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        내냉성 미생물인 Acinetobacter genomospecies 10과 Serratia liquefaciens가 원유의 품질에 미치는 영향

        신용국,오남수,이현아,남명수,Shin, Yong Kook,Oh, Nam Su,Lee, Hyun Ah,Nam, Myoung Soo 한국축산식품학회 2013 한국축산식품학회지 Vol.33 No.4

        살균한 원유에 지방분해효소와 단백질 분해효소활성이 가장 높게 나타났던 균주를 접종하고 저장하면서 내냉성미생물이 생성하는 효소가 원유의 품질에 미치는 영향을 조사하였다. 지방분해효소활성이 높은 Acinetobacter genomospecies 10은 냉장저장기간 중 총 고형분과 유지방의 함량에 영향을 미치지 않았고, 지방의 분해는 냉장보관 14일째에 대조구와 비교하여 2.6배 이상의 유리지방산을 생성하였다. 생성된 지방산의 조성은 short chain free fatty acid(SCFFA), middle chain free fatty acid(MCFFA) 및 long chain free fatty acid(LCFFA)를 모두 생성하였으며, 특히 SCFFA와 MCFFA의 증가율이 높았다. 단백질 분해효소활성이 높은 Serratia liquefaciens은 원유의 총 고형분과 유단백질 함량에 영향을 미치지 않았고, 단백질 조성의 변화는 냉장저장기간 동안 케이신의 함량이 서서히 감소하다가 10일째부터 $\kappa$-케이신의 함량이 현저히 감소하였다. 유리아미노산은 대조구와 비교하여 냉장저장 14일째 2.8배 이상 생성되었으며 특히 소수성 아미노산으로 쓴맛을 내는 leucin, valine 등의 함량이 급격히 증가하였다. This study was conducted to investigate effect of psychrotrophic bacteria on the quality of raw milk. Acinetobacter genomospecies 10 was selected as lipolytic species, and Serratia liquefaciens as proteolytic species. Lipase present in inoculated raw milk with Acinetobacter genomospecies 10 did not affect total solid and fat contents. However, the free fatty acid (FFA) content, especially short chain FFAs, of milk with Acinetobacter genomospecies 10 was dramatically increased. FFAs produced by lipolysis of milk fat are important in flavor of dairy products, excessive lipolysis occurring in milk and dairy products could cause off-flavor, and produced FFAs may have an underiable effect on their flavor. In addition, protease influenced the quality of inoculated raw milk with Serratia liquefaciens. In degradation patterns of casein by SDS-PAGE analysis from inoculatred raw milk with Serratia liquefaciens, casein content was gradually decreased during storage at $4^{\circ}C$, and extensive degradation of $\kappa$-casein was observed on the storage day of 13. The free amino acids such as leucine, valine, arginine, and tyrosine were dramatically increased, which causes bitter taste in raw milk. These excessive peptides in dairy products, produced by psychrotrophic bacteria, can be possible to develop off-flavors and be responsible for gelling of milk by degradation.

      • KCI등재

        고온처리(高溫處理)에 의한 우유(牛乳)의 미생물(微生物) 및 화학적(化學的) 변화(變化)에 관한 연구(硏究)

        신용국,김종우,Shin, Yong Kook,Kim, Jong Woo 충남대학교 농업과학연구소 1986 Korean Journal of Agricultural Science Vol.13 No.2

