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      • (The) early onset of disease may be a risk factor for decreased bone mineral destiny in patients with inflammatory bowel disease

        김화종 Graduate School, Soonchunhyang University 2012 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        Background/Aims:The pathogenesis of bone loss in patients with IBD is complex, multifactorial, and only partly understood. The aim of this study was to examine the extent of bone mineral density (BMD) reduction in patients with IBD and determine factors associated with BMD reduction. Methods:A total of 49 patients with IBD who had been confirmed on clinical, endoscopic, radiologic, and histologic examination participated in this study. The main demographic data, major points of the clinical history, and risk factors for osteoporosis were assessed by interviews and from medical records. BMD was estimated in the lumbar vertebrae and the hip bone. Results: The means of serum 25(OH)2D3 level, spine L1-4 BMD, and spine L1-4 Z-score showed significant differences between participants younger and older than age 30 years at diagnosis. Proportions of reduce bone mass (Z score ≤ -1) were more in younger patients (under 30 years) than older patients (over 30 years), but there were no significant differences. The spine L1-4 BMD, T-score, and Z-score of patients who had never used corticosteroid therapy were significantly higher than those of patients who had taken steroids. Conclusions: In patients who were diagnosed with IBD before the age of 30, bone mass reduction was significantly lower than in those who were diagnosed after the age of 30.

