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      • KCI등재

        예측소음도와 설문결과를 이용한 철도소음 노출-반응 모델

        손진희(Son, Jin-Hee),이건(Lee, Kun),장서일(Chang, Seo-Il) 한국소음진동공학회 2011 한국소음진동공학회 논문집 Vol.21 No.5

        The suggested method of previous Son's study dichotomized subjective response data to modeling noise exposure-response. The method used maximum liklihood estimation instead of least square estimation and the noise exposure-response curve of the study was logistic regression analysis result. The method was originated to modeling community response rate such as %HA or %A. It can be useful when the subjective response was investigated based on predicted noise level. It is difficult to measure the single source emitting noise such as railway because various traffic noise sources combined in our life. The suggested method was adopted to model in this study and railway noise-exposure response curves were modeled because the noise level of this area was predicted data. The data of this study was used by previous Ko's paper but he dealt the area as combined noise area and divided the data by dominant noise source. But this study used all data of this area because the annoyance response to railway noise was higher than other noise according to the result of correlation analysis. The trend of the %HA and %A prediction model to train noise of this study is almost same as the model based on measured noise of previous Lim's study although the investigated areas and methods were different.

      • KCI등재

        비선형 과도해석을 이용한 스페이스 프레임 구조물의 동적특성

        손진희,김주우,Son, Jin Hee,Kim, Joo-Woo 한국강구조학회 2016 韓國鋼構造學會 論文集 Vol.28 No.6

        형태(from), 층(layer), 격자(grid) 등의 요소들이 고려되는 스페이스프레임 구조는 내부기둥 없이 대공간 연출이 가능하고, 대다수의 부재들이 210MPa에서 450MPa의 항복강도를 가진 강재들이 사용된다. 최근 국내에서 용접성과 내진성 및 경제성이 확보하고 제작 효율이 높은 항복강도 690MPa이상의 고강도 강재가 개발되고 있다. 본 연구는 스페이스 프레임 구조시스템에 위와 같은 장점을 가진 고강도 강재를 적용하여 구조물의 동적응답을 알아보기 위한 내용이며, 재료 및 기하학적 비선형성에 의한 스페이스 프레임의 구조적 성능을 해석적으로 규명하고자 한다. 이를 위해 각 형태에 따른 스페이스 프레임 구조물의 모드해석 및 비선형 과도해석 등의 유한요소 해석을 수행하였다. Space frame structures considering the components such as forms, layers, grids, etc. are possible to form a large space without interior columns. Here, steels having the yield strengths of 210 MPa to 450 MPa are generally used. The high strength steel (i.e., yield strength of 690 MPa) having suitable weldability, aseismicity and economics have been recently developed. In this paper, the high strength steel is applied to the space frame structures in order to analytically find out their transient responses considering the material and geometric nonlinearities. For various circular dome types of space frame structures, the modal analysis and nonlinear transient analysis are carried out using nonlinear three dimensional finite element analysis.

      • KCI등재

        청소년의 디지털 고객 경험에 관한 연구

        손진희,이정재,Jin Hee Son,Jung Jae Lee 한국IT서비스학회 2023 한국IT서비스학회지 Vol.22 No.5

        This study aimed to provide fundamental insights into the digital customer experience by identifying its components and analyzing their importance and satisfaction levels among youths. To achieve this objective, the components of digital customer experience were identified through a review of prior research and consultation with experts. Subsequently, a survey was conducted with 200 youths in Seoul and Gyeonggi-do. The main findings of the study are as follows: First, The components of the digital customer experience consisted of 12 items grouped into three categories. Second, an analysis of the disparity between the importance and satisfaction levels of digital customer experience revealed statistically significant differences across all items. Third, By utilizing IPA (Importance-Performance Analysis), the digital customer experience was categorized into four quadrant, each with its own characteristics and recommendations for management: The first quadrant, the "current level maintenance area," encompassed items related to "entertainment" and "recommended service." This area is currently functioning well but necessitates continuous attention and management. The second quadrant, the "area to be supported first," included items such as "personalization," "security," "inducing participation," "privacy," and "individuality expression." Intensive management and improvements are imperative in this quadrant. The third quadrant, the "long-term improvement area," consisted of items like 'consistency,' 'information quality,' and 'convenience.' These items require focus on long-term enhancement efforts. The fourth quadrant, the "areas where efforts have already been invested," encompassed items like 'accessibility' and 'deliberation.' It appears that excessive investment has been made in these areas relative to their importance, calling for selective investments while considering the specific issues associated with each factor. These research findings serve as essential data for managing the digital customer experiences of youths.

