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      • KCI등재

        지방도시의 쇠퇴와 리조트산업의 역할

        장희순(Heesoon Jang) 강원대학교 사회과학연구원 2010 사회과학연구 Vol.49 No.2

        지방도시의 쇠퇴는 점차 확산되고 있다. 지방도시들의 공통적인 문제는 인구의 감소, 재정악화, 지역 내 인구의 고령화 및 지역산업의 쇠퇴등이다. 일본의 사례에서 본 바와 같이, 기간산업의 붕괴는 지역의 쇠퇴와 직결되며, 대체산업의 육성 또한 지역 내 자원을 활용하지 않고 외생적 발전을 도모하는 것은 자칫하면 재정파탄으로 이어질 우려를 안고 있다. 또한 리조트산업도 도시쇠퇴와 더불어 동반 쇠퇴한다는 일본의 사례에서 본 바와 같이, 도시와 밀접한 연계성을 확보하지 않으면 실패한다는 점을 인식해야 한다. 리조트산업은 지방자치단체와 지역주민, 지역자원, 지역으로의 환원 등 보다 적극적으로 다가서야 한다. Decline of local city has been gradually spreading nowadays. Common problems faced by cities and towns in provincial area are population decrease and aging, financial deterioration, dwindling of local industry, etc. As seen in the Japanese examples, collapse of main industries would be directly led to decline of the respective region, and cultivation of substitute industry, in particular promotion of external development without utilizing local resources available, involves the risk of causing financial bankruptcy. Moreover, the Japanese case that decline of city would be accompanied by ruining of resort industry, awakens us to realize that resort facilities will end in failure without securing close connectivity with the respective city. Resort industry should approach more actively local government, residents and resources, and also pursue giving back to the region. A lot of researches in the past have shown that resort development projects are led to creation of jobs and increase of incomes for local residents, as well as expansion of financial revenue for local government. However, in order for resort industry to prevent decline of city and seek win-win progress with region, it is required that local government and residents share perception that they are community bound together by same destiny, and realize that they have complementary relationship.

      • KCI등재

        영성지능 척도의 타당화

        장희순(Heesoon Jang),주해원(Haewon Ju) 한국발달지원학회 2021 발달지원연구 Vol.10 No.2

        본 연구는 영성 지능을 평가하기 위해 개발된 Spiritual Intelligence Self-Report Inventory를 한국어로 번안하여 그 타당성을 검증하였다. 이를 위해, 서울 및 경기 지역에 거주하는 성인남녀 201명(평균연령 23.46세)에게 한국어로 번역된 SISRI, 종교성향 질문지, 주관적 안녕감 척도를 실시하고 신뢰도 및 타당도를 검증하였다. 이후, 2차 설문을 실시하여(105명, 평균연령 42.05세) 1차 요인분석으로 도출된 요인 모델의 적합도를 재검증함으로써 교차타당도를 살펴보았다. 연구결과를 요약하면, 첫째, 탐색적 요인분석 및 확인적 요인분석을 실시한 결과, 17문항의 4요인 모델의 타당도가 양호한 것으로 나타났다. 4요인은 원판과 동일하게 도출되었지만 일부 문항은 교차-부하되어 삭제되었다. 둘째, SISRI의 전체 신뢰도는 Cronbach’s α=.88로 나타났으며 각 하위척도에서는 .67~.87로 관찰되었다. 셋째, SISRI와 종교성 질문지 측정치간의 상호상관을 분석한 결과, 영성지능은 내재적 종교성과는 낮은 수준의 정적 상관을, 외재적 종교성과는 무상관을 보여, 변별타당도가 있는 것으로 나타났다. 넷째, 영성지능 수준에 따른 행복점수를 비교한 결과, 영성지능 고집단은 저집단에 비해 더 행복한 것으로 나타나 동시타당도가 있는 것으로 나타났다. 마지막으로, 교차타당도를 확인한 결과, 1차 설문 표본에 비해 2차 설문 표본의 요인 모델 적합도가 낮게 관찰되었다. 그러나 적합지수는 표본크기에 많은 영향을 받는 값이므로, 추후 사례수를 보강하여 구성타당도를 재검증할 필요가 있겠다. 정신 건강을 촉진하는 예측인자로서 영성이 주목받고 있는 가운데, 국내 성인에게 적용할 수 있는 영성 척도를 타당화했다는 점에서 본 연구의 의의가 있을 것이다. The purpose of the current study is to examine the psychometric properties of the Korean version of the Spiritual Intelligence Self-Report Inventory (K-SISRI). In Survey 1, two-hundred and eight community-dwelling young adults completed the SISRI translated into Korean and the instruments assessing religiosity and subjective well-being. The 17-item K-SISRI that displays good internal reliability as well as good fit to the four-factor model consisting of critical existential thinking, personal meaning production, transcendental awareness, and conscious state expansion. A correlational analysis with the measure of religiosity provides evidence for discriminant validity, and the results of an independent t-test examining that the group with high spiritual intelligence is happier than the group with low spiritual intelligence display concurrent validity. In Survey 2, however, a confirmatory factor analysis shows that the model fit is lower than in Study 1. This result may be due to the small sample size. Therefore, in future studies, it will be necessary to re-verify the factor validity by reinforcing the number of cases. Nevertheless, the K-SISRI shows good reliability and validity overall. This scale could be used in the field of coaching, clinical and counseling interventions to measure and promote spirituality.

