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      • 直流沿面 코로나損에 관한 연구

        윤동렬 明知大學校 大學院 1975 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        The more the transmission voltage rises up in the high voltage insulation, the more the phenomenon of the surface-corona come's out. And in the system of the transmitting electric power, the loss of the space-corona has been considered, and there can be the loss by the surface-corona. We can not ignore the loss, and there was no still the evident examination and study about it. Now, in the space-corona brought by the overhead-transmitting cable(line), we have used Peek's square law (V-V(0))^(2). The purpose of this study is three, one is undertaken in other to search for the relations between the Peek's square law (V-V(0))^(2) and the loss of the surface-corona, another is to observe the experiment in relation of the dielectric kinds, a third is in the surface of the dielectrics coated with sillicon oil, or not. By the result of this experiment, I can find that the loss of the surface-corona is like Peek's square law (V-V(0))^(2).

      • 獨逸社會民主黨의 政策理念과 政治路線 轉換

        윤동렬 東亞大學校 政策科學大學院 1999 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        본 논문의 목적은 독일사회민주당의 정치철학인 사회민주주의를 연구하는 것이다. 독일 사회민주주의는 시대정신에 걸맞은 개혁강령의 채택으로 정치노선을 새롭게 모색하여 왔다. 또한 논문의 유용성은 세계적 정치모델로 각광받고 있는 독일 사회민주당의 비교분석이 시기적으로 적절하다고 본다. 이런의미에서 본 연구방법은 역사적 접근에서 주로 이용되고 있는 문헌분석방법을 사용하였고, 그 범위는 독일사회민주당의 100년의 시기로 하였다. 첫째, 사회민주주의의 역사적 배경을 토대로하여 페르디난드 라살레가 주도한 전독일노동자총동맹의 결성과 이에 반대하여 마르크스주의자들이 창건한 사회민주주의노동자당을 고찰한다. 또한 라살레주의와 마르크스주의가 타협으로 합당한 사회주의노동자당의 창당과 그 후 당을 개명한 독일사회민주당에 대하여 고찰하였다. 특히 시대변천에 따른 정책이념을 채택한 개혁강령들도 함께 고찰한다. 즉 라살레의 노동자 강령과 마르크시즘의 아이제나하 강령, 그리고 양 주의가 통합한 고타강령, 특히 개혁론과 혁명론의 양 정치노선을 지향한 에어푸르트 강령을 연구한다. 또한 제1인터내셔널의 창설과 사회주의자 진압법에 대하여도 고찰하였다. 둘째, 당내 끊임없이 정책이념과 정치노선의 전환을 요구하는 수정주의 논쟁을 비교분석했다. 이 논쟁을 주도한 에두아르트 베른슈타인의 수정주의와 이에 대하여 대표적으로 비판을 제기한 칼 카우츠키와 로자 룩셈부르크의 주장을 고찰했다. 셋째, 독일사회민주당이 최초로 수권정당이 된 바이마르공화국의 수립과 그 후 정치노선의 분열을 분석한다. 당시 개혁강령의 필요성에서 괴르릿츠 강령은 채택되었고, 양 정치노선의 타협으로 통합한 하이델베르크 강령을 고찰했다. 사회주의와 공산주의와의 사상논쟁을 통하여 결별선언을 천명한 프랑크푸르트 선언과 재천명한 오슬로 선언을 연구한다. 또한 당의 역사는 노동조합의 역사인 만큼 당과 자유노동조합과의 필요충분적인 상호관계를 분석하였다. 특히 역사적 쓰라린 체험과 경험에서 새로운 정책전환을 모색한 바트 고데스베르크 강령의 의의를 분석한다. 이와 더불어 당의 총재인 빌리 브란트가 민주사회주의의 정책이념인 동방정책을 추진하여 통일독일에 기여한 내용을 고찰하였다. 넷째, 독일사회민주당의 100년사에서 나타난 특징인 역사적 사건, 노선갈등과 제도개혁, 마르크시즘의 수용(생산수단)상태을 개념화하여 정치노선을 3기로 구분하여 체계적 분석을 시도하였다. 즉 사회주의 정당으로서의 기본노선(공유화), 사회민주주의 정당에로의 전환(사회화). 민주사회주의 정당에로의 새로운 방향모색(복지화)을 심층분석했다. 결론적으로, 20세기 정치모델로 각광받았고 21세기 휴머니즘 모델로 탈바꿈한 독일사회민주당의 정치노선의 연구에서 자본주의 불평등과 모순을 극복하고 법과 제도의 총체적 개혁을 통한 민주주의 정착, 그리고 통일독일을 성취하는데 기여했음을 알 수 있었다. 아울러 사회주의 이상을 실현하기 위하여 민주사회주의의 기본가치와 미완성의 강령에 대하여도 오늘날 세계의 관심을 집중적으로 받고 있다. 이에, 우리나라도 냉전체제의 산물인 자유민주주의 정치체제를 변화·발전시키는 것은 시대적 소명이며 거역할 수 없는 역사적 흐름이다. 즉 새 천년과 통일한국그리고 한반도통일을 대비하기 위하여 새로운 모색이 민주사회주의라는 제3의 길이다. 그 가치는 정치적 민주화, 경제적 정의화, 사회적 복지화, 문화적 인간화, 생활적 환경화에 있다. 이런 의미에서 우리나라는 민족적 체제통합을 통하여 창조문화적 통일한국의 실현과 세계사의 주역으로 나서기 위하여 한국민주사회당의 창당이 선결과제로 볼 수 있다. The purpose of this thesis is t o study the Social Democracy. which is the core of the political philosophy of the German Social Democratic Party. The Social Democracy in Germany, in accordance with the contemporary ideals, has been looking for a new political line based on a reform-minded platform. Furthermore, since the comparative analysis of the German Social Democratic Party is being heralded as a global political model, I believe this thesis is very useful. The method of research used to study the German Social Democratic Party is based on analyzing documents and other records available for the past century, which is the method used by those taking a historical approach. This thesis consists of six chapter and to study - analyze. First, on the historical basis of the Social Democracy, the formation of the Ferdinand Lassalle's ideology-based 'The Pan- German Labor Union(1863)' and the opposing Marx's ideology-based 'The Social Democratic Labor Party(1869)' are considered. The