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      • KCI등재

        생열귀나무 잎 추출물과 분획물의 항산화 및 NO생성 억제 활성

        송종호,이선령 한국약용작물학회 2015 한국약용작물학회지 Vol.23 No.1

        In the present study, we investigated biological activities of Rosa davurica Pall. leaves in order to evaluate thepossibility as a natural biomaterial. The 80% ethanol extract and its subsequent fractions of Rosa davurica Pall. leaves wereprepared using several solvents with different polarities. The extraction yield was 33.4, 36.6, 25.2, 18.7, 5.8 and 5.8% in ethanolextract, aqueous, butanol, ethyl acetate, n-hexane, chloroform fractions, respectively. The ethyl acetate fraction(661.38 ㎎/g), butanol fraction (396.68 ㎎/g) and 80% ethanolic extract (239.54 ㎎/g) has higher total polyphenol contentsthan other fractions. The antioxidant activity was detected in ethanolic extract, ethyl acetate and butanol fractions. Theethyl acetate fraction showed the highest levels of DPPH radical scavenging activity (IC50, 4.77 ㎍/㎖). Moreover, the ethylacetate fraction significantly inhibited production of NO in LPS-stimulated macrophage RAW 264.7 cells without cytotoxicity. These results indicate that 80% ethanol extract and its fractions of Rosa davurica Pall. leaf, especially ethyl acetate fraction,have the properties of anti-oxidant and anti-inflammation, suggesting leaf of Rosa davurica Pall. may be a candidate fornatural and functional materials.

      • KCI등재

        자신의 토지에 토양오염을 유발하거나 폐기물을 매립한 자의 불법행위책임 성립 문제-대법원 2016. 05. 19. 선고 2009다66549 전원합의체 판결을 중심으로-

        송종호 건국대학교 법학연구소 2019 일감부동산법학 Vol.- No.19

        Even if someone has committed an administrative violation such as polluting or reclaiming waste on his own land, tort liability can not be established in civil cases unless they infringe on the interests of others. But if a landowner who pollutes his own land, uncleans the contaminated soil in accordance with the Soil Environmental Conservation Act or the Waste Management Act, makes the land appear to be normal land by way of covering the ground, then sell it and distribute it, such a person can predict sufficiently that the person who acquired the land will suffer damages equivalent to land clearing cost or waste disposal cost. As the act of defeating the safety of the land transaction and the trust of the person who intends to acquire the land in the future, this behavior of the landowner is illegal similar to the act of distributing the defective product. And a causal relationship can also be accepted between the landowner’s actions and the loss of the land-acquirer. Thus, it is reasonable that tort liability is established against the land-acquirer who has suffered the damage. 자신이 소유하는 토지를 오염시키거나 폐기물을 매립하는 등의 행정법규 위반행위를 했다고 하더라도 그로 인해 타인의 법익을 침해하지 않는 이상 민사상 불법행위가 성립될 수는 없으나, 환경오염행위를 한 토지소유자가 토양환경보전법이나 폐기물관리법 등에 따라 오염된 토양을정화시키고 폐기물을 적정하게 처리하지 않은 채 그 토지를 복토를 하는등의 방법으로 외관상 정상적인 토지인 것처럼 보이게 한 다음 이를 매도하여 유통시킬 경우, 이와 같이 오염된 토지 또는 폐기물이 매립된 토지를거래에 제공하는 자는 이미 해당 토지의 소유권을 취득한 자에게 토지정화비용 또는 폐기물처리비용 상당의 손해가 발생하리라는 사실에 대해서 충분히 예측이 가능하고, 토지 소유자의 이와 같은 행위는 토지거래의안전을 해치고 장차 그 토지를 취득하려는 사람의 신뢰를 저버리는 행위로서 결함 있는 제조물을 유통시키는 행위와 유사하므로 위법성이 인정된다. 한편, 토지 소유자의 이와 같은 행위와 오염사실을 발견한 토지 취득자가 비용을 들여 이를 제거하여야 하는 손해와의 사이에는 상당인과관계도 인정될 수 있으므로 손해를 입은 토지 취득자에 대해서 불법행위가 성립한다고 보는 것이 타당하다고 할 것이다.

