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        「자화상」에 나타난 자아 인식의 양상

        이지나(Lee Jee-Na) 한국시학회 2003 한국시학연구 Vol.- No.8

        During the late 1930’s, two young poets, Yoon Dong-Joo and Seo Jung-Joo, both 23 years old, wrote poems with the same title, self-portrait. Self-portrait by definition is a portrait of himself by the artist. In literature, self-portrait is an expression and representation of ‘self-ego’ through writing. Pondering on self-ego and reaching the conclusion about the meaning of existence can only be done by the writer himself. This research is aimed at studying how two writers self-recognition is portrayed in poetic sense by comparing the Yoon’s and Seo’s self-portrait poems. In both poems, Yoon and Seo set up a persona, ‘The Other,’ to do ‘Self-reflection and ‘Self-definition’. For Yoon Dong-Joo, ‘The Other’ is set up as the representation of inner ego. The intent is to search himself honestly and conscientiously. But for Seo Jung-Joo, ‘The Other’ is referred as those who have different views from the writer. His ‘Self-definition’ is made from the social aspect. Therefore, when the poets ask the self-identity type of question as ‘Who am I?’, Seo’s poem points to denial of himself in the eyes of others while Yoons poem shows denial within himself. Seo’s poem portrays a young man who refuses the fixed self-identification by others and tries to reach his own self-recognition. But Yoon’s poem uses the self-examination approach where self is detached as the object because he wants to reach perfection as an object. This type of self-study is a preparation for looking out into the future, and both poets began to develop each own way to lead his poet career. In Korean poetic history, the 1930’s represent a break from macro issues usually dealt in the 1920’s. In the late 1930s, Yoon Dong-Joo and Seo Jung-Joo began personal introspection through self-portrait poems. These poems became the foundation for self-introspection gripping with the meaning of existence of oneself. At the same time, this offered an opportunity to examine the meaning of ‘Poet’ and his duty.

      • KCI등재

        김소월 시의 영어 번역 연구 - 외국인 독자를 위한 정서적 공감의 번역을 위하여 -

        이지나 ( Lee Jee-na ) 한국문학치료학회 2014 문학치료연구 Vol.32 No.-

        이 글의 목적은 김소월의 시를 영어로 번역한 텍스트를 감상한 외국인 독자들이 한국인들이 느낀 감동과 치유적 감정을 느낄 수 있도록 영어로 번역이 잘 되었는지에 대한 구체적인 연구와 검토를 하는 데 있다. 번역으로 인해 작품성이 훼손된다면 외국 독자들에게 김소월 시, 나아가 한국시 전체에 대한 바른 이해를 기대하기란 원천적으로 불가능하다. 한 편의 시가 제목과 내용이 다르게 번역되거나 엉성하게 번역되었을 때 외국인 독자가 받는 인상은 단지 그 시 한 편의 문제만이 아니다. 외국의 독자들이 한국의 시를 읽고 다른 시나 시집을 찾게 하기 위해서는 우선 문학사적 가치가 탁월한 시를 선별해 번역해야 하며, 그 시의 질적 수준에 맞는 번역이 이루어져야 한다. 한 단계 발전한 완성도 높은 번역 시집을 완성하기 위해서는 기존 번역 작품에 대한 심도 깊은 연구가 선결되어야 한다. 김소월의 시가 영어로 번역된 양상을 고찰하는 데에 있어서 가장 근본이 되는 전제조건을 전면적으로 다룬 연구는 없었기 때문에 우선 원전을 기본으로 번역해야 하는 기초 작업을 하지 못했을 때 생겨나는 문제에 대해 고찰하였다. 그렇기 때문에 한국어 정본은 1925년 매문사에서 출판된 김소월 생전에 출판된 유일한 시집인 『진달래꽃』으로 삼았다. 그리고 시 해석의 오류에서 비롯된 번역의 문제를 살펴보았다. 작품의 이해에 영향을 주는 시어가 어떻게 번역되었는지 살펴보았다. 그리고 시의 정서와 분위기에 작용하는 시구의 번역을 문제 삼았다. 마지막으로 시의 제목이 각 번역자들마다 다르게 번역되었을 때 외국 독자들에게 어떻게 받아들여질지에 대해 고찰했다. 김소월 시의 번역이 상당수 있지만 번역 작품으로서, 연구 자료로서 충실성을 갖추었는지를 살펴본 것이 가장 중요한 중점이었다. 많은 한국인들은 김소월의 시를 읽으면서 심리적인 안정과 치유의 정서를 느낀다. 이는 김소월의 시가 한국적인 소재나 제재를 극히 일상적인 언어를 통해 담아내고 있으며, 전통적인 율조를 바탕으로 하여 한국의 토속적 정서를 시적으로 표현하고 있기 때문이다. 따라서 한국의 독자들은 김소월의 시를 읽으며 그리움, 슬픔, 세상과의 단절, 애달픔 등의 감정으로 시와 소통할 수 있다. 기존의 번역들에 대한 체계적인 분석을 통해서 외국 독자들에게도 우리의 감성을 나눌 수 있는 기회를 주고 번역자들의 작업에도 도움을 줄 수 있는 연구들이 많이 나오리라 생각한다. 원본과 완전한 등가관계를 이루는 번역은 불가능하겠지만 번역자는 원본과 가장 가깝게 옮기겠다고 하는 것이 번역자의 자세이다. 연구자의 엄격한 연구 과정을 통해 완성도 높은 김소월 시의 영역 시집의 출간을 기대할 수 있을 것이다. As one of the Korea`s most beloved poets, Kim Sowol wrote the lyrical folksong-inspired poetry grounded in traditional rhythms with a uniquely Korean sensibility. His poems are noteworthy for their lyrical elegance, their folk themes of loneliness and separation, and their stunning command of the expressive possibilities of the Korean language. For generations, his works have exerted a powerful spell on many Korean readers. This study aims to discuss the English translations of Kim Sowol`s poetry by comparing and analyzing handpicked texts. more specifically, the selected original text of Kim Sowol was first examined in detail. Then the translation of the text was reviewed to determine whether the poet`s intended meaning in the original was sufficiently delivered in the translation. The reason for having selected Kim Sowol`s poetry is not only that his poetry is most widely studied among Korean poetry but that it is more frequently translated than any other cultural works of Korea. Nevertheless, few studies have been conducted to discuss English translations of his poetry. This study tries to draw attention to the lack of reviews and to the risk of having translations that may confuse the readers of translated texts. For example, a single piece of poetry with various translations in its title and content may give the impression that the translations are not those of a single work. In addition, when the integrity of the original poetry is lost in translation, foreign readers may become disappointed in Kim Sowol`s poetry and even worse, in Korean poetry as a whole. Thus, this study aims to resolve these misunderstandings by eliminating the confusion that can result from such problems and to further the art of translations to a higher level of completion. Finally, at a point in time when Korean literature is striving to expand global reach this study will serve appropriately in helping to further that goal. 『Azaleas』, the only book of poetry containing works of Kim Sowol, published in his lifetime by Maemunsa in 1925, was used as the original Korean text. Kim Sowol paid detailed attention to poetic diction as well as punctuation in transferring his previously published work to the poetry book. This approach in the revision was most likely to emphasize his poetic diction; It observed whether such distinctions are reflected in the translation. There are instances in which a single work of poetry has more than ten translated versions; they all be collected and analyzed. When one poetic diction is translated in various ways, it will be determined which translation most accurately conveys the image of the original work. If a certain poetic diction is written differently in every translation, the difference is considered to be the result of a difference in interpretation.

