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      • KCI등재

        소음인(少陰人) 태음병(太陰病) 심하비증(心下?證)의 병증약리(病證藥理) 고찰

        서영광,이지원,이준희,최원철,이의주,고병희,Seo, Young-Kwang,Lee, Ji-Won,Lee, Jun-Hee,Choi, Won-Cheol,Lee, Eui-Ju,Kho, Byung-Hee 사상체질의학회 2010 사상체질의학회지 Vol.22 No.3

        1. Objective: Gastric Stuffiness (心下?證) in the Soeumin Taeeum symptomatology (少陰人 太陰病) in Sasang Constitutional Medicine shows an interesting evolutionary process. Originally found in the texts of Sanghanlun (傷寒論), the perspectives regarding the symptoms of Gastric Stuffiness were expanded by many medical scholars and Lee Jema. To comprehend the Jema's concept of Taeeum symptomatology and utilize his prescription clinically, it deserves to study on the Gastric Stuffiness in Donguisuseowon (東醫壽世保元). 2. Methods: Many texts including Sanghanlun (傷寒論) and Dongeuibogam (東醫寶鑑) were reviewed in order to track the evolutionary process concerning the symptoms of Gastric Stuffiness. Also, Lee Jema's works including the different versions of Donguisuseowon (東醫壽世保元) were reviewed to examine the development of Lee's concepts regarding the Gastric Stuffiness in the Soeumin Taeeum symptomatology. 3. Results and Conclusions: 1) Most of the previous concepts on Gastric Stuffiness were generally similar to those found in Sanghanlun, especially in that they addressed Yang deficiency of the middle triple energizeer as the central pathogenic process. 2) Lee Jema's views on the epigastric discomfort in the Soeumin Taeeum symptomatology evoloved over time and culminated in the finalized pathology and therapeutics appearing in his last work, the Shinchuk version of Donguisuseowon (東醫壽世保元). 3) 4 kinds of prescription which invented by Lee Jema to treat the Gastric Stuffiness in the Soeumin Taeeum symptomatology can be matched to the prescription of Sanghanlun respectively. However through evolutionary process of Jema's prescriptions, the indication of them expanded: not only to treat Gastric Stuffiness but to diverse symptoms of Soeumin.

      • KCI등재

        저령차전자탕(猪苓車前子湯)의 기원(基源), 변천과정(變遷過程) 및 구조원리(構成原理)

        권오원,김배수,이지원,신승원,이의주,Kwon, Oh-Won,Kim, Bae-Su,Lee, Ji-Won,Shin, Seung-Won,Lee, Eui-Ju 사상체질의학회 2016 사상체질의학회지 Vol.28 No.2

        Objectives This paper investigates the origin, the progressive changes and the constructive principles of Jeoryoungchajeonja-tang(猪苓車前子湯).Methods Jeoryoungchajeonja-tang and other related prescriptions were analyzed in terms of their pathological indications, based on previous literature including 『Sanghannon(傷寒論)』, 『Keumkuaeyoryak(金匱要略)』, 『Donguibogam(東醫寶鑑)』, 『Donguisusebowon‧Sasangchobongwon(東醫壽世保元‧四象草本卷)』, 『Donguisusebowon‧Gabogubon(東醫壽世保元‧甲午舊本)』, 『Donguisusebowon‧Sinchukbon(東醫壽世保元‧辛丑本)』Results and Conclusions 1) The origin of Jeoryoungchajeonja-tang is discovered in the prescriptions for Lee-su(利水), that is, Jeoryoung-tang(猪苓湯). 2) Ohryoung-san(五苓散) introduced in 『Donguisusebowon‧Sasangchobongwon(東醫壽世保元‧四象草本卷)』progressively transformed into Shihosaryoung-san(柴胡四苓散)(『Donguisusebowon‧Gabogubon(東醫壽世保元 ‧甲午舊本)』) and ultimately into Jeoryoungchajeonja-tang(『Donguisusebowon‧Sinchukbon(東醫壽世保元‧辛丑本)』), a prescription appropriate for usage in the Mangeum symptomatology(亡陰證). 3) The Jeoryoungchajeonja-tang is composed of 10 herbs. Of these, Notopterygium incisum Ting(羌活), Aralia cordata Thunb.(獨活), Schizonepeta tenuifolia Briq.(荊芥), Saposhnikovia divaricata Schischk.(防風) make the Pyoeum(表陰) drop, and Anemarrhena asphodeloides Bge.(知母), Gypsum fibrosum(石膏) scatter the uihwa(胃火), and Poria cocos Wolf.(茯苓), Alisma canaliculatum(澤瀉), Polyporus umbellatus Fr.(猪苓), Plantago asiatica L.(車前子) facilitate urination.

