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        근대 아시아 불교 중흥의 기수 -다르마팔라와 만해

        백원기 ( Won Gi Baek ) 한국불교선리연구원 2012 禪文化硏究 Vol.13 No.-

        본 논문의 목적은 식민지의 시대적 상황에서 전근대적인 지배체제에 맞서며 민족의 정체성을 찾고 자국의 정신문화 고양과 불교부흥운동을 위해 끊임없는 노력을 기울인 아나가리카 다르마팔라(Anagarika Dharmapala, 1964- 1933)와 만해선사(1879-1944)의 사상과 업적을 비교분석함으로써 그들이 아시아의 근대불교 중흥에 끼친 영향과 그 의의를 살펴보는데 있다. 불교는 아시아 민중들의 삶과 문화의 중요한 원천이었고 사회통합을 이끌어온 정체성의 기반이었다 할 수 있다. 아시아 근대불교는 각 나라마다 다양한 모습으로 나타나지만, 자비와 실천을 바탕으로 서구 제국주의의 침탈과 그에 맞선 민족주의적 대응이라는 공통점을 지닌다. 이러한 점은 오늘날의 아시아의 불교가 있게 한 중요한 요인이라 할 수 있다. 다르마팔라와 만해선사는 비록 공간을 달리하여 살았지만 영국과 일본의 식민지 지배 하에서 올곧은 수행자의 정신으로 국민자각운동을 전개하고 근대 아시아 불교중흥을 위한 부단한 노력을 경주한 점에서 중요한 업적을 남겼다. 다르마팔라와 만해는 혹독한 식민지 상황에서 ``중생의 이익과 복지를 위해 헌신한다``는 불교의 근본 가치에서 출발하였고, 그 가치를 실현하는데 있어 과거의 전통과는 분명히 다른 모습을 보였다. 즉 그들은 열강국들의 식민지 아래에서 깨달음과 보살행을 둘로 나누어 보지 않고, 대중의 삶 속에 뛰어들어 불교의 사회적 실천을 위해 헌신한 점에서 중요한 의의를 지닌다 할 것이다. The purpose of this paper is to trace the theme of the significance of Anagarika Dharmapala(1864-1933) and Manhae Han Yong-wun(1879-1944)`s influence on modern Asian Buddhism through a comparative analysis based on their continuing effort to find a national identity and on their Buddhism-restoring movement under the colonial period. Buddhism has been an important source of Asian people`s life and culture and the basis of the identity which has led the unity of the people and the society as well. Even though modern Buddhism of Asia showed a variety of aspects according to each country`s circumstances, it seems to have a considerable common in standing up imperialistic pressure and pillage based on national identity. This fact is an important element of what Asian Buddhism is today. Although Anagarika Dharmapala and Manhae Han Yong-wun lived far apart, under the colonial of England and Japan, they showed remarkable achievements in developing a nation-awakening movement and in making an effort to restore modern Asian Buddhism with upright disciplinant spirit. Moreover, the two far-sighted leaders devoted themselves to save people by participating in a mass-education and well-fare campaign in terms of "Enlightenment and Bodhisattva`s practice is not two but one." Hence, their devotional efforts to restore modern Asian Buddhism seems to have a significant meaning in that they directly confronted the reality under the colonial period of the Great Powers.

      • KCI등재

        화엄적 생명사랑의 실천

        백원기(Baek, Won Gi) 한국동서비교문학학회 2009 동서 비교문학저널 Vol.0 No.21

          The purpose of this paper is to trace the aspects of “life-love” in the poetry of Hardy and Manhae, focusing particularly on the respect and compassion for nature’s creatures in the perspective of Whawom(Avatamsaka; Flower Garland).   Whawom thought concentrates on the relationship among phenomena and not on that between phenomena and the absolute. All things are in complete harmony with one another because they are manifestations of one principle. From the standpoint of Whawom, all phenomena are one with each other and interpenetrate without obstruction; one permeates all and all are contained in one.   The poetry of Hardy and Manhae condenses the aspects of the interrelatedness and interdependence of everything. Their focal concern was about all beings in conflicts with the world and also about the realization of harmony and reconciliation with it. Consequently, they felt other’s pain as their own one, not as an individual apart from other beings but as one originally identified with them. This monistic feeling of oneness with all beings became the basis of their poetics. Hence, their writing was characterized by the compassion and sympathy for all beings.   In particular, their poems have an important meaning in that they aim at the comprehensive understanding of “life-love” based on one-body notion of Whawom Buddhism and in that they directly confront the reality against life both under the world of God’s loss and under the control of Japanese colonial policy.   In this vein, the poetics of Hardy and Manhae’s “life-love” has a significant meaning as an active practical discourse which aspires to get over conflicts and confrontations of their times and then hopes to realize the harmony and reconciliation in the future.

