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        보험업법 개정시안 중 판매전문회사제도의 문제점

        전우현(Woo hyun Jeon) 한국보험법학회 2008 보험법연구 Vol.2 No.1

        보험업법에서 「보험판매전문회사」(소위 「보험판매플라자」)에게 보험자(보험사업자)를 위한 계약체결권, 고지수령권, 보험료수령권, 보험금지급대행권 등 광범한 범위의 대리권을 부여하고 보험계약자를 위한 보험료율 협상권(또는 조정권)까지 허용하게 된다면 기존의 보험대리점과는 전혀 다른 제도가 출현한다. 그리하여 자칫 보험자와 보험계약자 모두에게 부작용만 낳지는 않을까 우려된다. 보험체약대리점은 법률적으로 민법 제114조에서의 대리인에 해당하지만, 그 대리권 범위는 일정하게 한정되어 있다. 더구나 계약체결권이 없는 중개대리점이라면 고지수령권, 통지수령권 및 보험료수령권도 없다고 보는 것이 자연스럽다. 보험금 지급대행권에 있어서는, 「보험판매전문회사」는 보험회사(본점, 지점 포함)에서 보험금을 지급하는 것에 비해 실효성이 낮다. 「보험판매전문회사」에게 보험계약자를 대리하여 보험자와 보험요율을 협상(조정)할 수 있는 권한(대리권)을 부여하게 한다면 일종의 '본인의 허락없는' 雙方代理를 제도화하는 것이다. 이러한 쌍방대리의 제도화는 민법ㆍ상법 어디에도 보여지지 않는다. 또, 대리상에서 쌍방대리를 제도화한다는 것은 상행위의 대리상제도(상법 제87조 내지 제92조의3)를 부정하는 것이다. 더구나 이는 대리점의 성장을 위하여 상법상 영업주인 상인(상법 제4조, 제5조)의 대리점 선택, 활용권을 본질적으로 제한한 것으로 이해할 수 있다. 나아가 보험업법 개정안의 「판매전문회사」제도는 보험선진국의 보험중개사나 독립대리점과 같은 대형 모집조직을 설정하여 보험, 펀드, 선물, 옵션 등 여러 금융상품을 모두 취급하는 종합금융판매회사를 가능케 하려는 것이지만, 외국의 입법례에서도 이러한 형태의 보험모집조직을 찾아볼 수 없다. 보험업법 개정안이 의도하는 바로서 보험계약자가 보험자(보험사업자)를 잘 선택하도록 하고 보험료를 과도히 높게 지급하지 않도록 배려해야 한다는 등의 정책적 요청은 충분히 이해할만하다. 그러나, 그 감독의 방법은 적정해야 한다. 보험사업의 특수한 성격상 보험사업에 대한 감독이 필요한 것이고 이에 의하여 보험계약자 등의 이익을 보호하여야 하는 것은 당연한 요청이지만, 정부의 지나친 간섭은 기업의 원활한 발전을 저해하는 요인이 된다. 그리고, 私法상 대리제도를 무시하는 것(雙方代理의 제도화와 같은 보험계약법적 내용에 대한 과도한 개입)은 규제법인 보험업법의 한계를 벗어난다. 개정안에서의 「보험판매전문회사」제도는 큰 문제가 있으므로 이를 장기적 과제로 설정하는 것이 바람직하다. 보다 적극적으로 제언한다면 보험계약자를 위하여 보험료 협상권을 지니고 보험자에 대하여 행위를 하는 것은 원래 영미법에서 보험중개사가 행하는 역할임에 주목한다. 우리 보험업법상으로도 보험중개사 제도가 1997년에 도입되었으므로 보험중개사가 그 기능을 영미법계와 같이 행사할 수 있도록 장려ㆍ촉진하는 것이 법리상 타당하다. As the Bill of the Insurance Business Act provides, 「Insurance Sales Plaza」 system is scheduled to have the power of concluding contracts, taking the premium, receiving the insured's representation, paying insurance money and negotiating the premium, which will arrange a new type of insurance intermediary. But it is doubtful that this new system will have a merit in the insurance market. The agency of concluding the contracts as well as broking the contracts in the Commercial Act should have less power than is scheduled in the Bill. And, as I think, paying the insurance money by the 「Insurance Sales Plaza」 to the insureds may be less effective than paying by the insurer itself (head office or the branch). The Insurance Sales Plaza's negotiating (adjusting) the premium for the insureds with the insurer provided in the Bill means to make the dual agency system without the pricipal's agreement, which goes against our existing Civil Act and the Commercial Act. In addition, this sort of insurance intermediary will limit essentially the insured's right of choosing the agency by its own. We aren't be able to find such intermediary system as the Insurance Sales Plaza in other countries. Though the purpose of the Bill helping the insureds choose the insurer easier and hold in check the excessive insurance premium is honorable, the way of supervising the insurers should be reasonable and fair. Admitting that the strict supervising of the insurance corporation by the government in the insurance business is needed, the excessive intervention in the market by the government may obstruct the corporation's self-development and prosperity. Besides, the ignoring the agency rule in the private law (Civil Act, Commercial Act) is beyond the Insurance Business Act as the supervisory law. So it is desirable the 「Insurance Sales Plaza」 system in the Bill is scheduled as the long-term project rather than being performed in a short time. And the role of acting for the insureds is that of the insurance broker in essential in England and the U.S.A. We introduced the insurance broker system in 1997, so we can come by the same effect as aimed in the Bill rather by way of promoting the existing insurance broker system.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재
      • KCI등재

