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      • KCI등재

        시지각 및 구성능력의 신경심리학적 평가

        이창욱,오병훈,Lee, Chang Uk,Oh, Byung Hoon 대한생물정신의학회 1997 생물정신의학 Vol.4 No.1

        Visual perception is a complex process engaging many different aspects of brain functioning. Like other cognitive functions, the extensive cortical distribution and complexity of visual perceptional activites make them hihgly vulnerable to brain injury. Dectection and characterization of perceptual disorders require a careful clinical assessment as well as the application of selected neuropsychological tests. In this article we reviewed neuropsychological assessment of visual perception and constructional abilities. And the principal visuospatial disorders are discussed, the associated neuropsychiatric disorders are presented.

      • KCI등재

        알츠하이머병 환자의 전반적 피질 위축, 내측두엽 위축, 백질 고강도 신호와 인지기능의 연관성

        최린,주수현,이창욱,백인호,Choi, Leen,Joo, Soo-Hyun,Lee, Chang-Uk,Paik, In-Ho 대한생물정신의학회 2015 생물정신의학 Vol.22 No.3

        Objectives The aim of this study is to investigate the correlation between degenerative changes in brain [i.e., global cortical atrophy (GCA), medial temporal atrophy (MTA), white matter hyperintensities (WMH)] and neurocognitive dysfunction in Korean patients with Alzheimer's disease. Methods A total of 62 elderly subjects diagnosed with Alzheimer's disease were included in this study. The degenerative changes in brain MRI were rated with standardized visual rating scales (GCA or global cortical atrophy, MTA or medial temporal atrophy, and Fazekas scales) and the subjects were divided into two groups according to the degree of degeneration for each scale. Cognitive function was evaluated with Korean version of the Consortium to Establish a Registry for Alzheimer's Disease (CERAD-K) and several clinical features, including apolipoprotein E ${\varepsilon}4$ status, lipid profile and thyroid hormones, were also examined. Chi-square test and Fisher's exact test were performed to analyze the relationship between the degree of cerebral degeneration and neurocognitive functions. Results Demographic and clinical features, except for the age, did not show any significant difference between the two groups divided according to the degree of cerebral degenerative changes. However, higher degree of GCA was shown to be associated with poorer performance in verbal fluency test, word list recall test, and word list recognition test. Higher degree of MTA was shown to be associated with poorer performance in Mini-Mental State Examination in the Korean Version of CERAD Assessment Packet (MMSE-KC), word list recognition test and construction praxis recall test. Higher degree of white matter hyperintensities was shown to be associated with poorer performance in MMSE-KC. Conclusions Our results suggest that severe brain degeneration shown in MRI is associated with significantly poorer performance in neurocognitive tests in patients with Alzheimer's disease. Moreover, the degree of GCA, MTA and white matter hyperintensities, represented by scores from different visual rating scales, seems to affect certain neurocognitive domains each, which would provide useful information in clinical settings.

      • KCI등재

        화소 기반 형태분석 방법을 이용한 알츠하이머 치매환자의 회백질 용적감소의 정량적 분석

        임현국,최은형,이창욱,Lim, Hyun-Kook,Choi, Eun-Hyung,Lee, Chang-Uk 대한생물정신의학회 2008 생물정신의학 Vol.15 No.2

        Objectives : The purpose of this study was to find brain regions in which gray matter volume was reduced and to show the capability of voxel-based morphpmetry(VBM) analysis for lateralizing clinically significant brain regions in dementia of Alzheimer's type patients compared to healthy group. Methods : MR T1-weighted images of the 20 dementia of Alzheimer's type patients were compared with those of the 20 normal controls. Images were transformed to standard MNI space. In order to observe gray matter volume change. Gray matter was smoothed with a Gaussian kernel. After these preprocessing, statistical analysis was performed using statistical parametric mapping software(SPM2). Results : Gray matter volume was significantly reduced in the bilateral parahippocampal gyri, Lt. anterior cingulate gyrus, Lt. posterior cingulate gyrus, bilateral superior temporal gyri Lt. middle temporal gyrus, Lt. superior, bilateral middle, Rt. anterior frontal gyri and Rt. precuneus in dementia of Alzheimer's type patient group. Conclusions : These VBM results confirm previous findings of temporal lobe and limbic lobe atrophic changes in dementia of Alzheimer's type, and suggest that these abnormalities may be confined to specific sites within that lobe, rather than showing a widespread distribution.

