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      • KCI등재

        주민자치회의 법적 지위와 기능에 관한 연구

        신미애 인문사회 21 2018 인문사회 21 Vol.9 No.6

        경제 발전에 따라 산업화와 정보화가 진전되면서 전통적인 다단계 행정조직의 비효율성에 따라 지방행정조직의 축소에 대한 필요성이 제기되었다. 이에 따라 관계 법규와 그 법규에 근거하여 제정된 조례에 따라 해당 지역의 문제를 지역주민이 자율적으로 결정하고, 그 결과에 대해서도 책임을 지는 주민자치가 강조되었다. 주민자치회는 이러한 점에서 지역의 현안에 대해 주민이 직접 의사를 결정하는 지방자치행정의 미래지향적인 모습이라고 할 수 있다. 그러나 주민자치회는 그 근거가 되는 지방분권법이 규정한 법적 지위와 기능의 한계 때문에 그 목적을 달성하는데 많은 문제점을 노출하고 있다. 이에 따라 주민자치회 시범실시에 대한 선행연구 결과를 분석하여 나타난 문제점을 법적 지위를 강화하는 방법을 중심으로 개선방향을 제시함으로써 주민자치회의 활성화를 도모하고자 하였다. Industrialization and informatization have progressed with the development of the economy, and the need for reducing local administrative bodies was raised due to the inefficiency of traditional multistage administrative organizations. In addition, according to relevant laws and regulations, local residents voluntarily decided problems in the area and stressed the citizen autonomy who were responsible for the consequences. In this regard, the residents autonomy council can be called a future-oriented version of local administration, in which residents directly decide on local issues. However, the council exposed many problems in achieving institutional goals because of the legal status and limitations of its functions, as defined by the Act of Decentralization. Accordingly, the results of the preceding study on the pilot project of the Residents Autonomy Council were analyzed, and the improvement direction was sought based on how to enhance the legal status and functions of the Residents Autonomy Council.

      • KCI등재후보

        보훈의식 함양을 위한 시민단체‧지방자치단체의 역할 제고 방안 연구

        신미애,박영민 한국보훈학회 2018 한국보훈논총 Vol.17 No.2

        In modern society, the patriotic consciousness has a value of social capital in addition to its significance as national heritage. It is known that as the national patriotic consciousness index increases by 1%, the social conflict factors will decrease by 1.6%. Therefore, the discussion begins from the fact that cooperative system of ‘Taking back our country’, ‘Protecting our country’, ‘Building a good country’ and ‘Developing a righteous community’ which form a mainstream of the patriotic consciousness in Korea is being required. In this study, the role of non-governmental organizations and local governments is discussed in order to spread the patriotic consciousness. Especially, the meaning of creation of local governance between a local government and a non-governmental organization is emphasized. In addition, practical programs are suggested accordingly and are as follow. First, it is necessary to organize a joint event program participated by various veterans’ organizations in order to ensure the autonomy and substantiality of veterans’ organizations. Second, it needs to spread local governance between the Ministry of Patriots & Veterans Affairs, veterans’ organizations and local governments in order to cultivate the patriotic consciousness. Third, the importance should be placed on the development of a culture-oriented program for the patriotic consciousness revitalization education by school units. 현대 사회에서 보훈의식은 민족의 유산으로서 의미와 더불어 사회적 자본(social capital)으로서의 가치를 지닌다. 국가 보훈의식 지수가 1% 증가할 경우 사회갈등 요인은 1.6% 감소한 것으로 알려지고 있다. 이에 한국의 보훈의식의 원류를 이루고 있는‘나라 되찾기’, ‘나라 지키기’, ‘좋은 나라 만들기’, ‘의로운 공동체 가꾸기’의 협력 체계가 요구된다는 점을 논의의 출발점으로 삼고 있다. 본 연구는 보훈 의식 확산을 위해 시민단체와 지방자치단체의 역할을 논의하고 있다. 특히 지방자치단체와 시민단체 간의 로컬 거버넌스 창출이 지닌 의미를 강조하고 있다. 아울러 이에 따른 실천 프로그램을 제안하고 있다. 이에 다음과 같은 내용을 제안하고 있다. 첫째, 보훈단체의 자율성과 내실화를 위해 다양한 보훈단체가 참여하는 공동 행사 프로그램을 마련해야 한다. 둘째, 보훈의식 함양을 위해 국가보훈처, 보훈단체, 지방자치단체 간의 로컬 거버넌스를 확산시켜 나가야 한다. 셋째, 학교 단위별로 보훈의식 활성화 교육에 있어서는 문화 지향적 프로그램 개발에 역점을 두어야 한다.

