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      • KCI등재

        인공지능 챗봇 활용이 글로벌 해사 물류 인력의 고도화에 미치는 영향

        안택균,윤차영 한국국제상학회 2023 國際商學 Vol.38 No.2

        Purpose: The purpose of this study is to measure the productivity and satisfaction of global maritime logistics personnel when using artificial intelligence chatbots as tools, and to enhance the utilization of artificial intelligence chatbots based on this. Research design, data, and methodology: This study was conducted among customers using a representative maritime e-logistics platform in Korea. In order to compare the changes in productivity and satisfaction experience of global maritime logistics personnel using A.I chatbots in the experimental and comparison groups, this study used Jamovi, a statistical analysis program, to confirm the homogeneity between the two groups through reliability tests and independent sample t-tests. Results: The results of the analysis confirmed that the chatbot-enabled service had a positive impact on the service experience of maritime logistics personnel using the e-logistics platform. In addition, the post-test results of the effectiveness verification showed that the positive experience of the A.I. chatbot in the experimental group was statistically significant and improved in all areas. This shows the possibility of evenly satisfying the cognitive, sensory, and emotional domains of maritime logistics personnel. Conclusions: This study, first, extends the research focused on simple services of E-logistics platforms to chatbot service experience; second, presents the components of chatbot service experience of E-logistics platforms through theoretical considerations; and third, demonstrates through empirical analysis that chatbot service is an important antecedent variable for the formation of satisfaction experience of E-logistics platforms and the upgrading of maritime logistics personnel.

