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      • 동국대학교 경주캠퍼스 내 식재된 조경수목의 종류와 특성 분석

        유주한,서필숙,덩베이지아,짱메이주오,권순영,김영훈 (사)한국정원디자인학회 2018 한국정원디자인학회지 Vol.4 No.2

        This study aims to understand the their characteristics and analyze the landscape trees planted in Gyeongju campus, Dongguk University, Korea. The landscape trees were surveyed form March to October 2018. The results are as follows. The planted landscape trees of this site consisted of 44 families, 82 genera, 105 species, 1 subspecies, 9 varieties, 11 forms and 3 hybrids. The results of forms were 58 taxa in trees, 16 taxa of subtrees, 52 taxa in shrubs and 3 taxa in herbs. The results of leaf fall were 85 taxa in deciduous broad leaved trees, 2 taxa in deciduous coniferous tree, 22 taxa in evergreen broad leaved tree and 20 taxa in evergreen coniferous trees. The rare plants were 4 taxa including Abeliophyllum distichum Nakai, Chionanthus retusus Lindl. & Paxton, Prunus yedoensis Matsum. and Juniperus chinensis var. sargentii Henry, and the Korean endemic plants were 2 taxa including Forsythia koreana (Rehder) Nakai and Abeliophyllum distichum Nakai. The specific plants by floristic region were totally 24 taxa, which were 2 taxa of grade Ⅴ, 4 taxa of grade Ⅳ, 8 taxa of grade Ⅲ, 2 taxa of grade Ⅱ and 8 taxa of grade Ⅰ. 본 연구는 동국대학교 경주캠퍼스에 식재된 조경수목을 조사 및 분석하고, 이들에 대한 특성을 이해하는데 목적이 있다. 조경수목은 2018년 3월부터 10월까지 조사하였다. 연구결과를 요약하면 다음과 같다. 조경수목은 44과 82속 105종 1아종 9변종 11품종 3잡종 등 129분류군이다. 성상별 분석 결과, 교목 58분류군, 소교목 16분류군, 관목 52분류군, 초본 3분류군으로 나타났다. 낙엽탈락 유무별 분석 결과, 낙엽활엽 85분류군, 낙엽침엽 2분류군, 상록활엽 22분류군, 상록침엽 20분류군이다. 희귀식물은 미선나무, 이팝나무, 왕벚나무, 눈향나무 등 4분류군이며, 한국특산식물은 개나리와 미선나무 등 2분류군이다. 식물구계학적 특정식물은 총 24분류군으로, Ⅴ등급은 2분류군, Ⅳ등급은 4분류군, Ⅲ등급은 8분류군, Ⅱ등급은 2분류군, Ⅰ등급은 8분류군이다.

      • 부산광역시 내원정사의 관속식물상

        유주한,서필숙,서동목 (사)한국정원디자인학회 2018 한국정원디자인학회지 Vol.4 No.2

        The purpose of this study is to present the basic data for conservation of the environment of temple by surveying and analysing the vascular plants of Naewonjeongsa temple, Busan Metropolitan City, South Korea. The vascular plants were summarized as 326 taxa including 94 families, 232 genera, 288 species, 29 varieties, 7 forms and 2 hybrids. The planting species were 98 taxa including Ginkgo biloba, Camellia sasanqua, Dicentra spectabilis, Musa basjoo and so forth. The rare plants were 8 taxa including Prunus yedoensis (planting), Dendranthema zawadskii var. lucidum (planting), Ilex cornuta (planting), Aristolochia contorta, Campanula takesimana (planting), Allium senescens (planting), Tricyrtis macropoda and Chloranthus fortunei. The Korean endemic plants were 6 taxa including Prunus yedoensis (planting), Lespedeza maritima, Forsythia koreana (planting), Campanula takesimana (planting), Aster koraiensis (planting) and Dendranthema zawadskii var. lucidum (planting). The specific plants by floristic region were totally 31 taxa, which were 2 taxa of grade Ⅴ, 3 taxa of grade Ⅳ, 5 taxa of grade Ⅲ, 3 taxa of grade Ⅱ and 18 taxa of grade Ⅰ. The naturalized plants were 32 taxa including Fallopia dumetorum, Trifolium repens, Senecio vulgaris, Taraxacum officinale and so forth, and the invasive aline plant was Ambrosia artemisiifolia. The target plants adaptable to climate change were 9 taxa including Abies holophylla, Pittosporum tobira, Ilex crenata, Arisaema ringens and so forth. 본 연구의 목적은 내원정사의 관속식물상을 조사 및 분석하여 사찰환경의 보전을 위한 기초 자료 제공에 있다. 관속식물상은 94과 232속 288종 29변종 7품종 2잡종 등 326분류군이며, 식재종은 은행나무, 애기동백나무, 금낭화, 파초등 98분류군이다. 희귀식물은 왕벚나무(식재), 울릉국화(식재), 호랑가시나무(식재), 쥐방울덩굴, 섬초롱꽃(식재), 두메부추(식재), 뻐꾹나리, 옥녀꽃대 등 8분류군이다. 한국특산식물은 왕벚나무(식재), 해변싸리, 개나리(식재), 섬초롱꽃(식재), 벌개미취(식재), 울릉국화(식재) 등 6분류군이다. 식물구계학적 특정식물은 총 31분류군이며, Ⅴ등급은 2분류군, Ⅳ등급은3분류군, Ⅲ등급은 5분류군, Ⅱ등급은 3분류군, Ⅰ등급은 18분류군이다. 귀화식물은 닭의덩굴, 토끼풀, 개쑥갓, 서양민들레등 32분류군이며, 생태계 교란식물은 돼지풀 1분류군이다. 기후변화 적응 대상식물은 전나무, 돈나무, 꽝꽝나무, 큰천남성등 9분류군이다.

