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        중종대(中宗代) "법조(法祖)"의 정치원리와 조광조의 경장론

        문재윤 ( Jae Yun Mun ) 경북대학교 영남문화연구원 2009 嶺南學 Vol.0 No.15

        이 연구는 `法祖`라는 개념으로부터 조선 중종대의 정치적 상황을 조광조의 경장론과의 상관관계 속에서 분석하는데 그 목적이 있다. `법조`라는 용어는 기존 학계에서 잘 사용되지 않았던 개념이지만, 필자는 `조상의 아름다운 뜻과 행적을 법삼아 본받아야 한다`는 의미로 조선인들의 정치생활과 일상생활에 심대한 영향을 미친 개념으로 파악하였다. `법조`라는 용어 속에는 오랜 세월에 걸쳐 축적되고, 전승된 조상들의 지혜에 대한 후손들의 존경심과 신뢰심이 내포되어 있다고 할 수 있다. 따라서 후손들이 조상들의 복록을 물려받기 위해서는 옛일을 거울로 삼아 조상들의 지혜와 말씀, 행적 등을 현실의 삶 속에서 깊이 성찰하고 실천해야만 했다. `조상의 행적을 본받음` 곧 `法祖`의 관념은 전통사회의 인간행위를 규율하는 중요한 원칙의 하나였다. 그리고 이러한 `법조`의 관념이 가장 전형적으로 나타난 곳이 바로 정치 분야였다. 성현이었던 선왕들의 각종 정치적 결정이나 정치적 행위, 정책, 선례, 법과 제도 등은 후왕들의 정치적 결정이나 정치적 행위, 정책 등의 기준이나 지침서의 역할을 하게 되었다. 그리고 그 내용이나 절차 등이 오랜 세월에 걸쳐 `가치`와 `안정성`을 획득 할 경우 하나의 관습법 수준에 이르게 되는 것으로 판단된다. 이러한 측면을 고려해 볼 때 조선 중종대에 이르러 조광조의 경장 주장과 `법조`의 정치원리 사이에는 상당한 갈등과 대립의 양상이 보였으며, 특히 임금인 중종이 `법조`의 원리를 너무 고식적으로 적용함으로써 경장, 곧 제도의 개폐 문제에 소극적으로 임하게 되었고, 종국에는 기묘사화를 통해 조광조를 비롯한 신진사대부들이 정계에서 축출되는 정치적 혼란을 초래하게 되었다. This study aimed to analyze political wisdom of the Choson Dynasty from viewpoint `making a model of forefathers`. And, as for main data for this study, Choson Wangjosillok(Annals of the Choson Dynasty) and Gukjobogam(Precious Mirror for Succeeding Reigns) were used. Gukjobogam was a work that drew examples from the Annals of words of guidance and acts of god government by earlier monarchs for the edification of later ages. In the political system of dynasty, all of the politic, economic, social and cultural problem could be settled by king and ruling class`s diagnosis, treatment and order. It is, therefore, a very important subject that, for solving the problem at dynasty system, what kind of political principle was established and what was the limit of that. And legitimacy of the dynasty fairly depends on `making a model of forefathers` in political process and policy-making process. Political reform projects proposed by Jo Kwang-jo was the following. The disorganization of Sokyokseo(소격서), the enforcement of Hyunranggwa(현량과), the innovation of political elite recruit, and the revision of Chongkukgongsin(정국공신) Jo Kwang-jo tried to make neo-confucian reformation projects in the viewpoint of political idealism. But Joongjong laid emphasis on `making a model of forefathers`. Which was inherited-wisdom from forefathers. Joongjong thought that `making a model of forefathers` enabled king` and ruling class`s political leadership to make stronger. Joongjong had put emphasis on stability. In the name of `making a model of forefathers` Joongjong opposed Jo Kwang-jo`s reformation conception at last.

      • KCI등재

        조선조 왕가 가법과 지배계급의 도덕률

        문재윤(Mun Jae yun) 21세기정치학회 2005 21세기 정치학회보 Vol.15 No.2

        Focusing on the relationship between the royal family's rules and ruling class's moral law, this study aimed to analyze leadership of kings and ruling class from viewpoint of royal family's rules in Choseon Dynasty. And, as for main data for this study, WangJoSilLok and HongJaeJeonSeo, which is Jungjo's private literature, were used. As for national system of dynasty, all of the politics, economics, society and culture could be realized by king's diagnosis, treatment and order. It is, therefore, a very important subject that, for solving the problem at that time, what kind of governing leadership was used and what was the limit of that. Kings and ruling class had respect for royal family's rules, which was inherited-tradition in royal family. In the period of Choseon Dynasty, royal family's rules enabled kings' and ruling class's leadership to reinforce. Royal family's rules had put emphasis on morality. By means of royal family's rules kings and ruling class could strengthen the dynasty and stabilize the politics. That is to say, kings and ruling class could make successful efforts to maintain the dynasty through royal family's rules.

      • KCI등재

        이이와 조선 왕실의 군주 ‘제가(齊家)’론

        문재윤(Mun Jae yun) 21세기정치학회 2009 21세기 정치학회보 Vol.19 No.3

        The Purpose of this study is to analyze the regulation of royal family in Choseon Dynasty from the viewpoint of Lee Yi. And, as for main data for this study, WangJoSiLok and SeungHakJibYo, which is Lee Yi's private literature, were used. As for national system of dynasty, Royal House is a very important political group. It is, threfore, very important subject that Royal House should be manage successfully by kings. And kings had respect for royal family's rules, which was inherited-tradition in royal family. In the period of Choseon Dynasty, royal family's rules enabled kings' leadership to reinforce. Therefore Lee Yi stressed that kings could make successful efforts to maintain the dynasty by the regulation of royal family.

      • KCI등재

        조선 초기 ‘법조’ 정치원리의 정립

        문재윤(Mun Jae yun) 21세기정치학회 2008 21세기 정치학회보 Vol.18 No.1

        This study aimed to analyze political wisdom of the Chosŏn Dynasty from viewpoint of ‘making a model of forefathers'. And, as for main data for this study, Chosŏn Wangjosillok(Annals of the Chosŏn Dynasty) and Gukjobogam(Precious Mirror for Succeeding Reigns) were used. Gukjobogam was a work that drew examples from the Annals of words of guidance and acts of good government by earlier monarchs for the edification of later ages. In the political system of dynasty, all of the politic, economic, social and cultural problem could be settled by king and ruling class's diagnosis, treatment and order. It is, therefore, a very important subject that, for solving the problem at dynasty system, what kind of political principle was established and what was the limit of that. And legitimacy of the dynasty fairly depends on ‘making a model of forefathers' in political process and policy-making process. Kings and their ancestors laid emphasis on ‘making a model of forefathers', which was inherited-wisdom from forefathers. In the period of Chosŏn Dynasty ‘making a model of forefathers' enabled kings' and ruling class's political leadership to make stronger. Kings and their ancestors had put emphasis on morality. By means of ‘making a model of forefathers' kings could consolidate the dynasty and stabilize the politics.

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