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      • KCI등재

        시청각중복장애인의 일상 속 재난에 대한 인지와 경험 연구

        원영미,전지혜,오충 한국지체.중복.건강장애교육학회 2021 지체.중복.건강장애연구 Vol.64 No.2

        Purpose: In this study, the researchers investigated the perception and experience of daily disasters of deaf-blind people, what situations deaf-blind people perceive as disasters, and how they respond to and prepare for disasters. Method: The research participants of this study are people (1) who have visual or hearing impairments and are registered as disabled with overlapping vision and hearing impairments, (2) who can communicate through text translation, sign language translation, and tentacles, and (3) who can explain disaster safety in their daily lives. Individual interviews were conducted with eight people who expressed their intention to participate in the study. A case analysis (Creswell, 2013/2015) was conducted to analyze data. Results: As a result of the analysis, the recognition and experience of daily disasters of deaf-blind people were classified into four large categories, eight medium categories, and 17 small categories. Conclusion: Through the above results, we understood the disasters that deaf-blind people perceive and experience in their daily lives and discussed welfare, education, and policy measures necessary for deaf-blind people to live safely. 연구목적: 본 연구에서는 시청각중복장애인이 어떤 상황을 재난으로 인식하고 있는지, 재난 상황에 어떠한 대처와 준비를 하고 있는지, 사회적 차원에서의 시청각중복장애인을 위한 재난 안전 예방을 위한 욕구는 어떠한지 당사자의 경험을 바탕으로 일상 속 재난에 대한 인식과 경험을 알아보고자 하였다. 연구방법: 본 연구의 대상은 첫째, 시각 또는 청각 장애를 주장애로 가지고 있으며 시각, 청각장애를 중복하여 가진 등록 장애인, 둘째, 문자통역, 수화통역, 촉수화 등을 통해 의사소통이 가능한 사람, 셋째, 자신이 인지하고 경험한 일상 속 재난안전에 대한 설명을 할 수 있는 사람이다. 참여 의사를 밝힌 8명을 중심으로 개별 면담을 실시하였고, Creswell(2015)의 사례분석을 수행하였다. 연구결과: 분석결과 시청각중복장애인의 일상 속 재난에 대한 인지와 경험을 분석한 결과, 4개의 대분류, 8개의 중분류, 17개의 소주제로 분류되었다. 결론: 위와 같은 결과를 통해 시청각중복장애인이 일상에서 인지하고 경험하는 재난에 대해 이해하고 시청각중복장애인이 안전하게 살아가는데 필요한 방안을 논의하였다.

      • KCI등재

        감염병 재난 상황에서 시각장애인의 비대면 생활에 관한 연구

        원영미,전지혜 한국장애인복지학회 2023 한국장애인복지학 Vol.59 No.59

        This study was conducted to examine how visually impaired people are experiencing health, education, consumer life, work life, welfare service use, child rearing, and movement in an infectious disease disaster situation. We understood the difficulties experienced by the visually impaired in each area of life in a non-face-to-face environment, and analyzed the needs of each area. As a result of the analysis, it was classified into four topics: individual difficulties experienced in infectious disease situations, educational participation in non-face-to-face life, tough non-face-to-face world, and support needed for non-face-to-face life. Based on these analysis results, measures were sought to improve the quality of life thought from the perspective of blind parties, and practical and policy measures were proposed at the social welfare level. 본 연구는 감염병 재난 상황에서 시각장애인 당사자는 보건, 교육, 소비생활, 복지서비스 이용, 자녀 양육, 이동 등을 어떻게 경험하고 있는지 살펴보기 위해 수행되었다. 시각 기능에 제한이 있는 시각장애인이 비대면 환경에서 삶의 각 영역에서 경험하고 있는 어려움은 무엇인지 이해하고, 각 영역별 욕구는 무엇인지 분석하였다. 분석 결과, 감염병 상황에서 경험하는 개인의 어려움, 비대면 생활에서의 교육참여, 험난한 비대면 세상, 비대면 생활을 위해 필요한 지원 등의 4가지 대주제, 13개의 중분류, 38개의 소주제로 분류되었다. 이러한 분석결과를 바탕으로 시각장애인 당사자의 입장에서 생각하는 삶의 질을 증진하기 위한 방안을 모색하고 사회복지 차원에서의 실천적이고 정책적인 방안을 제안하였다.

