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        미국의 교사양성과정

        양성관(Yang Sung-Kwan) 한국비교교육학회 2006 比較敎育硏究 Vol.16 No.2

          본 연구는 미국의 교사양성 과저의 사례를 분석하여 우리나라 교사양성 개편에 시사점을 제안해 보고자 하였다. 이를 위해 미국과 텍사스 주의 교사교육의 역사적 배경과 현황을 기술한 뒤, 대표적인 교사양성 경로인 대학교 학부과정의 전통적 교사양성과정과 같은 지역에 소재한 ‘교육지원센터’에서 제공하는 임시 교사양성과정을 분석하였다. 연구결과 대학중심의 교사양성 과정에서는 유초등교사와 중등교사 자격 프로그램 모두 전공학과에서 소정의 교육을 마친 자가 마지막 3-4학기 동안의 교직이론과 실습을 이수하는 방식이었으며, 임시 교사양성과정에서는 교사의 연수를 담당하는 기관에서 17개월간의 단기과정을 개설하여 교사를 양성하였다. 교사부족을 이유로 임시 교사양성 과정을 통해 교직에 입문하는 비율이 증가하는 현상, 대학의 교사양성에서 사범대학과 다른 단과대학간의 연계 프로그램, 일선 초ㆍ중등학교와 연계를 통한 교육실습, 교사의 기본적 자질을 확인하는 차원에서의 교원임용시험을 중심으로 국내 교사양성에 시사하는 바를 논의하였다.   Traditional and alternative teacher education program in Texas were analyzed. Undergraduate university-based teacher preparation program provides certification in Early Childhood-4th Grade. middle grades(4th to 8th grade), secondary (8th to 12th grade), and all level early childhood to 12th grade. The Professional Development Sequence for students pursuing those certificates is the last three to four long semester, typically every semester consisting of 9-12 semester hours of pedagogy courses and 12-14 hours per week in the school. Alternative teacher preparation program at the Region Education Service Center is a rigorous 17-month, field-based program that integrates theory with practice. Furthermore, a sample individual performance plan and a sample competency and descriptive statements of pedagogy and professional responsibilities Early childhood-4th grade for analyzed to illustrate curriculum of teacher education program and teacher certification examination.<BR>  Based on the cases of traditional and alternative teacher education program, the following implications were discussed. First, the growing shortage of well-qualified teachers in the US leads the increase of alternative teacher certification program, brief, inexpensive, convenient, and practical. which the very merits are likely to reduce the resources available to provide the training and support the program expected. Second, the collaboration between college of education and other colleges in the traditional teacher education program may be considered a way to improve teacher preparation programs in Korea. Third, another collaborative relationship, the Professional Development Schools, aiming to develop school practice and individual practice of new teacher candidates, provides a variety of implication to field experience and student teaching in Korea. Fourth, teacher certification examination in Texas focusing on teacher responsibilities aligning with the stage of child development provides an appropriate example to redesign the teacher certification examination in Korea.

      • KCI등재후보

        음양오행으로 접근한 무용수의 자아정체성 분석

        양성옥(Yang Sung-Ok) 한국체육과학회 2008 한국체육과학회지 Vol.17 No.4

        This study aimed at analyzing the dancer's self-identity with a focus on the characteristics of Yin-Yang and the Five Elements. For this purpose, a total of 205 Korean dance majors around Seoul and the Metropolitan Area were randomly sampled. As for the measurement tool, Yin-Yan and the Five Elements was composed of open questions based on the study by Kim, Ji-hee(2004), while self-identity consisted of the questions used by Kim, Kyung-ho(1998) and Jung, Kwi-soon(2007) with the contents being revised and complemented. The reliability coefficient of the scale Cronbach's α ranged from .74 to .95. As for the research procedure, a questionnaire survey was conducted by way of direct visit at the appropriate region, in which the data completed by means of a self-administration method was collected and searched for. And the data was analyzed via SPSS 13.0 version program, for example one-way analysis and correspondence analysis. This procedure and method resulted in conclusion as follows. First, the group aged 19 averages high in stability and interpersonal role perception, and the one aged 20 to 22 averages high in self-acceptance. Also, the group with 6 to 7 years' experiences as a dancer averages high in self-existence, and the one with over 10 years' experiences averages higher in self-acceptance. Second, the Korean dancer's interpersonal role perception is derived from the fundamental area(east/blue) which creates and originates all things in the universe in the traditional thoughts of Yin-Yang and the Five Elements and the area which brings out the other colors(black/north), which inclines to the energy of yin. Whereas, the peculiarity of self- existence lies in the area of east(blue) and south(red) of Yin-Yang and the Five Elements, which inclines to the energy of yang. Besides, the target orientation lies in the west(white) area which involves relativity revealed by movements and stillness, that is, ambivalence of the yin and yang, and self-acceptance is placed in the center(orange) of the Yin-Yang and the Five Elements.

