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      • KCI등재

        영동지역 읍치의 입지와 경관

        이준선(Joon-Sun Lee) 한국문화역사지리학회 2010 문화 역사 지리 Vol.22 No.3

        본 연구는 영동지역의 전통도시에 해당되는 읍치의 입지와 경관에 관하여 강릉과 삼척을 중심으로 분석한 것이다. 영동지역 읍치는 태백산지 분수계에서 동해쪽으로 달리는 지맥의 말단부와 그 아래쪽의 완사면에 걸쳐 있다. 읍치의 남쪽에는 하천이 동쪽으로 흐르는 형태를 보인다. 그러므로 읍치는 배산임수의 전형적인 형태를 보이고 있는 것이다. 읍치의 핵심부는 성벽으로 둘러싸여 있었으며, 이 성벽은 하천의 충적지보다는 위쪽에 위치하였다. 이것은 성벽의 붕괴를 예방하려는 의도였던 것으로 여겨진다. 읍성의 내부에는 왕권을 상징하는 객사 건물이 가장 규모가 크고 위쪽에 있었으며, 지방관의 행정 업무 건물인 아사가 그 아래쪽에 위치하였다. 두 건물은 모두 남향하는 모습이었다. 삼척보다는 강릉에 다양한 건물들이 있었는데, 이것은 강릉의 행정구역상 위계가 더 높았기 때문이었다. 제사의 시설이었던 사직단과 성황사는 강릉에서 읍성 안에 있었으나, 삼척에서는 읍성 밖의 진산기슭에 입지하였다. This study analyzed the spatial structure and scenic beauty of the regional cities (Eupchi) of Gangneung and Samcheok in Yeong Dong area. Eupchi in Yeong Dong region lies in between the eastward branch of the watershed of Mt. Taebaek and the gentle slope underneath the branch. The south of Eupchi shows that the streams are running eastward. Thus, a traditional Eupchi often has a mountain in the back and river flows in front. The core of the Eupchi is surrounded by the castle walls. And these walls were located in the upper stream rather than the lower alluvion of the stream. This fact implies that local residents intended to protect the walls from the streams. Inside the city castle, an inn for envoys which symbolized the power of the King was located in the upper castle. And the administrative unit for the officials was located in the lower castle. These two buildings all faced south. There were more and various kinds of these buildings in Gangneung City since Gangneung had higher administrative hierarchy over Samcheok City. An altar and a shrine for the ancestral rites were located inside the castle in Gangneung and on the foot of a mountain outside the castle in Samcheok.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재후보

        중국 사천분지 서부의 고대 관개시설과 지역적 여건

        이준선(Joon Sun Lee) 한국지역지리학회 2002 한국지역지리학회지 Vol.8 No.1

        중국 사천분지 서부의 도강언 관개시설은 기원전 3세기에 진의 촉군 태수였던 이빙에 의하여 축조되었다. 이 시설은 대규모 거 관개의 효시로서 민강의 곡구에 입지한다. 이 지점은 이 지역에서 남쪽의 장강으로 합류하는 다른 강들의 곡구보다 해발고도가 높아 관개의 효율성이 크고, 강수량, 하계 등의 여건상 풍부한 유량을 지닌다. 이런 점에서 이 지점은 일찍이 거 관개시설의 입지로 선정되었다. 이 시설은 곡구에서 유수를 양분하는 `금강제`와 `어취`, 유로변경을 위한 `보병구`, 그리고 홍수와 토사를 배출하는 `비사언` 등으로 구성되었다. 이들은 상호 유기적으로 수재와 갈수 현상을 동시에 방지하였다. 여기에는 유수의 곡류현상과 침식, 운반, 퇴적작용, 그리고 암석의 풍화과정 등의 원리가 이미 적용되었다. 한편 성도평원에는 개착된 10여 개 인공수로들의 일부가 동쪽의 부강 유역까지 이어졌었는데, 이 사실은 간과되어 왔다. 결국 이 시설은 민강을 수원으로 이 지역의 수전농업 발전을 주도함으로써 `천부지국`을 이루는 계기가 되었다. This study tries to examine the characteristics of the ancient Dujiangyan Irrigation System and geographical conditions in the western part of Sichuan Basin in China. The Dujiangyan System constructed in the third century B.C is located at the mouth of gorge of the River Mi. This spot shows that its altitude above sea level is higher than that of the three other rivers in this district. Also, this river reaches the maximum discharge. These facts reveal the spot has the great potentiality as an ideal location for man-made channels. Li Bing realized the "three magical projects"; Yuzui and Jinggang Dyke(a water dividing dyke), Baopingkou(a water inlet), and Feishayan(a spillway). The dyke divided the River Min into two parts. The inner river is connected to the Baopingkou. And the Feishayan discharges flood and silt from the inner river to the outer. These projects have composed a scientific irrigation and drainage network. Finally, in the Chengdu Plain were digged a dozen channels for irrigation. Some of them are connected eastward to the River Bu. Since then the Dujiangyan System has been bring great benefits to agricultural production. This resulted in the population increased and establishment of new counties which have made the plain a `Land of Abundance".