foundation of 'The Social Labor Party(1875)' brought about through a compromise between Lassallism and Marxism. afterwards, Rename of the Party about 'The German Social Democratic Party(1890)' was also considered. The reform platform, which adopted policy ideology in accordance with the change of times, is considered in particular. This dissertation studies 'The Labor Platform(1862)' of Lassalle, Eisenach Platform(l869) of Marxism, Gothaer Platform(1875) formed through the compromise of the two ideologies, and the Erfurter Platform(l891) which was oriented toward the reformatory and revolutionary ideas of the two political line. or formation of 'The First International' and 'Socialists Oppression Law' was also examined. Second, I've compared and analyzed the issue of revisionism, which continuously required a conversion of the policy ideology and the political line of the party. I've considered the assertious of Karl Kautsky and Rosa Luemberg who emphatically criticized the revisionism of Eduard Bernstein(l896), which instigated this issue. Third, I've considered the formation of 'The Weimarer Republic(l919)', which allowed the German Social Democratic Party to take power for the first time, and the division of the political line afterwards. Gorlitz Platform(1921) and Heidelberger Platform(l925) formed through the compromise of the two political line. I've also researched 'The Frankfurt Declaration(1951)', which announced a separation caused by discrepancies in the ideologies of communism and socialism, as well as 'The Oslo Declaration(l962)', which reestablished a correlation. Furthermore, I've analyzed the mutual relationship between the Party and the Free Labor Union. In particular, I've analyzed the significance of 'The Bad Godesberger Platform(l959)', which deal with the attempt to create a new policy ideology of which concepts were gained through years of painstaking experience. Moreover, I've analyzed Willy Brandt's contribution to the Unified Germany by his selecting 'The Ostpolitik(l969)', which is the policy of Democratic Socialism. Fourth, I've attempted to give a systematical analysis on the characteristics of German Social Democratic Party's 100-year history. which are historical events, party conflicts and system reforms, and the adoption of Marxism. by acknowledging these aspects and dividing the political lines into three parts. To elaborate a little further, I've carefully analyzed the major contents constituting the fundamental line of the Socialist Party as the ruling party, the transformation of the Social Democracy, and the consideration of a novel direction taken by the Democratic Socialism Party. In conclusion, through the research on the ideology of the German Social Democratic Party, which was celebrated as the political model of the 20th century and later transformed into a model of Humanism. it can be clearly seen that this ideology has overcome the inequality and paradox found in capitalism, established Democracy through overall reformation of the judicial system, and contributed to the formation of present-day Germany. Thus. the world if focusing in on the research of this ideology in the hopes of implementing the ideals of Socialism to justify the basic concept of Democratic Socialism and to supplement its incompleteness. Thus the conversion and the development of the Free Democratic Party, a product of the cold war, is mandated by our times and is an inevitable flow of history. Thus, a novel approach in the face of the new millenium and the Unified Korea is 'A Third Way' of 'The Democratic Socialism'. Its value is placed in the political democracy, justification of our economic system, social prosperity, cultural humanism, and living environmentalism. That's why the formation of 'The Korean Democratic Socialism Party' is necessary to enable the political union of South and North Korea, realization for a Creative Unified Korea and make it's debut on the World Stage.

