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      • 불안을 통한 욕망 표현에 관한 연구 : -본인 작품 중심으로-

        손영희 동국대학교 일반대학원 2024 국내석사

        RANK : 247807

        Today, modern people continue their lives in busy and fierce competition every day. In the midst of repeated competition, desires that cannot be satisfied are transformed into desires, and lumps of desire always keep our minds in anxiety. Desire is a motivation for humans to inspire passion for life, but anxious feelings can also destroy life due to unmet desires. However, rather than simply dismissing anxiety as a negative emotion, this researcher uses it as a driving force in life to sublimate it into a positive effect. Rather than avoiding and turning away from anxiety because of fear, he tries to face the reality and seek new perspectives and interpretations through honest recognition and analysis. Anxiety is an unpleasant feeling that feels as if something dangerous or uncomfortable will happen, and it is a psychological response that all humans have. Expressionist writers did creative activities on the subject of this psychological reaction, and they revealed their inner anxiety and alienation, away from pure visual perception, and suggested a new direction for subjective emotional communication. It can be seen that existentialist ideas are underlying this expressionism. Existentialism is an idea that deviates from universal and essential content and weighs on human individual subjectivity, and it can be said that expressionism is in line with expressing the inside by focusing on individual anxiety. According to psychoanalytic theory, anxiety that appears through desire can be converted into desirable social goals and conformed. Freud called this sublimation, and viewed the creative activities of artists as a representative example. He believed that if desire is unconsciously satisfied through the sublimation of art, the subject can escape from the conflict between the self and the super-ego, and maintain a calm state, and furthermore, harmony in social relations can be achieved. The researcher's work, the "I WANT" series, began with a deficiency that he wanted to have but could not have in life. Desire that could not be satisfied always acted as stress, but it was possible to effectively control inner conflict through pictorial expression, and the recovered mental state provided an opportunity to live as a member of society again. The works are composed of various aspects that I wanted to do but could not do in a virtual reality that reflects the desire arising from the researcher's anxiety. A representative of desire with a primary perm hair relaxes while drinking coffee, playing the piano, and enjoying cultural life. At first glance, this image may seem to be nothing more than a reproduction of the appearance of life, but when looking at the composed expressions, the ambiguous expression of a person who cannot recognize the curved body, primary color, simplified shape, and rough texture form new relationships and become a psychological substitute. Modern art can experience freedom of expression due to the escape from the oppressive rule of representation and finally feel a sense of inner liberation. Researchers were also able to feel free by facing themselves through pictorial expressions rather than hiding and avoiding psychological anxiety factors. Anxiety no longer comes to us as a fear if we deviate from the conventional and unoppressive rules required by social groups. Anxiety derived from deficiency can act as an intense driving force for life, in which we will feel the psychological freedom of liberation. Therefore, this paper was able to pursue individual mental liberation through the sublimation process of creating works by preparing an active and subjective attitude of life rather than passively accepting life with fear and anxiety caused by deficiency, and furthermore, it was possible to play a role as a healthy member of society and to create positive art.

      • 상업영어 수행평가를 위한 모형연구

        손영희 淑明女子大學校 1999 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        The purpose of this study is to present a model on the performance assessment of Business English in the classroom. It is very difficult for teacher to evaluate their students and to apply many kinds of method, but, we, teachers, need to test and evaluate our students every kinds of method diversely. This study was done in Baesong Girls' Commercial High School located in Chongno-gu, Seoul. The numbers of student were 178 girls and the period of this study from the first to the fourth week of September, four weeks, 8 lessons. There are 3 topics in this performance assessment. The first one is the performance assessment on "Advertising." This evaluating is about reading skill through oral-presentation by group. The second topic is the performance assessment on "Personal History" about writing, speaking, listening skills through individual oral presentation and controlled writing. The third topic is "observant evaluation" about the aptitute and the activeness for the lessons as usual For this study, chapter 1 deals with the introduction, and chapter 2 checks the definition, traits and the methods of the performance assessment generally. Chapter 3 presents the practice of the fullfilment about the performance assessment of the above three topics and the argument. Chapter 4 is conclusion. From this experimental study, a model of the performance assessment can be shown with some significant arguments. Firstly, the quantity which was tested in this study was improper, that is, it was numerous in an only midterm, so, proper division of testing quantity was suggested and if so, this model of the performance assessment can be a good example in classroom. Secondly, the classrooms' atmosphere was getting good because all students were checked their aptitude and activeness by their teacher in every time. Thirdly, the diverse testing for the students' ability and acknowledge is very important, but teachers are not willing to try to test their students' ability and capacity because of some conditional reasons. If some conditional reasons were getting good and were developing continually, the performance assessment will be hopeful. In conlusion, this model of the performance assessment was suitable and possible in the classroom and can evaluate students' capacity diversely.