      • KCI등재

        금융산업에서 ESG와 블록체인 보안의 중요성에 관한 연구

        안택균 한국지급결제학회 2023 지급결제학회지 Vol.15 No.2

        블록체인 보안은 블록체인 네트워크에서 작동하는 동안 위험을 완화하고 악의적인 공격 및 무단 액세스를 방지하기 위한 사이버 보안 원칙, 도구 및 모범 사례의 조합을 말한다. 모든 블록체인이 분산원장기술(DLT)에서 실행되지만, 모든 블록체인이 기능적으로 동일하거나 동등하게 안전한 것은 아니다. 퍼블릭 블록체인과 프라이빗 블록체인 모두 고유한 장점과 단점을 가지고 있지만, 네트워크의 개방성과 폐쇄성으로 인해 보안 모델이 근본적으로 다르다. 블록체인을 이용하면, 거래를 기록하는 데이터베이스를 따로 만들 필요가 없다. 분산처리로 해킹이 어려워 안전성도 보장된다. 또한, P2P 네트워크를 통해 참여자들이 모든 거래 기록을 가지고 있으므로, 거래 기록의 수정도 불가능하다. 이러한 블록체인 플랫폼이 전통적인 시스템과 구별되는 가장 큰 차이는 바로 신뢰를 담보해주는 ‘제3의 기관’이 없다는 점이다. 전통적 시스템에서는 거래 정보를 중앙집중형으로 관리한다. 신뢰할 수 있는 제3의 기관을 설립하고, 해당 기관에 높은 신뢰를 부여하는데 이를 유지하기 위해 기존 중앙집중형 시스템은 IT 인프라와 보안, 대규모 인력과 설비투자 등 높은 사회적 비용을 지출해야 한다. 반면, 블록체인 기반 시스템에서는 거래정보를 특정 기관 중앙서버가 아닌 P2P 네트워크에 분산하여 참여 구성원들이 공동으로 기록하고 관리한다. 따라서 신뢰할 수 있는 ‘제3의 기관’을 설립하고 운영하기 위한 인력 및 자원 투입이 불필요하고, 모든 거래기록이 구성원에게 암호화되어 공개되기 때문에 거래 투명성을 높일 수 있다. 보안 측면에서도 해킹 등 정보유출의 표적이 되는 중앙 서버가 존재하지 않아 안전성을 확보할 수 있다. 악의적인 공격자가 블록체인 네트워크 전체 연산을 파악해 해킹, 조작하기란 사실상 불가능에 가깝다는 분석이 지배적이다. 블록체인은 제품 및 서비스의 생산, 소비, 유통, 관리 등의 측면에서 기존 산업 모습을 크게 변화시킬 것으로 전망한다. ESG 금융은 기업을 분석하고 평가할 때 장기적인 관점을 강조하는 이니셔티브로, 환경, 사회, 지배구조 정보를 고려한 투자 및 대출 조치가 필요하다. ESG를 고려한 자금 흐름은 이제 전 세계적으로 빠르게 확산되고 있다. ESG 금융을 통해 해결해야 할 과제로는 기후변화, 생물다양성 보전, 순환경제 등 글로벌 환경·사회 이슈가 있지만, 특히 기후변화와 관련해서는 한국 정부의 ‘2050 탄소중립 선언’에서 ‘2050년까지 온실가스 배출량을 0으로 감축한다’고 명시하고 있다. 탈탄소화를 위한 노력이 진행 중이다. 또한 2021년 환경부와 기획재정부는 “순환경제에서 지속 가능한 금융촉진을 위한 공개 및 대화 지침”을 작성하여 발표했다. 또한 신종 코로나 바이러스 감염 확대로부터의 경제회복은 환경과 사회보다 경제정책을 우선시하지 않고, 기후변화 대책과 순환경제를 더욱 추진하고 재해와 감염증에 더 탄력적인 사회 경제적 모델로 이행하는 ‘녹색회복’의 개념이 전 세계적으로 확산되고 있다. 이러한 글로벌 트렌드에 비추어 볼 때, 투자 및 대출활동에서 ESG 관점은 지속적으로 강조될 것으로 예상된다. Blockchain security refers to a combination of cybersecurity principles, tools, and best practices to mitigate risks and prevent malicious attacks and unauthorized access while operating on blockchain networks. Although all blockchains run on distributed ledger technology (DLT), not all blockchains are functionally the same or equally secure. Both public and private blockchains have unique advantages and disadvantages, but their security models are fundamentally different due to the openness and closedness of the networks. Using blockchain, there is no need to create a separate database to record transactions. Distributed processing makes hacking difficult and safety is guaranteed. Additionally, since participants have all transaction records through the P2P network, modification of transaction records is not possible. The biggest difference between these blockchain platforms and traditional systems is that there is no ‘third party’ that guarantees trust. In traditional systems, transaction information is managed centrally. In order to establish a trustworthy third party and grant high trust to that institution, and maintain it, the existing centralized system must incur high social costs such as IT infrastructure and security, and large-scale investment in manpower and facilities. On the other hand, in a blockchain-based system, transaction information is distributed to a P2P network rather than a central server of a specific organization, and participating members jointly record and manage it. Therefore, there is no need to invest manpower and resources to establish and operate a trustworthy ‘third party’, and transaction transparency can be increased because all transaction records are encrypted and disclosed to members. In terms of security, safety can be ensured as there is no central server that can be the target of information leaks such as hacking. The prevailing analysis is that it is virtually impossible for a malicious attacker to understand, hack, and manipulate the entire blockchain network operation. Blockchain is expected to significantly change existing industries in terms of production, consumption, distribution, and management of products and services. ESG finance is an initiative that emphasizes a long-term perspective when analyzing and evaluating companies, requiring investment and lending measures that take into account environmental, social, and governance information. Fund flows considering ESG are now rapidly spreading around the world. Challenges that need to be solved through ESG finance include global environmental and social issues such as climate change, biodiversity conservation, and the circular economy, but in particular, with regard to climate change, the Korean government’s ‘2050 Carbon Neutral Declaration’ stipulates ‘greenhouse gas emissions by 2050.’ It states that ‘emissions will be reduced to zero.’ Efforts to decarbonize are underway. Additionally, on January 19, 2021, the Ministry of Environment and the Ministry of Strategy and Finance prepared and announced “Disclosure and Dialogue Guidelines for Promoting Sustainable Finance in the Circular Economy.” In addition, the economic recovery from the spread of the new coronavirus infection is the concept of ‘green recovery’, which does not prioritize economic policy over the environment and society, but further promotes climate change measures and a circular economy and transitions to a social and economic model that is more resilient to disasters and infectious diseases. This is spreading worldwide. In light of these global trends, ESG perspectives are expected to continue to be emphasized in investment and lending activities.