        우리나라 원유(原乳)의 세균함량(細菌含量)과 가열처리(加熱處理)에 의한 일부(一部) 단백질(蛋白質)의 변성(變性)을 고려한 적정살균온도(適正殺菌溫度)와 시간(時間)을 구명(究明)하고자 $70^{\circ}C{\sim}100^{\circ}C$까지 $5^{\circ}C$간격(間隔)으로 10, 15 및 20 초간 살균(殺菌)을 행(行)하여 다음과 같은 결과(結果)를 얻었다. 1. 살균온도(殺菌溫度)와 시간(時間)에 따라 사멸효과(死滅效果)는 우수(優秀)하였으며 $75^{\circ}C$에서 20초간(秒間) 살균처리유(殺菌處理乳)에서 99.56%의 사멸율(死滅率)을 나타내어 시유처리기준(市乳處理基準) 부합(符合)되었다. 대장균(大腸菌)은 열처리(熱處理)에 의하여 전멸(全滅)하였고, 내열성균(耐熱性菌)은 $100^{\circ}C$의 열처리(熱處理)에도 다수 잔존(殘存)하였다. 또한 호열성균(好熱性菌)은 열처리(熱處理)에 의하여 대부분(大部分) 사멸(死滅)하였고, 호냉성균(好冷性菌)은 $90{\sim}100^{\circ}C$에서 전멸(全滅)하였다. 2. Bacillus subtilis 첨가유(添加乳)의 사멸율(死滅率)은 살균온도(殺菌溫度)가 높고 가열시간(加熱時間)이 길수록 높았으나, $100^{\circ}C$에서는 거의 일정수준(一定水準)을 유지(維持)하였다. 3. 살균온도(殺菌溫度)가 높고 가열시간(加熱時間)이 길수록 pH는 감소(減少)하였다. 4. 가열(加熱)에 따른 단백질(蛋白質), 지방(脂肪) 및 유당(乳糖)의 변화(變化)는 거의 없었다. 5. 가열온도(加熱溫度)에 따라 총질소(總窒素)는 거의 변화(變化)가 없었고 casein태질소(態窒素)와 NPN은 증가(增加)하였으며 비(非)casein태질소(態窒素)는 감소(減少)하였다. 6. 살균온도(殺菌溫度)가 높고 가열시간(加熱時間)이 길수록 질소여과율(窒素濾過率)은 감소(減少)하였으며 특(特)히 $95{\sim}100^{\circ}C$에서 급격(急激)히 감소(減少)하였다. 7. 인공소화율(人工消化率)은 열처리(熱處理)에 의하여 다소 증가(增加)하였다. This study was conducted to find optimum heating temperature and time as milk was heated over a wide range of temperature and time combinations at $70{\sim}100^{\circ}C$ into $5^{\circ}C$ interval for 10, 15 and 20 second. The results obtained were summarized follows: 1. The effects of heat treatment on the bacteria by $75^{\circ}C/20s$, $80^{\circ}C/10s$ and $100^{\circ}C/20s$ were 99.56%, 99.52% and 99.92% respectively. 2. Sterilized rate of milk which was added Bacillus subtilis by $75^{\circ}C/20s$, $80^{\circ}C/10s$ and $100^{\circ}C/20s$ were 99.23%, 99.25% and 99.85% respectively. 3. The pH value fell in accordance with the increasing of heating temperature. 4. Content of protein, fat and lactose was not changed by heat treatment. 5. The content of total nitrogen was not changed. The content of casein nitrogen and non - protein nitrogen increased, but non - casein nitrogen reduced, according to heat trea ted of milk. 6. According to the increasing of heating and time, filter - passing nitrogen reduced. 7. The artificial digestibility was increased when milk was heated from $70^{\circ}C$ to $100^{\circ}C$ into $5^{\circ}C$ interval at 10, 15 and 20 second.

      • KCI등재후보

        수면 자세가 양성 돌발성 두위현훈의 발생에 미치는 영향

        신용국,박진우,구자원,송미현,심대보 대한평형의학회 2016 Research in Vestibular Science Vol.15 No.4

        Objective: The purpose of this study was to identify the influence of sleep position on benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (BPPV).Methods: Four hundred sixty patients diagnosed as posterior or horizontal canal BPPV were analyzed retrospectively. All patients were asked about their preferred sleep positions among the following four choices: supine, right or left lateral, or no pre-dominant side via questionnaire at initial visit and after 1month. Patients were classified into two groups: affected side group meaning that the patient preferred to sleep ipsi-lateral to the affected ear and other position group including all positions other than lying lateral to the affected side after treatment. We analyzed the change in the sleep pattern after treatment and compared the recurrence rate between the two groups.Results: Our study included 244 patients with posterior canal BPPV (PC-BPPV) and 216 patients with horizontal canal BPPV (HC-BPPV). Statistically significant correlation was demonstrated between sleep position side and the affected side by BPPV. The number of patients who slept on the affected side by BPPV decreased, while the number of patients who slept on the healthy side increased significantly after treatment. There was no statistically significant difference in the recurrence rate between the two groups.Conclusion: There was significant correlation between the sleep position side and the affected side in PC-BPPV and HC-BPPV. The patient had a tendency to avoid lying lateral to the affected side by BPPV during sleep after treatment, however the change in sleep position did not influence the recurrence rate of BPPV.Res Vestib Sci 2016;15(4):121-125

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