      • 외식업체 코스닥 등록에 관한 실증 연구

        손영희 경기대학교 서비스경영전문대학원 2001 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        80∼90년대 고도 경제성장을 바탕으로 질적 양적 성장을 이룬 국내 외식산업은 33조원의 거대 시장규모를 형성하고 있음에도 불구하고 자금조달 측면에서는 영세성을 면치 못하고 있다. 지난 98년 규제에서 풀리기는 했으나 외식업 자체가 여신규제업종으로 분류돼 은행권으로 부터 대출의 제한을 받았고 불특정 다수인으로부터 점포 투자에 필요한 자금을 일시에 조달 할 수 있는 증권시장에 등록된 업체도 현재까지 전무하다. 또 코스닥 등록요건을 살펴보면 외식업종은 숙박업, 골프장업과 함께 사치성 업종으로 분류돼 있어 벤처업종으로의 등록이 불가능하게 돼 있다. 총투자비에서 70~80%가 고정투자비로 레버리지효과가 발생하는 외식기업에게 코스닥 등록을 통한 자금조달은 자기자본 증대로 인한 부채비율의 감소와 자본 잉여금의 확대로 우량한 자산 구성을 가질 수 있고 영업적인 측면에서도 이자비용이 발생치 않는 자금확보로 빠른 점포 증가와 대외 홍보효과를 누릴 수 있다. 거시적인 측면에서도 외국 자본에 비해 뒤떨어지지않는 자본의 생성은 맥도날드, 스타벅스 같은 세계적인 브랜드를 만드는데 일조를 할 뿐 아니라 현 주식시장의 불황을 해소 할 수 있는 동시에 경기침체로 인한 실업률을 최소화하면서 고용증대에도 큰 효과를 발휘할 수 있다. 이에 본 연구에서는 미국 외식업체의 상장 현황과 스타벅스의 상장 사례, 국내 일반기업의 상장 사례를 통해 외식업 경영환경 요인, 국내 외식업체 자본구조 및 자본조달 행태요인, 재무지표에 의한 외식업 성과요인 등 3가지 영향요인이 외식업체의 상장니드에 어떤 영향을 미치는지에 대해 가설 및 연구 모형을 설정해 실증분석을 실시했다. 그리고 설정된 가설을 검증하기 위해 각 변수간의 피어슨 상관관계 분석을 실시했다. 그 결과 도출된 결론을 요약하면 다음과 같다. 첫째, 국내 외식산업의 성장성과 안전성이 매우 높게 나타났다. 둘째, 국내 외식업체는 기업공개형 자본구조보다는 자기자본중심의 자본이 주류를 이루고 있다. 셋째, 국내 외식업체의 매출이익 지표, 성장성, 수익률이 비교적 높게 나타났다. 넷째, 기업공개에 대한 상장니드가 매우 높았고 외식업 경영환경요인, 자본구조 및 자본조달 행태 요인, 재무지표에 의한 외식업체의 성과 요인과 유의적인 상관관계가 존재했다. 이 같은 결론을 토대로 국내 외식업체의 효과적인 코스닥 등록과 기대효과를 창출할 수 있는 주요방안을 제시하면 다음과 같다. 첫째, 외식업종에 맞는 등록요건의 구비다. 둘째, 국내 외식업체 스스로 기업공개형 자본구조 시장에 걸맞는 자본조달 방법의 구축이다. 외식산업은 더 이상 사치향락산업이 아니다. 실제로 반도체 210억달러의 수출이 관광수입 100억달러와 맞먹는 등 성장 잠재력이 높은 업종이고 고용탄력성도 고용인력이 1% 증가할 때 제조업이 0.25인 반면 서비스업종은 0.61로 고용창출효과도 매우 크다. 이런 점을 고려해 국내 외식업체의 효과적인 코스닥 등록과 기대효과 및 업종 자체에 대한 좋은 이미지를 구축하기 위해서는 다음과 같은 연구가 선행되어야 할 것이다. 첫째, 외식산업에 대한 정확한 통계연구가 필요하다. 둘째, 실제 상장된 국내 외식업체 사례를 통해 상장 영향요인과 기대효과를 분석한다. With the rapid economic growth in 80s and 90s, the food service industry in the nation has experienced both qualitative and quantitative growth forming a large market worth 33 trillion won. However, it is still in small scale in the aspect of fund raising. Before the regulation was released in 1998, the food service industry had been classified as a business type with a credit line, which has had limited loan at banks. And there have been no food service enterprises listed in the stock market where the fund required to invest in a shop can be raised all at once from an unspecified number of the general public. Moreover, since the food service industry is classified as a luxury industry along with along with lodging industry and golf links industry according the listing condition for Kosdaq, it cannot be listed as a venture industry. Since the fixed investment accounting for 70∼80% of the total investment of a food service enterprise produces a leverage effect, it could benefit from the fund raising through Kosdaq, which will reduce the debt ratio by the increased net worth and enlarge surplus fund, resulting in an excellent assets structure. The fund without interests also brings it rapid increase in the number of shops and a public relation effect. Macroscopically, the