      • 불평등 전계하의 제조공기(I-Air)에 대한 절연파괴 특성

        이창욱(Chang-Uk Lee),이창훈(Chang-Hun Lee),최은혁(Eun-Hyuck Choi),윤대희(Dae-Hee Yoon),장승호(Seung-Ho Jang),김정배(Jung-Bae Kim),박원주(Won-Zoo Park),이광식(Kwang-Sik Lee) 한국조명·전기설비학회 2007 한국조명·전기설비학회 학술대회논문집 Vol.2007 No.5월

        In this paper approves AC high voltage by experimental GIS(Gas Insulated Switchgear) chamber and AC 300[㎸] power source to study breakdown characteristics by pressure(P) change and change of electrode distance(d) at AC high voltage of Imitation Air(I-Air, N₂ : O₂ = 79[%] : 21[%]) to alternate SF? and achieved research. Gave P change of I-Air to study I-Air's breakdown characteristics using non-uniform fields(Needle-Plane electrode) and studied relations breakdown voltage (V<SUB>B</SUB>) by each P different d.

      • 평등/불평등 전계하의 제조공기(I-Air)에 대한 압력별 절연파괴강도 특성

        이창욱(Chang-Uk Lee),이창훈(Chang-Hun Lee),최은혁(Eun-Hyuck Choi),이상호(Sang-Ho Lee),이광식(Kwang-Sik Lee) 한국조명·전기설비학회 2007 한국조명·전기설비학회 학술대회논문집 Vol.2007 No.11월

        In this paper approves (AC and DC) high voltage by experimental GIS (Gas Insulated Switchgear) chamber and (AC and DC) power source to study breakdown characteristics by pressure(P) change and change of electrode distance(d) at (AC and DC) high voltage of Imitation Air(I-Air, N₂ : O₂ = 79[%] : 21[%]) to alternate SF? and achieved research. Gave P change of I-Air to study I-Air's Dielectric Strength using uniform and non-uniform fields(sphere-sphere and Needle-Plane electrode) and studied relations dielectric strength(V<SUB>B</SUB>) by each P different d.

      • 평등/불평등 전계하에서 제조공기(I-Air)와 SF?에 대한 압력별 절연파괴특성

        이창욱(Chang-Uk Lee),이창훈(Chang-Hun Lee),최은혁(Eun-Hyuck Choi),장승호(Seung-Ho Jang),이광식(Kwang-Sik Lee) 한국조명·전기설비학회 2007 한국조명·전기설비학회 학술대회논문집 Vol.2007 No.11월

        In this paper approves AC high voltage by experimental GIS(Gas Insulated Switchgear) chamber and AC 300[㎸] power source to study breakdown characteristics by pressure(P) change and change of electrode distance(d) at AC high voltage of Imitation Air(I-Air, N₂ : O₂ = 79[%] : 21[%]) to alternate SF? and achieved research. Gave P change of I-Air to study I-Air's breakdown characteristics using uniform(Sphere-Sphere electrode) and non-uniform fields(Needle-Plane electrode) and studied relations breakdown voltage (V<SUB>B</SUB>) by each P different d.

