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        바흐친의 이론을 통해 본 마당극 -임진택의 《밥》과 《녹두꽃》을 중심으로-

        이원현 ( Won Hyeon Lee ) 한국연극학회 2003 한국연극학 Vol.0 No.20

        Die vorliegende Arbeit untersucht das Madang-Theater unter Bezugnahme auf Michail Bachtins Theorie. Besonders ero¨rtert werden Bachtins ‘Kamevals’-Theorie und der fur die Postmodeme zentrale Begriff der ‘Intertextualita¨t’ im Zusammenhang mit dem Madanggu^k. Nach den einleitenden Begriffserkla˘rungen wird der Bezug zum Madang-Theater hergestellt, wobei hauptsa¨chlic die Stu¨cke 《Pap》 und 《Noktu-kkot》 von Im Chin-t`aek beispielhaft herangezogen werden. Diese in den 80er Jahren aufgefu¨hrten Stu¨cke haben nach meiner Einscha¨tzung die a¨sthetische Schwa¨che fru¨herer Stu¨cke u¨berwunden und eine a¨sthetisch ada¨quatere Form fu¨r den darzustellenden Gegenstand gefunden. In den spa¨ten fu¨nfziger Jahren wurde, vor allem in den USA, eine sehr lebhafte Diskussion u¨ber Begriff der ‘Postmoderne’ begonnen, der seit Beginn der achtziger Jahre in erster Linie als literarischer Fachbegriff weltweite Verbreitung fand. Er ist derart popula¨r geworden, dass er beinahe zum Inventar der heutigen Alltagssprache geho¨rt. Da seine Bedeutung jedoch nicht klar definiert ist, wurde der Fachbegriff ‘Postmoderne’ bis jetzt kaum bei der konkreten Analyse von Theaterstu¨cken angewandt. Dieser Umstand erschwert die Analyse des eigentu¨mlichen koreanischen Madang-Theaters mit Hilfe des westlichen Begriffs der ‘Postmoderne’. Als Beitrag zur U¨berwindung dieser Schwierigkeit werden in der vorliegenden Arbeit Bachtins Theorie und Theaterstu¨cke von Im Chin-t`aek behandelt. Gerade die Anwendung der Theorie Bachtins auf diese Stu¨cke macht deutlich, dass sich die Sprach- und Handlungsmerkmale dieser Theaterform als Merkmale postmodermen Theaters charakterisieren lassen. Das Madanggu^k lebt nicht nur von dualistischer Gegenu¨berstellung, sondern auch von universaler Harmonie. Die westliche avantgardistische Kunstbewegung hingegen entstand aus dem Bedu¨rfnis, dem Bestehenden etwas Eigensta¨ndiges entgegen zu setzen. In einem sta¨ndigen Prozess von ‘Dekonstruktion’ und ‘Rekonstruktion’ wurde eine dialektische Kunst geschaffen. Fu¨r die Entwicklung des fu¨r das Madanggu^k wesentlichen Merkmals der Harmonie ist es unerla¨sslich, das Madang-Theater aus seinen engen politischen und soziaien Bezu¨gen herauszufu¨hren. In der vorliegenden Arbeit sollte deshalb aus theatralischer Sicht bewiesen werden dass das Madanggu^k als experimentelles Theater grundsa¨tzlich in der Lage ist, die gesto¨rten menschlichen Beziehungen mittels seiner offenen Kommunikationsstruktur und seiner vermittelnden Kommunikationssysteme wiederherzustellen. Diese Arbeit soll dazu beitragen, die Entwicklungsmo¨glichkeiten des Madanggu^k in der heutigen Zeit aufzuzeigen, in der zum einen die bisherige wissenschaftliche Bescha¨ftigung mit dieser Form des Theaters noch unzureichend ist und sich zum anderen das Madanggu^k noch in einer Experimentierphase befindet.

      • KCI등재

        컨테이너터미널에서 선석계획과 안벽크레인할당의 동시 결정

        이원봉(Won-Bong Lee),구평회(Pyung-Hoi Koo) 한국SCM학회 2010 한국SCM학회지 Vol.10 No.2

        This paper addresses berth scheduling and quay crane (QC) allocation problems in seaport container terminals. Identifying the berth and QCs as bottleneck resources, we present an optimization model to simultaneously determine the berth schedule and QC allocation, with the objective of minimizing ship turnaround time. Since the optimization model is a NP-hard, a GA(genetic algorithm)-based berth scheduling procedure is proposed to solve real problems. Numerical experiments are performed to verify the performance of the proposed models. Experimental results show that our study can drive a berth schedule and QC allocation decision of satisfactory quality.