      • 중공·소련의 교육제도에 관한 연구

        원영미 新羅大學校 1987 論文集 Vol.23 No.-

        An overview of the education system of China and Russia mis presented in this study. Particularly the backgrounds of the current education system, educational policies, preschool, primary, secondary, and higher education system, and teacher training are described. Since 1949 China has experienced the massive changes in education along with the policies of "the Great Leap Forward", "the Cultural Revolution", "Four modernization movement", etc. In fact, the current school system of China is a result of meeting the need of combining "red" with "expert", that is ideology with technology, according to educational policy changes. Although the structure of the formal school system varies from region to region, the fundamental structure of education is the 6-3-3-4 system. The chinese government is now introducing a universal basic education system, that is, six years of primary education and three years of lower secondary education. However, the role of nonformal education system in China including evening colleges and correspondence courses should not be overlooked. The great strength of chinese school system is based upon the policy of "walking on two legs", that is, the formal leg of regular education and the nonformal leg of correspondence and evening courses. China has developed successfully the dual track of the school system. The current preservice teacher training system in China is as follows : (a) teacher training schools at the upper secondary level for primary school teachers in 3-year courses. (b) teacher training colleges at the postsecondary level for lower secondary teachers in 2-year courses. (c) teacher training universities for upper secondary teachers in 4-year courses. On the other hand, since 1917 Russia has attempted numerous educational changes according to the policies of Lenin , Salin, Khrushchev, and Breznev. Now the Soviet Union established a universal 10-year education system (the 4-3-3 system) successfully. The Soviet government has managed the uniform school system at all levels under the principle of tight centralization. With much emphasis given to polytechnical education, the Soviet government has produced highly qualified specialists in science and technology. The Soviet Union has, in particular, introduced new science and mathematics crriculum, which is superior to that of any other country. As a result the Soviet Union's tremendous investment in human resources will have a great impact on the country's scientific, industrial and military strength. In general, primary teachers in Russia are trained at the pedagogical schools in 4-year courses. And secondary teachers are trained at the pedagogical institutes and universities in 4-5 year courses. Inservice training is required of them every 5 years, either formal or nonformal. Although the education systems in China and Russia have developed under the same communist ideology, their educational policies vary at the direction of their emphasis. By studying both countries education systems, we can take invaluable lessons from their educational practices and apply part of them to our educational milieu without repeating the same failures.

      • 유아기질의 안정성과 계속성 및 문제행동의 예측에 관한 고찰

        원영미 新羅大學校 1989 論文集 Vol.27 No.-

        The present study deals with temperamental stability, continuity and its relation to behavioral problems and low adjustment during infancy and early childhood. The results are summarized as follows : 1. Although some of temperamental characteristics based upon NYLS(New York Longitudinal Study) remain stable to some degree from infancy to early childhood, the stabilityis weakened as the period of a longitudinal study is extended longer. Nevertheless, infant's temperament can be regarded as relatively continued individual characteristics in view of developmental change. 2. It is suggested that infant's temperamental characteristic, particularly, difficult temperament (irrgularity, withdrawal, low adaptibility, negative mood, high intensity) predict later behavioral problems and low adjustment. However, it is not temperament per se, but the interaction between the child and environment that develops behavior disorder. In this sense, behavioral problesm and low adjustment need to be considered in terms of a goodness of fit model.

      • 유아(4-7개월)의 기질에 관한 연구

        원영미 新羅大學校 1987 論文集 Vol.22 No.-

        The present study attempted to investigate the mother perceptions of their infant's temperamental characteristics, particularly, difficult temperament, in korea. The ICQ(Infant Charateristics Questionnaire) was used to assess infant;'s difficultness. The subjects were sampled from several general hospitals in Seoul, Korea. The number of mother-infant dyads was 237. The infants (55% male and 45% female) consisted of 136 first borns and 101 later borns. All infants were born from normal spontaneous delivery (excluding Cesarean section and forceps delivery), and their birth weights were more than 2.5kg. All mothers ensured their infant's healthy condition. The mother's mean age was 27.7 and mean educational attainment was higher than high school grauate. The family's economic level was confined to upper middle class. Factor analysis of a Korean version of the ICQ showed that factor loading coefficients of the fussy-difficult factor were closely approached to the original ICQ except for the item 12(How easily upset). In general, Korean infants were perceived to be more difficult than American's. Factor I composite scores were analyzed for sex differences of infants, mother vairables (age, parity, educational attainment), and feeding (breast-feeding and bottle-feeding). The results revealed that there were only sex differences of infant's difficultness significantly.(t=2.27, P<0.05)

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        1980년대 자동차공장 노동자의 형성