      • 관광문화충돌의 원인과 해결방안에 관한 연구

        안택균 문화관광연구학회 2003 문화관광연구 Vol.5 No.1

        Culture is an accumulation of beliefs, values, attitudes, and meanings transmitted through generations and learned in a specific society, this is called socialization. The main purpose of this study is to investigate collision factor of tourism culture and examine the solution way. Based on the documentary study, this paper was surveyed the factor of tourism culture collision through the field research and analyzed regression analysis through SAS program. As a result, solution of tourism culture collision is considered to be solved through deviation of that think own. Also, the solution is available through the spirit of tolerance

      • 관광호텔 Outlet의 이미지 포지셔닝에 관한 연구

        안택균(Taek-Kyun Ahn) 한국여행학회 2000 여행학연구 Vol.12 No.-

        The purpose of this study was to evaluate image positioning of the hotel outlet. To achieve the purpose of this study, theoretical and empirical study was used. In review of theoretical background, basic concepts and strategy of hotel image positioning were studied. Based on the theoretical studies and previous studies, image attributes of hotel outlets were chosen. An empirical study was conducted with cases of Sheraton Walker Hill Hotel, Hotel Lotte, Hotel Shilla, Hyatt Hotel, The Ritz-Carlton Hotel, Hotel Inter-continental Seoul, The period of research was 40days from Aug. 1 to Sep. 9, 2000. Among the 400 copies of questionnaire distributed, 235 were returned, but only 203 were analyzed after screening missing or reckless answers. The statistical analysis of data was conducted using techniques of frequency analysis. Multidimensional scaling methods such as KYST and PROFIT was used for the evaluation of image positioning in hotel outlets. The ultimate objectives of this study is to suggest the effective direction to set up a image positioning strategy of hotel outlets. But this study had limits on sampling was extracted six hotels because of time limitation. Therefore, the more systematic and continuos study should be executed to overcome those kind of limits.

      • 관광학부 학생들의 멀티미디어 교육 인식 차이에 관한 연구

        안택균(Ahn Taek-kyun) 한국여행학회 2003 여행학연구 Vol.18 No.-

        Multimedia must not be considered as a new mechanism but the side of a new thinking system and a potential energy that multimedia has and its influence on society. Also, it is thought to change the system of school curriculum in accordance with the special quality that multimedia requests for using multimedia effectively in school. Multimedia educational program consider the learning ability of every learner who has various learning skills so, we can improve the effect of learning by using multimedia educational program which presents more specific explanation if the learners just click the letters which are adequate learning contents about the part that needs supplementary explanation. The purpose of this study was to measure multimedia education realization difference of students in tourism faculty. To achieve the purpose of this study, theoretical and empirical study was used.

      • Film Location의 관광객 태도에 관한 연구

        안택균(Ahn Taek-Kyun),임윤정(Im Yun-Jeong) 한국여행학회 2006 여행학연구 Vol.24 No.-

        The purpose of this thesis is to study on the tourist attitude of film locations. The followings are the analytic process of this research. First of all. theories on attitude decision factors based on the Fishbein model were scrutinized. Secondly, after examining the structural elements and items to be measured, a theoretical framework has been formulated. Thirdly, structural relationship between determining factors of tourism attitude and the choice behavior. Fourthly, to determine factors influencing the tourism attitudes, the preferred development orientation and preferred behavior were examined.

      • 인천지역의 문화콘텐츠가 관광자 태도 및 행동의도에 미치는 영향

        안택균(Taek-Kyun Ahn),김미자(Mi-Ja Kim),임윤정(Yun-Jeong Im) 한국여행학회 2008 여행학연구 Vol.29 No.-

        The present study purposed to analyze how cultural contents in the Incheon area affect the attitude and behavioral intention of tourists visiting Incheon, and based on the results, to suggest plans to attract more tourists and enhance their satisfaction. According to the results of the analysis, analog cultural contents in Incheon had a positive effect on tourists' attitude and behavioral intention, and the effect of digital cultural contents on attitude was lower than that of analog cultural contents. In addition, digital cultural contents did not have a significant effect on behavioral intention. Based on these results, we suggested how to attract more tourists and enhance their satisfaction using cultural contents in Incheon as follows. First, digilog(digital+analog} tourist packages representing Incheon should be developed and activated Second, culturenomics strategies should be executed to dress the metropolitan city of Incheon with culture. Third, the cultural contents of Incheon should have their unique styles.