      • KCI등재

        백석 시 원본과 후대 판본의 비교 고찰

        이지나(Lee Jee-Na) 한국시학회 2006 한국시학연구 Vol.- No.15

        Baek Seok is a Korean poet who has been widely acclaimed by both academia and the general public, however the problem is that different collections adopt different terminology over poetic lines or even titles for the same poems. Such differences between the original and contemporary texts as well as differences among multiple contemporary texts may lead to critical errors in interpretation of particular words or even the entire poem. Distorted interpretation of the poems, resulting from the use of different contemporary equivalents of the original language. therefore, should be corrected through a comparative study withthe original text. For this purpose. six collections of Baek Seok's poems that have been released by various publishers since the 1980s are selected for assessment of any difference or distortion in the interpretation from the original text and will identify the reasons for any existing difference. Moreover. dialect and difficult-to-understand words are analyzed in consideration of the context of his particular works as well as external factors. This helps to correct omissions and transform the original language into a contemporary usage without compromising the value of original texts. This study will enable those who study Baek Seok's poetry to have an identical source to quote from. to minimize errors in interpretation and to undertake in-depth study of his works.

      • KCI등재

        흡연이 대학생들의 혈중 카드뮴 농도에 미치는 영향

        신주연,임종한,박신구,이지나,장미,허청송,강대희,홍윤철,Shin, Joo-Youn,Lim, Jong-Han,Park, Sin-Goo,Lee, Jee-Na,Jang, Mi,Huh, Chung-Song,Kang, Dae-Hee,Hong, Yun-Chul 대한예방의학회 2004 예방의학회지 Vol.37 No.3

        Objectives : This study was performed to examine the influence of smoking on the blood cadmium concentration in university students. Methods : The study included 300 university students. A questionnaire interview was used to collect data. The urine cotinine and blood cadmium levels were measured as biological exposure indices. The data were analyzed using t-tests ANOVA and ANCOVA. Results : The median value of blood cadmium concentration was equal in both males and females ($0.8{\mu}g/l$). This level was relatively low in comparison with the reference value suggested by WHO (2001). ANCOVA showed that smoking related variables, urine cotinine and smoking amount, were significantly associated with the blood cadmium level (P=0.004, 0.015). However, the values with regard to traffic related air pollution were not significantly associated with the blood cadmium level. Conclusions : Smoking is an important source of nonoccupational cadmium exposure in young people. The Blood cadmium level is at least 10% higher in active smokers than in passive or nonsmokers. The level of urine cotinine can be used as an indicator of non-occupational exposure of respirable cadmium due to smoking, as there is a good correlation bestween smoking amount and the urine cotinine level.