      • KCI등재
      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        수부 골절 시 Histoacryl$^{(R)}$ (N-butyl-2-cyanoacrylate)을 이용한 보조적 골 정복 2례

        이원,이성환,오상아,강동희,Lee, Won,Lee, Sung-Hwan,Oh, Sang-A,Kang, Dong-Hee 대한성형외과학회 2011 Archives of Plastic Surgery Vol.38 No.1

        Purpose: The standard treatments of hand fractures today are fixations by K -wires, metal plates, wires and lag screws. But it is very difficult to reconstruct fractures by placing implants into small bony fragments especially in the comminuted fractures and intra-articular fractures. This paper describes a simple method of reconstruction with Histoacryl$^{(R)}$ for comminuted and intra-articular fractures in hands. Methods: 2 cases with comminuted and intra-articular fractures by crushing injury were reconstructed with Histoacryl$^{(R)}$. We performed applying Histoacryl$^{(R)}$ with swab on the bone cortex carefully to avoid Histoacryl$^{(R)}$ infiltrating into the medulla. We could rearrange and fixate bony fragments using only Histoacryl$^{(R)}$, in addition, metal plates, K-wires, wires, and lag screws could be used for secondary fixation if needed. Results: Post-operative X-ray finding of 2 patients assured that the bony fragments of the hand fractures maintained their original positions. Significant displacement and deviation, infection, nonunion, and malunion during the follow-up period were not observed. Conclusion: This study showed the possibility of using Histoacryl$^{(R)}$ in addition as a simple method of fixation in the comminuted and intra-articular hand fractures.

      • 스가 정권의 대외정책과 한ㆍ일관계 전망

        이원덕 ( Lee Won-deog ) 한국외교협회 2021 외교 Vol.136 No.0

        스가 정권은 아베의 갑작스런 사임에 따라 위기관리 차원에서 수립된 잠정 정권의 성격을 띠고 있다. 올해 치러질 자민당 총재선거와 중의원 선거에서 승리한다면 본격 정권으로 발돋움할 것이다. 아베가 이념형 정치가로서 국가주의적 성격이 강한 정책을 추구한 데 반해 스가는 실용주의적이고 인기영합적인 정책을 추진할 것이다. 스가 정권은 아베 정권의 글로벌 전략 외교를 계승하면서 대미동맹 강화, 인도-태평양 전략 구상의 실질적 추진을 꾀하고 있다. 대미동맹의 강화와 더불어 중국과는 안정적인 관리에 역점을 둔 대외 정책을 추진하고 있다. 스가 총리는 대북 외교에 관해서 납치, 핵, 미사일 등 현안을 해결하고 북한과의 관계 정상화를 목표로 내걸고 있다. 동경 올림픽의 성공적인 개최에 필요한 평화무드 조성을 위해서 대북협상을 재개할 수 있다. 스가 정부는 기회가 온다면 한ㆍ일관계의 개선에 나설 가능성을 배제할 수는 없다. 한ㆍ일관계 개선은 스가로서는 정치적 자산이 될 수 있기 때문이다. 더욱이 바이든 정부의 출범에 따라 한ㆍ일관계 정상화의 압력이 강해질 전망이다. 특히 징용문제를 해결할 실마리가 잡힌다면 스가 정부로서는 한ㆍ일관계를 개선할 절호의 기회가 될 수도 있다. 한국이 선제적으로 징용문제를 해결할 지혜를 내놓고 적극적으로 스가 정부와 협상을 시도한다면 한ㆍ일관계의 극적인 개선과 관계 복원의 길이 열릴 수 있을 것이다. 만약 징용문제라는 뇌관이 제거된다면 수출규제 문제, GSOMIA문제의 수습은 그다지 난제는 아니며 대북정책의 공조 복원도 이뤄질 수 있다. 한ㆍ일관계 개선 프로세스는 금년 초에 개최될 한ㆍ중ㆍ일 정상회담 계기의 한ㆍ일 정상회담을 모멘텀으로 가동시키면 좋을 것이다. The Suga regime has the characteristics of a provisional regime established in terms of crisis management following Abe’s sudden resignation. If he wins the LDP presidential and lower house elections this year, he will become a full-fledged administration. While Abe has pursued a policy with a strong nationalistic character as an ideological politician, Suga will pursue pragmatic and populist policies. The Suga regime is trying to strengthen the alliance with the U.S. and promote the Indo-Pacific strategy initiative by inheriting the Abe administration’s global strategic diplomacy. Along with the strengthening of the alliance with the U.S., the government is pursuing foreign policies focusing on stable management with China. On diplomacy with North Korea, Suga aims to resolve pending issues such as kidnapping, nuclear weapons and missiles and normalize relations with North Korea. Negotiations with North Korea can be resumed to create a peace mood necessary for the successful hosting of the Tokyo Olympics. The Japanese government cannot rule out the possibility of improving Korea-Japan relations if an opportunity arises. This is because improving Korea-Japan relations can be a political asset for Suga. Furthermore, with the launch of the Biden administration, the pressure on normalization of Korea-Japan relations is expected to intensify. In particular, if a clue is found to resolve the issue of conscription, it could be a great opportunity for the Japanese government to improve Korea-Japan relations. If South Korea gives up its wisdom to preemptively resolve the issue of conscription and actively tries to negotiate with the government, it could pave the way for dramatic improvement of Korea-Japan relations and restoration of relations. If the issue of conscription is resolved, the problem of export regulation and GSOMIA is not a big problem, and the restoration of cooperation in North Korea policy could also take place. The Korea-Japan relations improvement process would be good if the Korea-China-Japan summit talks, which will be held early this year, were put into motion.