      • KCI등재

        일제 강점기 후반기 문학계 동향과 후반기 만해 문학사상

        백원기 ( Won Gi Baek ) 한국불교선리연구원 2014 禪文化硏究 Vol.17 No.-

        본 논문의 목적은 일제 강점기 후반기의 문학계 동향과 후반기 만해의 문학사상의 특징을 살펴보는데 있다. 다시 말해, 만해의 ‘심우장 시대(1933~1944)’의 문학과 사상의 특징을 시와 소설의 흐름을 중심으로 살펴보고, 또한 그것이 오늘날 우리에 게 던져 주는 메시지가 무엇인지 모색하고자 하는데 있다. 많은 민족지도자들과 지성인들이 일제의 회유에 변절했지만 만해는 끝까지 지조를 지키며 ‘눈 속에 핀 매화’의 정신으로 식민지 현실을 극복하고자 하였다. 만해의 이러한 정신은 차별에 대한 저항의지와 약자에 대한 자비심을 바탕으로 하고 있으며, 그 실천의 의지가 시와 소설의 상상력과 비전으로 나타났다. 심우장에서 삶의 터전을 마련한 만해는 쥐와 모기와 파리 등을 의인화 한 기법을 차용하여 친일행위를 날카롭게 비판하고 사소한 어려움에도 위축되고 삶을 포기하는 나약한 민중을 질타하고, 쉽게 다가감으로써 민족의 정체성을 지키고 독립의 결의를 공고히 하고자 하였다. 또한 만해는 비유적이고 암시적인 시 장르만으로 해소되지 않는 독립정신 고취와 사회계몽 발언의 필요성을 절감하고 이를 소설을 통해 실천하고자 하였다. 만해의 이러한 사회제도의 모순을 개혁하고 부조리한 현실을 타파하려는 문학 속에 응축된 혁명의지는 바로 자주독립의지의 표현이며, 하나의 응전방식으로서 중요한 의미를 지닌다 할 것이다. 결국 만해의 이러한 문학행위의 이면에는 끊임없는 자아 찾기와 조국 독립의 열망을 위한 보살행 실천이 그 중요한 동인으로 작동하고 있다. The purpose of this paper is to trace the literary tendency of the late Japanese colonial period and the characteristic of Manhae``s late literary thought focusing on Simwoojang Period(1933~1934). Under the control of Japanese colonial policy, many national leaders and intellectual people changed their coats owing to Japan``s conciliation. Manhae, however, tried to overcome conflicts and confrontations of his times with righteous spirit. Above all, his focal concern was based on resistant will against discrimination and on compassion for the weak. His practice - will appeared in the shape of imagination and vision in poetry and novels. Since Manhae had a new home in Simwoojang outside of Seoul, he keenly criticized pro - Japanese activities by using personification technique such as fly, mosquito, and rat in poetry and scolded weak people who became shrink and gave up their lives under slight difficulty as well. He also tried to keep national identity and to strengthen independence resolution by easily approaching the public. Feeling keenly the necessity of enhancing spirit of national independence and society awakening which cannot be solved only with poetic genre of metaphorical and suggestive expressions, Manhae made an effort to practice such a necessity through novels. In novels, he expressed his strong will to reform or break down the contradictions and absurdities of social system at that time. In this vein, Manhae``s revolution - will condensed in his literature is the very expression of sovereign independence will, and also has an important meaning as a response way. Consequently, behind Manhae``s literary activity, Boddhisattva practice to find his self and to inspire the liberation of his homeland operates vividly as an important component of it.

