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        전상호 한국자연보호학회 2007 한국자연보호학회지 Vol.1 No.1

        한국자연보호학회의 첫 연구논문집 창간호가 출간되었습니다. 지난 11월 말 학회의 창립총회를 마친 후 바로 시작한 연구논문집 발간 준비는 그간 여러 가지 어려움을 잘 극복하면서 드디어 창간호를 탄생시켰 습니다. 한국자연보호학회의 연구논문집은 자연보호학회가 관련된 여러 학문분야를 잘 조화시켜 자연보호분야에 새로운 지평을 열기 위하여 논문 선별과 심사에 많은 정성을 기울였습니다. 생물과 그 서식지 환경을 과 학적으로 파악하고, 무분별한 개발행위에 의한 파괴를 막거나 완화하기 위한 방안을 자연보호학회 연구의 중심축으로 하였습니다. 따라서 호수, 하천, 습지, 갯벌, 사구, 만, 산림, 농경지, 특징적인 지형과 기상현상 등 야생생물의 주요 서식지 보호와 관련된 분야가 주요 분야의 하나가 될 것이고 이러한 서식지 보호와 관련된 정보를 수집하고 정리하는 정보 관련 학문도 중요한 분야의 하나가 될 것입니다. 또한 자연보호 관련 철학을 개발하고 교육하는 자연보호 철학과 교육분야도 중요 분야의 하나가 될 것입니다. 자연보호 현장에서 경험한 여러 사례들에서는 이러한 주요 생물 서식지 파괴가 서식지 주변의 빈곤문제와 직접 관 련되어 있음을 보이고 있습니다. 이와 같이 자연보호를 사회적 방법으로 접근하는 분야도 또한 본 학회의 주요 분야가 될 것입니다. 따라서 본 학회의 연구물은 많은 연구 분야를 아우르면서도 단순한 사실의 나열에서 벗어나 자연보호를 위한 방안을 위한 기초적인 지식이나 구체적인 방안과 관련된 연구를 모색할 것입니다. 수천년 유지되었던 우리 국토는 20세기 후반에 급속한 변화를 겪었고 그 과정에서 우리의 주변에서는 우리의 역사속에서 사실로서, 혹은 우화속에서 친숙했던 수많은 야생생물들은 자취를 감추고 말았습니다. 호랑이와 늑대, 여우는 이미 사라져 버렸고, 곰, 산양, 사향노루 등은 그 일부만 남아 그 생물과 서식지의 복원을 위하여 엄청난 비용과 노력을 요구하고 있습니다. 이러한 복원 노력이 수많은 시행착오를 통하여 적당한 방안이 나올 때에는 이미 어떤 생물들은 자취를 감춘 후인 경우도 많았고 그러한 노력을 통해서 도 원래의 서식지는 회복되기 어려운 경우를 많이 보아왔습니다. 1980년대의 경제적 발전과 1990년대 후반 우리에게 닥쳐왔던 경제 위기는 자연보호에 대한 관심을 많 이 퇴색시켰고 이러한 위기를 극복하는 과정에서 우리는 자연유산으로 소중한 자연환경을 파괴하여 왔습 니다. 몇 년후 시화호가 완성되면 바다로 흘러들던 우리의 큰 강들은 모두 댐이나 하구언으로 막혀 자연 의 모습과 기능을 가진 강들은 하나도 남지 않게 됩니다. 우리들은 오랫동안 인간에 의해 파괴된 자연은 시간이 흐르면서 원래의 모습과 기능이 회복되는 줄 알 아왔습니다. 그러나 최근의 경험에서는 한번 파괴된 자연 환경은 원래의 구조와 기능을 회복하지 못하는 사례도 많이 보아 왔습니다. 생물의 서식지가 파괴되면 복원되기 어려운 것과 마찬가지로 해안의 사구나 하구, 만, 갯벌, 습지 등도 그 복원이 어렵다는 인식을 하는 데 비싼 교육비를 지불한 셈입니다. 우리 학회에서는 이런 때에 즈음하여 생물과 그 서식지의 중요성을 인식하고 그의 보호와 교란의 완화 를 위한 연구를 결집하려고 합니다. 앞으로 한국자연보호학회지를 통하여 자연보호분야의 좋은 논문이 우리나라뿐만 아니라 세계적으로 우 수한 연구 결과가 되도록 회원 여러분의 협력을 바랍니다. 끝으로 오늘의 창간호가 발간되기 위하여 창립시부터 동분서주한 편집위원회 여러분들과 소중한 원고를 보내 주신 저자 및 심사위원 여러분의 노고에 깊이 감사드립니다.

      • 멸종위기 수생식물인 가시연꽃(Euryale ferox Salisb.)의 비파괴적 생리지수 평가

        배기화,류시현,임성환 한국자연보호학회 2017 한국자연보호학회지 Vol.11 No.1

        Plant physiological indices for Euryale ferox Salisb. an endangered aquatic plant from Gyeongsan Province, were analyzed in this study. The NDVI (Normalized Difference Vegetation Index) was highest at 0.820 in Dongguji and lowest at 0.592 in Dongjaji; the SR (Simple Ratio) index was highest at 10.240 in Dongguji and lowest at 4.312 in Dongjaji; and the PRI (Photochemical Reflectance Index) was highest at 0.039 in Dongguji and lowest at −0.036 in Dongjaji. The CRI1 (Carotenoid Reflectance Index 1) index was in Sahwaji and Waji at 8.881 and 12.988, respectively, and the CRI2 (Carotenoid Reflectance Index 2) index was highest at 7.889 in Sahwaji and lowest at 11.889 in Dongjaji.