      • KCI등재

        [논문] 적성지역의 전략적 가치와 그 배경

        이준선(Joon-Sun Lee) 한국문화역사지리학회 2004 문화 역사 지리 Vol.16 No.3

        임진강 중류 남안의 적성지역은 고대 이래 남방과 북방세력이 충돌하는 전략적 요충으로서 성과 보 루 등 총 9개의 방어시설이 분포하여 그 밀도가 주변지역에 비해 훨씬 높다 이 가운데 중성산의 칠중성은 지역 전체의 방어거점으로 매우 중요시되었다. 대부분의 방어시설은 이 성을 중심으로 북쪽을 방어하는 형태로 임진강 남안을 따라 분포하였으며, 이러한 패턴은 기복과 임진강 하도의 특정에서 비롯되었다. 감악산에서 파평산으로 이어지는 배후산지는 고도가 400-600m인데, 여기서 임진강 쪽으로 뻗는 여러 지맥에 방어 시설이 축조되었다. 특히 칠중성은 임진강 일대를 조망하기에 가장 유리한 지점이고, 그 북쪽 임진강에는 다수의 여울이 형성되었다 이들은 가장 하류 쪽 여울들인데, 가여울의 경우 폭이 약 400m로 가장 넓기 때문에 대규모 병력이 쉽게 통과할 수 있었던 곳이다. 이 길목을 방어할 목적에서 둘레 7000여척의 지역 최대의 육계토성이 축조되었으며, 다른 여울의 남안에도 방어시설이 조성되었다. 요컨대 여울과 방어시설은 세트를 이루었다. The Jeokseong area located on the ImJin River has functioned as a strategic pivot during the conflicts between the north and south forces since ancient times Nine relic defense facilities are identified In this area Out of these, ChilJoong fortress of Mt Joongseong turns out to be the most Important as a stronghold for the whole area Other defense facilities are distributed on the southern side of the Imjin River as If to defend against attacks from the north It Was the undulating hills and the channel characteristics that determined the distribution pattern Most defense facilities were built on the spurs stretching from the slope connecting Gamak and Papyeong Mountains toward the ImJin River As far as defense strategy is concerned, another Important feature is rapid Gayeowool, the largest, amounts to be about 400 meters wide, Which means a large troop could easily cross It In order to defend this and other rapids, fortresses were built In brief, rapids and fortresses were used in combination for defense

      • 한국 수전농업의 지역적 전개과정

        이준선 서울대학교 지리교육과 1989 地理敎育論集 Vol.22 No.1

        Paddy-field farming in Korea had played a pivotal role of agriculture in the late Yi Dynasty as a result of the development of agricultural technology since the early Yi dynasty. The agricultural system centering paddy-field farming has contined through the present despite an increase in population and the expansion of arable land. The purpose of this study is to find how paddy-field farming has developed regionally. Four main cross-sections,-the early 15th century, the middle 18th century, the early 20th century, the late 20th century-are formulated for this purpose. The ratio of paddy-field area to that of arable land is calculated, which is classified according to Kun and Hyun, to scrutinize the regional distribution of paddy-fields. Also the fluctuation in the proportion of paddy-field between one time cross-section and the following to clear regional differences in the development of paddy-field farming. In this process, the results were showed using cartographic analysis. Considering the proportion of paddy-fields until the early 20 century macroscopically, we can find some difference between the northern region and the southern region of Namhan river. The latter of the south is highier than that of the north. The proportion of north was not high until the late 20 contury. It was the lower reaches of a large river and the lower and middle reaches of a small river that exceed 50% in the proportion of paddy-fields in the early 15th century. Especially, Man Kyeong. Impi, Okgu Hyun in which the proportion was over 70%, was the core region of paddy-field. But, in the case of the northern part of Namhan River, while half of the part had paddy-fields vender 3%, 12 Kuns or Hyuns located in the northern mountain region had no paddyfields. In the middle 18 century, the proportion increased so that the ratio of the south province was largely over 50%. In the early 20th century, the proportion was over 70. In the late 20th century, Kang Won and Chung Buk province was under 50 in the ratio of paddy-field, while the other provinces ranged from 50% to 70%. The proportion by province maintained the level of 40% to 70% as a result of decrease in regional differences in the late 20th century. In addition, the proportion of Honam province showed a 13% increase from the early 15th century to the middle 18th century while the proportion of Chung Cheong province showed a 27 increase, which is the gratest increase since, in the middle 18th century and the early 20th century. In the 20th, Kyong Gi and Kang Won province-especially the northern part of Namhan river-showed a high increase. This increase of paddy-field ratio resulted from the expansion of On-Tap, which was made through reclamation of coastal marsh land, and from the expansion of Pon-Top which was made through change of field to paddy-field. Depending on such regional enlargement procedures of paddy-field farming, Korean agrarian civilization is roughly generalized as a 'long history of paddyfield enlargement'. The procedure has gradually proceeded from Honam region, the hotbed of Korean paddy-field farming, to the northern part. The late Yi Dynasty about 18th century can be regarded as 'the period of agrarian revolution', because it saw the formation of basic framework of paddy-field farming, due to rice and doublecrop transplantation technique in view of farming method-rice and barley. The mid 20th century can be considered as the peak period of traditional agrarian civilization, according to the scale and ratio of nation-wide paddyfield area, and relative importance of agricultural population.

      • KCI등재

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