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      • V+현장탐방_(주)디지아트프로덕션 - 토종애니메이션기술 해외에서 '빛'나다

        송현호,Song, Hyeon-Ho 벤처기업협회 2009 벤처다이제스트 Vol.129 No.-

        가필드, 파이스토리 등 3D 애니메이션영화를 자체 제작하여 수출하고 있는 회사, 국내에서 보다 해외에서 더 유명한 회사. 국내에서 유일하게 3D장편 애니메이션을 제작할 수 있는 능력을 갖춘 회사. 바로 디지아트가 가지고 있는 타이틀이다. 실제로 전 세계적으로 장편 3D 애니메이션을 제작할 수 있는 곳은 열 손가락 안에 꼽힐 정도로 높은 기술력을 요구한다. 디지아트는 100% 자체 기술로 픽사, 디즈니 등 세계적인 회사와 공동으로 작업하면서 실력을 인정받았다. 불모지나 다름없는 애니메이션 시장에 새지평을 열어가고 있는 디지아트를 찾았다.

      • V+커버스토리 - (주)아이디에스앤트러스트 현재환 대표

        송현호,Song, Hyeon-Ho 벤처기업협회 2009 벤처다이제스트 Vol.130 No.-

        개인에게 있어서 일이란 자아실현이 최종 목표이지만 기업에게 있어서 비즈니스란 가치창출이다. 하지만 이 두 가지를 모두 만족시키기란 쉽지 않다. 어쩌면 이 두 가지를 만족시키는 회사가 바로 우리가 꿈꾸는 이상적인 기업의 모습일런지 모른다. "이런 이상적인 기업을 만들기 위해서 기업은 그곳에서 종사하는 사람들이 창조, 활력, 보람을 갖도록 해주어야 한다"고 외치는 사람이 있다. 바로 아이디에스앤트러스트의 현재환 대표이다. 그래야 회사도 발전하기 때문이란다. 다시 말해 '가치창조'와 '자아실현'이라는 두 마리 토끼를 잡아야 한다는 말. 13년 동안 다양한 IT솔루션으로 기업들의 가치창조를 위한 툴을 제공하고 있는 아이디에스앤트러스트 현재환 대표가 들려주는 경영이야기를 들어보자.

      • 일자리 나누기 열풍 - 중기단체에 불고 있는 일자리 나누기 열풍

        송현호,Song, Hyeon-Ho 벤처기업협회 2009 벤처다이제스트 Vol.129 No.-

        최근 중소기업 단체들이 한자리에 모여 중소기업 일자리 나누기와 고용유지 및 창출을 위한 운동을 벌이기로 결의했다. 중기단체들이 중소벤처기업들의 일자리 나누기와 일자리 창출을 위해 앞장서기로 한 것이다. 벤처기업협회, 중소기업중앙회, 중소기업기술혁신협회(이노비즈협회), 한국여성경제인협회, 이업종교류회 등 중기단체들이 추진하고 있는 청년인턴제 등 일자리나누기 프로젝트를 소개한다.

      • 불황에도 끄덕없는 블루오션 벤처 아이템을 낚아라

        송현호,Song, Hyeon-Ho 벤처기업협회 2009 벤처다이제스트 Vol.126 No.-

        불황이다. 지금이야말로 벤처정신을 발휘해야 할 때다. 10년 전 IMF 위기를 벤처기업들이 앞장서서 돌파해 나갔듯이 다시 한 번 뭉쳐야 한다. 지금의 경제위기는 오히려 새로운 기회가 될 수도 있다. 이럴 때일수록 당당히 도전하는 진정한 벤처 정신이 빛을 발하기 때문이다. 독보적인 기술력 혹은 튀는 아이디어로 불황에도 대박을 터트리는 아이템이 있다. 불활에 강한 벤처 아이템들 어떤 것들이 있을까.

