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        종합병원에 근무하는 간호사의 대인관계능력, 직무만족도 회복탄력성 및 행복지수에 관한 연구

        신주희,이창희,이정숙,한혜숙,백미경,김미선,용윤미,이지은,안희상,김소연,오수민,김연미 한국간호연구학회 2018 한국간호연구학회지 Vol.2 No.1

        Purpose : This study was conducted to identify factors affecting the nurses’ happiness index, focusing on the associations among their interpersonal relation, job satisfaction and resilience and attempt to provide the base data for the program development to improve nurses’ happiness. Methods : After obtaining approval of institutional review board, a self-administered questionnaires was completed by 269 nursed who was working in general hospital over 6 months. The collected from January 2nd to 20th 2017 were analyzed using t-test, ANOVA, Pearson’s correlation coefficients and multiple regression with SPSS/Window 20.0. Results : There were significant differences in the happiness index for the following demographic variables: marital status(t -4.17, = p .001), religion < (t 3.66, = p .001), academic background(F 4.07, <= p .018), position(t -2.95, == p .003), clinical career(F == 10.76, p .001), job pattern(t 5.95, <= p .001), annual salary(F 6.78, <= p .001), work unit(t 13.23, <= p .001) < and leisure activity(t -3.66, = p .001). There was a positive correlation among interpersonal relation(r .40, <= p .010), job satisfaction(r .55, == p .010), resilience(r .57, == p .010) and happiness index. Both job satisfaction = (β 0.36, = p .001) and resilience( <β 0.38,= p .001) were significant factors influencing nurses’ happiness index. < Conclusion : The results of this study highlighted the need to develope self management program to improve nursing happiness, job satisfaction and resilience.

      • KCI우수등재

        사해신탁취소권에 관한 연구 - 취소의 대상과 원상회복을 중심으로 -

        신주희 한국민사법학회 2023 民事法學 Vol.103 No.-

        Article 8 (1) of the Trust Act provides that, if the debtor sets up a trust with a fraudulent mind, the fraudulent transfer can be revoked. Along with such a provision, The system of fraudulent trust revocation is in essence the same kind of system as the creditor's right to revocation in the sense that it aims at restitution of property, and that the trust behavior is a kind of fraudulent act. Considering such factors, the interpretation of Article 8 of the Trust Act on the right to revoke fraudulent trust should be based on the legal principle of the creditor's right to revocation in the Civil Code. Meanwhile, by act of creating a trust, the trust property is not only transferred to the trustee, but the beneficiary acquires the beneficiary right, which is a transformation of trust property. Therefore, trust property ‘belongs partly’ to the trustee and to the beneficiary. Such characteristic of trust needs specific interpretation regarding the interpretation of revocation of the fraudulent trust. Thus, it needs transformative application of the general principle in the Civil Code. With regard to the core of trust relationship lies in entrusting management and disposal of trust property based on mutual trust between the truster and the trustee, and that the purpose of the creditor's revocation system and the system of fraudulent trust revocation lies in the recovery of trust property, I assert that what is revoked by fraudulent trust revocation is not trust act itself but is limited to transfer the property right to the trustee. From this point of view, I assert that even if the beneficiary already received the benefit, the creditor, by making the claim of revocation of fraudulent trust and reinstatement, can reinstate the beneficiary right as well as the benefit the beneficiary already received. Next, regarding the responsibility of the trustee on reinstatement when the beneficiary already received the benefit, I assert that the amount of trust property the trustee should reinstate is reduced to the extent to which the benefit was provided in the respect of divided ownership of trust property. 신탁법 제8조 제1항은 채무자가 채권자를 해함을 알면서 신탁을 설정한 경우 민법 제406조 제1항의 취소 및 원상회복청구를 할 수 있도록 규정하고 있다. 사해신탁취소제도는 책임재산의 회복을 목적으로 한다는 점에서 채권자취소권과 본질적으로 같은 취지의 제도라는 점에서 민법상 채권자취소권의 법리를 바탕으로 하여야 할 것이지만 신탁재산의 분속성이라는 신탁의 특징을 반영하여 채권자취소의 법리를 변용적으로 적용하여야 할 부분이 있다. 신탁관계의 핵심은 위탁자와 수탁자간 신임관계를 바탕으로 한 신탁재산의 관리 및 처분에 대한 위임적인 부분에 있는 점, 채권자취소제도 내지 사해신탁취소제도의 취지가 책임재산의 회복에 있는 점을 고려하면 사해신탁취소에서 그 취소의 대상은 신탁행위 그 자체가 아니라 위탁자의 수탁자에 대한 재산권처분행위에 한정된다고 보아야 한다. 취소의 대상을 재산권처분행위로 보면 수탁자와 수익자의 원상회복의 의미와 그 구체적인 내용도 채권자취소권의 법리와 달리 파악하여야 할 부분이 있다. 수익자의 원상회복의무와 관련해서는, 사해신탁행위로 수익자에게 분속된 신탁재산은 수익권이므로 수익자가 원상회복하여야 할 것은 기수령한 수익급부에 한하지 않고 이를 포함한 수익권 자체라고 보아야 한다. 또한 수익급부가 이행된 경우 수탁자의 원상회복의무와 관련해서는 신탁재산 분속의 견지에서 수익급부가 이행된 범위에서 수탁자가 반환하여야 할 신탁재산은 줄어든다고 보아야 하고 수익급부를 이행한 수탁자는 사해신탁에 관해 악의라고 하더라도 남아있는 신탁재산을 반환하는 것으로 족하고 신탁재산에 상당하는 가액 전부를 반환할 의무는 없다고 보아야 한다.