      • KCI등재

        울분, 정당한 세상에 대한 믿음(BJW-self), 우울의 관계: 내적 통제성에 의한 조절된 매개효과

        장희순(Heesoon Jang) 한국발달지원학회 2022 발달지원연구 Vol.11 No.3

        본 연구는 울분과 우울의 관계에서 정당한 세상에 대한 믿음(BJW-self)을 통한 내적 통제성의 조절된 매개효과를 확인하였다. 연구대상자는 경기도 소재 대학교에 재학 중인 만 18~25세 대학생 254명이었다. 한국판 울분장애 척도(Standardization of the Korean Version of the Posttraumatic Embitterment Disorder Self-Rating Scale), 정당한 세상에 대한 믿음 척도(Belief in a Just World Scale: K-BJWS), 통제 소재(Internality, Powerful others, and Chance: IPC), 한국판 PHQ-9를 사용하여 온라인으로 설문을 실시하고, 수집한 자료들은 SPSS 22와 SPSS Macro를 사용하여 분석하였다. 본 연구의 결과는 다음과 같다. 첫째, 울분은 우울에 유의미한 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타났다. 둘째, 울분과 우울과의 관계에서 BJW-self의 매개효과가 유의한 것으로 나타났다. 셋째, BJW-self와 우울과의 관계를 내적 통제성이 조절하였다. 넷째, 울분과우울 간의 관계에 대한 BJW-self의 매개효과가 내적 통제성에 의해 조절되는 것으로 나타났는데, 내적 통제성이 낮은 경우에만 울분이 BJW-self를 거쳐 우울로 이르는 경로가 유의미하였다. 본 연구는 울분, BJW-self, 우울의 관계를 확인하였고, 내적 통제성이 BJW-self가 우울에 미치는 영향을 조절한다는 점을확인하였다. 이러한 결과를 바탕으로 연구의 의의와 한계 및 개입 방안에 대해 논의하였다. This study examined the moderated mediation effect of internal locus of control through BJW-self on the relationship between embitterment and depression. Participants were 254 students aged 18-24 years old who were enrolled in a university located in Gyeonggi. All subjects completed self-assessment inventories about embitterment(Standardization of the Korean Version of the Posttraumatic Embitterment Disorder Self-Rating Scale), BJW(Belief in a Just World Scale: K-BJWS), locus of control(Internality, Powerful others, and Chance: IPC) and depression(PHQ-9). Data collected through online surveys were analyzed by SPSS macro. The results of this study are as follows. First, embitterment has a significant effect on depression. Second, BJW-self mediated the relationship between embitterment and depression Third, the moderation effect of internal locus of control on the relationship between BJW-self and depression was found. Forth, BJW-self mediated the relationship between embitterment and depression, and this mediation was moderated by internal locus of control. moderated mediation effect of internal locus of control was significant only in low locus of control group. These findings suggest that locus of control seems to be an effective intervention for depression and changed cognitive belief caused by embitterment. Based on these findings, the limitations and implication of the study were discussed.