        원영미 한국구술사학회 2013 구술사연구 Vol.4 No.1

        현대자동차는 1980년대에 공장 증설과 노동인력의 충원을 통해 생산성을 향상시켜나 갔다. 이 시기 고졸 정도의 학력을 가진 군필 남성청년노동자들이 대거 고용되었다. 이들 은 공장자동화가 일정하게 이루어진 자동차공장에서 노동세계를 경험하였다. 이들이 어 떤 과정을 거쳐 자동차공장 노동자가 되었고, 그들이 입사 초기 경험한 노동세계는 어떠 한 것이었는지를 구술자료와 관련 문헌자료를 바탕으로 재구성하였다. 현대자동차는 남성중심의 사업장이다. 1980년대 생산현장의 노동자들 중 95%가 남 성이었고, 이 중 대다수가 20~30대의 청년들이었다. 이미 중소규모의 사업장에서 힘들 고 불안정한 노동을 경험한 이들은 가족의 생계나 사회적 독립, 또는 경제적 자립을 위해 고용이 안정되고, 상대적으로 높은 임금을 보장하는 대기업 정규직 노동자가 되기를 희망 했고, 다양한 경로를 통해 현대자동차 노동자가 되는 길을 선택했다. 공장자동화에 따른 대규모 고용시기에 입사한 노동자들은 경기변동이 잦았던 1970년대 입사한 선배노동자 들과는 다른 경험을 하게 된다. 입사 후 노동자들은 주당 60시간 이상의 장시간 노동, 주야맞교대에 따른 야간노동, 상시적인 잔업과 주말 특근을 경험했다. 이러한 노동형태는 만성적인 피로와 여가의 부족 으로 이어졌다. 한편 권위주의적인 작업분위기 속에서 두발과 복장 규제, 인사고과에 따 른 차별적인 임금을 받는 등 비인간적인 대우를 경험하였다. 그런 까닭에 노동자들은 자 신의 작업장을 ‘철공소’라 불렀고, 스스로를 ‘공돌이’, ‘땜쟁이’라 부르며, ‘짧으면 1~2년, 길면 5년 정도 일하다 떠난다’는 생각을 하기도 했다. 이런 생각은 자동차 경기호황이 이어지고, 1987년 노동 조합 결성이후 활발한 노동조합활동을 전개하여 노동조건을 개선시 켜나가면서 점차 바뀌어 나간다. Hyundai Motors improved its productivity by expanding its plants and hiring more manpower in the 1980s, when it recruited a large number of young male adults that graduated from high school and completed the compulsory military service. They experienced the world of labor at an automobile plant with a certain level of plant automation. This study reconstructed the processes they went through to become the workers of automobile plant and the world of labor they experienced in the early days of their employment at the plants based on the oral materials and related literature. Hyundai Motors is a male-centric establishment. In the 1980s, 95% of its production workers were male, and most of them were young male adults in their twenties or thirties. They wanted to be regular workers at a large corporation, which guarantees stable employment and relatively higher salaries, for the sake of household living, social independence, and economic independence. They chose the path to become the workers of Hyundai Motors via various routes. Once employed by the automobile company, they experienced long hours of labor more than 60 hours per week, nighttime labor according to 12 hours day and night shift overtime work at all times, and extra work on weekends. Those arrangements of working hours led to chronic fatigue and lack of leisure. In addition, they were subjected to inhuman treatments such as the hair and dress regulations and the differential salaries based on performance ratings in the authoritarian atmosphere on the field. It was for those reasons that they called their establishment “iron foundry” and called themselves “Gongdori (a factory worker)” and “Taemjaengyi (a tinker).” They thought to themselves ‘I will leave here in a couple of years or at most in five years.’ Such thinking was followed by the boom of the automobile industry. They formed a labor union in 1987 and developed active union activities, gradually changing and improving their working conditions.

