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      • KCI등재

        여성의사와 해외선교 ― 19세기 말에서 20세기 초 내한 미국인 선교사를 중심으로 ―

        이현주 ( Hyon Ju Lee ) 이화여자대학교 이화사학연구소 2021 梨花史學硏究 Vol.- No.63

        This research explores the rise and demise of American women’s overseas medical mission and various religious, social, and professional aspects of the American society, which contributed into the process lasting from the late nineteenth to the mid twentieth centuries. Using American women medical missionaries to Korea as a historical sample, this study provides quantitative and qualitative analyses of the proposed inquiry. Furthermore, it evaluates the relationship among the educational and professional developments of women medical professionals, women centered overseas mission, and other women’s issues emerging in the dawn to the twentieth century. In doing that this research provides a more comprehensive and larger historical context of the rise and fall of American women’s medical missionary work to Korea.

      • KCI등재

        1910년에서 1930년까지 미국과 한국에서의 “베이비 쇼(Baby Show)”에 관한 소고

        이현주 ( Hyon Ju Lee ) 한국미국사학회 2017 미국사연구 Vol.46 No.-

        본고는 20세기 초반 미국과 식민지 한국에서 동시에 전파되었던 “베이비 쇼”에 대한 연구사 정리 논문이다. 1915년, 아동위생과(The Child Hygiene Division)가 신설되었으며, 같은 해, 미국 아동국(The U.S. Children’s Bureau)은 아동 복지 증진을 위한 전국적인 “우량아(Better Baby)” 캠페인을 처음으로 실시했다. 아동의 건강과 복리 증진을 향한 노력은 태평양 건너 당시 일본의 식민지였던 한국에서도 동시에 나타났다. 한국주재 미국인 선교사들이 우량아 캠페인 및 베이비 쇼를 한국에서도 전파했고, 그들의 노력은 1930년 말에서 1940년 일본이 강제적으로 그들을 추방할 때까지 계속되었다. 베이비 쇼가 미국 본토에서만 유행했던 현상이 아님에도 불구하고, 미국과 한국에서의 베이비 쇼에 대한 연구는 불균형적으로 이루어져왔다. 정치, 문화, 과학, 사회적 분야에 걸친 다양한 분석들을 통해 미국에서의 베이비 쇼의 역사적 의미가 연구되어 온 반면 한국의 케이스에 대한 연구는 일부 학자들만이 주목했을 뿐이었다. 이에, 본고는 분절적으로 연구되어 온 한국과 미국의 베이비 쇼에 대한 연구를 함께 살펴보고자 한다. 베이비 쇼에 관련된 미국과 한국의 연구사를 함께 정리함에 있어 본 연구는 현 연구의 문제점을 점검하고, 이 분야에 관련된 앞으로의 연구 향방에 대한 몇 가지 제안을 한다. 본고는 베이비 쇼를 다른 지역에서의 동시대 현상으로 보면서, 두 지역 간의 기원적 연관성과 상이한 발전 양상에 주목한다. 아동의 건강과 육아에 대한 관심의 기원을 19세기 말 신제국주의의 발달로부터 소급해 찾아야 함과 동시에, 제국주의라는 틀 안에서 국내외에서의 아동 건강과 육아의 문제를 함께 살펴 볼 필요가 있음을 본고는 제안한다. 한편, 본고는 종교적 영역을 넘어, 미국의 혁신주의 이상 및 과학 이론의 전파자로서 미국인 선교사의 역할에 대해 좀 더 깊이 있는 연구가 진행되어야 함을 강조하며, 미국 측 연구에서 매우 중요하게 고려되는 젠더의 문제가 한국의 연구에서도 중요한 분석의 틀로 이용될 가치가 있음을 피력한다. In 1915, the Division of Child Hygiene was established, and that same year, the US Children’s Bureau launched its first national campaign for the improvement of childcare, the “Better Baby” campaign. Parallel interest in children’s health and well-being manifested in Japanese-occupied Korea in the mid-1910s. Foreign Christian missionaries, the majority of whom were Americans, initiated a Better Baby movement in colonial Korea and promoted “baby show” until coercively expelled by the Japanese colonial government in the late 1930s to 1940. This article examines the parallel histories of these contests, or baby shows, in early twentieth century United States and colonial Korea. The historiography of the baby show in each region has developed asymmetrically. Understanding of the American side of the story has deepened with the accumulation of various analyses encompassing the political, cultural, scientific, and social dimensions of the rise in state and popular interest in children’s health. Meanwhile, except for recognition by a few Korean scholars, the case in colonial Korea has been largely neglected. The purpose of this article is to close the chasm between these disparate historiographies. Furthermore, this work concerns both the connected origin and the divergent growth and demise of the baby show in the two geographies. Focusing on the conceptual connection between the remote locales, this article suggests to see the possibility of Christian missionaries as an important medium of secular progressive ideals and modern science (including eugenics) from the United States. In addition, it argues for the necessity of exploring the history of baby show with the frame of the rise of new imperialism and increasing imperial interest in children’s health and motherhood, which was a world-wide phenomenon since late 19th century. Also, gender perspective, which many American scholars proved its importance to examine this part of history, has not been adopted into the study of Korean cases.

