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        대학수학능력시험 과학 탐구 의 응시자 수와 평균 점수 변화 및 문항에 대한 학생 반응

        이양락(Yang Rak Lee) 한국과학교육학회 2002 한국과학교육학회지 Vol.22 No.2

        This study investigated the trends in the number of applicants and mean score and applicants` responses on the test items of `science inquiry` of the College Scholastic Ability Test(CSAT) implemented for 3 years(1999∼2001). The results of this study were as follows: The percentage of applicants of science track for 1995 CSAT were 43.13%, but reduced to 29.5% for 2001 CSAT. And unlike other tracks, the percentage of male applicants, ranking above average, of science track was 65.58%, which is about twofold of female applicants(34.42%,). The mean score of `Science inquiry` was 58.6 in 1999, and 69.5 in 2001. And the score of the applicants, ranking above average, of humanity and social science course and science course, were 85.8 and 90.7 respectfully in 2001 CSAT. These high mean scores were caused by the policy of easy CSAT so called. Most of test items were developed to have difficulty 60-79% or above 80%. This easy CSAT provoked intense dispute about the discriminating power of CSAT. The mean score of male applicants was higher than that of female. But the difference decreases every year. Applicants were generally very good at solving tests focusing on process skills only but poor at solving tests related to physics or calling for two or more science concepts. Thus special measures to cope with the decrease in applicants, especially female applicants, for science track should be provided. To increase discriminating power of CSAT, it is recommended to develop test items with wider range of difficulty and to reduce test items which are focussing process skills and can be solved without any special science concepts. And special consideration should be given to teaching the content area with poor achievement and high actual difficulty compared to the expected.

      • KCI등재

        제7차 초등학교 과학과 교육과정 내용의 적정성 분석 및 평가

        이양락 ( Yang Rak Lee ),박재근 ( Jae Keun Park ),이봉우 ( Bong Woo Lee ),한인옥 ( In Ok Han ) 한국초등과학교육학회 2005 초등과학교육 Vol.24 No.3

        The purpose of this study was to examine the content relevance of the 7th national primary science curriculum and textbooks. To fulfill the purpose of the study, we 1) analyzed the 7th national science curriculum of Korea, Californian science standards, the national science curriculum of England and Japan, and current Korean and Japanese science textbooks, 2) conducted a nationwide survey to gather opinions from students, teachers, and professors of teachers` colleges about the relevance of the science curriculum and textbooks. Main findings of this study are as follows: First, the science contents at each grade level should be determined by the students` characteristics, not by an equal portion rule among physics, chemistry, biology and earth science. Second, the excessive overlapping and repetition of contents due to the spiral curriculum should be avoid. Third, the number of topics at each grade level should be reduced, and the similar topics and themes should be integrated for students` deeper understanding. Fourth, the number of science concepts and activities should be reduced to an appropriate level considering the time allotment for science classes, teachers` workload, laboratory conditions, etc. Fifth, differentiated curriculum, such as in-depth and supplementary course, should be described not in science contents, but in teaching and learning strategy.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        남북한 중등학교 지구과학 교육과정 및 교과서 비교 연구