formation of capitals competitive with foreign ones can not only contribute to creating a global brand such as McDonald' s or Starbucks, but also activate the depressed stock market while minimizing the unemployment rate caused by the depressed market condition and producing employment. Through the listing status of the food service enterprises in the U.S., the listing case of Starbucks and the listing cases of the domestic general enterprises, this study established and analyzed the hypotheses and research models about how the listing need for the food service enterprises are affected by three factors: the operational environment in the food service industry, the fund structure and fund raising status in the domestic food service industry, the outcome of the food service industry by a financial index. And, in order to verify the established hypotheses, Pearson correlations analysis was carried out among all variables. The conclusions derived from the study are summarized as follows. First, the food service industry had very high potential for growth and safety. Secondly, fund structure around the net worth rather than open enterprise type fund structure is the main stream in the domestic food service industry in the nation. Thirdly, the food service industry in the nation exhibited relatively high sales profit index, potential to grow, and profitability. Fourthly, there was high listing need for the open enterprises, and there existed a significant correlation with the operational environment factor in the food service industry, the fund structure and fund raising status factor in the domestic food service industry, the outcome factor of the food service industry by a financial index. Based on these conclusions, the plans for the food service enterprises to be successfully listed in Kosdaq and produce expectancy effects may be suggested as follows. First, the listing conditions appropriate for the food service industry must be fulfilled. Secondly, the food service enterprises must establish themselves a way for fund raising that are suitable for the market with an open enterprise type fund structure. The food service industry is no longer a luxury industry. Actually, the service industry has a high potential to grow - the export of semiconductors worth $21 billion corresponds to $10 from the tourism industry- and produces a very large employment creation effect-its employment elasticity with 1% increase of employment manpower, 0.61, is higher than that of the manufacturing industry, which is 0.25. Considering these points, in order for the food service enterprises to be successfully listed in Kosdaq and establish a good image for the industry itself, the following studies should be preceded. First, an accurate statistical study on the food service industry is required. Secondly, listing affecting factors and expectancy effects should be analyzed through the cases of the actually listed food service enterprises in the nation.