      • 유언대용신탁과 유류분반환청구의 관계

        신주희 이화여자대학교 법학전문대학원 2018 Ewha Law Review Vol.8 No.-

        신탁은 탄력적이고 유연한 설계가 가능하다는 점에서 새로운 재산승계수단으로 활용될 수 있다. 2012년 7월 26일부터 시행된 개정신탁법은 유언대용신탁(신탁법 제59조)과 수익자연속신탁(동법 제60조)을 규정하고 있다. 유언대용신탁과 유언대용신탁과 결합한 수익자연속신탁은 민법상 상속과의 관계에서 충돌을 일으킬 수 있는데, 특히 민법상 유류분제도와의 관계가 문제된다. 이는 유류분산정의 기초재산에 신탁재산이나 수익권을 포함시켜야 하는지 여부, 유류분반환청구의 상대방은 누가 되어야 하는지 여부, 유류분반환의 방법은 어떻게 되는지에 있다고 요약된다. 유류분산정의 기초재산의 문제와 관련하여, 유언대용신탁에서 신탁재산은 대내외적으로 수탁자에게 이전한다는 점, 실제 활용에서 수익권을 기초재산에 산입하기 어려운 점에서, 신탁재산을 유류분산정의 기초재산 중 증여재산에 준하여 이를 산입하는 것이 타당하다. 이에 논리상응하여 유류분반환청구의 상대방은 수탁자로 보아야 하고, 그 반환방법은 신탁재산 자체가 되어야 할 것이지만 신탁의 존속이라는 관점에서 가액반환이 가능할 수 있도록 해야 할 것이다. Succession by trusts makes estate planning over multi-generations possible and creates a flexible succession structure. The revised Trust Act, effective as of July 26, 2012, recognizes the succession of property by trust as will substitute and trusts with successive beneficiaries. Trust as will substitute and trusts with successive beneficiaries combined with trust as will substitute may cause conflict with inheritance under Civil Law, especially in regards to forced share. Some key points are as follows: whether to include trust property or beneficial interests when calculating the basic property of forced share, to whom one should claim the return of forced share, and the means of its return. In relation to the problem of calculating the basic property of forced share, trust property should be included as an inheritance considering the transfer of trust property to trustee both internally and externally as well as the difficulty of estimating the value of the beneficial interests. Accordingly, the claim for the return of forced share should be made against trustee and the way should be to return the value of trust property.

      • 선무운동이 심신허약노인의 신체기능에 미치는 영향

        신주희,박종성 명지대학교 예체능연구소 2001 藝體能論集 Vol.12 No.-

        The purpose of this study was to investigate the influence of SUN-MU Program for months on physical fitness in physically frailed women. The twenty seven elderly women(E: 78.9±6.7yr, C:79.3±8.0yr) were participated in this study. Subjects had no serious orthopedic problems. The subjects were 27 physically frailed elderly women in C sanatorium in seoul. They were divided into two groups; 1) Experimental group was involved in the program(12 weeks, 3days/week, 40min), 2) Control group was gone with other elderly women without exercise for 12 weeks. The results of the study can be summerized as follows: The SUN-MU Program significantly increased flexibility, balance, back strength, low extremity strength, but decreased total body water in both groups(P<5). In conclusion, We could infer from the results of this study that prolonged involvement of SUN-MU program may help to prevent the gradually down regulation of cognitive function on physically frailed elderly women.

