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        제철소부산물인 저급산화철 환원에 의한 ZVI의 제조 및 Orange Ⅱ의 급속색도분해

        김유봉 ( Yu-bong Kim ),강호석 ( Ho-suk Kang ),정상철 ( Sang-chul Jung ) 한국환경기술학회 2008 한국환경기술학회지 Vol.9 No.2

        제철소분산물인 저급산화철 수소 환원에 의한 영가철(Zero Valent Iron; ZVI) 제조 및 영가철에 의한 아조염료 중 난분해성 물질인 Orange II의 급속 색도분해실험을 하였다. Orange II의 분해조건으로는 ZVI양, pH 및 혼합정도에 따른 분해특성을 검토하였다. 본 연구에서 제조한 ZVI(1.7~50.0μm)은 시중에서 판매되고 있는 ZVI (149μm) 보다 상대적으로 입자크기가 매우 작기 때문에 비표면적이 매우 크게 나타났다. 이러한 특성에 의해 시판되고 있는 ZVI 보다 제조한 ZVI에 의한 Orange II의 분해에 있어서 매우 급속하게 색도처리가 되었음을 알 수 있었다. ZVI양과 혼합정도가 높을 수 록 Orange II의 분해속도는 증가하였다. ZVI양에 따른 분해속도는 0.071~0.799min<sup>-1</sup> 으로 나타났다. 산성조건에 가까울 수 록 분해속도는 높게 나타났으며, 혼합정도가 증가할 수 록 분해효율은 증가하였다. 제철소 부산물로부터 제조한 친환경소재인 ZVI 에 의한 염색폐수처리공정에 있어서 급속색도에 매우 유용하게 적용할 수 있음을 시사한다. In this study, batch system experiments were conducted to characterize the activity of zero valent iron (ZVI) for the decolorization of azo dye Orange II, in aqueous solution under various experimental conditions, such as ZVI dosage, mixing and pH. The ZVI used in this study was fabricated from the low level oxide iron by-product of a pickling line at a steel work. The freshly synthesized ZVI was more reactive than commercially available Fe powders (149μm), most likely due to the high specific surface area and higher surface reactivity. The rate of decolorization clearly increased with ZVI dosage and the rate of mixing. The addition of ZVI exponentially increased the removal efficiency, with observed empirical reaction rate constants (k) of 0.071~0.799min<sup>-1</sup> for the addition of 0.1~0.5g ZVI. The rate of decolorization should increase with decreasing pH. The kinetics of decolorization was first order, but varied with ZVI dosage, rate of mixing and pH. Using an authentic sample of wastewater from a dye manufacturing operation, as well as construction-grade granular ZVI, rapid decolorization was achieved, which was consistent with the reduction of azo dyes.

      • KCI등재

        DMZ의 UNESCO 세계유산 등재 가능성 및 기대효과

        정상철 ( Sangchul Jung ),손오달 ( Son O Dal ),김상욱 ( Sang-wook Kim ) 한국비교경제학회 2017 비교경제연구 Vol.24 No.2