      • 연어(連語)학습과 쓰기와의 관련성 고찰 : 중학교 2학년을 중심으로

        손영희 경남대학교 교육대학원 2007 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        본 논문의 목적은 연어에 대한 교육이 부족한 현재의 어휘학습에서 중학생들이 가지고 있는 연어지식의 정도를 살펴보고, 연어지식과 쓰기능력의 상관관계 분석을 통해 연어학습의 중요성을 인식하는 데에 있다. 서론에 이어 2장에서는 연어의 개념과 특성 및 유형에 대해 알아보았고, 의사소통을 위해 필요한 어휘력의 개념과 연어지식의 중요성에 대해 논의하였다. 또한 7차 교육과정이 제시하는 중학생의 쓰기 성취기준과 현황에 대해 살펴보았다. 제 3장에서는 어휘지식과 연어지식의 상관성 및 연어지식과 쓰기능력과의 상관관계에 대한 가설을 설정하고, 중학생들의 어휘 학습 실태와 교사들의 어휘 지도 실태에 대한 설문조사를 통해 그 기초자료를 분석하였다. 제 4장에서는 어휘지식 측정 결과로 나눈 상·하 집단의 어휘지식과 연어지식 간의 상관관계를 분석한 결과, 두 집단 모두 정(+)상관관계가 각각 0.209/1, 0.175/1로 낮게 나와 ‘어휘지식과 연어지식은 상관관계가 적을 것이다’는 가설 1이 증명되었다. 그리고 상집단의 경우 어휘지식과 쓰기능력간의 상관관계는 0.309/1로 매우 낮았지만 연어지식과 쓰기 능력 간에는 상관관계가 0.958/1로 매우 높게 나와 ‘어휘지식보다는 연어지식이 높은 학생이 쓰기 능력이 더 우수할 것이다’는 가설 2가 증명되었다. 하집단의 경우에도 역시 연어지식과 쓰기능력의 상관관계가 0.733/1으로 높게 나와 가설 2가 증명되었다. 하지만 하집단의 경우에는 상집단과는 달리 어휘지식과 쓰기능력 간에 약간의 상관성이 존재하였다(0.477/1). 본 연구결과를 통해 연어지식이 쓰기에 중요한 요소임을 알 수 있었는데, 설문조사를 통해서 본 실제 어휘교수에서는 연어의 형태로 어휘 학습이 제대로 이루어지고 있지 않았다. 따라서 교사들은 개별 단어중심의 어휘지도를 지양하고 대신 연어능력을 키워 학습자들의 어휘력을 확장시켜 외국어교육의 목표인 의사소통능력의 배양을 실현하는데 도움을 줄 수 있어야 할 것이다. The purpose of this study is to investigate the degree of the 8th graders’ collocation knowledge in current vocabulary learning which lacks collocation education and to figure out the importance of collocation learning by analyzing the interrelation between collocation knowledge and writing ability. In chapter two, we study the concept and characteristics of collocation and types of collocation suggested by Carter(1988), Conzett(2000), Benson(1986), Lewis(2000), Hill(2000) and Benson(1997). We also discuss the importance of collocation knowledge in vocabulary and the present state of middle school students’ writing along with writing achievement criteria of the 7th English curriculum. In chapter three, a questionnaire was given to 125 students from Y middle school and 30 English teachers in Masan and Changwon City. The questionnaire was about vocabulary learning and teaching practiced at school currently. The students were also given 3 kinds of test: vocabulary, collocation and writing . Chapter four verifies two hypotheses. Hypothesis one is that vocabulary knowledge and collocation knowledge have little relation. Hypothesis two is that the students with rich collocation knowledge will have higher scores on the writing test than the students with rich vocabulary knowledge. After analyzing the correlation between the vocabulary test and the collocation test, I found out that two groups(highest scores and lowest scores based on the vocabulary test) both have a low correlation index respectively. This finding supports hypothesis one. The result of the vocabulary test, the collocation test and the writing test is that there is closer correlation between the collocation and writing than between the vocabulary and writing. This verifies the hypothesis two. This study shows that collocation knowledge is very important in writing. However, teachers do not pay enough attention on collocation now. Teachers should develop students’ collocational competence through vocabulary teaching focused on collocation.

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