      • KCI등재

        하디와 오세영의 불교적 상상력과 생태인식

        백원기(Baek, Won Gi) 한국동서비교문학학회 2013 동서 비교문학저널 Vol.0 No.28

        The purpose of this paper is to examine the ecological poetics in Thomas Hardy’s and Se-Yeong Oh’s poetry as an alternative to overcome the contradictions and absurdities of the modern times in the Buddhistic perspective. Buddhistic imagination is one of the important elements forming Hardy’s and Oh, Se Yeong’s poetic world. They have a deep concern about all beings in conflicts in a modern industrial society and also hope to realize the harmony and reconciliation among them. In particular, they feel other’s pain as their own one, not as an individual apart from others but as one originally identified with them. The Buddhistic ecology stresses that all beings interdepend and interpenetrate in complete harmony with one another. The pursuit of the aesthetic in terms of this perspective can be understood as the process for searching the alternatives to overcome the contradictions and absurdities of the modern times. In this vein, Hardy and Se-Yeong Oh try to overcome the divided aspects of the modern times through the recovery of the interdependent relationship between ‘self and other’ and between ‘human and the world.’ Their focal concern is the respect, sympathy, solidarity consciousness for all beings based on harmony and union in the interdependent circulating structure of ecosystem. Consequently, the poetics of Hardy and Se-Yeong Oh has a significant meaning as a practical discourse which aspires to get over conflicts and confrontation of their times and which hopes to realize the harmony and unity in the future.

      • KCI등재

        ‘영산재’의 미학적 세계와 게송의 의미

        백원기(Baek, Won Gi) 한국동서비교문학학회 2010 동서 비교문학저널 Vol.0 No.23

          The purpose of this essay is to trace the meaning and message of the diverse verses used in the Yeongsanjae procedures. The Yeongsanjae is a Buddhist ritual that represents the scene in which the Sakyamuni Buddha preaches The Lotus Sutra at Mt. Grdhrakuta, The ceremony is performed in hopes of leading the living and the departed into the joy of enlightenment and perpetual peace. It is also held when an important national event is planned to pray for the nation’s prosperity by unifying the people.   The Yeongsanjae is a multi-disciplinary cultural heritage that combines music, paintings, verse, and dance. Featured in the Yeongsanjae are the praising of the Buddha and practicing compassion for saving sentient beings with Beompae(Buddhist music), Jakbeopmu(Buddhist ritual dance) and ritual prayers (significant verses).   The various presentations of Buddhist music, dances, and recitation of ritual prayers all contain gratitude for Buddha";s blessing; the respect and care for all beings; and the will to save them. In particular, the succinct and implicative verses of ritual prayers in the Balwugongyang of the Sikdangjakbeop procedure aspire to practice the Bodhisattva’s ideal, ‘To aspire to supreme enlightenment and Buddhahood for oneself and all beings.’

      • KCI등재

        만해의 독립정신과 그 시적 형상화

        백원기 ( Baek Won - Gi ),김명옥 ( Kim Myeong - Ock ) 한국불교선리연구원 2017 禪文化硏究 Vol.23 No.-

        본 논문의 목적은 일제강점기라는 암울한 시대적 상황에서 정신적 버팀목이 되는 ‘님’을 상실한 시대에 만해 한용운(1879~1944)의 독립정신 형성과 그것이 고도의 상징과 비유, 이미지, 역설 등으로 표현된 그의 시문학에 어떻게 투영, 변용되고 있는가를 살펴보는데 있다. 만해의 사상과 실천행위에 지대한 영향을 미친 것은 양계초의 『음빙실문집』과 서계여의 『영환지략』, 그리고 불교의 평등주의이다. 만해는 독일과 일본 등의 제국주의에 대한 비판과 진정한 자유와 평등, 민족자존성의 회복을 강력하게 주장함으로써 일제침략에 맞서 항거하며 독립운동을 주도적으로 이끌었다. 무엇보다도 만해는 올곧은 수행자의 모습을 보임은 물론 시대의 흐름을 간파하고 일제강점기의 우매한 민중들을 일깨워주고 계도하는 것을 그 자신의 본분사로 여기며, 행동하는 지성인으로서의 결기를 보여 주었다. 그의 이러한 모습은 3.1운동 실패 후 나라를 잃고 헤매는 조선민족에게 자주독립에 대한 강한 의지를 심어준 시집 『님의 침묵』(1926)을 통해서 여실히 드러나고 있다. 『님의 침묵』을 통해 현실에 부재한 ‘님’을 노래하고 있는 만해의 인식 저변에는 주권을 상실한 국가의 자주독립에 대한 분명한 의지와 우매한 민중의 계몽과 구원이라는 자비실천 정신이 담지되어 있다. 만해는 자신의 독립의지를 가장 효과적으로 표현하는 시적 매체로 다양한 이미지와 상징, 역설 등을 통해 혁명적이고 계몽적인 이미지로 변용시켜 선명하게 보여주었다. 따라서 우리의 자주독립에 대한 강한 의지를 담아낸 만해의 시문학은 시련의 일제강점기를 살아가는 민족의 고통과 아픔을 보듬고 불굴의 독립의지를 선명하게 보여준 저항 정신의 결과물이라 할 수 있다. The purpose of this article is to trace the emblem of independence sprit expressed in Manhae Han Yongwoon(1879~1944)'s poetic world. What had a great influence on Manhae's thought and his practical activity is Yangyech's Eumbingsilmunjip and Seogyeyo's Yeongwhhajiryak, and Buddhist equality. Actually, Manhae keenly criticized the imperialism represented by German and Japan. In this vein, he played a leading role in the national independence movement against Japanese aggression by strongly asserting authentic freedom, equality, and national self - respect recovery. His national independence - will was clearly appeared in the form of peculiar imagination and poetic vision, which is The Silence of My Love (1926). At the bottom of his understanding of expressing his absent ‘Nim’ or ‘My Love’ Japanese colonial period, is there a strong sovereign independence - will. Thus, he expressed his independence - will more vividly through poetic media, especially by changing it into resistant images or struggling images such as metaphors, symbols, and paradox, etc. Consequently, Manhae's poetic literature, vividly expressing a strong independence - will for our nation, is the very outcome of indomitable resistance against the Japanese colonial policy.