        이양락,Lee, Yang-Rak 한국지구과학회 2000 한국지구과학회지 Vol.21 No.1

        남북한 중등학교 지구과학 관련 교육과정 및 교과서를 TIMSS 교육과정 분석틀에 의해 비교 분석하였다. 북한의 고등중학교에서는 '지구과학' 과목이 별도로 개설되어 있지 않으며, '지리'에서 부분적으로 지도된다('천문학'은 1996년 고등중학교 교육과정에 처음으로 설정된 과목으로 추정되나 본 연구에서는 구체적 자료를 입수하지 못함). 북한에서 지리는 고등중학교 $1{\sim}5$학년에서 주당 2시간씩 지도되고 있으며, 1학년 및 5학년용 지리 내용의 대부분이 지구과학과 관련되어 있다. 남한의 경우 지구 과학 영역의 목표는 '자연 현상의 탐구에 흥미와 호기심을 가지고, 기본적인 탐구 방법과 과학 지식을 습득하여 창의적으로 문제를 해결하는 능력을 기르게 한다'는 데 있으며, 북한 지리 교육의 목표는 '김일성 및 김정일 부자에게 충직한 주체형의 공산주의 혁명가 양성'이라고 할 수 있다. 남한과 북한 모두 '지구의 모양과 '지구의 변화 과정'을 많이 지도하고 있는데 비해, 남한에서 많은 비중을 차지하는 '우주 속에서의 지구'가 북한에서 매우 적은 것은 북한에서 '천문학'을 별도로 지도함을 시사한다. 전체적으로 북한의 지구과학 영역의 범위와 수준은 남한의 중학교 수준에 해당한다고 볼 수 있는데, 특히 기상 분야 및 천문분야의 경우는 남한과 수준차가 심하다. The earth science curriculum and textbooks of the secondary school in South Korea and North Korea were analysed comparatively with the modified TIMSS curriculum frameworks. In the secondary school of North Korea, earth science is not provided with separate subject, but partly taught in geography. Geography is taught by two hour per week in the first to fifth grade of secondary school. Especially the first and the fifth grade geography are deeply related to earth science. The major aim of earth science education in South Korea is to develop creative problem solver having with interest and curiosity in searching natural phenomena and with basic science concepts and inquiry process skills. But on the other hand the aim of geography education of North Korea is to cultivate communist revolutionists who are faithful to IL-Sung Kim and Jung-IL Kim. In both Koreas the category of 'earth feature' and 'earth process' are dealt a lot, but 'earth in the universe' is rarely taught in North Korea, which suggests that separate subject of astronomy is instructed in the North. Generally the scope and sequence of earth science of North Korea comes under those of middle school of South Korea. Especially discrepancy in level of meteorology and astronomy area between North and South Korea is great.

      • KCI등재

        대학수학능력시험의 지구과학영역 문항 및 응시자 반응 분석

        이양락,Lee, Yang-Rak 한국지구과학회 2001 한국지구과학회지 Vol.22 No.6

        본 연구는 1999 ${\sim}$ 2001학년도의 대학수학능력시험에서 지구과학 II 선택 경향 및 선택과목간의 점수를 비교하고, 지구과학 관련 문항의 탐구과정 및 내용 요소별 분포와 각 문항에 대한 학생의 반응을 분석하여 정답률이 낮은 문항에 대한 오답 유형을 추출하였다. 대학수학능력시험의 자연계 응시자는 1995학년도에 43.14%이었으나 최근 2년 동안에 급격히 줄어들어, 2001학년도에는 29.51%이었고, 2002학년도에는 26.92%로 감소하고 있다. 자연계 응시자의 지구과학 II 선택 비율은 약 22%로 생물 II(약 38%), 화학 II(약 28%)에 이어 3번째이다. 탐구과정별로는 공통과학 및 지구과학 II 모두 자료 해석에 대해서 가장 많이 출제되고 다음으로 결론 도출 및 평가에 대해서 많이 출제되었다. 내용별로는 공통과학에서는 ‘지각의 물질과 지각변동’(20.83%)에서 가장 많이 출제되었고, ‘온실효과’와 ‘우주과학’에 대해서는 출제되지 않았으며, 다른 영역에서는 대체로 고루 출제되었다. 지구과학 II에서는 ‘지각의 물질과 변화’ (22.92%)영역에서 가장 많이 출제되었고, 전반적으로 고르게 출제되었으나 ‘환경과 자원’에서 출제되지 않았고, ‘태양계’에 대해서는 비교적 적게 출제되었다. 문항 난이도 분포를 보면 1999학년도는 예상정답률 40 ${\sim}$ 59%와 60 ${\sim}$ 79%의 문제를 각각 6, 10개 출제하였고, 2000학년도에는 40 ${\sim}$ 59% 1문항, 60 ${\sim}$ 79% 14문항, 80% 이상 1문항 출제하였으나 2001학년도는 16문항 모두를 60 ${\sim}$ 79%에 해당하는 것을 출제하였다. 정답률이 높은 문항은 문제 해결에 지구과학 개념이 요구되지 않고 탐구 과정만 요구되는 문항, 매년 출제되어 학생에게 익숙한 분야, 탐구 능력 없이도 특정 지식만 있으면 해결되는 문항이다. 반면에 정답률이 낮은 문항은 지구와 행성의 운동, 해파에 관한 문항이며, 특히 복합개념이 요구되는 문항의 정답률이 낮다. 학생의 오답 반응 분석 결과 기본 개념에 대한 이해가 미흡한 주요 내용은 공통과학에서는 변환단층 및 부정합에서 지질학적 현상, 혼합층과 수온 약층의 의미, 온대저기압 통과 전후의 날씨 변화이며, 지구과학 II 에서는 달의 위상과 위치변화, 화성암의 구성광물 ${\cdot}$ 화학조성 ${\cdot}$ 조직 변화와 마그마 분화 및 풍화와의 관계, 지진파 주시곡선, 대기순환의 종류와 규모, 해파, 혼합층과 수온 약층, 서안강화 현상, 행성의 위치와 운동, H-R도상에서의 별의 특성과 진화 등이다. 탐구 과정에 대한 학생의 성취도는 비교적 높으므로 이해도가 상대적으로 낮은 영역에 대해 학생의 오답 유형을 참고하여 기본 개념 지도에 보다 관심을 기울일 필요가 있다. This study investigated the trends in the number of applicants and mean score and applicants’ responses on the test items of Earth Science in the College Scholastic Ability Test (CSAT) implemented for 3 years (1999-2001). The percentage of applicants of science track were 43.14% in 1995, but reduced through 29.5% in 2001 to 26.92% in 2002 CSAT For elective subject, about 22% of science track students applied to Earth Science II which ranked third to Biology II and Chemistry II. In 1999, test items were developed to have the expected difficulty 40 ${\sim}$ 59% (6 items) to 60 ${\sim}$ 79% (10 items). But in 2001 every 16 items were developed to have difficulty 60 ${\sim}$ 79%, which was caused by the policy of so called ‘easy CSAT’. Thus the mean score of ‘Earth Science II’ was increased from 50.26 in 1999 through 64.47 in 2000, to 67.58 in 2001. Applicants were generally very good at solving test items focusing on process skills only and familar items but poor at solving test items related to the motion of the earth and planets and sea wave, especially items calling two or more concepts. Thus special measures to cope with the decrease in applicants of science track should be provided. And it is recommended to develop test items with wider range of difficulty and to reduce test items calling process skills only. And special consideration should be given to teaching the content area with poor achievement and high actual difficulty compared to the expected.

