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        맥문동(麥門冬)의 재배기술개선(裁培技術改善)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究) III. 종자(種子)의 발아촉진방법(發芽促進方法)과 실생묘(實生苗)의 묘령(苗齡)이 생육(生育) 및 괴근수량(傀根收量)에 미치는 영향(影響)

        한종환,윤영황,강동주,이유식,Han, Jong-Hwan,Yoon, Young-Hwang,Kang, Dong-Ju,Lee, Yu-Sik 한국약용작물학회 1993 한국약용작물학회지 Vol.1 No.2

        맥문동(麥門冬)의 발아촉진방법(發芽促進方法)과 실생묘(實生苗)와 분주묘(分株苗)의 생육(生育) 및 수량성(收量性)에 미치는 영향(影響)을 구명(究明)코자 시험(試驗)을 실시(實施)하였던바 다음과 같은 결과(結果)를 얻었다. 1. 맥문동(麥門冬)은 실내(室內)$(25^{\circ}C)$에서 발아율(發芽率)이 濃黃酸(농황산)과 $GA_3$ 처리(處理)가 각각(各各) 100%, 층적저장(層積貯藏)이 98%로 가장 높았고, 발아기간(發芽期間)은 층적저장(層積貯藏)이 11일(日)로서 가장 빨랐으며, 포장(圃場)에서는 층적저장(層積貯藏)이 발아율(發芽率)은 93%, 출아기간(出芽期間)이 76일(日) 로서 가장 빨랐다. 2. 신초출현기(新梢出現基)는 실생묘(實生苗) 1년차(年次), 2년차(年次), 3년차(年次), 분주묘(分株苗), 4년차(年次) 처리(處理) 순(順)으로 빨랐고 개화기(開花期)는 반대(反對)로 실생묘(實生苗) 4년차(年次), 3년차(年次), 분주묘(分株苗), 2년차(年次) 순(順)으로 빨랐으나 1년차(年次)는 개화(開花)되지 않았다. 3. 지상부(地上部) 생육상황(生育狀況)은 생육최성기(生育最盛期)(11. 20)와 수확기(收穫期)(4. 10)가 비슷하였으나, 괴근수(塊根數)는 수확기(收穫期)가 2배정도(培程度) 많았고, 처리별(處理別) 생육상황(生育狀況)은 실생묘(實生苗) 3년차(年次), 4년차(年次), 분주묘(分株苗), 2년차(年次) 순(順)으로 좋았다. 4. 건괴근수량(乾塊根收量)은 분주묘(分株苗)에 비(比)해 실생묘(實生苗) 3년차(年次)가 25%, 실생묘(實生苗) 4년차(年次)가 10%, 실생묘(實生苗) 2년차(年次)에서도 5% 증수(增收)되었다. 이상(以上)의 결과(結果)로 맥문동(麥門冬) 재배시(裁培時) 분주묘(分株苗)를 계속사용(繼續使用)하는것 보다는 실생묘(實生苗)를 이용(利用)하므로서 4년차(年次)까지는 증수효과(增收效果)가 있을 것으로 사료(思料)된다. Effect of eight different treatments to stimulate germination and of seedling ageson the growth and tuber yields of Liriope platyphlla was carried out in vitro(room temperature)and in vivo(field). Treatments, in vitro, of sulfuric acid(2%), $GA_3$(100ppm), and stratification were most stimulated the germination of L.platyphylla. Among them the stratification was also the most effective for emergence in field and was shortened the days to germination in vitro and in vivo. Plant height and the number of leaves and tillers per plant in the sulfuric acid and the vinyl mulch treatments were the poorest, but those in other treatments were highered without any differences. Seeding of L.platyphylla was taken 66 days to emerge and the growth of that was more decreased than that of the seedlings. The younger seedling, the shorter the day of emergence of a new shoot. The olders were bloomed earlier and more increased the growth than the yongers and the divided seedlings, but the tuber yield was most increased in the 3 years seedling.

      • KCI우수등재SCOPUS

        맥문동의 (麥門冬) 재배기술개선에 관한 연구

        한종환(Jong Hwan Han),윤영황(Young Hwang Yoon),강동주(Dong Ju Kang),이유식(Yu Sik Lee) 한국약용작물학회 1993 한국약용작물학회지 Vol.1 No.2

        Effect of eight different treatments to stimulate germination and of seedling ages on the growth and tuber yields of Liriope platyphylla was carried out in vitro(room temperature) and in vivo(field). Treatments, in vitro, of sulfuric acid(2%), GA₃(100ppm), and stratification were most stimulated the germination of L.platyphylla. Among them, the stratification was also the most effective for emergence in field and was shortened the days to germination in vitro and in viva. Plant height and the number of leaves and tillers per plant in the sulfuric acid and the vinyl mulch treatments were the poorest, but those in other treatments were highered without any differences. Seeding of L.platyphylla was taken 66 days to emerge and the growth of that was more decreased than that of the seedlings. The younger seedling, the shorter the day of emergence of a new shoot. The olders were bloomed earlier and more increased the growth than the yongers and the divided seedlings, but the tuber yield was most increased in the 3 years seedling.