      • KCI등재

        기업가치 평가모형과 대리인비용의 추정에 관한 연구

        이원흠(Won Heum Lee) 한국증권학회 2009 한국증권학회지 Vol.38 No.1

        본 연구에서는 M&M모형(1958, 1961, 1963)을 확장하여, 무형자산의 자본화, 성장기회 및 법인세, 도산확률, 대리인비용 등이 존재한다는 가정 하에서 기업가치를 평가하는 모형을 개발하였다. 본 연구의 모형은 다음과 같은 측면에서 선행연구와 차별적이다. 첫째, 이원흠, 최수미(2002)의 지식자산가치 평가모형 및 이원흠, 최수미(2004)의 가중평균기업 가치 평가모형은 무형자산의 자본화가 존재한다는 가정 하에서 기업가치를 평가하는 모형으로 개발된 것이다. 둘째, 이원흠(2006, 2007)의 세후 가중평균기업가치 평가모형은 무형자산의 자본화, 법인세, 도산확률 및 성장기회가 존재한다는 가정 하에서 기업가치를 평가하는 모형으로 개발된 것이다. 본 연구에서는 선행연구들에 비해 대리인비용이 존재한다는 추가적인 가정 하에서 기업가치 평가모형을 개발하였다. 셋째, 기업의 내재가치는 실물자산가치, 무형자산가치, 지급이자의 절세효과와 예상도산비용 및 대리인비용이 복합적으로 반영된 수익가치와 성장기회가치 등 모두 4요인으로 구성된다는 것을 명시적으로 보여 준다. 본 연구의 모형은 직접적으로 대리인비용의 크기에 대한 추정이 가능하므로 선행연구와 차별되는 기여가 기대된다. 넷째, 세후 가중평균자본비용은 무부채기업의 자본비용, 지급이자의 절세효과와 예상도산비용의 복합효과 및 대리인비용의 조정항목 등 크게 4요인으로 구성된다는 것을 명시적으로 보여 준다. 본 연구의 모형을 이용하여 2001~2007년 기간 동안, 상장기업을 대상으로 대리인비용(agency costs)이 기업의 자본비용 및 내재가치에 미치는 영향을 추정하고, 개별기업의 대리인비용 크기를 측정하였다. 추정결과, 평균적으로 기업지배구조가 좋지 않은 기업의 대리인비용은 기업지배구조가 좋은 기업에 비해 약 15% 만큼 더 큰 것으로 나타났다. As an extension of M&M models(1958, 1961, 1963), I introduce a firm valuation model under the assumptions of the existence of corporate taxes, growth opportunities, bankruptcy costs, and agency costs as well. The model shows that the intrinsic firm values are consisting of four components such as the value of assets-in-place, the value of intangible assets, the value of growth opportunities and the compounding effects of tax benefits, bankruptcy costs and agency costs of the firm. According to the valuation model, I can examine the relations between the corporate governance level and the agency problems by directly estimating the size of the agency costs of the firm. The empirical estimates of the agency costs are summarized as follows. First, the agency costs of companies with good governance systems are about 15% less than otherwise governed companies. Second, the agency costs of companies with high leverage are about 11% higher than those with low leverage. In sum, the governance systems of the companies can contribute to reducing the size of agency costs and then to increasing the intrinsic values of the good-governance companies. And also I can tell that the debt financing will increase the agency costs of debt.

      • KCI등재

        현장시험을 통한 공동주택 바닥충격음 차단성능 분석

        이원학(Lee, Won-Hak),송국곤(Song, Guk-Gon),한찬훈(Haan, Chan-Hoon) 한국건축친환경설비학회 2020 한국건축친환경설비학회 논문집 Vol.14 No.1

        The present study investigates the change between preliminary accreditation system results and floor impact sound evaluation in the field. In order to this, evaluation has been conducted at the construction phase before completion. The resilient materials used in the field are applied to the site using 1st grade of light-weight impact sound and 3rd grade of heavy-weight impact sound. The measurements are limited to households with extended living room, ceiling whit well type, and finishing materials with thickness of 7.5 ㎜. As a result, it was found that the difference between the performance of the resilient material through the preliminary accreditation system and the site evaluation at the pre-completion phase have been lowered by at least one grade. It was also revealed that there were about (1 ~ 5) ㏈ deviations depending on the household’s exclusive use area, the shape of the plan, the space to be measured, and the width and length ratio of the living room area to be measured. As the size of the exclusive use area and living room area increased, the grade of floor impact sound has been lowered. However, it was confirmed that the heavy-weight impact sound is most unfavorably evaluated where the width and length ratio of the living room, where measurements were undertaken, is between 1.0 and 1.1. And the floor impact sound tendency does not appear according to the floor. The research results are intended to be used as a basic data for designing the living room to secure the floor impact sound reduction performance and the introduction of the floor impact sound evaluation system before using approval inspection.

      • KCI등재

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