      • KCI등재

        대학수학능력시험 화학 2 문항에 대한 학생들의 응답 분석

        홍미영(Mi Young Hong),정경문(Kyung Moon Jeon),이범홍(Bum Hong Yi),이양락(Yang Rak Lee) 한국과학교육학회 2002 한국과학교육학회지 Vol.22 No.1

        In this study, the students` responses on the items of chemistry Ⅱ in the College Scholastics Ability Test (CAST) implemented for the past 3 years since 1999 was investigated. The number of applicants and mean score of chemistry Ⅱ, average percent correct by contents and inquiry process, and the items with high and/or low percent correct are analysed and discussed. The percentage of applicants for natural science track is reduced each year. However, more than 25% of natural science track applied to chemistry Ⅱ, which ranked second to biology Ⅱ. The mean score of chemistry Ⅱ was increased in 2001 along with those of other subjects. There is no difference in average percent correct either by contents or inquiry process. Students performed generally poor at solving test items relating to `colligative properties of solution` such as `boiling point elevation` or `osmotic pressure`, and very well at solving test items relating to `reaction rates`, Educational implications are discussed.

      • KCI등재

        대학수학능력시험 공통과학 중 화학 영역의 문항 및 응시자 응답 분석

        홍미영(Mi Young Hong),전경문(Kyung Moon Jeon),이양락(Yang Rak Lee),이범홍(Bum Hong Yi) 한국과학교육학회 2002 한국과학교육학회지 Vol.22 No.2

        In this study, the students` responses on the chemistry items of in the general science of College Scholastics Ability Test (CSAT) implemented for the past 3 years since 1999 were investigated. The number of items by content and inquiry process, the average percent correct by content and inquiry process, the distribution of items by the level of percent correct, and the items with high and/or low percent correct were analysed. There were the fewest items in `environment` area, especially in `ozon layer`, no test item had been made. The most difficult content area was `acid rain` in environment. By inquiry process, the most number of items belonged to `analyzing & interpreting data` , and `identifying problems & formulating hypothesis` was the most difficult process. No test item came under the level of `very difficult`, and many items under the `easy` or `very easy` level. Students were generally poor at solving test items demanding several concepts, and very good at simply requiring basic concept treated in lower grade. Educational implications are discussed.

      • KCI등재

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