      • KCI등재

        잉카 쇼니바레의 《머리 없는 형상》에나타난 식민권력의 전복

        신주희 한국미술이론학회 2018 미술이론과 현장 Vol.0 No.26

        Drawing on Homi Bhabha’s notion of ‘mimicry,’ this paper explores the way in which the Nigerian-English artist Yinka Shonibare’s Headless Figure series can be seen as an attempt to subvert forces of colonialism underlying the history of European imperialism. The artist’s act of resistance is dramatically illustrated by headless figures who present themselves as leaders of the European world at the height of European imperialism in the 18th and the 19th centuries. In an attempt to blur or politicize the borders between colonizers and colonized, the artist dresses the headless figures in Victorian period costume, which are made from Dutch Wax fabrics. Adopting the subversive modes of mimicry and parody, Shonibare’s Headless Figure thus affords the vantage point of the colonized that ultimately takes issue with the way in which forces of European hegemony continue to monopolize the globalist frame of storytelling still today. 이 논문은 잉카 쇼니바레의 《머리 없는 형상》 작업에 나타난 식민권력의 전복을 탈식민주의 이론가 호미 바바의 ‘모방’ 개념을 통해 분석하였다. 쇼니바레는 유럽의 제국주의 침략이 극에 달한 18-19 세기의 역사·문화를 패러디하고 식민지배자로 등장하는 인물의 머리를 자름으로써 권력의 불균형에저항하고 인물에 식민사의 산물인 더치 왁스 천으로 만든 빅토리아 시대 의상을 입힘으로써 제국과 식민, 유럽과 아프리카 등의 이분법적 대립의 해체를 시도하였다. 그의 작품은 ‘거의 동일하지만 아주 똑같지는 않은’ 차이를 드러내는 피지배자의 과장된 모방을 통해 지배자의 정체성과 지배-피지배 구조를 위협한다. 또한 과거 제국주의와 식민주의의 역사를 피식민자의 관점에서 재구성하여 전 지구화 시대에도 끊임없이 반복되는 권력의 불균형에 대해 경고의 메시지를 던진다.

      • KCI등재

        A Case of Jacobsen Syndrome Presenting with a Huge Cephalhematoma and Thrombocytopenia after Birth

        신주희,김가은,이로지,정난이,심예지,하정숙 대한소아혈액종양학회 2018 Clinical Pediatric Hematology-Oncology Vol.25 No.1

        Jacobsen syndrome (JS) is a contiguous gene syndrome resulting from a deletion of chromosome 11q, with various clinical manifestations. A post-term small for gestational age infant was born by normal vaginal delivery without trauma or vacuum extraction. On day 5, right parietotemporal scalp swelling developed, with petechiae on the right cheek and thrombocytopenia (platelets: 63,000/mL). A prominent forehead, wide-set eyes, short and upturned nose were noted. Karyotyping and microarray analysis demonstrated del(11)(q24q25), consistent with Jacobsen syndrome. Brain magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) revealed a huge cephalhematoma. The patient is scheduled to receive periodic evaluations for thrombocytopenia and heart, kidney, abdominal malformations, ophthalmologic and auditory problems. There are lots of newborns with cephalhematoma or petechiae after birth. Not all newborns with these symptoms need evaluations, but if they have these symptoms with suspect features or appearances, we need to go through further evaluations.

      • KCI등재

        A cross-sectional retrospective study to analyze the underlying causes and clinical characteristics of children with reactive thrombocytosis at a Korean tertiary medical center

        신주희,이동현,정난이,최희정,최희정 대한혈액학회 2018 Blood Research Vol.53 No.3

        Background Reactive thrombocytosis (RT) is a common condition among children, although no stud-ies have examined the etiology or clinical characteristics of RT among Korean children. Methods This retrospective study evaluated children with RT at a single Korean tertiary center dur-ing a 10-year period. Results RT accounted for 13.5% of children who were admitted to the pediatric ward (4,113/30,355): mild RT, 82.7%; moderate RT, 14.1%; severe RT, 1.1%; and extreme RT, 2.1%. There was a negative correlation between platelet count and Hb level (P=0.008). There were positive correlations between platelet count and WBC (P=0.001), eryth-rocyte sedimentation rate (ESR) (P=0.007), and admission duration (P=0.006). The most common cause of RT was infection and the second most common was Kawasaki disease (KD). The highest proportion of lower respiratory tract infection was observed in extreme RT (P<0.001). The proportion of KD was highest in extreme RT (P<0.001) and in children aged 1‒7.9 years (P<0.001). The proportion of refractory KD was highest in extreme RT (P=0.005). In cases of KD, there was a positive correlation between platelet count and fever duration (P=0.006). Non-KD autoimmune inflammation was only observed in mild/moderate RT, and its proportion was highest in children aged 8‒18 years (P<0.001). ConclusionIn children, more severe RT was associated with lower Hb, increased WBC, ESR, and pro-longed admission. With respiratory infection or KD, extreme RT was associated with more severe disease course.

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