      • KCI등재후보
      • KCI등재

        무라이 쇼스케(村井章介)의 ‘境界人論’ 및 그 倭寇 연구 체계에 대한 비판적 검토

        송종호 한국중세사학회 2016 한국중세사연구 Vol.0 No.46

        According to Mr. Shosuke Murai’s ‘Marginal Man Theory (境界人論)’, the Marginal Men lived in the Marginal Space located among the countries in the pre-modern world, and carried out trade, diplomacy, piracy, and other activities, connecting such countries. However, neither ‘Margin (境界)’ nor ‘Marginal Man (境界人)’, the two core concepts of the theory, has clearly defined, and the theory has some potential problems when it is applied to specific historical events or phenomena. First, generally speaking, ‘Margin’ should be either ‘boundary’, which is a political or military one, or ‘frontier’, which means one in non-political aspects. But, Mr. Murai’s ‘Margin’ does not fall onto either one, and its meaning is not well defined. Moreover, since the boundary between Korea and Japan has been firmly established earlier from the medieval ages, it would not be proper to apply the theory to the history between the two countries, including studies on Wakou (which is normally interpreted as ‘Japanese Pirates’). Second, with respect to the definition of ‘Marginal Man’, the broadest definition covering all examples mentioned by him, such as Hwacheok and Jaein (who were butchers and actors in Korean medieval ages), Korean translators of the Japanese language, captive Koreans in Japan, and even Japanese Christians in Japan, does not seem to work properly, because all of such Marginal Men cannot be treated as a one group. Also, there are some important problems in the narrower definition of ‘Marginal Man’, which has been broadly used throughout his theory, focusing on the main region of their activities surrounding the China Sea, such as the Three Islands (consisting of Tsushima, Iki and Hakata), Korean southern coastal region, Cheju Island, and certain Chinese southeastern coastal regions: (i) the general theory does not apply to the ‘Marginal Space’ between Korea and Japan, (ii) a sense of unity as one group has not been found from the group of such ‘Marginal Men’, and (iii) it seems that the domain of his ‘Marginal Space’ has been determined arbitrarily, not on any rational grounds. In addition, the narrower definition has failed to include some Korean people, such as Hwacheok and Jaein, essential for his explanation on the question whom Wakou consisted of. Accordingly, the definition of ‘Marginal Man’ seems not clear in any sense. Third, in terms of the spatial scope of the theory, the Marginal Space, where the Marginal Men carried out their activities, is larger than their main region of habitation or origination. Accordingly, Marginal Men, and the counterparties to their activities who were not Marginal Men, lived together in the same Marginal Space, and therefore these two groups should have been separately described. As Mr. Murai failed to differentiate sub-groups in the whole Marginal Man group, his Wakou concept has also become ambiguous. It sometimes means only Japanese people on the Three Islands, while it means all Marginal Men themselves including Korean Cheju Islanders, Hwacheok and Jaein in other contexts. Fourth, due to the vast time scope of the theory, a lot of other potential problems may occur. Among them, the two major problems related to studies on Wakou are (i) the improper unification of the 14th and 15th Century Wakou and the 16th century Wakou, which were different from each other in many aspects, and (ii) the improper introduction of the ‘Japanese of Korean descent’, found mainly in the 15th century, in the description on the 14th centrury Wakou. Therefore, the Marginal Man Theory should be modified so that the above mentioned problems could be solved. Otherwise, it would not be proper to apply to studies on Wakou.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        고려말-조선초 대마도와의 통교 공백기 (1369~1397)의 배경 및 양상 -이마가와 료슌(今川了俊)의 대마도에 대한 영향력을 중심으로-

        송종호 한일관계사학회 2023 한일관계사연구 Vol.82 No.-

        The friendly interaction relation (通交關係) established in 1368 between the Koryo government and Tsushima broke off in less than one year. The state of no friendly interaction between Koryo-Joseon government and Tsushima, which is defined in this study as ‘Blank Period’, continued for about 30 years from 1369 to 1397. Up to today, the topic of the Blank Period has long been out of the main area of interest of scholars. However, this Blank Period is a very important topic, as it connected the Koryo-Tsushima interactions in 1368 and the Joseon-Tsushima friendly interactions having continued for several centuries since the start of the 15th century. This study covers the backgrounds and aspects of the Blank Period mainly in the aspect of the influence of Imagawa Ryoushun (今川了俊), Kyushu Tandai (九州探題) at that time. In the decade of 1370s, the Muromachi bakufu needed to achieve the three goals, which were in effect one same goal: (i) the establishment of diplomatic relation with Ming dynasty, (ii) the conquer of the Southern court in Kyushu, and (iii) the control of Wakou (倭寇 ; the Japanese marauders). The person who took the role in Kyushu for these goals was Imagawa Ryoushun. In fact, he tried his best for the goals of (ii) and (iii) above, achieving some tangible results. Based on such achievement, he held an unrivaled position in the diplomacy between Japan and Koryo- Joseon. This study clarifies that, based on the delegated power from the Muromachi bakufu, Imagawa Ryoushun prohibited Japan’s local powers from communicating with Koryo, and that Tsushima was not able to communicate directly, nor to engage in any friendly interactions, with Koryo accordingly. In case that there occurred any issue between Koryo- Joseon and Tsushima, Imagawa Ryoushun prohibited Tsushima from contacting Koryo-Joseon directly, and instead consistently forwarded the bakufu’s strong will for the control against Wakou to the Koryo-Joseon government directly for himself. Such Ryoushun’s strong influence on Tsushima continued until 1395, in which he was removed from his post of Kyushu Tandai. Up to today, the current prevalent view on the start of friendly interactions between Joseon and Tsushima has focused an economic aspect, emphasizing the economic ‘appeasement policy’ of the Joseon government. But, with respect to the background of the start and continuance of the Blank Period, Imagawa Ryoushun’s influence on Tsuchima had a great effect. Therefore, a comprehensive approach, covering various aspects including political and social aspects, as well as economic aspect, should be required in the study on the start and development of the friendly interactions between Joseon government and Tsushima.

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