      • 대구광역시 팔공산 주변 농경지에 분포하는 식물상의 특성

        유주한,권순영,서필숙 한국자연보호학회 2017 한국자연보호학회지 Vol.11 No.1

        The purpose of this study is to present the basic data of species composition and characteristics of agricultural ecosystem by surveying and analysing the flora distributed in farmland, Daegu Metropolitan City. The numbers of flora were summarized as 207 taxa including 52 families, 157 genera, 188 species, 17 varieties and 2 forms. Among the cultivated plants, Cryptotaenia japonica, Pimpinella brachycarpa, Petasites japonicus and so forth were wild. The naturalized plants were 44 taxa including Fallopia dumetorum, Chenopodium album, Thlaspi arvense, Verbesina alternifolia, Festuca myuros and so forth. Plants that expected to spread nationwide were 11 taxa including Amaranthus patulus, Lepidium virginicum, Xanthium canadense, Bromus unioloides and so forth. The NI and UI were about 21.3% and 13.7%. The invasive alien plants were 3 taxa including Ambrosia artemisiifolia, Aster pilosus and Lactuca scariola. The C4 plant were 21 taxa including Commelina communis, Cymbopogon tortilis var. goeringii, Imperata cylindrica var. koenigii, Cyperus amruicus and so forth.

      • 영덕군 도로변에 분포하는 관속식물상

        유주한,김영훈,서필숙 (사)한국정원디자인학회 2018 한국정원디자인학회지 Vol.4 No.1

        The purpose of this study is to present the basic data for management of road environment through surveying and analysing vascular plants distributed in roadside of Yeongdeok-gun, Gyeongsangbuk-do. The numbers of vascular plants were summarized as 226 taxa including 55 families, 160 genera, 207 species, 1 subspecies, 16 varieties and 2 forma. In the results of analysing the Raunkiaer's life forms, megaphanerophytes (M) were 17 taxa, 20 taxa of nanophanerophytes (N), 17 taxa of chamaiphytes (Ch), 42 taxa of hemicryptophytes (H), 19 taxa of geophytes (G), 107 taxa of therophytes (Th) and 4 taxa of hydrophytes (HH). The planting species were 31 taxa including Lampranthus spectabilis N.E.Br., Brassica napus L., Saxifraga stolonifera Meerb., Rosa rugosa Thunb., Coreopsis lanceolata L., Zoysia japonica Steud. and so forth. The specific plants by floristic region were 9 taxa including 1 taxa of grade Ⅲ, 1 taxa of grade Ⅱ and 7 taxa of grade Ⅰ. The halophytes were 6 taxa including Tetragonia tetragonoides (Pall.) Kuntze, Calystegia soldanella (L.) Roem. & Schultb., Vitex rotundifolia L.f., Aster sphathulifolius Maxim., Cynodon dactylon (L.) Pers. and Peucedanum japonicum Thunb.. The naturalized plants were 59 taxa including Fallopia dumetorum (L.) Holub, Veronica persica Poir., Cosmos bipinnatus Cav., Bromus tectorum L. and so forth. The invasive alien plants were 4 taxa including Rumex acetosella L., Ambrosia artemisiifolia L., Aster pilosus Willd. and Lactuca scariola L.. 본 연구는 경상북도 영덕군의 도로변에 분포하는 식물상을 조사 및 분석하여 도로환경 관리를 위한 기초 자료 제공에목적이 있다. 식물상은 55과 160속 207종 1아종 16변종 2품종 등 226분류군이며, 생활형 분석 결과, 교목 17분류군, 관목20분류군, 지표식물 17분류군, 반지중식물 42분류군, 지중식물 19분류군, 일년생식물 107분류군, 수생식물 4분류군이다. 식재종은 송엽국, 유채, 바위취, 해당화, 큰금계국, 잔디 등 31분류군이다. 식물구계학적 특정식물은 총 9분류군으로, Ⅲ등급은 1분류군, Ⅱ등급은 1분류군, Ⅰ등급은 7분류군이다. 염생식물은 번행초, 갯메꽃, 순비기나무, 해국, 우산잔디, 갯기름나물 등 6분류군이다. 귀화식물은 닭의덩굴, 큰개불알풀, 코스모스, 털빕새귀리 등 59분류군이며, 생태계 교란식물은 애기수영, 돼지풀, 미국쑥부쟁이, 가시상추 등 4분류군이다.

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