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        냉전체제의 문화논리와한국영화의 존재방식 : 영화 <오발탄>의 검열과정을 중심으로

        이순진 민주화운동기념사업회 2013 기억과 전망 Vol.0 No.29

        Disability rights movement in Taiwan bloomed after the introduction of UN convention on disability in 1975 and the subsequent legislation of Disability Welfare Law in 1980. With the legislation, social advocacy groups started to employ the language of ‘rights’ and such movements flourished in order to fight for the rights of the disabled people at the occasion of the Fengqiao incident excluding the disabled groups from the community. With the martial law abolished, various social movements and associations developed and finally rewrote the 1980 Disability Welfare Law to include the mandatory employment of people with disability in public sectors. Taiwanese disability movement is noteworthy in terms of their autonomous organization management and also inclusiveness of their agenda. This movement is enacted with firm grassroots basis and strong local support. Moreover, this movement aims to be inclusive in terms of agenda setting exemplified as in barrier-free environment movements.

      • 한국전쟁 후 냉전의 논리와 식민지 기억의 재구성 : 1950년대 문화영화에서 구축된 ‘이승만 서사’를 중심으로

        이순진 민주화운동기념사업회 2010 기억과 전망 Vol.0 No.23

        After Korean War, Syngman Rhee regime faced a comprehensive crisis. It had to reestablish political leadership and reaffirm historical legitimacy in order to complete with the communist regime of North Korea. A part of this broad ideological measures was to portray Syngman Rhee anew as a historical figure, leading the independence movement during the colonial period. The historical memory of this period was forged through such public events as the March 1st movement anniversay and Syngman Rhee’s birthday celebration, both of which featured large scale street parades and demonstration. The so-called “culture” films and newsreels then played a crucial role to re-construct the memory of colonalism by disseminating these public events. A feature length film “Independence Club and Young Syngman Rhee(1959)” is a prime example of cinematic endeavor, re-figuring the president as the man of exceptional will power and talent.

      • KCI등재후보
      • KCI등재후보
      • KCI등재

        1930년대 영화기업의 등장과 조선의 영화 스타

        이순진 한국극예술학회 2009 한국극예술연구 Vol.0 No.30

        This work examines the changing status of film stars during the 1930s, when the colonial Korean film industry was undergoing structural changes. In particular, it pays close attention to the social and industrial implications of star status. Prior to 1930s, Koreans films were made through small scale coterie production (“donginje”). The films were often shown to audience along with theatrical performances through traveling roadshows. These modes of production and exhibition were results of the lack of capital investment within film industry as well as the inadequacy of technological expertise. The underdevelopment of large scale, i.e., nation-wide, distribution and exhibition networks also contributed to the longevity of the system. Nevertheless, these industrial features are crucial historical backdrop to understand the characteristics of the colonial Korean cinema of the 1930s. Moreover, the social and cultural significance of the emerging film stars needs to be interpreted the accordant historical context. Film stars, as exemplified by Na Ungyu, was not just a professional who cultivated and devoted to the art of acting; rather, he or she was a part of the larger film production coterie who had to involve in various pre- and post-production labors, including screenwriting, directing, editing and, of course, acting. Furthermore, they often joined the traveling roadshow screenings to give live performance to audience as “performer-participant,” offering more than recorded images to the silver screen. The advent of “talkie” pictures brought structural changes in the 1930s, and the area of film acting was no exception. Now, actors had to demonstrate narrower, but more professional expertise in acting, and a new wave of actors took the center stage as the older generation, who involved in many areas of filmmaking labor, receded into backstage. The major film production companies of the era formed close ties with the young generation of star actors, either by establishing exclusive contracts with them or through forming close business ties with the existing theater companies. It should be noted, however, that the new business practice did not last long, for the “industrial development” of Korean film production could not find proper place within the political reality of colonialism. 본고는 조선의 영화산업이 구조적 변화를 맞이한 1930년대에 조선영화의 스타들이 어떤 방식으로 존재하였으며, 그들의 존재 방식의 변화가 사회적, 산업적으로 갖는 의미는 무엇인지를 추적하고자 했다. 1930년대 전반기까지 조선에서 영화는 동인제 프로덕션에 의해 제작되고 공연을 동반한 순회상영을 통해 관객과 만났다. 이는 조선 영화산업이 안정적인 자본에 의해 뒷받침되지 못하였고 개인의 숙련된 기술력에 기반한 분업화 또한 이루지 못했으며 전국적, 대규모적으로 배급, 상영될 수 있는 소비시장을 갖고 있지 못했기 때문에 빚어진 현상이다. 그러나 또한 이같은 조건으로부터 강제된 제작, 배급, 상영의 관행은 1930년대 전반기까지 조선 영화문화의 특성을 만들어냈으며, 조선영화에서 스타의 존재는 바로 이러한 영화문화 전반의 특성과 연관하여 이해해야 한다. 나운규로 대표되는 조선 무성영화의 스타는 연기라는 전문적 기예를 확보한 전문 연기자이기보다는 시나리오, 연출, 연기, 편집 등의 여러 역할을 소화해야 하는 동인들 가운데 일부였으며, 복제된 이미지를 통해 동시에 여러 곳에 존재하는 영화 스타이기보다는 스크린과 무대 위에 함께 존재하는 공연자(performer)였다. 1930년대 중반 발성영화로의 기술적 전환, 영화 전문 인력의 등장에 따른 영화 각 분야의 세대교체, 스튜디오를 갖춘 대규모 영화사의 출현과 같은 변화들이 일어나면서 조선영화의 스타 또는 연기자에 대한 새로운 요구가 대두되었다. 그들은 연기자(actor)로서의 전문적 기예를 갖출 것을 요구받았고 이에 따라 다재다능한 영화인이자 공연자로서의 무성영화 시대 스타들은 발성영화에 적합한 새로운 연기자들로 대체되었다. 조선영화주식회사와 고려영화협회를 비롯하여 이 시기에 등장한 대규모 영화사들은 인기 스타들을 전속으로 묶어두거나 연기의 능력을 갖춘 배우들이 포함된 극단들과 긴밀한 사업적 관계를 맺으면서 발성영화에 적합한 연기자들을 확보하고자 했다. 그러나 이같은 변화는 길게 지속되지 못했는데, 이는 기업적 발전이 식민지 조선을 제약하는 근본적 조건에 의해 규정될 수밖에 없었기 때문이다.

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