      • KCI등재

        상업시설 입지요인의 풍수적 해석

        장춘희(Chunhui Jang),장희순(Heesoon Jang) 한국주거환경학회 2024 주거환경(한국주거환경학회논문집) Vol.22 No.1

        A Study on the Interpretation of Feng shui Factors in the Commercial Facility Location Analysis - Focused on the Multiple Auctions in Jung-gu, Seoul -Using the multiple auctions in Jung-gu, Seoul as a focal point, this study aims to analyze the interpretation of environmental factors in the location analysis of commercial facilities. The research focuses on the study of commercial facility locations, specifically in terms of their relationship with environmental factors.The research methodology includes the following steps: 1. Data Collection - Collect data related to commercial facility locations in Jung-gu, Seoul, particularly those obtained through multiple auctions. - Gather data on environmental factors such as geographic characteristics, natural environment (landscape, water, mountains, etc.), and geographical location. 2. Data Preprocessing - Preprocess the collected data to transform it into a suitable format for analysis - Cleanse the data and extract relevant variables for the study. 3. Environmental Factors Analysis: - Utilize Geographic Information Systems (GIS) to analyze the environmental factors related to commercial facility locations. - Conduct spatial analysis to identify patterns and relationships between commercial facilities and environmental factors. 4. Interpretation and Evaluation - Interpret the results of the analysis to gain insights into the interpretation of environmental factors in cmmercial facility location analysis - Evaluate the significance and impact of environmental factors on commercial facility locations in Jung-gu, Seoul. 5. Conclusion and Recommendations:Summarize the findings and draw conclusions based on the interpretation of environmental factors in commercial facility location analysis - Provide recommendations for future decision-making processes regarding commercial facility locations, taking into account the identified environmental factors. By conducting this study, we aim to contribute to the understanding and interpretation of environmental factors in the location analysis of commercial facilities, specifically focusing on the multiple auctions in Jung-gu, Seoul.

      • KCI등재

        학교유형과 성별에 따른 고등학생의 성인진입기 인식에 관한 연구

        주해원(Haewon Ju),장희순(Heesoon Jang) 한국발달지원학회 2021 발달지원연구 Vol.10 No.1

        본 연구는 Arnett(2000)가 제안한 새로운 발달단계인 성인진입기(emerging adulthood)의 시작 시기에 해당하는 고등학교 3학년 학생들의 학교유형(일반고, 특성화고)과 성별에 따른 성인진입기 인식을 조사하였다. 서울과 인천에 소재한 일반고 학생 114명(남: 54명, 여: 60명)과 특성화고 학생 109명(남: 39명, 여: 70명)에게 주관적 성인 도달 인식, Arnett의 성인기준 목록, 성인진입기 특성에 대해 설문조사 자료를 수집하고, SPSS 25.0을 사용하여 자료를 분석하였다. 본 연구의 결과는 다음과 같다. 첫째, 학교유형과 성별에 상관없이 응답 학생의 대부분이 스스로 아직 성인이 되었다고 생각하지 않는 것으로 나타났다. 둘째, Arnett의 성인기준들 가운데, ‘자신이 한 행동의 결과에 책임을 지는 것’을 모든 집단에서 공통적으로 가장 중요한 성인기준으로 생각하였으나, 다른 기준에서는 학교유형과 성별에 따라중요도 인식에 차이가 있었다. 셋째, 성인진입기 특성 6개 가운데, ‘정체성 탐색’에서 학교유형과 성별 간 상호작용 효과가 나타났고, ‘실험/가능성’, ‘불안정성’, ‘타인에게 집중’, ‘자신에게 집중’ 차원은 학교 유형이나 성별에 따라 차이가 있었다. ‘중간에 끼인 느낌’은 학교유형, 성별, 상호작용에서 유의한 결과를 보이지 않았다. 이러한 결과를 바탕으로 본 연구의 의의와 교육 및 상담에서의 시사점, 후속 연구방향을 논의하였다. The purpose of this study is to compare the perception of emerging adulthood for high school seniors by type of school (professional vocational and general high school students) and gender. The survey data of subjective perception of having reached adulthood, Arnett s transition to adulthood questionnaire and Inventory of the dimensions of emerging adulthood(IDEA) collected from 114 general high school students (54 males, 60 females) and 109 specialized high school students (39 males, 70 females) located in Seoul and Incheon were analyzed using SPSS 25.0 version. Result are as follows. First, regardless of school type and gender, most of the respondents did not think they were adults yet. Second, the highest ranks in the whole groups were observed for the criteria, ‘accept responsibility for the consequences of your actions.’ but in other criteria, there were differences in the level of importance according to the school type or gender. Third, among the six subscales of the IDEA, the interaction effect between school type and gender was found in identity exploration , and the subscale of experimentation/possibility , instability , other-focused , and self-focused differed depending on school type and gender. There was no significant result of feeling in between in terms of school type, gender, and interaction. Based on these results, the significance of this study, its implications in education and counseling, and the future study were discussed.