      • KCI등재

        플립드러닝 기반 PBL 모형 중학교 영어 수업의 효과

        원영미,박양주 한국융합학회 2021 한국융합학회논문지 Vol.12 No.11

        본 연구의 목적은 플립드러닝 기반의 PBL(Problem-Based Learning) 수업 모형을 활용하여 중학교 영어 수업을 개발하고, 그 효과를 살펴보는 데에 있다. 최근 들어서, 플립드러닝과 PBL을 결합하려는 시도가 다양하게 이루어지고 있지만, 중고등학교 교과 수업에의 적용 연구는 아직 많지 않은 상황이며, 이에 본 연구의 시도는 이론적, 실제적 의의가 있을 것으로 기대한다. 수업 모형은 선행연구 검토를 통해 구체화시켰고, 수업 개발은 일반적 설계 절차(분석-설계-개발-실행 -평가)를 따랐으며, 관련 전문가들의 자문으로 타당성을 확보하였다. 수업의 효과를 검증하기 위하여 영어 학업성취도 검사 와 영어과 핵심역량 검사를 수업 처치 사전과 사후에 실시하였다. 영어 학업성취도 변화는 대응표본 t 검증의 방법으로 분석 하였고, 핵심역량과 성취도 검사 수행 수준(상위, 하위)이 사전-사후 점수 변화에 미치는 효과의 양상은 혼합모형 반복측정 분산분석의 방법으로 분석하였다. 분석 결과 학업성취도와 핵심역량 모두 상승하였으며, 성취도 검사 하위 집단의 학생들이 상대적으로 더 큰 폭의 향상을 보였다. 결론적으로 플립드러닝 기반 PBL 수업은 중학생의 영어 학업성취도와 핵심역량 향상 에 효과적인 것으로 보이며, 특히, 학업 성취도가 낮은 학생들에게도 효과적인 수업 방법으로 나타났다. The purpose of this study is to develop middle school English classes using Problem-Based Learning(PBL) based on flipped learning and to examine its effects. Recently, various attempts to combine flipped learning and PBL have been made; however, many studies have not been applied to middle and high school curriculums yet. The attempt of this study is expected to have theoretical and practical significance. The instructional model was derived from the review of previous studies, and the development of instructional program followed the general design procedure(analysis-design-development-implement-evaluation), and its validity was secured with the advice of related experts. To verify the effectiveness of the program, the English academic achievement test and the English key competency test were conducted before and after the program. Changes in English academic achievement were analyzed by the paired-sample t-test, and the effect of key competency and the level of achievement test performance (high vs, low) on the pre-post score change was analyzed by the mixed effects repeated measures ANOVA. As a result of the analysis, both academic achievement and key competencies increased, and the low-level students in the pre-academic achievement test showed more improvements. In conclusion, the PBL class based on flipped learning is effective in improving the English academic achievement and key competencies of middle school students, and in particular, it is shown to be an effective teaching method for students with low academic achievement.

      • KCI등재

        장애아동 부모 및 가족의 낮병원 이용 만족이 돌봄 부담에 미치는 영향

        원영미,전지혜 한국지체.중복.건강장애교육학회 2020 지체.중복.건강장애연구 Vol.63 No.2

        Purpose: This study aimed to examine the effect of factors of parent satisfaction with day hospitals for children with disabilities on care burden. In particular, this study focused on what factors of satisfaction among treatment, manpower, environment, and operation sectors in day hospital rehabilitation services affect the parents' care burden. Method: The subjects of this study were caregivers who raise children with disabilities less than 18 years old and visit day hospital with the children with disabilities for rehabilitation treatment. Two hundred parents responded to an online survey, and 193 were used for the final analysis. Results: Hierarchical regression analysis was conducted to examine the effect of the factors of parent satisfaction with day hospitals on care burden. The analysis showed that age, treatment effects, costs, doctors, physical therapists and facilities have statistically significant positive effects (+), and occupational therapists and treatment equipment have significant negative effects(-) on reducing care burden. Conclusion: Practical and institutional implications were discussed to reduce the care burden of parents who raise children with disabilities. 연구목적: 본 연구에서는 수요자의 입장에서 장애아동부모의 낮병원 이용 만족 요인이 돌봄 부담에 미치는 영향을 살펴보고자 하였다. 특히, 낮병원 재활서비스의 어떤 만족요인이 돌봄 부담에 영향을 미치는지 치료, 인력, 환경, 운영 분야로 나누어 살펴보고자 하였다. 연구방법: 본 연구의 대상은 만 18세 미만의 장애아동을 양육하며 장애아동의 재활치료를 위해 낮병원에 함께 방문하는 보호자(부모와 가족)이다. 온라인 설문방법으로 200개의 설문지가 응답되었고, 최종분석에 193개의 설문지를 사용하였다. 기술통계 분석, t검정, 분산분석(ANOVA)을 실시하였고, 위계적 회귀분석을 통해 낮병원 이용 만족요인이 돌봄 부담에 미치는 영향을 분석하였다. 연구결과: 분석결과 장애아동의 연령, 치료효과, 비용, 의사, 물리치료사, 시설은 돌봄 부담을 감소시키는데 정적(+)으로 유의미한 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타났고, 작업치료사, 치료장비는 부적(-)으로 유의미한 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타났다. 결론: 위와 같은 결과를 통해 낮병원을 이용하는 장애아동 부모의 돌봄 부담을 감소시키기 위한 방안을 논의하였다.

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