      • KCI등재

        미국에서의 백신 반대 운동

        이현주 ( Hyon Ju Lee ) 한국미국사학회 2018 미국사연구 Vol.47 No.-

        최근 미국에서 백신접종 거부의 증가와 반대 운동은 공중보건 분야에 있어 매우 우려되는 사안으로 떠오르고 있다. 본 논문은 백신 접종에 대한 이러한 논쟁이 역사적 기원을 가지고 있음을 보여주고자 한다. 더불어, 양자에 대한 더욱 명확한 이해를 위해 과거로부터 현재까지의 백신 정책과 백신 반대 운동이 통합적으로 연구되어야 함을 피력하려 한다. 그리하여, 본고에서는 18세기에서 21세기에 이르는 긴 시간 동안 미국의 백신접종 정책이 어떻게 발달되어 왔는지와 함께 미국에서 백신 반대 운동이 어떻게 태동하게 되었으며 진화해 왔는지 논의할 것이다. 면역 정책에 대한 논쟁은 18세기 초 해당 기술이 가능해 지게 되면서, “면역”이라는 단어 및 개념이 형성되기 이전, 그리고 인류역사상 첫 백신이 개발되기 전부터 존재해왔다. 본 연구는 면역 정책에 대한 초기 논쟁으로부터 현재까지 백신 접종에 있어 계속적으로 문제시 되는 이슈 및 백신 반대운동의 역사에 있어 중요한 순간들을 다룬다. 이를 통해 본고에서는 백신 접종 반대 운동이 복잡한 의학적, 사회적, 정치적 이슈들이 연계되어 있는 가운데, 지역사회, 주, 그리고 연방 차원의 백신 정책에 대응해 형성, 발달되어 왔으며, 백신 정책 또한 백신 반대운동의 영향으로 변화해 왔음에 주목한다. Vaccine objectors and the antivaccination movement have become one of the most concerning issues in public health in the United States. This paper argues that the controversy over vaccination is not an ahistorical phenomenon. It is important to discuss antivaccination movements as integrated with vaccination policies from the past to the present for a more complete understanding of both. This paper examines the origins and progress of the antivaccination movement, as well as the development of vaccination policies in the United States, over a long time span stretching from the eighteenth century to the twenty-first century. Controversy over immunization policy emerged even before the word immunization was coined and the first vaccine in human history was discovered, as similar medical technology had come to be available in the early eighteenth century. Tracing back from the present immunization controversy to its very early history, this study focuses on issues in vaccination (arguments for and against) that have continuously appeared and particular historical moments when the voices of vaccine objectors resurged. The study aims to explain that antivaccination movements have formed in reaction to community, state, and national vaccination policies, and that the policies in turn have been shaped by antivaccination movements amid a complex amalgam of medical, social, and political issues.