      • 미국의 대안적 교사양성 사례분석: 보스턴 수련교사 프로그램을 중심으로

        양성관 ( Sungkwan Yang ) 건국대학교 교육연구소 2013 교사와 교육(구 교육논집) Vol.31 No.-

        본 연구에서는 미국의 대도시를 중심으로 부상하고 있는 수련교사(Teacher Residency) 프로그램을 분석하여 현장 적합성 높은 교원양성 프로그램 개발과 관련한 시사점을 탐색하기로 한다. 이를 위해 현재 미국의 교원양성과 관련된 동향을 탐색한 다음, 대표적 수련교사 프로그램 가운데 하나인 보스턴 수련교사 프로그램을 분석하였다. 분석방법은 2010년 6월 23일 보스턴에 소재한 보스턴 수련교사 본부를 직접 방문하여 수련교사 프로그램 개발을 담당하고 있는 Sara C. Kelly와 프로그램에 대한 심층면접과, 그 이후에 교육과정에 관한 자료에 대한 내용분석을 통해 이루어졌다. 이 면담내용과 자료를 중심으로 보스턴 수련교사 프로그램의 교육과정 개요, 예비교사 후보자의 선발과정, 실제 교육과정 강의요목과 수련교사 최종 과제인 포트폴리오 분석을 실시하였다. 이를 바탕으로 국내에서 진행되고 있는 교원양성과정에서 교원의 질 향상을 위한 방안 가운데 현장 적합성을 높이기 위한 교육실습의 방안, 교육실천 전문가이면서 연구전문가 중심의 교육과정 운영, 교사의 수행능력 중심의 선발과 양성에 관련된 시사점을 도출하였다. The purpose of study is to explore implications of Boston Teacher Residency Program for the current teacher education reform in Korea. This article identifies 10 major trends relating to a new direction for teacher preparation in the U.S. There is an emerging consensus that U.S. education system is linked to teacher preparation, teacher quality, and the economy. Other trends are recognition of the teacher-quality gap; accountability for student learning outcomes; statewide data systems linking teachers, students, and preparation; more widespread performance assessments of teacher candidates; proliferation of multiple routes into teaching; school district-based teacher residency program; practice as the center of teacher preparation; teacher as researchers; and preparation to teach divers learners. Among those trends, this study examined one type of teacher preparation that has elements of both university-based and alternate program, Boston Teacher Residency(BTR) Program. In this program teacher candidates complete a master`s degree while working for a full year in classroom alongside teacher-mentors. In order to explore some implications for Korean teacher education, this study analyzed BTR`s curriculum, a couple of course schedule, field component, and portfolio as a requirement for completion. In conclusion, school-wide support expedites gains in individual teacher candidates effectiveness. Teacher preparation program should be designed to cultivate high-performing teachers who are prepared for reflective and critical analysis of the realities of teaching.

      • 전기자동차의 지각된 위험이 이용의도에 미치는 영향 연구

        양성목(Sung Mok Yang),김형길(Hyung Gil Kim) 제주대학교 관광과경영경제연구소 2018 産經論集 Vol.38 No.1

        Purpose - Jeju special self-governing province is the main stage of electric vehicle. Jeju special self-governing province is faithful to its role as a test bed for electric vehicles. The majority of electric vehicles in operation in Korea are located in Je-ju. Accoding to the situations, the purpose of this study is to investigate the effect of perceived risk of electric vehicle to use intention in Jeju special self-governing province. Perceived risks are consist of 4 sub variable(1. finicial risk, performance risk, physical risk, psychological risk, time risk). Through our study, we will identify the risk factors and present solutions for them. Research Design, Data & Methodology - In order to achieve the purpose of this study, We organized questionnaire after setting a hypothesis based on the theoretical background. The survey was given to 20’s~50’s consumers who doesn’t have an electric vehicle. The surveys were conducted both offline and online. For analysis, Spss statistics ver.20 was used. The hypothesis testing is analyzed through multiple regression analysis. The result are as follows. Results - Fist, The financial risks of electric vehicles did not negatively affect the intention to use. Second, The performance risk of electric vehicles did not negatively affect the intention to use. Thirds, The physical risks of electric vehicles did negatively affect the intention to use. Fourth, The psychological risks of electric vehicles did not negatively affect the intention to use. Finally, The tims risks of electric vehicles did negatively affect the intention to use. In particular, we found that physical risk had the greatest effect on use intention. Although the influence is weak, time risk also affects on use intention. Conclusion - Through our research, Jeju special self-governing province, related scholars and stakeholders are expected to be a great help in popularizing electric vehicles category. It may also affect subsequent studies on risk factors in the electric vehicle.

