussion, women may have built up common structures of feeling. That means female yangbans enjoyed `Gyeneaga` as a creator, not a transcriber. Those who made and enjoyed `Gyeneaga` consisted of a specific community where they had their sex as a woman and social position as a yangban in common, and they were the rising group who established their unique culture at a rapidly-changing age. Huge changes were made in the contents and forms of `Gyeneaga` as the latter period of ChoSun Dynasty arrived, and fresh types of Gyeneagas like < Boksunhwaeumga > showed up those days. This Gyeneaga discussed the way women positively managed their property. The fact that < Boksunhwaeumga > brought about a variety of editions in wide circulation leads us to believe how essential an issue it was to women to successfully manage their property. The story of Ms. Kim, a heroine of < Boksunhwaeumga >, who accumulated a great deal of wealth by aggressively managing possessions and made her husband and children successful with the assistance of her wealth, could be seen as an attempt to construct a common sentiment of which every woman dreamed at that time. Therefore, < Boksunhwaeumga > showed the process in which women sought to find an answer for how to lead a life as a female in those changing days. And that process was in motion by sharing it with other women.

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