      • KCI등재

        하디와 정현종의 불교생태 시학

        백원기(Baek Won Gi) 한국동서비교문학학회 2011 동서 비교문학저널 Vol.0 No.25

        The purpose of this paper is to examine the ecological poetics in Hardy’s and Jeong Hyeon-jong’s poetry in the Buddhist perspective, focusing particularly on the respect and compassion for nature’s creatures. The Buddhist ecology stresses that all beings interdepend and interpenetrate in complete harmony with one another. Hardy and Jeong Hyeon-jong have a deep concern about all beings in conflicts in a modern industrial society and hope to realize the harmony and reconciliation among them. They also feel other’s pain as their own one, not as an individual apart from other beings but as one originally identified with them. Their such close-up view of life and close intimacy with the natural world is not a dichotomy, but a unifying force. Of course, their childhood’s experiences in the rural settings seems to have a crucial influence on their poetic visions. Hence, this monistic feeling of oneness with all beings, based on interrelatedness and interdependence of everything in the ecosystem, makes up an important axis of their poetics. In particular, their universal sympathy and compassion for nature’s beings is shown well through the visible and impressive images: grass, flowers, tress, birds, animals, worms, etc. Their focal concern is the respect, sympathy, solidarity consciousness for all beings based on harmony and union in the interdependent circulating structure of ecosystem. Therefore, the poetics of Hardy and Jeong Hyeon-jong has a significant meaning as practical discourse which aspires to get over conflicts and confrontation of their times and then hopes to realize the harmony and reconciliation in the future.

      • KCI등재

        하디 시에 나타난 불교적 상상력

        백원기(Baek Won Gi) 한국동서비교문학학회 2012 동서 비교문학저널 Vol.0 No.26

        The purpose of this paper is to examine Hardy’s poetry as an alternative to overcome the conflicts in the era of God’s loss and to realize the harmony and reconciliation based on the Buddhist imagination. The Buddhist imagination stresses that all beings are interdependent in complete harmony with one another. In this vein, Hardy tries to feel other’s pain as his own one, not as an individual apart from other beings but as one originally identified with them. Then, his close-up view of life and close intimacy with the natural world is not a dichotomy, but a unifying force. In particular, a holistic feeling of oneness with all beings, based on interrelatedness and interdependence of everything in the ecosystem, makes up an important element of his poetics. Above all, Hardy’s universal sympathy and compassion for nature’s beings is shown well through the visible and impressive images: grass, flowers, trees, birds, animals, worms, etc. Hence, the focal point of his Buddhist imagination is the respect, compassion, sympathy, and solidarity consciousness for all organic beings based on harmony and union in the interdependent natural world. Therefore, Hardy’s poetics built on Buddhist imagination has great significance as a practical alternative discourse which aspires to get over conflicts and confrontation of in the era of God’s loss and which hopes to realize the harmony and reconciliation through the interdependence in the great web of life called the ecosystem.

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