      • KCI등재

        유행병과 폭동: 1899 텍사스 러레이도에서의 인종, 계급, 그리고 질병통제

        이현주(Hyon Ju Lee) 경북대학교 인문학술원 2020 동서인문 Vol.0 No.14

        1898년, 미국 남부에서 시작된 천연두는 1903년까지 전국적으로 유행하게 되었다. 1898년 가을 텍사스의 리오그란데 강 근처 마을 러레이도(Laredo)에서도 천연두 유행이 시작되었다. 환자 격리, 감염 지역과 감염의심 환자에 대한 소독 및 감염 위험 지역 주민에 대한 백신 접종 등 모든 가능한 질병 통제 방법이 동원되었지만 1899년 3월까지 천연두 환자 발생은 우려할 수준으로 증가했다. 러레이도 거주민들은 위와 같은 방역정책에 대항해 보건국 직원 및 그들과 동행한 군인력에 대항했다. 러레이도에서의 천연두 폭동은 1899년 3월 19일에서 21일까지 계속되었고, 이들 저항 세력을 진압하기 위해 텍사스의 경찰 업무를 맡고 있었던 텍사스 레인저스(The Texas Rangers)와 흑인으로 구성된 연방군인 제10 미기병대(the 10th Cavalry)가 러레이도에 긴급 투입되었다. 러레이도 폭동으로 인해 양측 모두에 사망자를 포함한 사상자가 생겼고, 20명이 넘는 시민이 투옥되었다. 현재적, 역사적 중요성에 비해 유행병과 폭동에 대한 연구는 의학사 및 사회사 모두에서 지금까지 많이 다루어지지 않은 연구 분야이다. 1899년 러레이도 천연두 폭동에 집중한 본 연구는 러레이도의 사례를 더 큰 역사적 맥락에 연결시키면서 이 사건을 천연두 방역과 백신 접종 의무화에 대한 전국적 논쟁과 그에 따른 백신 반대 운동의 성장 등의 국가적 차원의 의학적 사회적 배경 및 1898년 미서전쟁 종결 후 국가적 정체성 및 연대감 형성을 목적으로 변화해 가는 정치 배경과의 연관성 속에서 살펴본다. 또한 본 연구는 이 지역이 연방과 군사 및 정치적 측면에서 특수한 관계를 형성하고, 지역 특유의 인종적, 계급적 긴장감을 형성하게 한 접경지역으로서의 러레이도의 역사와 1899년 천연두 폭동과의 관련성을 논의 한다. From 1898 to 1903, the United States experienced a smallpox outbreak that started in the Southern part of the country. In the fall of 1898, smallpox cases reached Laredo, a town near the Rio Grande border in Texas. By mid-March 1899, the number of cases had grown to an epidemic scale despite the implementation of all possible disease control measures, including the isolation of the sick at pesthouses, the fumigation of infected areas and people, and house-to-house vaccination. Perceiving house-to-house inspection and compulsory vaccination as serious intrusions on their civil rights, the residents of Laredo united and militarized against public health officers and their accompanying military personnel. The Laredo smallpox riot continued for several days between March 19 and 21. The Texas Rangers, a statewide policing body, and the 10th Cavalry, a unit of the US Army composed of African American soldiers, were dispatched to quell the civilian mob. The ensuing skirmish resulted in casualties on both sides and the imprisonment of more than twenty people. The occurrence of rioting during an epidemic is a rarely investigated topic in the history of medicine despite its historical and present importance. This study is a case study of the 1899 smallpox riot in Laredo, Texas, which delves into how a nationwide epidemic unfolded at a local level. To place the Laredo case in a larger historical context, this study explores the medical issues of the time, such as the national controversy over smallpox surveillance, compulsory vaccination, and anti-vaccination sentiment, and the changing political atmosphere prompted by the search for national solidarity and identity after the Spanish-American War. This research also highlights the significance of local circumstances, whereby Laredo’s situation as borderland city shaped its unique relationships with the federal and local military and the politics and created racial and class tensions. In discussing how these national and local circumstances shaped the outbreak and the violent civilian and military conflict in 1899, this research argues the importance of understanding social issues in the successful implementation of public health measures and epidemic disease control.

