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      • 가바홍차 추출물을 이용한 기능성 음료 개발에 관한 연구

        배경순 원광대학교 일반대학원 2022 국내박사

        RANK : 247631

        GABA(γ-aminobutyric acid) is a functional substance that is effective in the prevention and treatment of chronic diseases such as hypertension. GABA-black tea is a tea in which the GABA content is increased through the black tea processing process after anaerobic nitrogen treatment and aerobic treatment of raw tea leaves for a certain period of time. The purpose of this study was to analyze the main chemical components, bio-active substances, functionality and aroma component of general black tea and 2 types of GABA-black tea, and thus serve as basic data for the development of functional tea beverages through sensory evaluation and consumer preference surveys conducted with regard to GABA-black tea extract. Based on the analysis, the total free amino acid content of the two types of GABA black tea was 4348.30±349.41∼4555.63±138.41 mg/100 g, which was about two times higher than that of general black tea. As for the GABA content, GABA-black tea B had the highest at 403.77±10.63 mg/100g, followed by GABA-black tea A (259.03±16.26 mg/100g) and general black tea (105.07±11.54 mg/100g); compared to raw leaves, the content was increased by 64 times for GABA-Black Tea B, and by 41 times for GABA-Black Tea A. The theanine content was 734.28±101.36 mg/100g for general black tea and 1333.75±175.17∼1352.62±64.07 mg/100g for the two types of GABA black tea. The theanine content of GABAblack teas was 1.8 times higher than that of general black tea. All four types (TF, TF3-G, TF3'-G, TF3,3'-G) of theaflavin, which has excellent antioxidant activity, were detected in general black tea and the 2 types of GABA-black tea. General black tea and GABA-black tea B showed theaflavin content of 0.498% and 0.560%. The total polyphenol content of general black tea and GABA-black teas was found to be similar, and the total flavonoid content of GABA-black teas was found to be higher than that of general black tea. By measuring DPPH and ABTS radical scavenging activity and SOD-like activity with extracts of general black tea and GABA-black teas, high antioxidant effect was found in GABA-black teas. For α-Glucosidase inhibitory activity, GABA-black teas showed 93.83% higher activity than acarbose, known as an α-Glucosidase inhibitor. For both ACE and AChE inhibitory activities, GABA-black teas also showed higher inhibitory activity than general black tea. In addition, large amounts of amino acids contained in GABA-black tea are known to affect the aroma, flavor and quality of GABA-black tea. Aroma compounds, which give out a fresh grassy aroma were found at the proportion of 12.41% in general black tea, while those giving off floral and fruity aroma were found at the high proportion of 26.67∼27.51% in GABA-black teas. In particular, it was found that the aroma component, which is helpful for mental and physical relaxation and treatment of insomnia, accounted for a high proportion of 7.30∼7.88% in GABA-black teas. According to a survey on preference for GABA-black teas, for the major group, those in their 40s∼50s showed a high preference for both GBT1 7.8±1.03, and GBT2 7.7±1.25, those in their 60s was found to be similar, those in their 20∼30s showed a high preference GBT1. For the normal group, the preference for GBT1 was 6.4±1.17 among those in their 20s∼30s, while the preference increased to 7.2±1.54 and 7.9±1.37 among those in their 40s∼50s and 60s, respectively. The preference for GBT2 was highest among those in their 20s∼30s, but a similar preference was shown for all age groups. It was confirmed that the 2 types of GABA-black tea, which were processed to increase the content of GABA, a functional substance contained in a small amount in raw leaves, have various bio-active compounds that can help prevent and treatment adult diseases and chronic diseases that modern people have concerns about. It was also revealed that consumers consider health functionalities an important factor in their beverage selection. As a results of this study, it is judged that functional tea drinks with high added value can be commercialized if consumers' awareness of and accessibility to GABA tea drinks are raised 가바는 고혈압 등 만성질환의 예방 및 치료에 효과가 있는 기능성 물질이다. 가바홍차는 차 생엽을 일정 시간 질소혐기, 호기처리를 한 후 홍차 제다공정을 통해 가바함량을 증대시킨 차이다. 본 연구에서는 일반홍차와 가바홍차 2종의 주요 화학성분 분석, 생리활성, 기능성 조사 및 향기성분 분석, 가바홍차 추출물로 진행한 관능검사 및 소비자 선호도 조사를 통해 현대인들의 수요에 부응하는 기능성 차 음료 개발의 기초자료로 삼고자 하였다. 분석 결과, 가바홍차 2종의 총 유리아미노산은 4348.30±349.41∼4555.63±138.41 mg/100 g으로 일반홍차보다 약 2배 높은 함량을 나타내었다. 가바함량은 가바홍차 B 403.77±10.63 mg/100 g 〉 가바홍차 A 259.03±16.26 mg/100 g 〉일반홍차 105.07±11.54 mg/100 g 순으로 생엽 대비 가바홍차 B는 64배, 가바홍차 A은 41배 증가하였다. 테아닌 함량은 일반홍차 734.28±101.36 mg/100 g, 가바홍차 2종 1333.75±175.17∼1352.62±64.07 mg/100 g으로 가바홍차류의 테아닌은 일반홍차보다 1.8배 증가하였다. 항산화 활성이 뛰어난 테아플라빈은 일반홍차 및 가바홍차류에서 4종(TF, TF3-G, TF3'-G, TF3,3'-G)이 모두 검출되었으며 일반홍차 0.498%, 가바홍차 B는 0.560%를 나타내었다. 일반홍차 및 가바홍차의 총 폴리페놀은 비슷한 함량을 나타내었고, 총 플라보노이드 함량은 가바홍차류가 일반홍차보다 높게 나타났다. 일반홍차 및 가바홍차 추출물로 DPPH 및 ABTs radical 소거활성, SOD 유사활성을 측정한 결과 가바홍차류에서 높은 항산화 효과를 확인할 수 있었다. 일반홍차 및 가바홍차의 α-Glucosidase 저해활성은 가바홍차류가 α-Glucosidase 억제제로 알려진 acarbose 대비 93.83%의 높은 활성을 나타내었다. ACE 저해활성 및 AChE 저해활성 또한 가바홍차류에서 일반홍차보다 높은 저해활성을 나타내었다. 또한 가바홍차에 다량 함유된 아미노산은 가바홍차의 향과 맛, 품질에 영향을 미치는 것으로 알려져 있다. 풋풋한 풀 향을 나타내는 향기화합물은 일반홍차에서 12.41%, 꽃 향과 과일 향을 나타내는 향기화합물은 가바홍차류에서 26.67∼27.51%로 높은 비중을 나타내었고, 특히 가바홍차류에는 심신 안정과 불면증 치료에 도움을 주는 향기 성분이 7.30∼7.88%로 높은 함량을 나타내었다. 가바홍차의 기호도 검사에 의하면 전문가 집단에서는 40∼50대에서 GBT1 7.8±1.03, GBT2 7.7±1.25로 가장 높게 나타났고, 60대는 비슷한 기호도를 나타내었고 20∼30대에서는 GBT1의 기호도가 높았다. 비전문가 집단의 GBT1은 20∼30대에서 6.4±1.17, 40∼50대, 60대로 갈수록 7.2±1.54, 7.9±1.37로 높게 나타났다. GBT2의 조사에서는 20∼30대에서 제일 높았으나 전 연령대에서는 비슷한 선호도를 나타내었다. 차 생엽에 소량 함유되어있는 기능성 물질인 가바함량을 증대시켜 가공한 가바홍차는 현대인들이 관심을 가지는 성인병과 만성질환의 예방 및 치료에 도움을 줄 수 있는 다양한 생리활성기능을 가지고 있으며, 소비자들은 음료를 선택함에 있어 건강기능성에 대한 고려가 중요한 비중을 차지하고 있다. 본 연구 결과를 토대로 가바홍차 음료가 건강에 좋다는 소비자의 인식 및 접근성을 높인다면 고부가가치를 지닌 기능성 차 음료로 상품화가 가능할 것으로 판단된다.

