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      • 발음평가용 멀티미디어 시스템 구현을 위한 구어 프랑스어의 음향학적 단서

        이은영,송미영,Lee, Eun-Yung,Song, Mi-Young 한국음성학회 2005 음성과학 Vol.12 No.3

        The objective of this study is to examine acoustic cues in spoken French for the assessment of pronunciation which is necessary to realization of the multimedia system. The corpus is composed of simple expressions which consist of the French phonological system include all phonemes. This experiment was made on 4 male and female French native speakers and on 20 Korean speakers, university students who had learned the French language more than two years. We analyzed the recorded data by using spectrograph and measured comparative features by the numerical values. First of all, we found the mean and the deviation of all phonemes, and then chose features which had high error frequency and great differences between French and Korean pronunciations. The selected data were simplified and compared among them. After we judged whether the problems of pronunciation in each Korean speaker were either the utterance mistake or the interference of mother tongue, in terms of articulatory and auditory aspects, we tried to find acoustic features as simplified as possible. From this experiment, we could extract acoustic cues for the construction of the French pronunciation training system.

      • 프랑스 구어 교육을 위한 실제 발화 운율 단위의 실험 음성학적 고찰

        이은영,유혜옥,이경민,Lee Eun-Yung,Yuh Hea-Oak,Lee Kyung-Min 대한음성학회 2003 말소리 Vol.47 No.-

        When intonation in French is analysed in terms of a multi-dimentional and hierarchical structure, each of the prosodic units such as accent phrases(having different combinations of the basic tonemes L and H), pre-sentencial and post-sentencial long pauses, intonation phrases(containing boundary intonation), as well as intermediate phrases can be considered being realized on a separate tier. Unlike on the tiers where accent phrases and intonation phrases occur, an intonation rhythm consisting of plateaus is realised on that of intermediate phrases. This intonation rhythm consisting of plateaus is one of the significant factors that lead a basic French metrical rhythm. This paper first shows the types of combinations of the basic tonemes L and H found in French accent phrases. Secondly, this paper examines the roles intermediate phrases and plateaus play in French. Finally, this paper argues that intermediate phrases are the metrical units actually adopted as real utterance units in French.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        프랑스 언어학 , 지역학 : 프랑스어 음절구조의 표현

        이은영(Eun Yung Lee) 한국프랑스학회 1999 한국프랑스학논집 Vol.26 No.-

        Atjourd`hui on se met considrer des syllabes comme unitks essentielles et trs importantes pour expliquer des phnomnes phonologiques. Quand les structures syllabiques sont bien dtermines, elles reprsentent naturellement des contraintes distributionnelles et on peut tablir des representations explicables. Le but de cette etude est de prciser les structures syllabiques du franais parl et de dgager leur representation la plus adequate. Nous consultons 1`oeuvre de F. WIOLAND, files structures syllabiques du franais. 1985 pour 1`analyse rlle des structures syllabiques et consid~rons la CV phonologie de CLEMENTS & KEYSER, la phonologie tridimentionnelle de P. ENCREVE et le gouvernement phonologique de KAYE. LOWENSTAMM & VERGNAUD(KLV) pour montrer thoriquement la representation la plus adequate.Selon 1`analyse de F. WIOLAND, des syllabes du franais appartiennent un des types CV(55.5), CCV(14.0). CVC(13,5). V(10,0). ... CaCsCaC1V ou VC1C2C3. On peut prononcer pratiquement 3 consonnes ou 4 consonnes. Pour dcrire les structures syllabiques du franais, on ne peut donc plus dpendre les lois de trois consonnes. La CV phonologie de CLEMENTS & KEYSER et la phonologie tridimentionnelle de P. ENCREVE ne regardent pas ce problme. Le Principe de gouvernement phonologique de KLV nous aeons donna une sorte de cl pour rsoudre le proble`me de 3 ou 4 consonnes. On considre la relation du gouvernement phonologique sur deux plans : les plans du gouvernement syllabique et du gouvernement transsyllabique ou interconstituant. Voile les mod8les fundamentals des structures syllabiques du franais : 1-a) Attaque non-branchant, 1-b) Attaque branchant. 1-c) Noyau non-branchant. 1-d) Noyau branchant, 1-e) Rime branchant pour le gouvernement syllabique et 2-a) R (non)branchant + A (non)branchant. 2-b) R non-branchant + R non-branchant, 2-c) A (non)branchant + R (non) branchant pour le gouvernement transsyllabique ou interconstituant. Nous pouvons d~crire toutes les structures syllabiques du franais par la combinaison de ces mode`les fondamentaux.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        구어 프랑스어의 두음 , 말음 특성과 동화현상