      • V+현장탐방 (주) 인카인슈 - (주) 인카인슈 보험업계의 '하이마트‘를 꿈꾼다

        송현호,Song, Hyeon-Ho 벤처기업협회 2009 벤처다이제스트 Vol.126 No.-

        자동차보험 만기가 다가온 회사우너 김 대리, 작년에 들었던 보험을 또 들까, 아니면 바꿔볼까 고민에 빠졌다. 요즘 같은 불황에 꼼꼼히 따져보고 가입해야 하는데 연말이라 밀린 업무 때문에 시간 내기가 어렵다. 그런데 얼마 전 이메일로 김 대리의 자동차보험료비교견적서가 날아왔다. 국내 10개 손해보험사의 보험료를 비교해 놓은 데이터였다. 이제 김 대리의 고민은 말끔히 사라졌다. 시간과 노력을 한꺼번에 절약할 수 있는 데다 보험료까지 아낄 수 있게 된 것이다. 요즘 자동차보험을 가입할 때 온라인으로 가격비교 안 해보고 가입하는 사람이 드물 정도로 보편화됐다. 국내 최초로 보험가격비교서비스를 도입 보편화시킨 주인공이 바로 (주)인카인슈다.

      • 지금이 벤처투자 적기 벤처캐피탈 투자지갑 열리고 엔화도 몰려온다

        송현호,Song, Hyeon-Ho 벤처기업협회 2009 벤처다이제스트 Vol.127 No.-

        벤처의 힘은 위기상황에서 빛을 발한다. 벤처투자도 마찬가지다. 지속되는 경기하강 국면이 오히려 벤처투자에 적기라는 판단에 따라 올해 민간 벤처캐피탈 업체들이 투자액을 전년대비 80% 이상 올려 잡고 있다. 더불어 엔고(円高)로 일본 자금도 국내 벤처업계로 급속하게 유입되고 있다니 우리 벤처업계로서는 즐거운 소식이 아닐 수 없다. 이런 분위기는 최근 경기침체로 어려움을 겪고 있는 벤처기업들에게 장밋빛 기대감을 가져다주고 있다. 특히 환경, 에너지 분야와 위젯분야 등 미래 유망기술을 보유한 벤처기업에 대한 투자가 크게 활성화될 전망이다.

      • KCI등재

        노신의 <광인일기>와 나혜석의 <경희> 비교 연구

        송현호(Song Hyeon Ho) 한국현대소설학회 2004 현대소설연구 Vol.- No.21

        This paper examines the criticism regarding the evil influence of conventionalism and inhumaneness in `Madman`s Diary by Rooshin and Gyeonghee by Na Hwe Seok. and on the basis of this study, it investigates the similarity and difference of two works. Rooshin recognized Confucianism as a convention and criticized it strongly, judging the cannibalism, which was the biggest problem of Chinese convention in the Madman`s Diary. In the Zhu-zi-xue dominated society, the being of woman was not admitted and thereby they became the object for cannibalism. The author thought that 4000 years` cannibalism was the revolutionary duty, which had to liquidate through the diary of leading character, which held the delusion of persecution, and he set up the problematic child as a main character of the novel. That is. he identified the cannibalism with an old fashioned Li-jiao, which paralyzed human characteristics and established it as an evil practice, which should liquidate. In the end, he argued the creation of new historythrough the sharp criticism. Na Hwe Seok accused the woman`s life like a slave of patriarchal society in Gyeonghee. and emphasized the necessity of education for the subjecthood of man rather than the marriage. The discourse of the new woman in this novel is not different from the reconstruction by Lee Kwang Soo. The concrete method and examples show the considerable difference in these. Rooshin criticizes the cannibalism, which is the most problematic convention of China and he recognizes the Confucianism as a sort of convention as well. Compared to him, Na hwe Seok accuses the life like a slave in the patriarchal society and she emphasizes the importance of education rather than marriage. Like this, both Rooshin and Na Hwe Seok shows the innovative tendency for the construction of new society, judging the established convention sharply. However, they have difference in the aspect of solving the problem.