      • KCI등재후보

        근권제한 및 단근 처리가 ‘서촌조생’ 감나무의 수체생육, 수량 및 과실 품질에 미치는 영향

        최성태(Seong-Tae Choi),박두상(Doo-Sang Park),윤영황(Young-Hwang Yoon),송원두(Won-Doo Song),손길만(Gil-Man Shon),노치웅(Chi-Woong Rho),강성모(Seong-Mo Kang) 한국원예학회 2005 원예과학기술지 Vol.23 No.2

        근권제한과 단근 처리가 ‘서촌조생’ 감나무의 수체생장, 수량, 과실 품질에 미치는 영향을 구명하기 위하여 1997년부터 2004년까지 본 시험을 수행하였다. 1997년 3월에 근권을 제한하기 위하여 폭 50㎝, 깊이 45㎝의 도랑식 구덩이를 파고 비닐(비닐 근권제한구) 또는 부직포(부직포 근권제한구)를 구덩이 옆과 아래에 펴고 열간거리 2m, 주간거리 1m로 나무를 심은 근권제한 처리구와 근권제한 조치 없이 재식 이듬해부터 매년 발아 전에 주간 양쪽 50㎝ 거리에서, 45㎝ 깊이로 토양을 파 뿌리를 절단한 단근구, 그리고 무처리의 대조구를 두었다. 근권제한 또는 단근 처리로 수고, 수폭, 주간단면적, 엽면적, 도장지 발생, 지상부 생체중이 재식 4년차부터 뚜렷하게 감소되었는데 부직포 근권제한구에서 그 효과가 가장 컸다. 2003년까지 6년간 총전정량도 부직포 근권제한구가 가장 적었으며, 다음으로 비닐 근권제한, 단근구 순이었다. 재식 8년차 3월에 뿌리를 굴취 해 본 결과, 비닐 및 부직포 근권제한구에서 근권제한 부위 바깥에 세근 및 중근이 부분적으로 뚫고 나간 것이 관찰되었다. 비닐 근권제한구는 근권제한 부위 내에 뿌리 밀도가 가장 높고, 단근구는 단근 부근에서 세근과 중근이 많은 것이 특징이었다. 주당 누적수량은 재식 5년차부터 대조구에서 많았으나 통계적 유의성이 인정될 정도는 아니었으며, 수량효율은 재식 6년차부터 부직포 근권제한구에서 높은 경향이었다. 재식 3년차부터 5년간 평균과중은 대조구 146g에 비해 부직포 근권제한구 142g, 비닐 근권제한구 141g, 단근구 138g 순으로 작았던 반면, 수확일은 대조구보다 각각 3, 4, 2일이 빨랐다. This experiment was conducted to determine the effects of root restriction and root pruning on tree growth, yield, and fruit quality of ‘Nishimurawase’ persimmon from 1997 to 2004. The trees were planted in 50 ㎝-wide, 45 ㎝-deep trenches lined with either polyethylene (PE) film or non-woven fabric. The rows were 2 m apart and the in-row tree spacing was 1 m. A block of trees were root-pruned annually from 1998. The root pruning was done before bud-break by digging and replacing the soil on two sides of the trunk at 50 ㎝ to a depth of 45 ㎝. Root zone of control trees was left untouched until 2004. Root restriction or root pruning significantly decreased tree height, tree spread, trunk cross-sectional area (TCSA), leaf area, number of water sprouts, and fresh weight of above-ground parts. Reductions in tree growth were apparent from the fourth year after planting. The most reduction was found in the trees with non-woven fabric. Cumulative pruning weight was also reduced most in the trees lined with non-woven fabric, followed by the trees with PE film and root-pruned. When excavated in March of the eighth year after planting, it was noted that a few roots were grown through the PE film and the non-woven fabric. Root weight within the restricted zone was the greatest in the trees with PE film, whereas much of fine and medium roots were found near to the cut surface in root-pruned trees. Although not significant, cumulative yield per tree tended to be high in control trees from the fifth year after planting while yield efficiency in the trees with non-woven fabric from the sixth. Average fruit weights during the 5 years from the third year were 146 g in the control, 142 g in non-woven fabric, 141 g in PE film, and 138 g in root-pruned trees, exhibiting some negative effects of root restriction and root pruning on fruit size. However, the fruits matured 3, 4, and 2 days earlier, respectively, than those of the control.

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