      • 종교연합운동의 갈등과 지속성 연구 : 한국종교인평화회의(KCRP)를 중심으로

        김화종 서강대학교 2012 국내박사

        RANK : 247631

        한국종교인평화회의(KCRP)는 1965년 서울에서 한국의 6개 종단(개신교, 불교, 원불교, 유교, 천도교, 천주교) 지도자들이 모여 대화모임을 갖게 된 것이 효시가 되었다. 그러나 이 모임은 여러 가지 어려움을 겪은 끝에 1986년 3월 아시아종교인평화회의 서울 총회를 계기로 국제종교기구와 유대관계를 갖으며 새롭게 출범하게 된다. 이곳의 설립이념은 종교인의 상호교류와 이해를 증진하며 이웃 종교 간의 공동과제를 연구, 실천하여 보다 나은 한국사회를 이룩하고 나아가 전 세계 종교인들과 긴밀한 협력을 통해 세계평화에 이바지하자는데 그 목적이 있다. 그러나 이번 정부가 들어서면서부터 종교편향 문제로 한국사회는 정부와 종교계 간의 갈등이 빚어와 왔고, 불교와 기독교간의 대립각은 계속 날카로워져서 대구 동화사 사건과 봉은사 땅 밟기 사건과 같은 종교 간의 갈등 사건들이 계속해서 돌출되고 있는 상황에서 우리나라를 대표하고 있는 7대 종단(한국민족종교협의회 포함)의 협의체로 구성되어진 KCRP의 역할이 더욱 절실히 촉구되는 시점에 와 있다고 보여 진다. 따라서 본 연구는 사회적으로 종교 간의 대화가 더욱 촉구되는 시점임을 간주하고 종교다원주의에 입각하여 종교연합운동을 실행하고 있는 KCRP를 연구대상으로 선정하여 종교 간 협력체제에서 발생되는 상황을 파악하기 위해 실무진들의 심층면접과 참여관찰로 연구 분석하였다. 그리고 먼저, 종단 간의 교리체계와 복잡한 이해관계에 따른 갈등의 다중적 양상을 분석하였다. 갈등의 다중적 양상의 내용은 다음과 같다. 첫째, 종교 간 대화에 대한 인식의 차이가 나타난다. 둘째, 협력 사업에 대한 목표의 차이가 있다. 셋째, 의사소통의 갈등을 겪는다. 넷째, 희소자원의 경쟁과 희소자원 부족문제를 해결하는 방법으로 정부의 지원금에 의존함에 따라 발생되는 문제가 있다. 다섯째, 메이저 종단과 마이너 종간 간의 헤게모니가 작용 된다 . 또한 이러한 갈등들이 있음에도 불구하고 종교연합운동이 파행되지 않고 계속 지속되는 작동기제가 무엇인지 알기 위해 종교연합운동을 지속가능하게 하는 영역들을 찾아보았다. 지속가능하게 하는 영역들은 다음과 같다. 첫째, 종교 간 공식적인 대화와 만남의 장소를 제공한다. 둘째, 사회적 공신력을 가지고 사회통합의 역할을 한다. 그리고 지도자 중심의 평등적 만장일치의 합의 구조를 가지며, 종단 간 함께하려는 배려와 양보의 정신을 갖고 있다. 셋째, 전통 고유의 정서인 체면 중시로 종단 간 서로 침해하지 않으려고 노력하며 적정선을 유지한다. 넷째, 갈등의 존속과 갈등해결의 의지가 있기 때문이다. 다섯째, 정부의 지원금으로 어려운 재정을 충당한다. 여섯째, 종교인의 사명을 실현할 수 있는 장이 된다. 일곱째, 공동의 목표인 인류 평화를 위한 협력 프로젝트를 실시한다. 따라서 종교연합운동의 갈등의 다중적 양상과 지속가능하게 하는 영역들을 분석하여 종교연합운동에 대한 이해와 역할을 살펴보고 종교 간의 갈등과 사회갈등을 해결방법으로 종교연합운동의 중요성과 역할을 강조하고자 한다. 핵심 주제어: 종교연합운동, 종교다원주의, 종교 간 갈등, 종교협력사업, 종교 간의 대화. The Korean Conference of Religions for Peace (KCRP) held its first meeting in 1965 and gathered religious leaders from six traditions: Protestantism, Buddhism, Won-Buddhism, Confucianism, Cheondogyo, and Catholicism. However, close to the end of experiencing numerous difficulties, and with the aid of the Seoul general meeting of the Asian Conference of Religions for Peace (ACRP) in March 1986, they started anew and which aimed at promoting religous dialogue among religious leaders and addressing joint issues, which they later implemented in order to create a Korean society that could move forward and colloborate with religious leaders from around the globe and bring about world peace. However, after the commencement of the newly elected government a bias towards religions emerged which inevitably led to conflict between the government and religions. Furthermore, the antagonism between Buddhism and Christianity escalated and bitter disputes between the two groups ensued with led to the disastrous incidents at the Daegu Donghwa Temple and the Bong Eun Temple. These events were both indicators that the role of the KCRP was vital and a necessary step for the seven religions(including South Korea tradition Religious Council) to come together and discuss pertinent issues that face Korean society. Accordingly, KCRP which has recognized the social importance of today's interreligious dialogues and has been conducting Religious United Movement on the basis of religious pluralism is selected as the subject of this study, and the problems arising out of interreligious cooperation system are studied and analyzed through in-depth interviews with KCRP's working staff and participant observations. At first, multi-conditional aspect of conflicts arising out of dogmatic systems and complexity of interests is analyzed. The contents of the multi-conditional aspect of conflicts are as follows: First, there appears perception gap on interreligious dialogues; Second, there is disagreement on goals of cooperation projects; Third, there are problems in communication; Fourth, there are problems arising out of reliance on government subsidies to solve the problems of competition for and lack of rare resources; Fifth, there is strife over hegemony among major religions and minor religions. Then, areas which make the Religious United Movement sustainable are searched to find out what working mechanism sustains the Religious United Movement despite the existence of such conflicts. Such areas are as follows: First, the movement provides a place for official interreligious dialogues and meetings; Second, it plays the role of social integration with social trust, has the structure of egalitarian consensus agreement centered around leaders and has the spirit of care and concession for all religions to work together; Third, all religions endeavor not to interfere with each other attaching great importance to face-saving which is a traditional sentiment and keep the proper lines; Fourth, there is a will for resolution of conflict despite continuance of conflict; Fifth, financial needs are met with government subsidies; Sixth, the movement provides a place where the mission of religious people can be dealt with; Seventh, cooperation projects are conducted for peace of mankind which is the common goal of all religions. Thus, this study analyzes the multi-conditional aspect of the conflict of Religious United Movement and its sustaining areas, looks into the role of the movement, and emphasizes the importance and role of the movement as a method to resolve interreligious conflict and social conflict. Key words: Religious United Movement, religious pluralism, interreligious conflict, interreligious cooperation projects, interreligious dialogues