      • OE에 나타난 접어 연구

        신미애 청주대학교 대학원 1996 우암논총 Vol.15 No.-

        The main purpose of this study is to survey the major syntactic changes which have taken place in Preposition Stranding Structure in Old English. This paper presents the detailed analysis of Preposion Stranding constructions in OE personal pronouns and locative pronouns ending in -r which are often called clitics. We attempted first that their peculiar behavior can be analyzed as a clitic phenomenon and second that these clitic properties are related to the morphological case system, and more indirectly to some aspects of the syntatic case system.

      • 도시와 농촌 중년여성의 신체상, 자아존중감 및 우울 관계

        신미애,김태숙 충남대학교 간호과학연구소 2003 충남대 간호학술지 Vol.6 No.1

        The Purpose of this study was to identify the relationship among body image of urban and rural middle-aged women, self esteem, and depression. The subjects were 135 urban middle aged women and 135 rural middle aged women. Data were collected through personal interview using a questionnaire from Jan. 3, 2002 to Feb. 20, 2002. The questionnaire was consisted of Body Cathexis Scale, Rosenberg's Self Esteem scale and Beck Depression Inventory. Data were analyzed by using SPSS package program that included descriptive statistics, Pearson's correlation coefficient. According to the result, 1) The score of the body image and self-esteem perceived by urban middle aged women was higher than rural. 2) 'Body image' was positively related to self esteem in urban and rural middle aged women. 'Body image' and 'self esteem' were negatively related to 'depression' in urban and rural middle aged women. 3) In this study, rural middle aged women reveals the lower body image and self esteem, and higher depression than urban. Thus, it is necessary to implement nursing intervention focused on to decrease the depression and to enhance the body image and self esteem of the rural middle aged women.

      • There-구문에 관한 연구

        신미애 청주대학교 대학원 1996 우암논총 Vol.14 No.-

        This thesis explores the syntactic phenomea of there-sentences from Chomsky(1981) to Chomsky(1995). There are many problems to be solved in Chomsky(1992)'s analysis of there-construction. Chomsky(1981) proposed that in constructions with expletive explained by Trace Theory and Move α . The basic assumption of minimalist theory is that at t grammatical operations are driven by morphological requirements. Chomsky(1992) maintained, contra Belletti , that the Case of the argument in the constructions under consideration is not 1icensed without movement to the subject position. Chomsky(1986) proposed that in constructions with expletives, the argument moves to the position of the expletive for its Case to be licensed. Belletti (1988) rejects that analysis. Her proposal is that be and unaccusative verbs generally license a Case which she calls 'partitive'. Lasnik(1992) supported Belletti's central thesis by providing evidence that even arguments associated with expletives must have their Case licensed by a verb or the trace of one For Chomsky(1986) , the LF movement of argument is driven by two requirements: the need for the Case of the argument to be licensed, and the need for the semantically vacuous expletive to be eliminated in order for 'full Interpretation' to be satisfied. In the 'minimalist' of Chomsky(1991; 1992), Chomsky argues that all movements need a driving force, and that only morphological requirement can provide that driving force. Chomsky maintains, contra Belletti, that the Case of the argument in the constructions under consideration is not licensed without movement to the subject position. According to Chomsky(1995), every movement is to satisfy some morphological requirement by checking the morphological features of the moved element against the target of the movement. For example, the subject moves to the SPEC of INFL to get its nominative Case feature checked off by INFL. Any transformation that is never for morphological feature-checking is not a syntactic rule but a PF stylistic rule.