      • KCI등재

        <조동옥, 파비안느>에 나타난 이주 담론의 인문학적 연구

        송현호(Hyeon Ho Song) 한국현대소설학회 2012 현대소설연구 Vol.- No.50

        The main story of <Jo Dong Ok, Fabianne> is about deep sadness of Suryeong-king`s daughter by a concubine-and Gyeongae due to the system of offering women and migration of Gyeongae`s daughter. Those who had to move bring out strong maternal love from their mothers and reveal hidden side of narrative self through graveyard and interpreting the letters. Gyeongae`s obsession with Suryeong`s story is not different from deep sadness that a mother would feel after her daughter was sent to another country. The suffering due to migration is also a suffering they had to go through just because they were women. This novel, however, doesn`t portray women just as victims or scapegoats. Jo Dong Ok Fabianne had lived a life of insults and poverty, yet with tenacity and a view on life as a big joke. Gyeongae`s mother inspired her daughter, who later inspired her daughter as well. Maternal love with deep sadness was the foundation for being strong in a turbulent and bruised life. Maternal love described in the novel shows a different aspect from female perception that is socially defined. Traditional perception on female under patriarchal and conservative notion explains women who sacrifice everything for their children while their own desires and sexuality are oppressed. Jo Dong Ok Fabianne shows sacrificing mothers as well but they are also women who pursue their own desires. Her name is difficult to tell whether it`s female or male and that doesn`t suggest confusion with female identity or a sign of destruction but motherhood of women who had lived with deep sadness they could tell no one. Migration goes with parting and meeting which happen after leaving. Moving from hometown to a different place separates people from their own community and relationships and bring them to new people, new communities in new places. Stories of women in the context of discourse on migration has focused mainly on meeting new people. In stories of migrating workers and those who migrated for marriage, main focus was new people and environment they faced after moving to our society and social and gender discrimination in the society. In this context, <Jo Dong Ok, Fabianne> describes the issues in migration from a very unique perspective. Part of the uniqueness is that issues after migration are not considered to be about just leaving and meeting of those who migrated. Although migration causes geographical moving of migrators, new effect and change are not limited to them. Change due to migration implies not only new meeting in new places but also change in places and people left behind. Like Suryeong`s daughter and ``Gyeongae`` in this novel, stories of those who left or, are left behind are highlighted. Although migrating women have been traditionally portrayed discriminated and oppressed by the society, this novel portrays migration at a level of conventional human emotions and in terms of motherhood, rather than in the context of social structure and restriction or a sense of community and relationships therein. Migrating women are still living the life of the weak in the existing social order; issues of discrimination and isolation are something you can`t think lightly but portraying them as scapegoats may create stereotype. Another significance on the view of this novel lies in the fact that interpreting changes and issues caused by migration only in the context of community or group may standardize and unify various aspects of change in individuals` minds. By focusing on motherhood, <Jo Dong Ok, Fabianne> reveals a new territory in discourse on migrating women. But that doesn`t mean this novel resurrected myths and fantasies on motherhood. It doesn`t mean it suggests migration as a special way of life by linking migration with motherhood or suggests proper utopia in terms of ideology. Migration and motherhood with ``deep sadness`` and ``resentment`` in this novel are driving force to live a life while embracing the pain. The novel shows the process in d

      • KCI우수등재

        뉴메모리+DRAM 하이브리드 메모리 시스템에서의 고속부팅 기법 연구

        송현호(Hyeon Ho Song),문영제(Young Je Moon),박재형(Jae Hyeong Park),노삼혁(Sam H. Noh) Korean Institute of Information Scientists and Eng 2015 정보과학회논문지 Vol.42 No.4

        Next generation memory technologies, which we denote as ‘new memory’, have both non-volatile and byte addressable properties. These characteristics are expected to bring changes to the conventional computer system structure. In this paper, we propose a fast boot technique for hybrid main memory architectures that have both new memory and DRAM. The key technique used for fast booting is write-tracking. Write-tracking is used to detect and manage modified data detection and involves setting the kernel region to read-only. This setting is used to trigger intentional faults upon modification requests. As the fault handler can detect the faulting address, write-tracking makes use of the address to manage the modified data. In particular, in our case, we make use of the MMU (Memory Management Unit) translation table. When a write occurs to the boot completed state, write-tracking preserves the original state of the modified address of the kernel region to a particular location, and execution continues. Upon booting, the fast booting process restores the preserved data to the original kernel region allowing rapid system boot-up. We develop the fast booting technique in an actual embedded board equipped with new memory. The boot time is reduced to less than half a second compared to around 15 seconds that is required for the original system.

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