      • KCI등재

        상담과정에서 상담자의 알아차림 방해요소 추출 및 분류 연구

        손진희(Jin Hee Son),김계현(Kay Hyon Kim) 한국상담학회 2001 상담학연구 Vol.2 No.2

        This study intends to identify and classify obstructive factors which counselors experience frequently during the counseling process. Data was collected from thirty counselors at various counseling centers. The counselors represented three different experience levels(10 counselors from each level: beginning, intermediate and advanced). All counselors were interviewed, and 415 responses were extracted. The 415 responses were classified into to 52 obstructive factors to counselor awareness. And those 52 factors were classified by twenty-nine judges. A cluster analysis was performed to find out how these factors were classified. Seven clusters emerged as the result of the classification of 52 obstructed factors; (1) countertransference; (2) a counselor`s preconception and carelessness; (3) a counselor`s misunderstanding of the client`s characteristics and the client`s attributes; (4) the perception of the counseling process and results; (5) the external factors, regardless of counseling itself; (6) the counselor`s lack of competency; and (7) the counselor`s personal immaturity. These results provide counselors with a meaningful chance to become sensitive to the obstructive factors through the empirical examination, and fundamental information.

      • KCI등재

        비행청소년의 재범방지를 위한 회복적 사법

        손진희(Son, jin hee),최윤진(Choi, yun jin) 사회복지법제학회 2015 사회복지법제연구 Vol.6 No.1

        본 연구는 비행청소년의 재범방지를 위해 뉴질랜드의 회복적 사법제도와 우리나라의 소년법을 확인하여 가족단위 협의회단계에서의 회복적 사법을 제시하였다. 뉴질랜드의 회복적 사법은 피해자와 가해자가가 함께 피해와 상처를 회복하는 프로그램에 참여한다. 회복적 사법을 통한 프로그램은 피해자가 가해자로부터 받은 피해를 치유하고 이를 해결하는 것을 중심으로 진행되며, 가족과 지역사회가 참여를 한다. 피해자와 가해자가 자신들의 사건을 함께 해결할 수 있는 방법을 찾을 기회를 주고 피해자와 지역사회에 생긴 피해를 다시 복구하는 것에 목적이 있다. 가족단위협의회는 가해자가 자기의 행위에 대해 책임을 지는 방식으로 가족과 국가가 합의한 조치로서의 형사 처벌방식을 모색한다. 또한 다양한 문화적 가치와 양식을 존중하는 사법절차를 마련함으로서 소년 범죄자를 처벌하는데 피해자가 참여하도록 하는 것을 목적으로 하고 있다. 이러한 가족단위협회의 중심의 회복적 사법이 확대 적용되기 위해서는 현행법 내에서 실행가능한 분야에 대한 실천노력과 함께 적극적인 입법 추진이 병행되어야 할 것이다. 또한 회복적 사법 이념을 구현하기 위한 집행방안 마련 및 비행청소년에 대한 조정자로서의 전문성 제고가 지속적으로 이루어져야 할 것으로 보인다. This study is to determine the New Zealand restorative justice system and the country s sonyeonbeop for recidivism prevention of juvenile restorative justice were presented at the family-council phase. Restorative justice are victims and perpetrators of New Zealand participates in the program to restore the cuts and damage together. Through restorative justice programs is victim and the offender and heal the damage received from the proceeds mainly to solve them, families and communities should participate. The offender and the victim has the purpose to give them an opportunity to find a way to resolve the case with you again repair the damage caused to victims and the community. Family council is seeking a criminal manner as the perpetrator measures agreed by the family and the state in a way responsible for his actions. In addition, by providing a judicial process to respect the diversity of cultural values and forms are intended to punish the boy to victims involved in criminal. Legislation will have to be actively promoted in parallel with the existing law practice efforts on these areas in order to be viable in the center of the family unit of the Association of restorative justice applies to enlarge. Also it seems to enhance the professionalism as coordinator for enforcement measures and juvenile arranged for implementing restorative justice principles to be made on an ongoing basis.