        상법상 주식회사의 집행임원제 도입에 관한 연구 - 특히 실증적 조사에 관한 검토의견의 부가

        전우현(Woo-Hyun Jeon) 한국비교사법학회 2008 비교사법 Vol.15 No.2

          The enactment of corporation’s officer system in the Commercial Act was comprised in the plan of the Justice Department’s Commercial Act Revising Committee in 2006. This is related with the Corporate Governance Reformation. But I think Korean political, economical and cultural situations are not quite the same as those of the U.S.A. and Japan, which we should take into account in the company’s officer system. When we discuss the Corporate Governance, there are two points of view. They are Company-Clarity asserting point and Company-Efficiency asserting point. Granting that both points are related with the Corporate Governance, their essentials are quite different each other. The former has proposed the enactment of the officer system in the Commercial Act. The actual officer system being practiced in Korea is said not to have the legal basis, so some people say the system’s establishment in the Act is needed. Thinking that Japanese officer system aims at the company’s efficiency as much as the transparency, our trying of enacting the officer system has been designed at the former point of view in special. If the officer system will be legislated in the Commercial Act, the self-determined and self-regulated officer method by the articles in the corporations would be outlawed. Calling upon the discreet attempt to enact, I have made surveys of the officer system including questionnaires and interviews with some college students and enterprisers. During these surveys, they has divided their own actual experiences with me, this has given me a nice idea about my project regarding this thesis.<BR>  I think of myself second to none in believing that the Confucianism-based management of our companies should be changed as soon as possible. However, it should follow the social-cultural reformation in our society by the education of the people. If we ignores the major reason of our Corporate Governance, we may experience trial and error in vain or lose good chances in front of us. Moreover, the jurisprudence of the business is to be interested in the corporation’s establishment, investment, gains and consequential contribution to the national economical product(ideology of the supporting the Corporation). This should be reflected to the discussing of the Corporate Governance. Important as the freedom of the enterprise is, the corporations themselves should have the option regarding their own organ’s form.<BR>  In natural science, a man’s physical energy and passionate emotion is regarded as very individual(independent to other physical body). If it is true, we should take into consideration it in the viewpoints of enterprise(enterpriser) and the related legislation as well. If we accept the Rheinland(German) Model in the Corporate Governance, we are probably to undergo their past fails. The bill of the Department of Justice about the corporation’s office system is far from global standard, for it does not think highly of the self-determination of Korean corporations according to such standard. The strict liability of the officer is programmed in the bill, which the officer himself should bear to the corporation or the other party he has dealt with. So I prospect the officers as enacted according to the bill may stick to the short-term success and passive working.<BR>  Anyway, I hope our future’s enactments would be advanced aiming at the maintaining the enterpriser’s innovative mind which have been Korean enterprisers’ merit for long during the development of our economy.