        1972년 세계유산협약 채택 이후 많은 국가들이 자국의 유산을 세계유산으로 등재하고자 노력하고 있다. 유네스코의 세계유산 관리제도는 해당 유산을 단순히 대표목록에 등재시키는 것에 그치는 것이 아니라 등재 과정 그 자체가 유산을 보호하기 위한 국내적 및 국제적 관리 시스템을 수립하는 과정이다. DMZ는 한국전쟁의 역사적 기억으로서의 장소적 의미와 문화경관으로서 세계유산적 가치가 있다. 풍부한 문화유산과 자연유산, 마이너스 유산으로서의 교훈과 의미를 내포하고 있는 DMZ를 세계복합유산으로 등재하여 활용할 것을 본 논문에서는 제안하고 있다. DMZ의 세계복합유산 등재로의 추진은 DMZ를 하나의 문화적 소산으로 인식하고 그 가치와 의미에 대해 비폭력적이고 비정치적인 방식으로 접근하는 것이다. 이 과정에서 DMZ를 평화적으로 개방하는 효과가 나타날 수 있다. 등재의 추진과 관리체계의 수립 과정에서 필연적으로 남북 간의 소통 및 교류와 국제사회의 공조가 이루어지기 때문이다. 이를 통해 좁게는 남북 간 대화 및 교류의 진전과 지속가능한 평화에 정착에 이바지 할 수 있고, 넓게는 동북아 평화협력의 선순환 구조의 모색과 다양한 경제적 효과로의 발전이 가능하다. After the conclusion of the 1972 World Heritage Convention, lots of Countries have been trying to inscribe their own heritage in the World Heritage site list. The UNESCO world heritage management system is a series of heritage management system from international level to domestic level, So, in the process of the heritage listing, the international and domestic heritage management system will be established. In this respect this article propose inscribing of the DMZ. The DMZ is valuable cultural resources in terms of historical culture, nature ecology and beautiful scenary. it belongs to the concept of ‘cultural landscape’ which is unesco mentioned. And the value of DMZ is enough to be acknowledged as the Outstanding Universal value (OUV) of ‘World heritage’s criteria’. In this light, this paper suggests to register the DMZ on ‘UNESCO World Heritage List’ by means of using these cultural resources of DMZ. Through this process, the DMZ will be opened to the international society and will make south-north korea relationship better. Consequently sustainable peace between south-north korea will be settled and it will be guaranteed by national laws engaged by UNESCO or related international organizations. As diverse international development programmes will be driven after registering the UNESCO World Heritage List of the DMZ, the cooperation system and economic development of South-North Korea will be deeper.

      • KCI등재

        염화철(Ⅲ)처리 활성탄을 이용한 수중의 질산성질소 제거

        유찬서 ( Chan-seo You ),정승광 ( Seung-gwang Jeong ),정정조 ( Cheong-jo Cheong ),정상철 ( Sang-chul Jung ),이경동 ( Gyeog-dong Lee ),라덕관 ( Deog-gwan Ra ) 한국환경기술학회 2009 한국환경기술학회지 Vol.10 No.3

        염화철(Ⅲ)처리 입상 활성탄을 제조하여 수중에 존재하는 질산성질소의 제거 방안에 대하여 검토하였다. 염화철처리 활성탄은 일반 활성탄에 비하여 표면에 피흡착질을 축적할 수 있는 수많은 세공들이 관찰되었다. 질산성질소 제거율은 염화철처리 활성탄 첨가량 20g/L에서 96.2%로 가장 높았고, pH변화에 따른 질산성질소 제거율은 큰 차이가 질산성질소 나타나지 않았다. 온도가 증가할수록 질산성질소의 제거율은 감소하는 경향을 나타냄으로써 반응이 발열반응임을 확인할 수 있었다. 제거를 위한 적정 온도는 10℃이었으며, 그때 제거율은 96.2%를 나타냈다. 흡착등온식은 Freundlich식이나 Langmuir식으로 표현이 가능하였다. In order to remove the resolved nitrate in natural water, this study was carried out to investigate the nitrate removal efficiency by using an Iron chloride(Ⅲ) treated activated carbon. The treated activated carbon could be observed a lot of porosity better than conventional activated carbon that showed an elevated capacity of pollutant accumulation on its surface. The highest nitrate removal efficiency was recorded to 96.2 % by adopting of 20 g/L the treated activated carbon. Though the removal efficiency was not affected by pH variation, it showed a tendency in inverse proportion to water temperature. So this process was known to be an exothermic reaction, and optimum temperature in order to get 96.2 % nitrate removal efficiency was concluded to be 10℃. Additionally, the nitrate adsorption reaction between nitrate and Iron chloride(Ⅲ) treated activated carbon was well able to followed to Langmuir and Freundlich adsorption isotherm.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재후보

        염화철(Ⅲ)과 염화아연 담지 활성탄의 질산성질소 제거효율 비교

        유찬서 ( Chan-seo You ),정정조 ( Cheong-jo Cheong ),정상철 ( Sang-chul Jung ),이경동 ( Gyeong-dong Lee ),라덕관 ( Deog-gwan Ra ) 한국환경기술학회 2010 한국환경기술학회지 Vol.11 No.2