      • 창녕군 우포늪에 도래하는 큰기러기 Anser fabalis의 서식지 이용 특성 연구

        김수경,박시룡 한국자연보호학회 2013 한국자연보호학회지 Vol.7 No.2

        This study was conducted to survey the habitat selection by the Eastern Bean Goose Anser fabalis in the Upo wetland, Changnyeong gun. South Korea from October 2004 to March 2005. The mean number of Eastern Bean Geese was 2,104 individuals during the study period. The minimum number of about 100 individuals was observed in October 2004, and the maximum number of about 3,000 individuals was observed in November 2004 and January 2005. Fourteen sites were classified with respect to water depth and dominant food plant types, and the number of geese using the 14 sites was recorded every week. The sites that were mainly used were S-2 in Sajipo and Z-1 in Jjokjibeol in October, S-2 and S-4 in November, sites U-2 in Upo and Z-1 in December, sites U-2 and S-4 in January and February, and sites U-2 and Z-1 in March. Three aquatic plants, Scirpus fluviatillis, Trapa japonica, and Zizania latifolia were the main food for geese in the Upo wetland. We determined the monthly habitat selection indexes (Jacob’s index) for the three habitat types, which were classified according to three aquatic plant species. The habitat selection index of the area where Zizania latifolia predominated from October to February had the highest score of 0.40~0.47 among the three habitat types. This indicated that Bean Geese strongly preferred the habitat where Zizania latifolia predominated from October to February. By contrast, the habitat where Scirpus fluviatillis predominated was selected mainly in March. Faecal samples were collected randomly at the six sites mainly used by the geese each month. Zizania latifolia predominated in faeces from October to November, but the proportion of Scirpus fluviatillis and Trapa japonica in faeces increased from December to February.

      • 평화의 댐 건설 이후에 나타나는 저서성대형무척추동물의 군집변화에 관한 연구

        주영돈,채도영,김종명,배양섭 한국자연보호학회 2010 한국자연보호학회지 Vol.4 No.1

        Analysis of benthic micro-invertebrate community structure from the Pyeonghwaui Dam was investigated from May 2006 to October 2008. Total taxa of benthic micro-invertebrates were 5 phylum, 8 class, 15 order, 44 family, and 97 species in 2006, and 5 phylum, 7 class, 15 order, 48 family, 103 species in 2008. Mean dominance index at St. 1 to St. 5 were 0.36, 038, 0.38, 0.21 and 0.29. Mean species diversity at St. 1 to St. 5 were 3.84, 3.34, 3.13, 4.84 and 4.28. Although the dominance index of Lentic area was higher than Lotic, but the diversity was lower than Lotic area.

      • 전라남도 신안군, 완도군, 진도군의 233개 무인도서에 서식하는 조류 분포 현황

        김석규,김현규,심용택,이건형,나종길 한국자연보호학회 2016 한국자연보호학회지 Vol.10 No.1

        This survey was conducted as a sector study of a reasonable management plan for uninhabited islands. we conducted bird surveys at 233 uninhabited islands of Shinan-gun, Jindo-gun, Wando-gun in Jeollanam-do from May to October, 2012. In this study, total 26 family and 39 species were observed. Among them three bird species, falcon, eagle owl, oyster catcher belonged in endangered category I and II which is protected by the law in Korea, and four species, tattler, storm petrel, streaked shearwater, oyster catcher which are Near Threatened (NT) according to IUCN (International Union for the Conservation of Nature) Red List (2015) were observed. Uninhabited islands are used as habitats of many resident and/or stopover birds and need to be conserved and protected from destroying by human outdoor activities. This survey is to aim at making a comprehensive plan to conserve these islands if necessary.

      • 도심하천과 자연하천의 식생유형 및 분포특성 - 안양천, 갑천, 섬강을 중심으로 -

        표재훈 한국자연보호학회 2011 한국자연보호학회지 Vol.5 No.1

        To investigation the type of riparian vegetation and distribution, I studied the three streams, which is located in central district of Korea (Anyang Stream, Gap Stream, Seom River) from March of 2007 to December of 2008. Five different vegetation types were classified exception naked and openwater region. Natural forest type includes forest vegetation like as Quercus acutissima community and riparian woodland like as Salix koreensis community. Long and wet type of grassland consists of Phragmites australis community and so on. Robinia pseudoacacia plantation was representative of Woodland afforestation type. Short and dry type of grassland includes Elymus annuus and Humulus japonicus community. Cultivation land type. On the natural streamside was mainly made of natural riparian vegetation type, but in the artificial streamside consists of short and dry type of grassland. Riparian vegetation correlated with revetment structure, stream terrace, and microtopographical diversity. It showed that the vegetation type was divided clearly in the natural or artificial streamside.