      • KCI등재

        여성심리학 관점에서 분석한 남성동성애만화(Boys’ Love manga)의 유희적 수용

        양성은(Sungeun Yang) 한국콘텐츠학회 2018 한국콘텐츠학회논문지 Vol.18 No.9

        본 연구는 이성애규범주의를 기반으로 하는 사회문화적 맥락 내에서 이성애여성이 남성동성애만화를 수용하는 현상을 여성심리학 관점에서 고찰하였다. 먼저, 남성동성애만화의 국내 전개 과정과 확산 현황을 탐색하였다. 다음으로는 남성동성애만화의 장르적 특성에 대한 쟁점, 남성동성애만화 독해의 심리적 기제와 과정, 그리고 남성동성애만화 수용의 기능과 효과를 논의하였다. 이론적 분석틀로서 고전적 정신분석학을 출발점으로 하여 주요 페미니즘 이론, 퀴어이론, 그리고 Huizinga의 호모루덴스 개념을 비판적으로 채택하였다. 연구결과를 보면, 남성동성애만화는 이성애여성을 위한 로맨스로서 영원한 사랑과 평등한 애정관계라는 소망을 성취해주는 판타지로 장르화 된다. 이성애여성은 남성동성애만화를 통해 이성애가부장제로부터 심리적 탈맥락화를 실현하며, 텍스트 속 캐릭터와 분리되어 관음적 욕구를 채우기도 하고, 또는 젠더전복적 동일시를 통해 이분법적 성별 체계를 교란시키는 시도를 하기도 한다. 이러한 심리적 과정은 성 엄숙주의에 도전하는 유희로 간주될 수 있으며, 궁극적으로 여성의 성적 주체성에 대한 자각을 강화시킨다고 하겠다. This study explored the phenomenon of heterosexual women embracing Boys’ Love manga within the heteronormativity context from a feminist psychological perspective. Specifically, the issue of genre characteristics of Boys’ Love manga, women’s psychological mechanism of reading Boys’ Love manga, and the functions and effects of embracing Boys’ Love manga were discussed. As a theoretical framework of analysis, I started from the classical psychoanalysis and critically adopted the concepts of the various camps of feminism, queer theory, and Huizinga’s Homo Rudens. The results show that Boys’ Love manga can be classified as a sub-category of the romance genre, which fulfills heterosexual women’s desires of eternal love and equal partnership. From these wish-fulfilling fantasies, heterosexual women attempt to be decontextualized from the heteropatriarchism, to enjoy distancing and voyeuristic separation from the characters in the texts, and to disturb the dichotomous gender system through gender reversal identification. These processes, which can be regarded as a women’s play challenging sexual rigorism, ultimately bring about an awareness of the female sexual subjectivity.

      • KCI등재후보
      • KCI등재

        금형 재제조를 위한 공구강 소재 적층 공정 설계 최적화 및 시스템 개발

        양성문(Sung-Moon Yang),유재현(Jae-Hyun Yu),박상율(Sang-Yul Park) 한국기계가공학회 2024 한국기계가공학회지 Vol.23 No.3

        The objective of this study is to devise and develop a remanufacturing process system employing metal additive manufacturing technology for mold refurbishment and surface reinforcement. Analyzed using metal powder, AISI H13 tool steel, known for its remarkable wear resistance and impact toughness, underwent examination for dissimilar material bonding characteristics within molds, followed by a comprehensive assessment of its mechanical behavior. An experimental design employing response surface analysis was used to systematically conduct experiments utilizing the central composite design (CCD) and Box-Behnken method, corresponding to response surface methodology (RSM), to optimize overall process variables and determine optimal conditions through variance analysis. Performance evaluation of the remanufacturing process was executed through wear tests, confirming a notable improvement in mechanical properties compared to the original state. The development of a remanufacturing system via a DED process with optimal conditions and a non-adherent support jig device facilitated post-processing by extending the virtual deposition area using a substrate forming a non-adherent film with brazing stop-off. We believe the proposed method is applicable for industrial mold remanufacturing by establishing an optimal process and constructing a remanufacturing system.

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