      • 아조 및 이민계의 새로운 이량체 액정 화합물의 합성

        김화종 韓南大學校 大學院 2003 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        두 시리즈의 굽은 이량체 액정은 메소겐(azo와 imine) 사이에 2-hydroxy-1,3-oxypropylene-oxy 유연격자을 포함하여 합성되었다. 또한 이들 시리즈의 액정성은 메소겐 말단사슬의 길이를 변화시켜 조사하였다. 아조시리즈는 아조기를 가지는 페놀화합물과 에피클로로히드린과의 반응을 통해 얻었고, 이민 시리즈는 아민 화합물과 디알데히드와의 반응을 통해 합성하였다. 각 반응 단계별 얻어진 중간 화합물들은 FT-IR, 1H-NMR 스펙트럼 등으로 구조를 확인하였으며, 최종 화합물들도 FT-IR, 1H-NMR 스펙트럼 등으로 구조를 확인하였다. 이들 화합물들에 대한 열적성질과 액정성은 DSC와 편광 현미경을 이용하여 조사하였다. An-2(아조) 시리즈에서는, 말단 사슬이 노닐옥시나 헵틸옥시인 경우 광학 조직과 DSC 실험을 통해 양방성 SmC 상임을 확인하였다. 그러나 펜틸옥시를 말단 사슬로 갖는 A5-2 경우에는 광학 조직과 DSC 실험을 통해 양방성 SmC 상이 관찰되지 않았다. Snp(이민) 시리즈 또한, 말단 사슬이 노닐옥시나 헵틸옥시인 경우 광학 조직과 DSC 실험을 통해 양방성 SmA 상임을 확인하였다. 그러나 펜틸옥시를 말단 사슬로 갖는 S5p 경우에는 광학 조직과 DSC 실험을 통해 양방성 SmA 상이 관찰되지 않았다. Two series of bended liquid crystal dimers were synthesized, whose structures were containing 2-hydroxy-1,3-oxypropyleneoxy flexible spacer between mesogens (azo and imine group). Also, the liquid crystalling properties in regard to the length changes of the terminal chains was investigated in this research. The Azo (An-2) series were prepared from epichlorohydrin and phenolic compounds containing azo group. Also the imine (Snp) series prepared from dialdehyde and amine compounds. The structure of compounds derived from each reaction step were confirmed using IR and NMR spectroscopy before the next reactions. The structure of the final products were also characterized using IR and NMR spectroscopy . The thermal properties and the liquid crystalline phases of these compounds were measured using the DSC and optical polarizing microscopy. Enantiotropic SmC phase were detected in the case of An-2 (azo) series with terminal nonyloxy (A9-2) and heptyloxy (A7-2) chains by the optical textures and DSC thermograms measurements at 143 and 153℃. in the case of imine series, enantiotropic SmA phase were shown too