      • 아차산 소나무림의 구과 및 종자 발달 특성

        정영숙,송기선,최규성,이경재,김종진 한국자연보호학회 2010 한국자연보호학회지 Vol.4 No.2

        This study was performed in order to grasp the developmental characteristics in cone and seed of Pinus densiflora stands, which is distributed on a slope in the south and the north of Mt. Acha. Comparing the size in cone after September that the maturity in cone is completed with the average size in 2006 and 2007, the southfacing slope was 32.6 mm in length and 17.8 mm in width. The north-facing slope was 31.2 mm in length and 18.5 mm in width. Thus, difference wasn't big. However, the period of reaching the average size(29.8mm) of north-facing slope in 2007 was June 26 in the south-facing slope, and September 19 in north-facing slope. Thus, south-facing slope was surveyed to be faster by over 2 and half months. The water content after September was higher in cone of the north-facing slope. Even the period of being required that the ovuliferous scale in cone is opened was surveyed to be longer in the north-facing slope. In the meantime, comparing the average size in seed after September with length, the south-facing slope was 4.06 mm. The north-facing slope was 4.08 mm. Thus, it was surveyed to be mutually similar. In case of the south-facing slope, the period of reaching this average size (4.06 mm) was July 3. On the other hand, the north-facing slope was surveyed to be August 6. Thus, the south-facing slope could be known to reach this size faster by about 1 month. As for the seed number per cone, the north-facing slope was a little larger with 16.9 compared to the south-facing slope with 14.8. Even the rate of filled seed was indicated to be 56.2% and 60.0%, respectively, for the south-facing slope and the north-facing slope. Thus, the north-facing slope was shown to be higher. As for the germination percent in the filled seed, the south-facing slope was 88.6%, thereby having been surveyed to be higher than the north-facing slope with 80.8%.

      • 경상북도 생태문화자원 가치평가

        장래익,장갑수 한국자연보호학회 2016 한국자연보호학회지 Vol.10 No.2

        The ecosystem is composed of various elements and maintains the function of the system. The characteristics of each ecosystem type affect the culture of the area, so it is necessary to consider ecocultural characteristics when establishing the policy. This study was conducted to evaluate the value based on the distribution information of eco - cultural resources and to find out how to use it in establishing related policies. The target sites were Gyeongsangbuk - do province, and were evaluated using 7 items of natural ecological characteristics and socio - cultural characteristics. The information used in the evaluation was 13 spatial information such as forest map, ecological and natural map, natural park distribution map, and it was ranked according to the utilization of policies such as tourism resource management and administration, and evaluated by the minimum indicator method. As a result of the evaluation, 336 excellent areas were selected. In the selected area, 6 kinds of endangered species from 1,914 observation, and cultural resources were distributed from 194 sites. Since ecological resources and cultural resources are applied to the same evaluation method and expressed in a single scale, it is considered to be easy to use in administrative plans and policies. Further studies such as comparison of evaluation models and subdivision of grades are necessary.

      • 환경정화곤충인 동애등에 번데기 급여가 산란계의 생산성에 미치는 영향

        박상오,박관호,박병성,남성희,최영철 한국자연보호학회 2013 한국자연보호학회지 Vol.7 No.2

        This study was conducted to evaluate the feeding value of black soldier fly pupa (BSFP) on fecal microorganism, immunoglobulinm egg quality and egg production laying hens. One hundred twenty laying hens were assigned to 4 treatments (0, 5, 7 and 10% BSFP) with 3 replicates for 8 weeks. The formulae of 4 experimental diets were modified to contain 18% CP and 2,900 kcal/kg. All the treated groups differed in feed intake, egg production, egg weight and egg mass compared to those of a control group. The egg weight and production were increased (p < 0.05) in BSFP groups compared to the control. The HDL-C was increased (p < 0.05) in BSFP groups compared to the control. The level of immunoglobulin IgG and Haugh unit were increased (p < 0.05) in BSFP groups compared to the control. These result suggested that the addition of BSFP to the layer diet could improve the egg quality and the laying performance.

      • 코클로디니움 적조생물의 이용방안 연구: I. 점액질

        Eun Seob Cho 한국자연보호학회 2016 한국자연보호학회지 Vol.10 No.1

        For the last few decades, especially during summer Korean aquaculture industry has been huge economic loss due to massive blooms caused by Cochlodinium polykrikoides. Moreover, high dispersion speed along the coast and high cell densities (above 10,000 cells ml−1) of C. polykrikoides resuling in red tides for a longer duration (at least for 30 days). C. polykrikoides can be used as a prolific source of extracellular sulfated polysaccharides. Sulfated polysaccharides have showed strong antiviral properties against influenza virus. However, little has been investigated about industrial application of sulfated polysaccharides as a high valuable byproduct from C. polykrikoides. Current commercial microalgal biomass production systems are costly and require advanced instrumental and cultural facilities. From economic point of natural blooms of C. polykrikoides, therefore it is likely to be utilized as a cost-effective way of microalgal biomass production for commercial applications.

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