      • KCI등재

        부동산간접 투자자의 특성과 투자유형 분석

        최혁재(Choi, Hyukjae),장희순(Jang, Heesoon) 한국주거환경학회 2021 주거환경(한국주거환경학회논문집) Vol.19 No.4

        이 연구는 부동산간접투자에 투자하는 위험과 기대수익 선호도가 다른 투자자의 투자 특성과 그에 부합하는 수익증권 및 주식발행 조건을 파악하는 데 초점을 맞추고, 투자자가 취하고자 하는 위험 정도를 파악해 투자자가 요구하는 투자 유형에 대하여 확인하였다. 간접부동산투자는 기업과 개인이 부동산투자회사(리츠)와 부동산집단투자단체(펀드)를 이용해 임대수익이나 매매차익을 받는 투자 방식으로. 부동산펀드는 소액펀드를 활용해 임대수익이나 배당수익을 누리는 일종의 도관체가 되고, 부동산펀드는 대출자금, 임대자금, 개발자금 등으로 나뉜다. 이를 위해 투자자별 부동산펀드와 리츠의 특성 비교분석에 적합한 교차분석을 이용하여 통계적으로 검증하고, 부동산 간접투자상품을 통해 부동산시장 상황에 적합하면서도 안정적으로 부동산개발에 필요한 자금을 지속적, 반복적으로 공급하기 위하여는 부동산펀드 및 리츠 투자자들의 특성을 파악하여 이들의 요구에 부응하는 증권의 발행과 이러한 금융상품에 투자하는 투자자 특성을 파악하는 것이다. Indirect real estate investment has an investment method in which companies and individuals receive rental income or gains from sale using real estate investment companies (Ritz) and real estate collective investment organizations (funds). REITs serve as a kind of conduit for investing in real estate products using small funds to enjoy rental income or dividend income, and real estate funds are divided into loan funds, rental funds, and development funds.The study focused on identifying beneficiary securities and stock issuance conditions that meet investor characteristics by investors with different risk-expected return preferences, and attempted to prepare protection policies required by investors by identifying the degree of risk they want to take. To this end, it was statistically verified using cross-analysis suitable for comparative analysis of the characteristics of real estate funds and REITs by investor.The purpose of the study is to identify investors demands for securities issued by real estate funds and REITs to protect the people indirectly participating in the real estate market through the real estate indirect investment market and develop the national economy.