      • 定期用船契約上 返船의 法的 爭點에 關한 硏究

        김화종 慶南大學校 2009 국내박사

        RANK : 247631

        선박의 이용형태 중 정기용선계약에 대하여는 업계가 자율적으로 제정한 세계적 전형약관에 의하여 법적 문제가 규율되고 있다. 이에는 NYPE가 1913년에 제정하여 1946년과 1993년에 개정한 NYPE서식이 있다. 또한 이 서식만큼 이용되지는 않고 있지만, 정기용선계약에 관한 판례도 많아 현재도 자주 이용되고 있는 BIMCO가 제정한 1939년 Baltime서식이 있는데 그 후 이 서식은 1950년, 1974년과 2001년에 각각 개정되었다. 이들 서식은 화물선용이지만 정기용선을 이해하는데 있어 단순한 표준서식이 아니라 정기용선을 정의하는 의미를 가지고 있다. 우리나라 상법에도 정기용선계약의 의의를 비롯하여 당사자 간 법률관계의 일부 주요사항에 대하여 규정하고 있다. 우리나라의 경우 정기용선에 관한 판례는 1990년에 처음 하급심판결이 나온 이래 정기용선계약의 성질, 선주 및 정기용선자의 지위, 재용선의 경우의 대외적 책임주체 등을 판단한 일련의 대법원판결이 나온 바 있다. 그런데 이들 판례가 취하고 있는 관점이 실무계에서의 보편적 인식이나 주요 외국에서의 처리방향과는 거리가 있어서 논의의 대상이 되고 있다. 정기용선계약에 관하여는 그 법적 성질에 관한 논의가 오랫동안 다양하게 전개되어 왔으나, 최근에는 사안에 따라 개별적·실질적 요소에 입각하여 합리적인 해결책을 모색하려는 움직임을 보이고 있으며, 더욱이 성질논의 자체가 불필요하다는 주장까지 제기되고 있다. 그러나 계약의 외부관계를 비롯한 다수의 법적 문제의 해결을 위한 통일적 지침이 필요하며, 법전상의 관련규정을 정비함에 있어서도 성질의 확정이 요구되는 부분이 있다. 이와 같은 관점에서 본 연구는 용선기간 중에서도 반선의 법적 쟁점에 대해 주로 영미법을 중심으로 분석하며 이를 위해 최종항해, 조기반선, 반선지연 등과 관련된 사례를 면밀히 분석하여 그 대응방안을 제시하는 것을 목적으로 하고 있다. The duration of a time charter is usually fixed in one of two ways. It may be agreed that the ship will be chartered for a particular period of time, say three months or a year. Alternatively, it may be agreed that the ship will be chartered for a particular voyage or series of voyages. Where parties agree that a ship will be chartered for a particular period, the charter does not automatically expire at the end of the agreed period. If the ship is still being employed in the charterers’ service when the agreed period comes to an end, then, other things being equal, the charter continues and charterers must continue to pay hire. However, the parties’ agreement that the ship will be chartered for a particular period gives rise to three implied obligations. First, the charterers are under a duty to redeliver the ship at the end of the charter period. That obligation has as its corollary that the charterers must not redeliver the ship any earlier than the end of the charter period, nor any later. Second, the charterers must ensure that their voyage orders are legitimate, meaning consistent with their obligation to redeliver the ship at the end of the charter period. That requires that the charterers only give orders that the ship can reasonably be expected to complete within the charter period. Voyage orders which the ship cannot reasonably be expected to perform without overrunning the charter period are illegitimate. Third, the owners have a corresponding duty to allow the ship to remain in the charterers’ employment until she has completed the charterers’ final legitimate voyage orders. However, before considering these duties further, the first matter to consider is the duration of the charter and how it is determined. Where the parties agree that a ship will be chartered for a period of time, they may agree either that she is to be chartered for a fixed period-such as “three months”-or that she is to be under charter for a variable period-such as “3-6 months” or “3 months, 15 days more or less”. In either case, the duration of the charter may be qualified by the word “about”. It is implicit in a time charter that the charterers are obliged to redeliver the ship at the end of the charter period. The corollary of this duty is that they are not entitled to redeliver the ship until the minimum period of the charter has elapsed, nor are they are entitled to redeliver after the maximum period of the charter. If the charterers purport to redeliver before they are entitled to do so, their conduct is a repudiation of the charter. In those circumstances, the owners have a choice. They may choose to accept the redelivery or they may refuse it. If they accept it, they bring the charter to an end. Their acceptance does not have to take any particular form. It is sufficient that their decision to bring the charter to an end is communicated to the charterers: for the general principles relating to acceptance of repudiatory breach. If the charterers redeliver the ship early, or if they repudiate the charter in some other way so that the charter is terminated before the end of the charter period, the proper approach to assessing damages involves comparing the owners’ position if the charter had been performed with their position following the termination. However, it is relevant whether there is an available market on which the ship can be re-chartered. If there is an available market, the owners’ position after the termination will generally be assessed by reference to that market: the owners will recover no more(and possibly no less) than if they had promptly re-chartered in the market. Where parties have agreed that the ship will be chartered for a period of time, the charterers are under an implicit duty to ensure that the ship is redelivered at the end of that period. In practice, that means that the charterers must ensure that the end of the ship’s final voyage under the charter coincides with the end of the charter period. Where the charterers fail to redeliver the ship at the end of the agreed charter period and the market rate of hire at that time exceeds the charter rate, the owners are entitled to damages compensating them for the loss of the opportunity to take advantage of the market rate during the period of the overrun. In addition to their duty to redeliver the ship at the end of the charter period, the charterers have an implicit duty to ensure that, during the course of the charter, they give only ‘legitimate’ voyage orders, that is to say, orders that the ship can reasonably be expected to complete in time to allow the ship to be redelivered, as required by the charter, within the charter period, including any express or implied margin. A voyage order which the ship cannot reasonably be expected to perform without overrunning the charter period is an ‘illegitimate’ order and the owners are entitled to refuse to perform it. Some charters make special provision, whether by a standard printed clause or by special addition, for what is to happen if the ship is still on her final voyage at the end of the charter period. A distinction must be drawn between two kinds of clause. On the one hand, there are clauses which protect the charterers from a liability in damages when a legitimate final voyage overruns the charter period-that is, when the ship is not redelivered on time even though, at the time that the charterers gave their final voyage orders, it was reasonably expected that the voyage would be completed within the period of the charter. On the other hand, their are clauses which render lawful orders for a final voyage which is not reasonably expected to be completed within the period of the charter. A clause of the latter kind in effect overrides the charterers’ duty to deliver the ship at the end of the agreed charter period. The purpose of this study aims to analyze the legal issues on the redelivery of the ship including concept of the period of the time charter.

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