      • KCI등재

        태음조위탕(太陰調胃湯) 약물 가감(加減) 원리

        신승원,이지원,황민우,이준희,고병희,이의주,Shin, Seungwon,Lee, Jiwon,Hwang, Minwoo,Lee, Junhee,Koh, Byunghee,Lee, Euiju 사상체질의학회 2016 사상체질의학회지 Vol.28 No.3

        Objectives This study aimed at proposing a hypothetical principle to add or abstract herbs for modifying Taeeumjowi-tang.Method Based on Jema Lee's literatures such as Dongyisusebowon and Dongyisasangsipyeon, we analyzed contents related to Taeeumjowi-tang and its modification. Moreover, we reviewed physiological and pathological pecularities of Taeeumin symptomatology and applied the theory to induce the principle of the modified Taeeumjowi-tang in Sasang medicine.Results and Conclusions 1) We have found 10 modified Taeeumjowi-tang from Dongyisasangsipyeon. 2) Mahwangjowi-tang (麻黃調胃湯), Gogijowi-tang (固氣調胃湯), Shingijowi-tang (腎氣調胃湯), Euiyiinjowi-tang (薏苡仁調胃湯), Gamijowi-tang (加味調胃湯), and Gyeongheomjowi-tang (經驗調胃湯) are modified for Taeeumin who have original symptoms of more severe cold tendency. Especially, Gogijowi-tang helps to circulate energy-fluid from esophagus to skin, while Shingijowi-tang directly aids the function of esophagus. 3) Seungjijowi-tang (升芷調胃湯), Seunggeumjowi-tang (升芩調胃湯), Seunggijowi-tang (承氣調胃湯), and Jowisokmyung-tang (調胃續命湯) are modified for Taeeumin who have originally cold symtoms, accompanied by heat tendencies. Especially, Seungjijowi-tang helps to eliminate mild heat existing throughout skin and flesh, while Seunggeumjowi-tang gets rid of severe heat swarming in the flesh parts. Seunggijowi-tang can take away the most severe heat symptoms in the whole body

      • 심경부주(心經附註)의 사상(思想)과 이제마(李濟馬) 사상(思想)과의 비교

        김인태,이의주,고병희,Kim, In-tae,Lee, Eui-ju,Koh, Byung-Hee 사상체질의학회 1997 사상체질의학회지 Vol.9 No.2

