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      • KCI등재

        콜라 경구 투여로 치료한 식물 위석 2예

        이현재 ( Hyun Jai Lee ),강현구 ( Hyoun Goo Kang ),박세영 ( Se Young Park ),이재영 ( Chea Yong Yi ),나경준 ( Gyoung Jun Na ),이태영 ( Tae Yeong Lee ),김상현 ( Sang Hyun Kim ),송철수 ( Chul Soo Song ) 대한소화기학회 2006 대한소화기학회지 Vol.48 No.6

        Bezoars are concretions of foreign bodies found in the gastrointestinal tract. In the past, most common method for the treatment of bezoar was surgical management. However, the current treatment methods include chemical dissolution and endoscopic mechanical lithotripsy. There were few reports on the treatment of phytobezoars by nasogastric Cola lavage. However, there was no report succeeded by oral route alone. In our two cases, phyto­bezoars were treated by oral administration of Coca-Cola. Our patients drank 700-800 mL of Coca-Cola daily, and after two months, complete dissolutions of bezoars were achieved. We report two cases of phytobezoars com­pletely treated by drinking Coca-Cola. (Korean J Gastroenterol 2006;48:431-433)

      • KCI등재

        연구논문 : 채권자대위권 행사의 실천적 기능에 관한 고찰 -민사집행과의 비교를 중심으로-

        이현재 ( Hyun Jai Lee ) 단국대학교 법학연구소 2015 법학논총 Vol.39 No.1

        채권자대위권제도의 목적 내지 기능을 실제 운용되는 현상을 실천적으로 파악한 결과 피보전채권이 금전채권이고 피대위채권이 이전(말소)등기청구권인 경우를 제외하고는 거의 대부분이 채권자의 채권의 보전·확보·실현에 봉사하고 있다는 사실을 알게 되었다. 물론 그것이 순수한 채권자대위권의 행사의 결과가 아니라 직접 수령의 인정과 상계제도와의 결합 사용에 있더라도 모두에 쓴 바와 같이 제도란 그것을 만든 사람의 의도만에 따라 쓰이는 것이 아니라 쓰는 사람의 필요에 따라 그 용법이 정해지는 것이므로, 채권자대위권제도와 직접 수령 및 상계제도와의 결합 사용은 사실상 불가분적으로 엮어져 있다는 현실을 직시할 때 동 제도의 목적 내지 기능을 채권자의 채권의 보전·확보·실현에 있다고 봄이 타당하다고 생각한다. 채권의 보전·확보·실현을 동 제도의 목적 내지 기능으로 파악할 때 그것이 가장 잘 발현되는 경우는 피보전채권이 특정채권인 경우이다. 최근의 대법원은 특정채권에 있어서 보전의 필요성을 확대 적용하고 있다. 이를 가리켜 통설은 이른바 ‘채권자대위권 전용범위의 확대’라고 하나 동 제도의 목적 내지 기능을 채권자의 채권의 보전·확보·실현에 있다고 보는 입장에서는 동 제도의 적용범위에 당연히 포섭되는, 적극적 활용의 한 측면일뿐이다. 한편, 어느 채권자의 채권실현은 다른 채권자의 채권실현 불능으로 이어질 수 있다는 어두운 측면도 바라보았다. 그것은 중복된 소제기 금지와 판결의 효력에 관한 소송법적 법리의 적용의 결과에서 기인한 것이므로 채권자들 사이의 이해관계를 고려한 위 법리의 세밀한 조정이 필요하다고 본다. We examined types of practical use of the subrogation right of a creditor. As a result, the subrogation right of a creditor is not limited to preservation of nonexempt property but has been serving preservation·security·satisfaction of a claim. The purpose of the subrogation right of a creditor, that is preservation· security·satisfaction of a claim is revealed either when claim to be preserved and claim to be subrogated are all debts or when claim to be preserved is a specific claim. Even though that is not a result of performance of the subrogation right of a creditor itself but combination of the subrogation right of a creditor and direct receipt and offset system, a system is not used by intention of a legislator but determined by a usage according to necessity of a user. When we realize that combination usage of the subrogation right of a creditor and direct receipt and offset system is practically, indivisibly connected, the purpose and function of the subrogation of a creditor system consist in preservation, security, satisfaction of a claim. Meanwhile, a claim satisfaction of a creditor leads to impossibility of other creditors’ claim satisfactions because of the prohibition of duplicate lawsuits and effect of Res Judicata. Herein, mediation of interests between creditors is necessary.