      • KCI우수등재

        논쟁으로부터 배우기 -백신 반대론자와 초기 제너백신의 효용성과 안전성 논쟁-

        이현주 ( Lee Hyon Ju ) 한국서양사학회 2021 西洋史論 Vol.- No.149

        본 연구는 18세기말에서 19세기 초에 걸친 초기 우두백신에 대한 효용성과 안전성 논쟁을 논의한다. 초기 제너백신에 대한 연구는 우두백신을 전파한 에드워드 제너 자신과 백신 지지자들, 그리고 광대한 지역으로 전파된 우두백신의 역사에 집중되어 발전해 왔다. 그러나 종국적으로 1980년대 역사상 가장 무서운 질병인 두창(천연두)의 종식이라는 선물을 인류에게 가져온 이 인류 최초의 백신이 반대나 저항 없이 받아들여졌던 것은 아니다. 본 연구는 백신 반대론자들이 제기했던 초기 제너 백신에 대한 의료계 내의 비판을 재구성한다. 이를 통해 이 연구는 제너 백신의 안정성과 효용성에 대한 과학적 회의주의, 새로운 기술 도입에 대한 두려움과 염려, 의료계 내의 경쟁 등 초기 백신 논쟁에 영향을 미친 다양한 요소를 분석한다. 이러한 논의를 통해 본 연구는 초기 백신의 역사를 더 확장된 역사적 맥락위에 위치시키는데 기여 한다. 더 나아가 역사적 사례를 통해 의학 기술의 역사를 수용의 관점에서 뿐 아니라 갈등과 논란의 관점에서 이해하는 것의 중요성과 유용성에 대해 역설한다. This research explores the medical debate over the effectiveness and safety of cowpox vaccination against smallpox during the early vaccine years of the late eighteenth and early nineteenth century. The historiography of early Jennerian vaccination has built up heavily focused on the discoverer of the cowpox vaccine, Edward Jenner, vaccine supporters, and the worldwide dissemination of the new technology. However, this precious technology, which helped humankind take its first steps toward the eradication of smallpox in 1980, was not accepted without debate and opposition. By exploring the professional criticism of early Jennerian vaccination, in particular, from anti-vaccinators, this research reconstructs the impetuses of the first vaccine’s controversies, including scientific skepticism, fear and wariness, and professional competition over the new medical technology. In doing so, this study contributes to the construction of a more comprehensive historical context for early vaccination and argues for the importance and usefulness of understanding the history of medical technology from the perspectives of conflict and opposition as well as acceptance. (Ewha Womans University / maat782000@gmail.com)