        수중에 존재하는 질산성질소를 제거하기 위하여 염화철 처리 활성탄 및 염화아연 처리 활성탄을 사용하였다. 염화철 처리 활성탄 및 염화아연 처리 활성탄의 첨가량, pH, 온도를 변화시키면서 일반 활성탄과의 비교 실험을 수행하였다. 활성탄의 첨가량이 증가할수록 질산성질소를 흡착할 수 있는 표면적 및 세공면적이 증대됨에 따라 제거율도 증가하였다. 염화철 처리 활성탄과 염화아연 처리 활성탄은 일반 활성탄에 비하여 각각 30% 및 20%이상 제거율이 향상되었다. 염화철 처리 활성탄 및 염화아연 처리 활성탄의 흡착능은 각각 9.25mg/g과 8.25mg/g이었다. pH는 활성탄 흡착의 영향인자지만 pH 변화에 따른 질산성질소 제거율은 큰 차이가 나타나지 않았다. 온도가 증가할수록 질산성질소의 제거율은 감소하는 경향을 나타냄으로써, 이 반응은 발열반응임을 확인할 수 있었다. 일반 활성탄은 10℃에서 53.8 %, 염화철 처리 활성탄은 10℃에서 96.2%, 염화아연 처리 활성탄은 10℃에서 82.1%의 가장 높은 질산성질소 제거율을 나타냈다. 염화철 및 염화아연 처리 활성탄의 흡착평형 시간은 60분 이었으며, 그때 질산성질소 제거율은 각각 94.6% 및 84.6%이었다. 흡착등온식은 Freundlich식이나 Langmuir식으로 표현이 가능하였다. In order to investigate the nitrate removal efficiency in natural water, a batch system was performed by using Iron chloride(Ⅲ) and Zinc chloride treated activated carbon. The experiment of nitrate adsorption, with pH, temperature, and dosage of Iron chloride(Ⅲ) and Zinc chloride treated activated carbon, was carried out with compare to the conventional activated carbon. From the results, it was known that the nitrate removal efficiency was increased with a increment of activated carbon dosage, since it related to the increasing of surface area and porosity. The nitrate removal efficiencies were upgraded above 30% on Iron chloride(Ⅲ) treated activated carbon and above 20% on Zinc chloride treated activated carbon, comparing to it of conventional activated carbon. And the nitrate adsorption capacity was shown as 9.25 mg/L, 8.25 mg/L and 6.50 mg/L on each activated carbon. Though the pH is known as an effective parameter to adsorption rate, the variation of pH on this experiment did not affect to nitrate adsorption rate. But water temperature was related to the efficiency. So it was determinated that this nitrate adsorption process was an exothermic reaction. The maximum nitrate adsorption rate at 10 ℃ was recorded as 96.2%, 82.1% and 53.8% in each activated carbon. Additionally, the equilibrium time for adsorption was shown to be 60 minutes, and the nitrate removal efficiency at the time was recorded as 94.6%, 84.6% on each treated activated carbon. Adsorption isotherm for nitrate on Iron chloride and Zinc chloride treated activated carbon could be well described by Langmuir and Freundlich adsorption isotherm.