      • 제다방법에 따른 가바홍차(GABA-Black Tea)의 품질특성 및 항산화효과

        배경순 동국대학교 2019 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        In the current study the quality characteristics and antioxidant potentials of black tea solution prepared by different processing methods(BTS-1, BTS-2 and BTS-3) were evaluated. The three groups were divided into BTS-1(control; black tea solution prepared by 190min rolling and fermentation without anaerobic treatment), BTS-2(control; GABA-black tea solution prepared by 170min rolling and fermentation, 9h anaerobic treatment and 1h aerobic treatment), BTS-3(control; GABA-black tea solution prepared by 190min rolling and fermentation, 9h anaerobic treatment and 2h aerobic treatment), an then they were analyzed with regard to the content of proximate compositions, minerals and free amino acids, Hunter‘s colour values, antioxidant activities and total phenol content. The levels of K, Mg, Ca, Zn and Mn in BTS-1 sample were higher than those of BTS-2 and BTS-3, while those of heavy metals (As, Pb, Cd and Hg) in all sample were not detected. No great difference was shown among all samples in the pH(5.17∼5.24) and soluble solid(0.3∼0.4oBx). In case of Hunter’s value, the ‘L’, ‘a’, and 'b' values of all samples ranged from 47.98 to 48.85, from 0.12 to 0.41 and from 13.47 to 14.54, respectively. The GABA(γ-Aminobutyric acid) content was in the following order : BTS-3(3.0188 mg/g) > BTS-2(1.6676 mg/g) > BTS-1(0,4313 mg/g). The DPPH and ABTs radical scavenging activities were in the order : BTS-2(94.13%) > BTS-1(83.90%) > BTS-3(79.15%) and BTS-2(95.81%) > BTS-1(90.76%) > BTS-3(86.29%), respectively. The highest content of SOD-like activity(21.31%), total phenols (559.58 μg GAE/g) and total flavonoids(92.72 μg GAE/g) were observed in BTS-2 sample. Higher scores for overall acceptability and flavor were found for BTS-2 sample as compared to the other samples. The data obtained suggest that preparation methods of tea enhanced the quality and antioxidant activity of black tea solution.

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