      • KCI등재

        19세기에서 20세기 중반 한국의 우두법 및 백신접종 연구에 있어 지구사적 관점(global perspective)의 유용성

        이현주(Lee Hyon-ju) 동국역사문화연구소 2018 동국사학 Vol.65 No.-

        본고는 1980년대 이후 출판된 우두백신과 백신접종에 관련된 해외 연구사를정리하고, 19세기에서 20세기 중반에 이르는 시기 동일 주제에 대한 한국의 케이스를 연구함에 있어 지구사적 관점을 활용하는 것의 필요성에 대해 논의한다. 지난 몇 십 년에 걸쳐 한국의 우두법 및 백신 정책에 대한 연구는 질적·양적측면에서 성장해 왔다. 그러나 이러한 발전에도 불구하고, 한국의 우두관련 연구는 좁게는 국내, 넓게는 동아시아 지역의 연구사 및 자료에 한정되어 진행되어왔다는 아쉬움이 남는다. 그러나, 우두가 발견된 이래, 우두 백신 뿐 아니라 다양한접종 방식이 제국들의 팽창 및 지방에서 형성된 다양한 네트워크를 통해 전 세계적으로 전래되었다. 그리하여, 본고는 한국의 우두법 연구를 지구사적 관점에서 바라보고, 해외의 연구결과를 참고 함으로써, 우두백신 기술, 관련 법 및 정책, 대중의 반응, 그리고 이러한 요소들 간의 복잡한 관계에 대해 더 정확하고 깊이 있게 이해하는 것이 가능하다고 주장한다. 본고에서 다루는 해외연구결과는 영어로 출판된 책 및 논문에 한정되어 있지만, 지리적으로는 동아시아를 넘어서는 광대한 지역-유럽, 라틴아메리카, 동남아시아, 인도, 아프리카, 중동-의 케이스를 포괄한다. This article reviews the historical research on cowpox vaccine and vaccination published abroad since the 1980s and discusses the necessity of global perspective in studying relevant Korean cases from the early nineteenth century to the mid-twentieth century. Korean historiography of cowpox vaccine and vaccination has grown in quality and quantity in the last several decades. However, the achievement has been mainly confined to Korea’s national boundaries or East Asia at large. Since the discovery of cowpox in the late eighteenth century, various techniques of vaccination as well as vaccine lymph were globally disseminated through the expansion of empires and locally established intellectual networks. This paper argues that reviewing research covering a wider geographical scope than East Asia and placing the Korean history of cowpox vaccination in this global picture enables a more in-depth and accurate understanding of vaccination technology, law, policy, public response, and the complex relationship during the proposed period in Korea. Despite a limited inclusion of articles and books written in English, this article encompasses a wide range of geographical locations beyond East Asia, including Europe, Latin America, Southeast Asia, India, Africa, and the Middle East.

      • KCI등재

        서양의학사 연구동향과 전망, 2011~2020: 연구주제의 확장과 새로운 방법론의 모색

        이현주(LEE Hyon Ju) 대한의사학회 2020 醫史學 Vol.29 No.3

        This article examines major issues in the historiography of Western medical history between 2011 and 2020 through an analysis of scholarly articles published in journals based in the United States, Britain, and South Korea. The subject matter and methodology of the history of medicine in the West have greatly transformed since the start of the second millennium, from biographical history to historicism to social history to intellectual and cultural history. Through this process, the definition of “medicine” has been continuously denaturalized and expanded, and so have the topics its scholars deal with. Having a variety of perspectives and keeping their disciplinary boundaries porous, historians of Western medical history have examined issues of health, disease, and medicine. They have also vigilantly pursued advancements in methodology for historical analysis, experimented with different writing styles, and expanded historical resources, including visual and audio records. In recent decades, the history of medicine has seen additional experimentation with the changing understanding of the relationship between medicine and society, especially with the emergence of a knowledge- and information-based society and globalization. Furthermore, historians have attempted to establish the value of the history of medicine in response to changing perceptions of medicine and history in the twenty-first century. Their efforts have vitalized the field of medical history by treating it as a useful lens for observing medicine’s past as well as formulating critical questions about its present.