      • KCI등재

        미등록 임대주택사업자의 등록전환 유인

        정현옥(Jung HyunOk),김종서(Kim JongSeo),장희순(Jang HeeSoon) 한국주거환경학회 2016 주거환경(한국주거환경학회논문집) Vol.14 No.2

        This research aims a close examination for the reason multiful home-owners do not register as a rental housing business runner, and to find inducement factor, that is political thought-provoking which draw them to be rental housing business runner, especially in Wonju. As a result, the biggest reason multiful home-owners are not willing to register as rental housing business runners is the absence of necessity in registration. consideration to be registered rental housing business runners is largely overwhelmed by Tax deduction and sanction avoidance for non-registered. also, it is analyzed that the most important thing in conversion from non-registered to registered marks tax-relief benefit endowment. On the basis of this study, governments have to swift current political stance in rent housing to Tax deduction, political consistency and shortening of renting mandatory period so that multiful home-owners may voluntarily register as rental housing business runner.

      • KCI등재

        가로경관개선이 지가에 미치는 영향요인분석

        박용원(Park YongWon),나년식(Ra NyunSik),정준호(Jeong JunHo),장희순(Jang HeeSoon) 한국주거환경학회 2016 주거환경(한국주거환경학회논문집) Vol.14 No.2

        Overhead transmission lines placed in a disorder manner in urban areas can cause serious damage to human and material resources when disaster occurs. If the overhead transmission lines will be placed underground, we can secure a safer and more pleasant side walk, improve the urban landscape, and provide a stable power supply. Moreover, we assume that overhead transmission lines affect both the price of land and decisions to measure economic value of affected real estate. However, for insufficient cost, placing power transmission lines underground is not promoted. We assume the fundamental reason for the lack of projects is that there are few studies that have measured the economic benefit of such projects and how they affect local residents. Therefore, the purposes of this study are to research and analyze changes in land prices before and after a project to place transmission lines underground through time series, and to measure how the project influences economic values of land. We chose Deasungro district region, Chuncheon city, Gang Won province, as the subject study area to analyze price differences between the project area and areas of the surroundings in 2010, when the project ended, and experimentally analyze how the project affected price changes through the Hedonic price model. As a result of our study, we found a positive correlation between the project to place transmission lines underground and the price of the land where the project took place. Augmented public benefits from the underground lines have influenced the price of the land. At the same time, the coefficient of regression of the project decreased between 2010 and 2015. Meanwhile, the coefficient of regression of Land Use Condition1 and Land Use Condition2 increased respectively. These results mean that improving public benefits by burying transmission lines affected the prices of the target areas through the land use conditions. Thus, we assume that changes in land values are not because of the value of the project itself, but because those values reflect the characteristics of residential and commercial areas. Recently, evaluation of the value of urban landscapes and safe areas for walking has come into the picture. This study is intended to prove how the underground line project influences the price of the project area, and to discover a new factor impacting prices of land. However, because of a short period for collecting study data, we focus on a cross-section study, and cannot consider the actual prices of the subject areas.

      • KCI등재

        소아의 다발성 치아우식증과 연관된 타액의 생화학적 특성

        이승일,장희순,조우성,최병재,서정택 大韓小兒齒科學會 1998 大韓小兒齒科學會誌 Vol.25 No.4

        Saliva is obviously potential medium to protect the dental caries by not only physical clearing effect, but aggregatiog action of protein with bacteria. Nevertheless, we still do not understand how the dental caries occur and what brings the individual difference in caries prevalence. In the regards of dental caries prevalence, we hypothesized that the composition of salivary protein might be different from caries susceptible group to caries resistant group. The purposes of this experiment were focused on the molecular analysis of salivary proteins from the subjects who were involved in multiple caries. Electrophoretic analysis was eone on the whole saliva collected from the children with and without multiple caries. We found 86.2% of subjects with multiple caries has approximately 120 KDa protein band while 30.4% in the healthy subjemts. And the concentration of the total protein on the subjects with multiple caries is significantly higher than that of the healthy group. However, it turned out that the difference of the salivary composition does vot affect the bacterial adhesion to hydroxyapatite bead. With regards of enzymes in salva, the activity of α-amylase and lactate dehydrogenase does not have any significant difference between both groups. However, the concentrations of Na+ and Cl- in saliva from multiple caries group is higher than that of the control group. Taken all together, it may be concluded that 120 KDa protein in saliva may be associated with the process of dental caries, also the high concentration of protein and Na+, Cl- in saliva may be linked to dental caries development as a cofactors.

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