      • KCI등재

        T.G.I.F. 시대의 인천지역 관광정보에 대한 IPA 연구

        안택균(Taek Kyun Ahn),이정희(Jung Hee Lee),김세리(Se Ri Kim) 한국관광연구학회 2011 관광연구저널 Vol.25 No.2

        This study purposed to make a comparative analysis of the importance and performance of tourist information on Incheon provided to tourists visiting around open ports in the Incheon area through SNS such as Twitter, Google, i-Phone and Facebook. In addition, it investigated the effect relation between performance factors and people`s satisfaction with and intention to recommend tourist information on Incheon. In the results of comparative analysis on the mean importance and performance of the key attributes of tourist information on Incheon provided through SNS, the attributes considered very important by the respondents were the reliability and accuracy of tourist information on Incheon on SNS. On the contrary, in the results of surveying users` satisfaction with the performance of tourist information, they showed the highest satisfaction with the convenience and simple structure of the system. In particular, a large difference was observed between importance and satisfaction in the specificity of tourist contents and the utility of tourist contents. This suggests the need of improvement in these attributes.

      • 여행업의 브랜드이미지 평가요인에 관한 연구

        박철호,안택균 문화관광연구학회 2000 문화관광연구 Vol.2 No.1

        The purpose of this study is to establish a brand-image differentiation strategy in the travel industry through examining the difference between brand-image preference in travel enterprises and evaluation factor in the travel industry. First of all, factor analysis is done with 13 factors to find out brand-image evaluation factor in the travel industry and consequently, 13 brand-image evaluation factors are classified into 4 factors.(easiness, preference , differentiation, product-relation) There are significant differences according to the demographic characteristics such as gender, age, income, education as a result of the factor analysis with these 4 factors on brand-image evaluation factor in the travel industry. The marketers who deal with travel marketing must make an effort developing better brand-image to avoid similarity from other travel products perceived by customers and to make better customer preferences.

      • KCI등재

        관광자의 관여도에 따른 여행업의 브랜드 자산 구축모형 연구

        박철호,안택균,임윤정 대한관광경영학회 2007 觀光硏究 Vol.21 No.4

        본 연구의 목적은 여행업의 브랜드 자산 모델을 구축하는 데 있다. 이러한 연구 목적을 달성하기 위하여 문헌 연구와 실증연구를 수행하였다. 본 연구의 구조적인 모델은 크게 7가지 잠재변수로 구성되었으며, 이들은 마케팅 커뮤니케이션 요소, 브랜드 네이밍요소, 여행업 기업요소, 브랜드 인지, 브랜드 연상, 브랜드 선호도, 브랜드 충성도이다. 분석결과를 바탕으로 여행사에 있어서 브랜드 자산을 설립하기 위한 방안을 제시해 보면 다음과 같다. 첫째, 저관여집단을 대상으로 여행업의 광고, 인적판매, 판촉 등의 마케팅커뮤니케이션요소를 강화한다면 여행업의 브랜드 자산을 제고시킬 수 있을 것이다. 둘째, 여행업의 브랜드네임, 로고타입, 심벌마크 등의 브랜드 네이밍요소를 제고시키는 전략은 집단별로 차별화해야 할 것이다. 또한, 고관여집단에서는 브랜드 연상을 강화시키는 전략으로, 저관여집단에서는 브랜드인지를 강화시키는 전략으로 브랜드 네이밍요소를 강화시켜야 할 것이다. 셋째, 고관여집단을 대상으로 여행업의 상품, 점포, 웹사이트 등의 기업요소를 제고시키면 여행업의 브랜드 인지를 제고시킬 수 있을 것이다. The purpose of this study is to elucidate Brand Equity models in travel agencies. To achieve the goal of this research, theoretical and empirical studies were performed. The structural equation model was suggested in this study. And it was composed of seven latent variables. They were marketing communication, brand naming, enterprise elements in travel agencies, brand awareness, brand association, brand favorability, and brand loyalty. The suggestions for building Brand Equity in travel agency were resulted from the analysis as following. First, Brand Equity is expected to rise when marketing communication factors like advertisement, personal selling, and sales are reinforced on the low involvement group. Second, brand awareness in travel agencies can be consolidated by firming up enterprise factors such as products, stores, and web-sites, when targeting on the high involvement group.

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