      • KCI등재

        서양신발의 사적 고찰과 미적 가치 Ⅰ

        김민자(Min Ja Kim),최현숙(Hyon Sook Choy),이현주(Hyun Ju Lee) 한국복식학회 2001 服飾 Vol.51 No.5

        In fashion, there are various cultural aspects that exist in complexity, where according to the era, even fashion items newly develop and prevail into various designs in the organic function with reality of related cultural phenomenon and aesthetic aim. Among the fashion items, the shoe is historically considered as the shield from lust and also the provision of praise against the most emotional incitement. Mankind has started wearing shoes out of the functional purpose of protection since the ancient Egyptian times. Thereafter humankind has been creating shoes artistically in respect to shape, color, and quality of material, etc, as an expression of aesthetical awareness and introspective desire for beauty. As modern fashion increasingly regards the total fashion image much more important than each items consisting the whole outfit, the role of shoe became essential more than ever. Contrary to its relative importance, little academic attention was given to this area yet, while prestigious museums and galleries in Europe and the USA have held exhibitions of shoes in view of both historical and artistic aspects. This study aims to make a historical inquiry of western shoes, through which their aesthetic values can be drawn. Literature on this subject including aesthetics, history of costume and arts were referred. Fashion magazines and catalogues were investigated for additional information. The process and results of this study are meant to be a suggestion not only to further studies but also to artistic and creative shoe design. Originated for the functional purpose, shoes have evolved in various shapes with different meanings attached to it. When the technological development made the satisfaction for functional needs possible, the intrinsic attribute, the aesthetic value was pursued. The historical contemplations of shoes from Egyptian times to the 1990`s led to the results that the intrinsic aesthetic value of shoes can be summarized as follows: 1) protection and extension of body, 2) need for decoration, 3) erotic expression. 4) symbol of dignity and class, 5) fashion.

      • KCI등재

        도로시아 린드 딕스(Dorothea Lynde Dix)의 정신병원 개혁운동

        이현주 한국미국사학회 2003 미국사연구 Vol.18 No.-

        Dorothea Lynde Dix was a famous reformer who devoted herself to the mental asylum reform movement in the mid-nineteenth century. For generations, historians have noted her among the assortment of antebellum reformers. Despite her remarkable reputation, Dix floated outside the mainstream of American history, and her “lunacy reform” has only been regarded as philanthropic work. However, as a nineteenth-century reformer she was involved in various social reform movements for prisons, the poor, the insane and even tobacco, that were intended to settle the social order. Dix’s idea of social reform was rooted in the concepts of moral education and perfectionism in the age of Romanticism, and the zealous attitude of Unitarianism toward social reforms. She thought that deviant behavior like crime and insanity could be rectified under an appropriate environment with good regulations combining kindness and well-ordered discipline, and that Christians should devote themselves to solving social problems to restore social order and advance the progress of American society. Dix’s reform was a potent consequence of humanitarianism based on a new cultural sensibility of distaste for pain. She moved from state to state to research the conditions of jails, poorhouses and alms houses, and wrote a number of memorials based on the results that reported indecent states of treatment for the mentally ill and disclosed the cruel manner in which the insane had been treated. Dix urged that offering specialized places of solace for the impoverished insane would be favorable to removing social corruption and injustice, as well as responsive to the social imperative of humanitarianism. At the same time, Dix’s work was affected by ‘moral treatment’, a medical change in the nineteenth century associated with the burgeoning medical profession. Dix’s early proposals for the poor incurable insane were attacked, especially in New York, by mental hospital superintendents because it was contrary to mental hospital doctors’ interests by admitting their lack of ability to cure mental illness. But after the failure in New York, she adopted the superintendents’ explanation of mental illness, and they began to cooperate in lunacy reform. However, state hospitals built by the reform movement shortly faced serious financial difficulties. Both the lack of adequate funds and the drastic growth of poor clientele contributed to the rapid degeneration of public hospitals. Improper training of personnel and poor management accelerated the decline of state institutions. After only two decades the custodial purpose at mental institutions took precedence over therapeutics, and ‘moral treatment’ disappeared. To summarize, Dix’s lunacy reform movement was not only philanthropic work in which traditional concepts of charity and benevolence of Victorian womanhood were expanded to the sphere of a recently transformed modern society. Despite the subsequent deterioration of mental asylums, it was a positive social activity that created institutions to cope with social deviance problems brought on or deepened by the growing diversity and size of population, physical mobility, and urbanization.

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