      • 조선용 강재의 용접 중 냉각 조건에 따른 용접부 특성 평가

        윤동렬 부산대학교 대학원 2005 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        Welding in pre-erection or erection stage for shipbuilding is definitely not allowed when the member to be welded are exposed to rainy or similar weather condition. Class Societies and Owners of ship don't allow to weld in the condition because they are anxious about the reduction of mechanical properties owing to rapid cooling rate. Therefore the purpose of this study is to evaluate the influence of the rapid cooling rate caused by rainy or stimulated condition on mechanical properties in weldments and to secure objectively technical logic where mechanical properties in weldments satisfy with rule requirements even though welding is carried out in rainy condition. The conditions which is similar to the rainy ones is simulated and then the test coupon is welded in simulated condition. Especially the influence of rapid cooling rate is evaluated in 3F and 3G position with the highest heat input and in 2F and 2G position with the lowest heat input in order to include the whole range of welding in productive progress. The method to evaluate the influence of rainy condition on mechanical properties in weldment is that basically tensile strength, yield strength, hardness and absorption energy etc are used and make a comparative study the test results in normal and rainy condition. And Convection Heat Transfer Coefficient between the surface of steel and fluid(rainwater) was secured through CFD(Computerized Fluid Dynamics). Cooling rate and temperature distribution of weldment and surroundings in rainy and dry condition was researched by the secured Convection Heat Transfer Coefficient. The cooling rate in rapid cooling condition is compared with the one in normal(without rain or dry) condition in order to estimate the influence and change of mechanical properties in each area. and specially t8/5 in HAZ was compared with in each other condition. The results of this study is as follows. 1. It is validated that the one side of root can be welded where welding of root is completed in dry condition even if the other side of root is exposed to rainy condition because mechanical properties comply with the requirements of Class's Rule. 2. There is difference between the mechanical properties of rainy condition and the ones of normal condition even though mechanical properties satisfy rule requirements. Impact absorbed energy of rainy condition is lower 30~40J than one of normal condition and hardness is higher 10~29Hv. 3. It is shown that Convection Heat Transfer Coefficient increase linearly with change of fluid rate. Rainy condition is adequately embodied in Convection Heat Transfer Coefficient. The model of numerical analysis is secured through comparing measured temperature profile with numerically analyzed one. 4. The influence of speed and thickness of cooling water on cooling rate is that the effect of speed is higher than the one of thickness where the quantity of fluid is equal at the unit time. 5. The more remote distance between Arc Heat Source and cooling water is, the less the influence of cooling water on t8/5 is. The cooling rate in each point existed in a fixed distance(about 10㎜ in the condition of this test) from Heat Source is similar regardless of the amount of Mass Flow.

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