        심경부주(心經附註)의 고찰(考察)과 심경부주(心經附註)에서 나타나고 있는 사상(思想)과 이제마(李濟馬)의 사상(思想)과의 비교에서 다음과 같은 결론을 얻었다. 1. 모든 사람의 마음에는 두 가지의 마음이 존재한다. 이는 심경(心經)에서는 인심(人心)과 도심(道心)으로, 이제마(李濟馬)는 군자지심(君子之心)과 소인지심(小人之心)으로 표현하였다. 2. 심경부주(心經附註)에서는 인심(人心)과 도심(道心)은 성인(聖人)과 중인(衆人)을 구별시키는 중요한 요점이 되는데 성인(聖人)의 경우는 이 두 마음을 잘 분별하여 도심(道心)으로 인심(人心)이 인욕(人欲)에 빠지는 것을 경계하는 사람이라 하였다. 이제마(李濟馬)의 경우에서는 군자지심(君子之心)은 역지(易知)이고 소인지심(小人之心)은 난지(難知)라 하고 군자지심(君子之心)이 많은 사람은 군자(君子)이고 소인지심(小人之心)이 많은 사람은 소인(小人)이 된다고 하였다. 3. 이러한 군자(君子)의 경지에 오르기 위해 심경(心經)과 이제마(李濟馬)는 여러 가지 수행 방법을 제시하는데 공통적으로 계신공구(戒愼恐懼)를 말하고 심경(心經)에서는 이러한 계신공구(戒愼恐懼)를 위해서는 경(敬)이 가장 우선이 된다고 하고, 이제마(李濟馬)는 여인상접지성(與人相接之性)과 자기독득지성(自己獨得之性)을 들어서 절불절(節不節), 중불중(中不中)과 지인(知人), 지천(知天)을 말하고 있다. 4. 계신공구(戒愼恐懼)를 통하여 성의(誠意)를 이루고 이것으로 정심(正心)을 하는 것을 심경(心經)은 말하는데 이제마(李濟馬)는 지인(知人)을 통한 치심정기(治心正己)를 말하고 있다. 5. 맹자(孟子)의 사단(四端)은 성(性)을 이루는 중요한 마음의 단초가 되니 확충(擴充)을 해나가야 하는 것이 된다. 이제마(李濟馬)는 격치고(格致藁)에서 이러한 사단(四端)의 사심신물(事心身物)로 분화된 모습을 말하고 이를 동의수세보원(東醫壽世保元)에서는 천인성명(天人性命)으로 표현을 하면서 각각의 심욕(心欲)과 각각의 선(善)한 부분을 말하고 있다. By the investigation of "Sim-Kyoung-Bu-Ju" and the comparison study between the thought of "Sim-Kyoung-Bu-Ju" and that of Lee Je-ma, I've got the following conclusion. 1. All man have two mind. That is explained that "In-Sim" and "Do-Sim" in the "Sim-Kyong-Bu-Ju", "Kun-Ja-Ji-Sim" and "So-In-Ji-Sim" in the Lee Je-ma. 2. says that "In-Sim" and "Do-Sim" are the important point of the distinguishment of the "Sung-In" from "Jung-In". The "Sung-In" is the man who distinguishes "In-Sim" from "Do-Sim" well, and he always is cautious for "In-Sim"s" falling in desire by the "Do-Sim". In the case of LeeJe-ma,"Kun-Ja-Ji-Sim" is easy to know and "So-In-Ji-Sim" is hard to know. The man of "Kun-Ja-Ji-Sim" being large part is "Kun-Ja" and the man of "So-In-Ji-Sim" being large part is "So-In". 3. To reach the state of the "Kun-Ja", the "Sim-Kyoung-Bu-Ju" and Lee Je-ma present the variant training methods, "Kei-Shin-Kong-Ku" which they have in common. The "Sin-Kyoung-Bu-Ju" presents the "Kyung" firstly for "Kei-Shin-Kong-Ku", Lee Je-ma presents the "Yo-In-Sang-Jep-Ji-Sung" and "Ja-Ki-Tok-Tuk-Ji-Sung" for "Jel-Bu-Jel", "Jung-Bu-Jung", "Ji-In", "Ji-Chen". 4. The "Sim-Kyoung-Bu-Ju" says that establish the "Sung-Ui" by the "Kei-Shin-Kong-Ku", and to "Jung-Sim" by the "Sung-Ui", Lee Je-ma says "Chi-Sim-Jung-Ki" by "Ji-In".

      • KCI등재

        TSG101 Physically Interacts with Linear Ubiquitin Chain Assembly Complex (LUBAC) and Upregulates the TNFα-Induced NF-κB Activation

        의주,Eunju Kim,Hyunchu Cho,Gaeul Lee,Heawon Baek,In Young Lee 한국분자세포생물학회 2023 Molecules and cells Vol.46 No.7

        Linear ubiquitin chain assembly complex (LUBAC) is a ubiquitin E3 ligase complex composed of HOIP, HOIL-1L, and SHARPIN that catalyzes the formation of linear/M1- linked ubiquitin chain. It has been shown to play a pivotal role in the nuclear factor (NF)-κB signaling induced by proinflammatory stimuli. Here, we found that tumor susceptibility gene (TSG101) physically interacts with HOIP, a catalytic component of LUBAC, and potentiates LUBAC activity. Depletion of TSG101 expression by RNA interference decreased TNFα-induced linear ubiquitination and the formation of TNFα receptor 1 signaling complex (TNFRSC). Furthermore, TSG101 facilitated the TNFα-induced stimulation of the NF-κB pathway. Thus, we suggest that TSG101 functions as a positive modulator of HOIP that mediates TNFα-induced NF-κB signaling pathway.

      • 고지혈증환자의 체질식이 효과

        이의주,김윤영,임규성,김상복,이수경,고병희,조여원,송일병,Lee, Eui-ju,Kim, Yun-young,Lim, Kyu-seoug,Kim, Sang-bok,Lee, Su-kyung,Koh, Byung-hee,Cho, Yo-won,Song, Il-Byung 사상체질의학회 1999 사상체질의학회지 Vol.11 No.2