      • KCI등재

        자의 성과 본의 변경심판에 있어서 자의 복리

        이현재(Hyun Jai Lee) 한국가족법학회 2008 가족법연구 Vol.22 No.2

          Section 781(1) of the Korean Civil Code was amended on March 31, 2005 to provide that: (1) A child shall assume her or his father’s surname and origin of surname. But in a case of the child whose parents agreed to follow its mother’s surname when they got married, the child shall assume her or his mother’s surname and the origin of surname.<BR>  A new subsection, §781(6), was enacted to provide, in relevant part, that: “the court may permit a child’s original surname and origin of surname to change when her or his surname need to be changed for the child’s welfare. (the rest omitted)”<BR>  This Article explores the application, the implications, and the elements of the child’s welfare in the petition for change of the child’s surname, with analytical studies on the cases filed in the family court, Gwang-Ju district court. It first starts with the decision of the Constitutional Court holding patronymy unconstitutional.<BR>  Part Ⅱ argues the several necessities of change of child’s surname such as the need for stability for remarried families, adoptive families, or mother-child families. In addition, it discusses the concept of child’s welfare as the standard for the change. The Korean Civil Code is silent on the child’s welfare standard. The standard authorizes the court to determine the result that is best for a child. But the prevailing view defines the child’s welfare as a composite of the follow factors: a) the preservation of the father-child relationship; b) the strength of the mother-child relationship; c) the identification of the child as part of a family unit; d) the wishes of the child; e) the child’s age and maturity; f) the nature of the family situation; g) misconduct of or neglect toward the child by the parent opposing the change; h) the name by which the child has customarily been called; and i) the opposing party’s conduct toward the spouse and the child during the marriage.<BR>  Other factors include the length of time during which the child has used a name, the child’s comfort with using a surname that differs from the custodial parent’s surname, the child’s alienation from neighborhood children who bear their fathers’ surnames, any negative association or social stigma attached to either the current or proposed name, and the petitioner’s motive for seeking the name change.<BR>  The parent who seeks to change the child’s surname must prove that the proposed change is in the child’s best interest. Courts do not necessarily examine all of these factors, and none of the factors constitutes a mandatory consideration. The factors are not prioritized in importance. The best interest of the child is determined by the virtually unfettered discretion of the trial court. Courts must balance a number of considerations to reach its conclusion.<BR>  Part Ⅲ shows a statistical report, such as the number of the cases petitioned before the family court, Gwang-Ju district court, and the number, the percentage, and the sort of the petitions granted or dismissed. This statistic shows that most women now prevail in cases involving marital children’s surnames. In addition, the factors of the child’s welfare are investigated through the forms provided by two courts, the family court, Gwang-Ju district court, and Seoul family court.<BR>  Part Ⅳ analyzes what factors constitute the child’s welfare in specific cases, and which factors carried more weight than other factors before the family court, Gwang-Ju district court, i.e., whether the family court considers heavily which factor of several factors. Part Ⅳ shows the importance and the weight of visitation and support payment by uncustodial father. Visitation and support payment, two of the elements of child’s welfare, are often considered most critical in determining the change of the child’s surname from the surname of her or his father to the surname of m

      • KCI등재

        증례 : 우상복통을 주소로 내원한 27세 남자에서 대망경색 1예

        강현구 ( Hyoun Goo Kang ),이현재 ( Hyun Jai Lee ),이재영 ( Chea Yong Yi ),나경준 ( Gyoung Jun Na ),백현철 ( Hyun Choul Baek ),김정훈 ( Jung Hun Kim ),김상현 ( Sang Hyun Kim ) 대한내과학회 2007 대한내과학회지 Vol.73 No.5

        본 증례는 임상소견 및 방사선 소견으로 대망 경색을 진단한 후 보존적 치료를 하였으나, 증상의 강도와 범위가 증가하였으며, 반발압통 및 미열이 지속 되어 대망 경색의 합병증 또는 다른 질환의 가능성을 생각하여 대망 및 충수 돌기 절제술을 시행하였다. 수술 후 통증 및 발열의 호전이 빠르게 나타났으며, 수술 5일째 퇴원하였다. 병리학적 소견에서 대망에 울혈, 출혈 및 지방 괴사의 소견을 보였으며, 그 외 다른 소견은 없었다. 이와 같이 뚜렷한 염증소견 및 위장관 증상 없이 우측 상복부에 국한된 통증이나 압통이 있는 환자의 경우 대망 경색의 가능성을 생각하고 복부 초음파나 복부 전산화 검사로 정확한 진단이 필요하다. 대망 경색의 자연 경과상 일반적으로 약 2주간의 대증 치료만으로 통증 등이 좋아 지는 양성 질환이기는 하나, 환자의 증상이 오히려 심해지는 등의 악화 소견이 있을 경우 다른 추가적인 진단을 위해서 또한 증상의 빠른 호전을 위해 수술적 치료 역시 고려해 보아야 할것으로 생각되어 진다. A rare primary segmental omental infarction in an adult. Infarction of a part of the greater omentum has been recognized as an uncommon condition that may mimic other acute abdominal conditions, particularly acute appendicitis and acute cholecystitis. The presentation and course are seldom typical of appendicitis or cholecystitis. A greater omental infarction may occur without a recognizable cause, and may be termed "primary" (idiopathic), but in some cases, a cause is discovered, such as; mechanical interference with the blood supply to the omentum secondary to torsion, or systemic disorders such as cardiac, vascular, and hematological disease. The inflammatory necrotic mass resulting from the infarction produces somatic pain at its location in the abdomen. For unknown reasons the infarction occurs most commonly in the right half of the abdomen, especially the lower quadrant. An sign of peritoneal irritation, tenderness, and muscle guarding are the principal findings elicited on palpitation of the abdomen. Occasionally, a point of exquisite tenderness may be detected; this usually corresponds to the site of the infarction. Recognizing the typical imaging featuresan ovoid or cake-like mass in the omental fat with surrouding inflammatory changesof this condition is important, as most cases can be managed without surgery. We report a case of an adult patient with acute abdominal pain who was diagnosed with a right-sided segmental omental infarction.(Korean J Med 73:525-529, 2007)