      • KCI등재후보
      • KCI등재후보
      • KCI등재후보
      • KCI등재

        흡연과 주거 환경이 요중 2-naphthol 농도에 미치는 영향

        이지나,임종한,박신구,신주연,이관희,홍윤철,김헌,이철호 大韓産業醫學會 2004 대한직업환경의학회지 Vol.16 No.1

        목적: 흡연 및 주거 환경에 의한 PAH 노출과 대기오염에 의한 PAH 노출의 지표로서 호흡기를 통한 노출의 선택적인 생물학적 표지인자인 요 중 2-naphthol을 사용하여 일반인구집단에서의 노출정도를 규명하고자하였다. 방법: 2002년 9월 연구에 자발적으로 참여한 인천시 소재 남녀 대학생 300명을 연구대상으로 하였다. 대상자의 일반적인 특성 및 흡연량, 알콜 섭취량, 거주자와 인접도로와의 거리, 인접도로의 교통량, 난방연료, 요리 시 사용하는 연료 등을 설문조사하였고, 소변을 통해 cotinine 농도를 측정하였고, 요 중 2-naphthol은 HPLC (High-performance liquid chromatography) 방법으로 측정하였다. 결과: 요 중 2-naphthol 농도는 흡연량이 증가할수록, 요 중 cotinine의 농도가 증가할수록 유의하게 증가하였다 (p=0.0001). 나이, 성별, 체질량지수, 인접도로와의 거리, 도로의 넓이, 도로의 통행량, 난방연료, 취사연료와 요 중 2-naphthol 과의 관계는 유의하지 않았으나, 나이와 성별, 체질량 지수를 보정하여 층화한 경우에 비흡연자(urinary 2-naphthol 32.96 ㎍/g creatinine)에 비해 하루 10개피에서 15개피(urinary 2-naphthol 53.80 ㎍/g creatinine)를 필 경우 2-naphthol이 현저히 증가하였으며, 하루 15개피에서 20개피를 (urinary 2-naphthol 63.97 ㎍/g creatinine)피는 경우와 하루 20개피 이상을 피는 경우에 urinay 2-naphthol 64.24 ㎍/g creatinine)는 2배가 증가하였다 (p=0.0004). Cotinine 농도는 500 ㎍/g creatinine 이상일 경우 (urinary 2-naphthol 44.83 ㎍/g creatinine)가 100 ㎍/g 미만일 경우 (urinary 2-naphthol 32.74 ㎍/g creatinine)보다 증가를 보였다. 실외 및 실내의 공기오염의 영향을 보정한 상태에서 요 중 2-naphthol의 관련성을 평가하기 위하여 모델 적합성 평가를 한 결과 거주지 교통량과 취사, 난방 연료가 함께 포함된 모델이 요 중 2-naphthol 농도를 가장 잘 설명해주는 것으로 나타났으며 (R=0.1692). 설문에 의한 평가보다 최근의 흡연량을 반영하는 cotinine 농도를 변수로 포함시킨 모델이 좀 더 적합한 것으로 나타났다(R=0.1922). 고찰: 요 중 2-napnthol은 PAH의 주요 대사물의 하나이며 대기 오염의 지표가 되는 생물학적 표지 인자로서 호흡기 선택적으로 유용하다. 요 중 2-naphthol 수준을 높이는데 가장 큰 영향을 미치는 대기 오염인자는 흡연이지만 거주지 교통량의 증가와 난방취사연료의 사용도 요 중 2-naphthol의 수준을 증가시키는데 기여하는 것으로 나타났다. Objectives: To evaluate the association of urinary 2-naphthol level and air pollution caused by exposure to smoking, traffic and residential factors. Methods: The study subjects consisted of 300 university students in Incheon. The questionnaires concerning subject characteristics, smoking amount, traffic, distance between housing and main road, heating and cooking fuel including urinary cotinine levels were checked. Results: There was not any significant association between urinary 2-naphthol level and age, sex, body mass index, distance from mainroad, traffic, heating and cooking fuel. The urinary 2-naphthol level was higher in smokers or high urinary cotinine level group, too(p<0.0005). The model included both traffic and residential variables and it had a good fitness as compared to other models. Conclusions: It has been known that as one of PAH matabolites, urinary 2-naphthol is a respiration-selective biological marker. We showed that tabacco smoking has a much stronger effects on urinary 2-naphthol levels than when subjects were exposed to air pollution, such as traffic, and other residential factors at the same time.

      • 샘플러를 통한 대기오염노출 평가와 건강영향 조사

        이지나,허청송,임종한,최예용,김선태 한국환경독성학회 2004 환경독성보건학회지 Vol.19 No.2

        In order to evaluate a health effect of air pollution, we designed exposure group(taxi driver, street sweeper, street trader,) and non-exposure group(office clerk). We analysed exposure and biologic marker by using personal sampler. Mean NO₂ and benzene level in each group were statistically significant. Also, respiratory symptom, chronic cough, sputum, and dyspnea on exertion were statistically significant in each group.

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