      • KCI등재

        同時タクシス連体節の時間性について : 韓国語との対照を中心に

        정상철(Jung, Sang-Cheol)(鄭相哲) 일본어문학회 2019 일본어문학 Vol.87 No.-

        本論文は韓国語と日本語の同時的な時間関係を表わす連体節のテンス·アスペクトを対象としたものである。時間的限定性、タクシス、動詞タイプなどの観点から考察し、その主な内容としては、大きく次の二点にまとめられる。 第1点目は、連体節のテンス·アスペクトの意味を実現する文法的な条件とその順序である。つまり、1)時間的限定性の有無、2)タクシス(継起関係か同時関係か)、3)主節テンス(未来/現在/過去)、4)連体節の述語タイプ(内的限界動詞かどうか)である。この順序は非常に厳格であり、相互交替は不可能である。 第2点目は韓国語の「던(ten)」の使用条件と意味についてである。まず、基本的に同時的なタクシスで連体節の述語が文法的に限界づけられていない(unbounded)場合は義務的であり、限界づけられると任意的になる。また、継起性やアスペクトを表わす場合はなじみにくい。次は「던」の文法的な意味としては、時間名詞のようにはたらき連体節を絶対テンス化し、話し手の目撃性を表わすものと考えられる。 In this article, we deal with tense and aspect of ad-nominal clauses which express simultaneity taxis in Korean and Japanese. Our analysis is based on the notions of temporal localization, taxis, and verb types, and its core results are twofold as follows. Firstly, our primary finding is concerned with grammatical conditions and their order which are relevant to the realization of temporal and aspectual meanings of ad-nominal clauses. That is, (i) the presence/absence of temporal localization, (ii) taxis (temporally sequential relation, simultaneity), (iii) tense of a matrix clause (future, present, past), and (iv) the types of predicate in an ad-nominal clause (telic, atelic). This order is strict and cannot be overridden. Secondly, another central outcome of our study pertains to the conditions on the use of 던 (ten) and its grammatical meaning. The use of this grammatical item is obligatory when the predicate of an ad-nominal clause is grammatically unbounded due to simultaneity taxis; otherwise, it is optional. Moreover, the use of the grammatical item is not natural when simultaneity or aspect is expressed. As for the grammatical meaning of 던 (ten), it behaves like a temporal noun, as a result of which the ad-nominal clause has absolute tense, and the speaker’s evidentiality is expressed.

      • KCI등재

        비대칭구조의 중공사막을 이용한 바이오가스 분리공정의 모델링

        정상철 ( Sang-chul Jung ),전미진 ( Mi-jin Jeon ),권기욱 ( Ki-wook Kwon ),전용우 ( Yong-woo Jeon ) 한국폐기물자원순환학회(구 한국폐기물학회) 2021 한국폐기물자원순환학회지 Vol.38 No.1

        In this work, the performance of biogas separation that uses an asymmetric hollow fiber membrane module was investigated. Several experiments were conducted by varying parameters such as feed flow rate, stage-cut, and membrane module configuration, to obtain a high methane concentration above 95.0%. A mathematical model, based on mass balances for the separation modules, was compared with the experimental data. The finite difference method was applied to calculate the membrane biogas separation behaviors. The proposed single-stage module can easily be extended to the multi-stage module. Furthermore, the validity of the model calculation was examined, indicating close agreement between the calculation results and experimental data. This study presents an appropriate methodology and mathematical modeling for the analysis of the separation performance of hollow fiber membrane with an asymmetric structure. Using the proposed model, the calculated results were in good agreement with the experimental data.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        <~ㄴ 것이다>의 텍스트 기능과 의미

        정상철 ( Jung Sangcheol ) 한국텍스트언어학회 2016 텍스트언어학 Vol.41 No.-

        It is intended that this paper targets "-n kes-ita" statement in written Korean, was discussed from the viewpoint of discourse functions and temporal localization. The main issues are as follows. First of all, I suggest that there is a causal-explanation and a noncausal(mata)-explanation and a emphasis-explanation sentence as its sub-type. And the main function "-n kes-ita" statement in written is "explanation". Next, There are two type of causal-explanation sentence which one is causal-explanation and the other is reason-explanation. From the feature of the contrast proposition, propositional type in causal-explanation sentence presents < movement > and < state > in statement which has temporal localization. On the other hand, such limitation is not seen reason-explanation sentence. Then, the former represents Instantaneous and discrete event and belongs to the succession relationship from the viewpoint of temporality of the statement; aspect form also mainly uses perfective form. On the other hand, the latter not only the individual, iteration-habitual event, generic event is possible, since it is simultaneously related to Taxis, the imperfective form also prefer aspects form. Finally, the former is limited to events that can be direct epistemic of actuality from the viewpoint of modality. On the other hand, the latter can be also seen not only actuality, it is happening potentiality, of necessity and can also be possible indirect and direct epistemic.

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