      • KCI등재

        DENS EVAGINATUS : 증례보고

        이현재,최병재,김순주,손흥규,임희식 大韓小兒齒科學會 1988 大韓小兒齒科學會誌 Vol.15 No.1

        The most important condition associated with dens evaginatus is the loss of vitality of the affected tooth. this can be caused by fracture of the tubercle during mastication or attrition or attrition, which can eventually lead to pupal disease. Though it is not uncommon for dental patients of the Mongoloid group of races to present with dens evaginatus, there is no absolute prophylactic treatment to prevent several complications associated with this anomaly. The purpose of this article is to review various aspets of dens evaginatus and introduce some methods of prophylactic treatment such as mechanical grinding, direct or indirect capping and use of sealant with clinical cases.

      • Cefotetan 의 임상경험

        홍대식,유경진,이현재,이용관,송춘익,정희영,강문원,신완식 대한감염학회 1985 감염 Vol.17 No.2

        The new cephamycin-type antibiotic, cefotetan is very stable to β-lactamase, it possesses a good antibacterial activity on aerobic and anaerobic gram-negative cocci and bacilli. Clinical values of cefotetan were evaluated in 26 patients with a clinical diagnosis of bacterial infection of the urinary, respiratory and gastrointestinal tract. The drug was administered intravenously in dose of 1∼4g per day for 1 to 16 days. The clinical response was satisfactory in 11(100%) patients with urinary tract infections, 8(61.5%) of 13 patients with respiratory tract infections, 2(100%) patients with gastrointestinal tract infections. Overall, cefotetan was effective in 21(80.8%) of all patients treated. During the treatment 5 patients showed adverse effects including nausea, diarrhea, skin rash, drug fever. And elevation of hepatic enzyme levels occured in 1 of all patients treated. But the majority of adverse effects disappeared within 2∼3 days.

      • KCI등재후보

        간경변증에서 Intrapulmonary Shunting 에 의한 심한 저산소증 1 예

        정인식,정규원,신상현,이현재,장진원,김방선,선희식,정환국 대한내과학회 1987 대한내과학회지 Vol.32 No.4

        We presented a case of liver cirrhosis with the syn - drome of finger clubbing, cyanosis and polycythemia. A 48 - year - old woman was admitted to the hospital because of severe hypoxemia. On examination, finger clubbing with marked central cyanosis were noted. No cardiac murmurs were audible. The hematocrit was 60.1% and the reticulocyte count 1.9%. The arterial oxygen tension during the breathing of room air was 41 mmHg and the calculated shunt ratio (Qs/Qt) was 16.6%. She had the undrelying Budd-Chiari syndrome demonstrated by inferior venacavogram. The lung funetion test revealed no evidence of obstructive or restrictive lung disease. The echocardiogram showed non-specific findings. The lung perfusion scan using Tc-MAA was compatible with the presence of the intrapulmonary shuntina.

      • KCI등재후보

        비장농양으로 오진되었던 결핵성 위장막하 농양 1 예

        박성학,김부성,박두호,이창돈,최규보,이현재,강무일,김재생 대한내과학회 1987 대한내과학회지 Vol.33 No.1

        Although tuberculosis elsewhere in the intestinal tract is not an unusual disease, tuberculosis involvement of stomach, especially in subserosal portion is a rare lesion. A case of tuberculous subserosal abscess of stomach was diagnosed by histological study of the operative specimen. Administration of antituberculosis agents and surgical excision and drainage eprocedure resulted in good response. The infrequency of the lesioin and importance of established results concerning its treatment appear to warrant the reporting of this case.

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