      • KCI등재

        저탄소 녹색도시의 주요 계획기법과 적용실태 비교분석

        전우선(Jeon, Woo-Seon),이응(Lee, Eung-Hyun),오덕성(Oh, Deog-Seong) 한국산학기술학회 2014 한국산학기술학회논문지 Vol.15 No.4

        본 연구는 저탄소 녹색도시의 조성을 위해 주요 계획부문과 계획기법을 살펴보고,그 적용실태를 파악해 봄으로서 저탄소 녹색도시 구현에 요구되는 계획적 주안점이 무엇인지 살펴보고자 하였다.이를 위해 저탄소 녹색도시 및 유사 개념에 대한 문헌 및 선행연구 고찰을 통해 주요 계획부문 및 계획요소를 정리하고,전문가 FGI분석을 통해 적합성을 검정하여 계획기법을 도출하였다.또한,전문가 설문조사와 AHP분석을 통해 계획기법의 중요도를 파악해 봄으로서 저탄소 녹색도시 계획의 주요 특성을 파악해 보았다.이와 함께 국내외 사례를 선정하여 도출한 계획기법의 적용실태를 분석하여 계획기법의 중요도와 비교해 봄으로서 계획과 실제의 차이를 살펴보고자 하였다.주요 계획기법으로는 5개 부문,15개의 계획기법을 도 출할 수 있었다.또한,이에 대한 중요도 분석과 사례분석을 종합해 보면,분산집중형 압축개발,보행친화적 교통체계,신재생 에너지 적극 활용,폐기물의 재활용 시스템 구축이 저탄소 녹색도시 계획의 주요한 요소로 파악되었다. The main objective of this study is to find out the main fields and methods to create a low carbon green city. Through the findings, we hope to figure out the matters that must be focused on in order to realize a low carbon green city. In order to accomplish this, we organized the main fields and methods of fulfilling this accomplishment by taking a look at recorded documents and past studies related to the creation of low carbon green cities and related concepts. Then a FGI analysis was performed in order to examine suitability and deduct a planning technique. Also, through professional surveys and AHP analysis, we figured out the importance of planning techniques to understand the main characteristics of planning a low carbon green city. We also selected domestic and foreign cases, analysed the actual conditions of applying the deducted planning techniques, and compared the importance of planning techniques in order to see the difference between our plans and real results. 15 planning techniques were deducted and divided into 5 groups. The importance analysis and case analysis showed the following to be the main elements in planning the creation of a low carbon green city: compact high-density development, a traffic system revolving around pedestrians, active utilization of new and renewable energy, and establishment of a recycling system for waste.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재
      • KCI등재

        동해안 석호 담염수 혼합대에서 지하수와 지표수 상호작용의 수리지질학적 특성 평가

        전우현,김동훈,이수형,황세호,문희선,김용철,Jeon, Woo-Hyun,Kim, Dong-Hun,Lee, Soo-Hyoung,Hwang, Seho,Moon, Hee Sun,Kim, Yongcheol 한국지하수토양환경학회 2021 지하수토양환경 Vol.26 No.6

        This study examined hydrogeological characteristics of groundwater and surface water interaction in the fresh-saline water mixed zone of East Coast lagoon area, Korea, using several technical approaches including hydrological, lithological, and isotopic methods. In addition, the fresh-saline water interface was evaluated using vertical electrical conductivity (EC) data. For this purpose, three monitoring wells (SJ-P1, SJ-P2, and SJ-P3) were installed across the Songji lagoon at depths of 7.4 to 9.0 m, and water level, EC, and temperature at the wells and in the lagoon (SJ-L1) were monitored using automatic transducers from August 1 to October 21, 2021. Isotopic composition of the groundwater, lagoon water, and sea water were also monitored in the mid-September, 2013. The mixing ratios calculated from oxygen and hydrogen isotopic composition decreased with increasing depth in the monitoring wells, indicating saline water intrusion. In the study area, the interaction of groundwater-surface water-sea water was evident, and residual salinity in the sedimentary layers created in the past marine environment showed disorderly characteristics. Moreover, the horizontal flow at the lagoon's edge was more dominant than the vertical flow.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

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