        본 연구에서는 총 65명의 고지혈증환자를 대상으로 일반치료식과 체질치료식을 처방한 후 3주 후, 6주 후를 비교하여 그 효능을 비교하였다. 체질치료식은 영양학과 사상체질의학을 고려하여 구성되었다. 태음인의 경우를 살펴보면, 일반치료식과 체질치료식은 Serum Lipids의 항목에서 같은 수준으로 영향을 주었다. 일반치료식은 TC(6주후), TG(6주후)에서 유의한 감소(P<0.05)가 관찰되어 체질치료식보다 우수한 부분이 있었고, 체질치료식은 PL(6주후)에서 유의있는 감소(P<0.01) 가 관찰되어 일반치료식보다 우수하였다. 소양인의 경우를 살펴보면, 일반치료식에서는 변화가 없었으나 체질치료식에서는 TL(3주후 6주후), PL(3주후)에서 유의있는 감소(P<0.05)가 관찰되었다. In this study, we compared the effect of the Therapeutic Diet and Constitutional Diet on the subjects whose total number is 65 and has hyperlipidemia by checking the serum lipids 3weeks later, 6weeks later. In the Taeumin, there is a little difference in the two Dietary Therapies. Therapeutic Diet shows significant decrease in the total-cholesterol(6weeks later), triglyceride(6weeks later). (P<0.05) In that point Therapeutic Diet shows better effect than Constitutional Diet. Constitutional Diet shows better effect in the phospholipid by significant decrease in the phospholipid(6weeks later).(P<0.01) In the Soyangin group, Therapeutic Diet shows no difference, but Constitutional Diet shows significant decrease in the total lipid(3weeks, 6weeks later), phospholipid(3weeks later).(P<0.05).

      • KCI등재

        입자 측정방법을 통한 초기 수트입자 연구

        이의주(Eui Ju Lee) 한국가시화정보학회 2004 한국가시화정보학회지 Vol.2 No.1

        The physical characteristics of soot near the soot inception point were investigated with various measurements. In-situ measurements of particle size and volume fraction were introduced based on time resolved laser-induced incandescence (TIRE-LII) and laser-induced ion mobility (LIIM). The one has more convenience and accuracy than conventional LII technique and the other works best for particle sizes of a few nanometers at high concentrations in a uniform concentration field. A complementary ex-situ measurement of particle size is nano differential mobility analyzer (Nano-DMA), which recently developed for measuring particle sizes between 2㎚ and 100㎚ and provides high-resolution size information for early soot. Particles will be also collected on transmission electron microscope (TEM) grids using rapid thermophoretic sampling and analyzed for morphology. These measurements will allow fresh and original insight into the characterizing soot inception process. The measured physical properties of incipient soot will clarify the controlling growth mechanism combined with chemical ones, and the dominant mechanism for soot modeling can be deduced from the information.

      • 세종시 노인복지시설 기초조사

        이의주(Lee, Eui-Ju),변나향(Byun, Na-Hyang) 한국주거학회 2023 한국주거학회 학술대회논문집 Vol.35 No.1

        The purpose of the study was to examine the supply of welfare facilities in new towns through the facility location and to discuss the demand for facility planning in the areas where future residential complexes are built. Distribution of elderly welfare facilities is examined, focusing on leisure welfare facilities and elderly home care including day careda based on the criteria classified under the Elderly Welfare Act. As a result of the survey, the distribution pattern was organized by comparing the planned area in Sejong City with other areas. The results of this paper will be used as pilot study to local facility planning for living support of elderly.

      • KCI등재

        기계안전분야 : 비정상 유동의 메탄/공기 혼합기 반응안정성 효과 연구

        이의주 ( Eui Ju Lee ),오창보 ( Chang Bo Oh ) 한국안전학회(구 한국산업안전학회) 2011 한국안전학회지 Vol.26 No.5

        Flame extinction and the chemistry of stoichiometric methane/air mixture were investigated numerically in the PSR(perfectly stirred reactor). For the study, PSR code was modified to be possible to unsteady calculation, and the sinusoidal fluctuation was subjected to the residence time. In the region of residence time far from the extinction limit, combustion mode was strongly dependent on the frequency. The low frequency excitation provided the quasi-steady behavior on the temperature and the concentrations of related species, but small variation of temperature was observed under high frequency. In the region of residence time near the extinction limit, the mixture subjected above 1 KHz was still reacting even though extinction had to be occurred under quasi-steady concept. The attenuation of extinction limit resulted from that chemical time was comparable to the flow time. The mean mole fractions of both NO and CO were almost same regardless of imposed frequency. However, the average mole fraction of C2H2 was decreased as increasing frequency, which implies that soot yield might be reduced at the higher frequency of flow excitation. The result provides the basic concept for flame stabilization, and it will be used to design a mild combustor.

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