        이은영(Eun Yung Lee) 한국프랑스학회 1998 한국프랑스학논집 Vol.24 No.-

        Le problt`me de rfrence que nous voudrons traiter est celui qui surgit quand deux syntagmes nominaux lexicaux(SNlex) se suivent dans 1$quot;enchainement discursif, et dont le premier est un mon propre(NpoP) et le second un syntagme nomimal dtermin(Nape). Lundquist propose des re`gles pragmatiques pour expliciter le calcul rfrentiel. Selon elle, il existe deux calculs rfrentiels qui, activant chacun un paradigme different de formes, mnent vets une lecture corfrentielle: ces calculs sont dus aux implicatures fondles sur le principe-Quantity et sur le Principe-Mani~re. Sperber & Wilson propose une thorie qui considc?re qu$quot;une partie au moins de 1$quot;interpretation des noncs n$quot;est pas spcialise et fait 1$quot;objet de processus cognitifs gnraux, applicables d$quot;autres types de stimuli. C$quot;est la thorie de la pertinence. Selon les auteurs, la communication linguistique est une des varitks de la communication ostensive-infrentielle. La pertinence est une notion comparative, largement drspendante des deux notions d$quot;effet contextuel et de cotlt de traitement, qui nous ramnent $quot;interpretation de 1$quot;nonc et la dsambiguisation rfrentielle. Si nous voudrons rsoudre les problmes pragmatiques avec les ou les contraintes, cela augmenterait le nombre de rgles ou de contraintes chaque fois qu$quot;il y aurait des problmes avec des units linguistiques. Its vaudrait mieux rCsoudre les problmes pragmatiques avec les principes explicatifs ad~quats, non avec les rgles ou les contraintes. MALMBERG. B., Manual of phonetics. 2nd Printing. North-Holland Publishing Company. Amsterdam. 1970. MALMBERG, B.. Manuel de phontique gnrale. Editions Picard, 1974. MALMBERG. B.. Phontique franaise, Malmo, 1972. MAUGER. G.. Le franais et la vie I. Hachette, Paris. 1972. STRAKA. G.. L$quot;album phontique, Les presses de 1`universit Laval. Quebec. 1965. WALTER, H., La phonoloeie du franais. P.U.F.. Paris, 1977. WIOLAND. F., Les structures syllabiques du franais, Champion, Genwe-Paris, 1985. WIOLAND, F . Prononcer les mots du franais, Hachette, Paris. 1991. 1994

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        Plunging Ranula환자의 치험례

        이동근,권경환,김용완,이은영,김은철,Lee, Dong-Keun,Kwon, Kyung-Hwan,Kim, Yung-Woan,Lee, Eun-Young,Kim, Eun-Cheol 대한악안면성형재건외과학회 1998 Maxillofacial Plastic Reconstructive Surgery Vol.20 No.3

        The plunging ranula or cervical ranula is amucous extravasation cyst of the sublingual gland. It is slightly common in females, shows no side preference, and is more prevalent in the second and third decades of life. It typically manifests as a painless, nonmobile swelling in the neck. The pathogenesis of plunging ranula is the discontinuities of the mylohyoid muscle in a position that would allow extravasation of sublingual gland mucin. The histologic appearance is characteristically of a cyst, devoid of epithelium or endothelium, with a vascular fibro-connective tissue wall containing some chronic inflammatory cells and macrophages stuffed with mucin. The correct diagnosis is essential for the most effective treatment, which is exicision of the sublingual gland. The plunging ranula must be differentiated clinically and histomorphologically from thyroglossal duct cyst, dermoid cyst, branchogenic cyst, lymphangioma, laryngocele, lipoma, hemangioma, cervial thymic cyst, cysts of the parathyroid or thyroid gland, lymphadenopathy, abscess, or tumor. We report a case and review the literatures, in our case, 23-year old man were diagnosis as plunging ranula after have been taken sialogam, MRI, etc. He underwent surgery via a cervical approach. The ranula reached the anterior neck by passing through a dehiscence in the mylohyoid muscle. A pseudocyst was extirpated. Although total sublingual gland excision was not performed, no recurrence was observed during 6 months follow-up periods.

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