      • KCI등재

        老子의 脫自我論과 佛敎의 無我論 比較硏究 - 물질과 욕망의 관점을 중심으로 -

        이창욱(Lee, Chang-Uk) 새한철학회 2020 哲學論叢 Vol.101 No.3

        본 논문은 노자와 불교의 사상을 통해 물질과 욕망의 종속관계에 대하여 비교, 고찰하는데 그 목적이 있다. 춘추시대는 전쟁으로 살육이 자행되고 통치자가 전횡을 일삼던 시대였다. 노자는 이러한 약육강식의 현실앞에서 한발 물러서는 방법으로 無爲自然을 설파하였다. 그러나 무위는 현실의 도피나 물러섬이 아닌 인간의 허위의식과 탐욕으로 굴곡진 세계안에서 지혜로운 삶의 길을 내포하고 있다. 노자는 道를 근본으로 하고 사물을 있는 그대로의 소박한 자연으로 보았으며, 인위적인 思考에서 벗어날 것을 강조하고 도를 따르는 사람들은 사사로운 마음이 없어 천지와 같아 검약하고 덕이 쌓여 욕망에 자신을 내맡기지 않는다고 말하였다. 반면 불교에서 제시한 무아론은 인간의 육체와 감각작용 그리고 모든 물질은 그 고정된 실체가 없는 空에 불과하다고 주장하였다. 여기서 無我는 삼라만상과 함께 인간도 無常하므로 자아의 의식과 對象에 대한 욕망 또한 그 실체가 없다고 규정하고 있다. 그러나 이러한 무아를 단순히 소멸의 주체로만 볼 수는 없다. 즉‘깨달음’을 추구하는 진리의 주체이기 때문이다. 붓다는 이 세계는 아트만과 같은 궁극의 실체는 없으며, 萬象이 변화한다는 진리를 깨닫고 五蘊으로 구성된 자아의 번뇌와 욕망 또한 緣起에 의해 변화(생멸)를 거듭한다고 보았다. 이 논리는 노자의 無爲論이 추구하는 점과 다음과 같은 同異가 있었다. 불교는 번뇌와 욕망의 주체(자아)조차 해체(無我)한 반면, 노자는 탈자아적 관점에서 자아의 내면에 있는 욕망적 대상에서 벗어날 것을 주장하여 그 함의에 차이가 있었다. 다만 노자의 무위론이 인간의 자유와 존엄성이 망각된 제도화된 사회 안에서 나타나는 자아의 위선과 욕망에 대한 비판의식에서 출발하여 무위자연에 천착하였으며, 불교가 인간의 욕망을 無明에 의한 三毒(탐,진,치)에서 비롯된다고 본 점, 그리고 노자가 사물을 氣의 응집과 소멸을 통한 변화로 보고 불교 역시 사물을 고정불변의 실체가 없는 변화의 존재로 인식한 점에서 놓아버림, 비움, 물러섬, 깨달음이라는 공통된 지향성이 도출되었다. The purpose of this thesis is to compare and study a dependent relationship between material and desire through Lao-tzu and Buddhism. The Spring and Autumn period was the age that people were recklessly killed and rulers were arbitrary. Lao-tzu elucidated the nature as it is, without being tainted by humans (無爲自然) as the method to take a step back from this reality of the law of the jungle. However, the natural state connotes a path in wise life in the tough world by false consciousness and greed, not escapism or stepping back. awareness and desire for objects (對象) are als. Lao-tzu regarded things based on Tao (道) as simple nature as it is and said that the people who emphasize escaping from artificial thought (思考) and follow Tao are frugal as they are the sky and earth because they do not have personal feelings and give themselves over to desire because virtue accumulated. On the other hand, the selflessness theory presented by Buddhism argued that human bodies and senses and all materials are just emptiness (空) that is not actually tangible. Here, selflessness (無我) specifies that selfo unsubstantial because men are also meaningless (無常) with the universe. However, this selflessness cannot simply be considered as the main agent of extinction. That is, it"s because it"s the main agent of truth that seeks "enlightenment." Buddha thought that there are no any ultimate true substances like atman in this world, people realize the truth that all things in the universe (萬象) change, and anguish and desire of ego also repeat change (birth and death) by delay (緣起). This logic includes the points sought by Lao-tzu"s natural state theory (無爲論) and the following similarities and differences (同異). Buddhism dissolves (selflessness (無我)) even the main agent (ego) of anguish and desire, while Lao-tzu argued that people should escape from objects of desire in ego from the viewpoint of allocentric ego. So there was a difference in the implications between them. Lao-tzu"s natural state theory searched the nature as it is, without being tainted by humans beginning from criticism of hypocrisy and desire of ego in institutionalized society that human freedom and dignity were buried in oblivion, but Buddhism thought that human desire originated from the three poisons (三毒) (desire, craving and greed) by darkness or ignorance. And Lao-tzu thought that things are change by cohesion and extinction of spirits (氣), and Buddhism also perceived them as the existence of change that are actually intangible not being set in stone. In this respect, common directivity of dropping, emptying out, stepping back, and enlightenment were drawn from Lao-tzu and Buddhism.

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