      • KCI등재

        4차산업시대의 신변보호서비스업과 종사자 역량의 지속가능성

        신미애,김두한 한국융합과학회 2020 한국융합과학회지 Vol.9 No.3

        Pupose: The purpose of this study is to examine the sustainability of the personal protection service industry and the competence of workers in the fourth industrial era. Methods: In order to achieve the research purpose, literature review was used as the main research method. Result: With the advent of the fourth industrial age, the topic of sustainability is being discussed worldwide. Industrial value is decreasing due to the development of artificial intelligence in the personal protection service industry. This creates a threat to job creation for workers. On the other hand, there is a growing interest in social economy to realize social values. Accordingly, the personal protection service industry must transform from a service that responds to violence and physical threats to a service that manages the human life cycle. If the business structure of the personal protection service business presents a new vision, it can continue to create jobs for human resources that do not have IT technology. Conclusion: There is a avoidance of face-to-face contact service industry caused by the corona19 outbreak. However, research on the structural changes of the personal protection service industry that prepares for the post-corona age and the efforts of the industry are desperate. 연구목적: 이 연구의 목적은 4차산업시대의 신변보호서비스업과 종사자 역량의 지속가능성을 고찰하는 것이다. 연구방법: 연구목적을 달성하기 위해서 문헌고찰을 주된 연구방법으로 활용하였다. 결과: 4차산업시대의 도래에 따라 전세계적으로 지속가능성이라는 화두가 논의되고 있다. 신변보호서비스업의 인공지능의 발달로 인해 산업적 가치가 감소하고 있다. 이에 종사자의 일자리 창출이 위협받고 있다. 반면에 사회적 가치 실현을 위한 사회적 경제에 대한 관신이 높아지고 있다. 이에 신변보호서비스업은 폭력, 신체적 위협에 대응하는 서비스에서 인간의 생애주기를 관리하는 서비스업으로 혁신해야 한다. 신변보호 서비스업의 사업 구조가 새로운 비전을 제시한다면 IT기술을 지니지 못한 인적 자원의 일자리 창출을 지속 할 수 있다. 결론: 코로나19 발병으인한 대면 접촉 서비스업에 대한 기피 현상이 있다. 그러나 포스트 코로나 시대를 미리 준비하는 신변보호서비스업의 구조 변화에 대한 연구와 산업계의 노력은 절실하다.

      • KCI등재

        고등학교 체육교사가 인식하는 안전관리에 대한 현상학적 연구

        신미애,박영만 미래융합통섭학회 2023 현대사회와 안전문화 Vol.6 No.4

        PURPOSE The necessity and purpose of this study is to create a safe culture of school physical education in high schools through a phenomenological research method on safety management as perceived by high school physical education teachers. METHOD This study selected high school physical education teachers with more than 10 years of experience as research subjects and used the purposive sampling method among non-probability sampling methods to describe Colaizzi's six stages of essential structure based on the selected subjects. The study was conducted using analytical methods. RESULT The central meaning of safety management as perceived by high school physical education teachers was revealed in 5 and 15 topic statements. First, the central meaning is safety education in physical education classes, and the topics are implementation of safety education in physical education classes, safety education contents in physical education classes, safety management materials, and presence/absence of safety education. Second, the central meaning is sports facilities and teaching aids, and the topics are the installation of safety facilities and the management status of teaching aids. Third, the central meaning is accident prevention activities, and the subjects are warm-up and cool-down exercises, sexual violence prevention, and accident prevention education. Fourth, the central meaning is post-accident response, and the topics are first aid lectures and tools, teachers' first aid expertise, and post-accident compensation management. Fifth, the central meaning is safety management issues, and the topics are the risk of safety accidents, the need for safety education, and safety management issues. CONCLUSION This study conducted a study on the safety management awareness of high school physical education teachers based on the current teachers' experiences and perceptions. It was concluded that safety management for periodic physical education activities should be carried out through systematic safety management programs and provision of educational materials.

      • KCI등재

        국기원 태권도사범 해외파견 사업의 활성화 전략

        신미애,원동현 미래융합통섭학회 2023 현대사회와 안전문화 Vol.6 No.2

        PURPOSE The purpose of this study is to present a strategy for revitalizing the overseas dispatch of Kukkiwon Taekwondo Masters. METHOD An in-depth interview to gather expert opinions was set as the research method. RESULT First, the instability of local stay, second, lack of career classification system and systematization of Kukkiwon’s Taekwondo Masters overseas dispatch, third, insufficiency of activity results, and fourth, strategy for revitalizing overseas dispatch of Taekwondo Masters. CONCLUSION The Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism, which is in charge of the project, and Kukkiwon, an implementation (executive) organization, provide full opportunities for Kukkiwon's Taekwondo Master to grow and strengthen their capabilities as key figures in each country, and at the same time, through strict evaluation, The quality of the Kukkiwon's Taekwondo Master and the competence of the dispatched masters can be improved only when the masters who do not do so are classified.

      • OE 법조동사의 변천과 고립

        신미애 청주대학교 인문과학연구소 1999 人文科學論集 Vol.19 No.-

        The aim of this study is to examine the development of OE pre-modals(sculan, Willan, magan, cunnan, motan) and to find the reason of isolation. When we look at Old English and Middle English, we find a very different state of affairs.erbs such as sculan, willan, magan, cunnan, motan,which we usually translate into NE with modals, have all of the characteristic properties of verbs. They have full person-number paradigms and behave like verbs with respect to Negative Placement and Inverson. And pre-modals are used in impersonal constructions of OE. At that time they can have two NPs in a sentence. But due to the loss of inflections and the fix of word order, they not only can not be verbs, but can not be used in impersonal constructions. Impersonal verbs could assign their Case to two NPs in OE. But due to the loss of inherent Case, only one of the two NPs that impersonal verbs subcategorized for in Old and Middle English can receive Case from its verb.

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