      • KCI등재

        室町時代後期の口語資料における動詞の音便について -『天草版平家物語』『天草版伊曾保物語』『虎明本狂言』を通して-

        손진희 ( Jin Hee Son ) 한국일어일문학회 2015 日語日文學硏究 Vol.93 No.1

        室町時代後期の口語資料である『天草版平家物語』『天草版伊曾保物語』『虎明本狂言』(以下「平家」「伊曾保」「狂言」という)における動詞の音便についての考察結果は次のようである。狂言は平家と伊曾保に比べて文語文を多く內包しており、連用形が音便形に現れる割合は比較的低いが、音便率(平家91.4%、伊曾保96.9%、狂言84.5%)は3作品全部大體高いといえる。特に3作品で四段·ナ變·ラ變動詞が倂列用法「~ツ」と「~ツ~ツ」に接續される時は100%音便を起こしている。音便形の行別の特徵としては、サ行は3作品でイ音便の消滅の傾向がみえるが、まだイ音便形が優勢であり、特に語幹末母音別の音便率がaとoは高く、uとeは低く表れている。ハ行は平家と狂言ではウ音便形·促音便形の兩形、伊曾保ではウ音便形だけ出現しているという違いはあるが、平家と狂言でも促音便形は大體限定された語が文語文に少數しか表れていないので、ほとんどはウ音便形を取っているといえる。そしてバ行·マ行は3作品全部ウ音便形·撥音便形の兩形が表れている中でウ音便形(ただし、語幹末ウ列音語は撥音便形)が優勢であり、カ行の「行(イ)ク」は3作品で100%促音便を起こしているが、平家と伊曾保では促音表記形·促音無表記形の兩形、狂言では促音無表記形だけ表れているという点は違う。一方、非音便形の場合、平家と伊曾保ではサ行がほとんどであり、特に完了·過去の助動詞「タ」にはサ行しか接續されていないが、狂言では「タ」に接續される時を始め非音便形全體が複數行に渡って表れているという違いがある。また、サ行以外の動詞が非音便形を取る場合は3作品全部接續助詞「テ」の他にも完了の助動詞「タリ」や「ツ」の下接されることが多いが、これは「タリ、ツ」の諸用法が「タ」へ移動しながら「タリ、ツ」が徐徐に文語化しているからであろう。今後は室町時代後期における動詞の音便の下接語を硏究課題とする。 Kyogen contains much written language compared with Heike or Isobo and the rate where the continuative form is expressed as onbin style is comparatively low, but onbin rate(Heike 91.4%, Isobo 96.9%, Kyogen 84.5%) can be largely high all in three works. Especially when itis connected to the parallel ‘~tsu(~ツ)’ and ‘~tsu~tsu(~ツ~ツ)’, all three works arouse 100% onbin. As for the characteristic by the column, sa-column(サ行) show the extinction tendency of i(イ) onbin in all the three works, but i(イ) onbin style prevails still, especially stem end vowel another onbin rate appears high in ‘a’ and ‘o’, and appears low in ‘u’ and ‘e’. Ha-column(ハ 行) appears in u(ウ) onbin style and soku(促) onbin style in Heike and Kyogen, and u(ウ) onbin style appears in Isobo, also in soku(促) onbin style mostly limited words appear a few in written sentences, generally it may be said to acquired u(ウ) onbin style. And in ba-column(バ行)·ma-column(マ行), three works all show u(ウ) onbin style and hatsu(撥) onbin style, u(ウ) onbin style(but, hatsu(撥) onbin style when the stem end of the vowel is ‘u’) prevails, ‘iku(行ク)’ of ka-column(カ行) arouse 100% soku(促) onbin in three works, there is some difference in that sokuon (促音) mark style and sokuon(促音) non-mark style appears in Heike and Isobo, and in Kyogen only sokuon(促音) non-mark style appears. Whereas, in case of non-onbin style, sa-column(サ行) appears mostly in Heike and Isobo, especially sa-column(サ行) connects only to ‘ta(タ)’, but in Kyogen there are differences that apperars overall non-onbin style in various columns. When the verb besides sa-column(サ行) acquires non-onbin column, all three works meet ‘tari (タリ)’ or ‘tsu(ツ)’ besides ‘te(テ)’ in many cases, and it is because several usages of ‘tari(タリ), tsu(ツ)’ moves to ‘ta(タ)’ and ‘tari(タリ), tsu(ツ)’ becomes written words step by step.

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