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      • KCI등재

        자기 성찰적 글쓰기 방안 모색 연구

        김춘규(Kim, Chun-Gyu) 한국어문학회 2014 語文學 Vol.0 No.125

        A study on the Seeking self-reflective writing plan.(Centering on the writing to self-introduction) This paper, considering actual example, gropes for some way of class model at a college writing class. In order to lead learners from the stage of teacher-leading to that of self-leading in working out task, two way of teaching method are possible. These are self-reflection writing and writing instruction. The following is an confirmed out come through this paper. First, the self-reflexive writing goals and directions of the guidance through status and currently writing skills and their students" interest in, and self-confidence were studied. Furthermore, step-by-step problem-solving process of writing to guide the path was through the writing may inspire motivation. Moreover, to allow students what to do for yourself for specific disorders, were willing to express it. Communities and their appearance with a new perspective of looking back and reflect on a serious look like instrument made out his identity shall be able to establish considered. Second, the self-reflective writing through a specific teaching plan and teaching methods to improve writing skills problem. Self-reflexive writing goals and direction of the remedies set of detailed strategies to guide the activities of each stage, or the right of self-directed learners through dialogue technique that enables the writing stage. This allows to perform the critical reading and writing skills in the process of self -reflective writing might be improved, but also greatly reduces many of the capital of any specific degradation was confirmed. In other words, students can lead the class in a climate that was fully express their thoughts and you can express that instilled confidence. Measures proposed in this paper is the real teacher-learners in useful, and look forward to writing education has expanded deeper you want to finish the article.

      • KCI등재

        소설 창작 교육의 방법론 연구

        김춘규(Kim, Chun-gyu) 한국어문학회 2016 語文學 Vol.0 No.133

        This study suggests a teaching method to improve students" ability to create novels. For this study, a fiction writing course was planned and processed to develop students attitude toward fiction writing and to actually improve writing skills. First, creativeness and confidence of the learners need to be improved through collecting sentences from model novels. Through this step, teaching methods for improving writing skills can be established and developed in detail. Second, learners will improve expression skills with specific composition instructions while collecting sentences from the model novels, At the final step of this writing course, students reported that they realized problems in their own writings, and skills were actually improved to create "good writings", which will leave impressions on readers" mind. They also realized their desire to write fictions and got inspired by the effect of the writing activities. Moreover, they willingly showed their intention to try the writing plan that was proposed by the instructor during the course. The biggest benefit that a fiction writing course could harvest may be the communication effect between the students and the instructors. Through this course of writing consultation, examples of each type of sentences were collected, with which a solid methodology for teaching creating novels has been developed. This may be expected to be utilized for diagnosing and giving guidance to the learners of creating novels.

      • KCI등재

        일반논문 : 김원일 소설에 나타난 생태학적 담론에 관한 고찰 -『도요새에 관한 명상』을 중심으로-

        김춘규 ( Chun Gyu Kim ) 현대문학이론학회 2015 現代文學理論硏究 Vol.0 No.60

        오늘날 세계는 심각한 환경오염으로 인하여 인간과 인간이 속해 있는 생태계와의 정상적인 관계는 하루가 다르게 무너져 가고 있다. 지구 온난화, 오존층의 파괴, 수질오염, 생물 종의 감소와 같은 환경의 위기는 미래를 암울하게 한다. 인간의 생활환경을 향상시켰던 산업근대화는 이제 인간의 생명을 위협하고 있다. 이것은 산업근대화가 야기한 환경문제를 소홀하게 취급했기 때문에 발생된 것이다. 환경문제의 심각성은 그 파급효과가 총제적일 뿐만 아니라 그 수습에 엄청난 노력과 비용이 든다는 데 있다. 그에 따라 생태계와 인간성을 파괴하는 개발위주의 성장정책에 대한 생태학적 성찰을 하게 되었고, 그 해결을 모색하고자 환경생태문학이 등장하게 되었다. 본 연구의 목적은 김원일의 환경생태소설을 통해 생태문제가 소설 속에서 어떻게 발현되어 있고, 생태위기에 대해 어떤 대안을 제시하고 있는지를 환경생태문학의 관점에서 고찰한 것이다. 우선 본고는 생태문제가 발생하는 본질적인 원인에 접근하기 위해 소설 속 인물과 인물간의 구도를 분석하였다. 현대의 환경문제는 단순히 생태계의 파괴나 환경오염 문제라는 측면만이 있는 것이 아니다. 정치·경제·사회 문제와 맞물려있다. 계층구조와 억압의 관계를 환경문제와 결부시켜 생각하지 않으면 안 된다. 생태위기는 기존의 정치적·경제적·문화적 위기와는 다른 새로운 차원이 위기이다. 그것은 인간 생존에 관한 위기이며, 인간 행위의 총체적인 위기이다. 이에 본고는 김원일의 소설에 나타난 생태의식을 살펴봄으로써 환경생태소설의 개념을 정립해보고, 한국 환경생태소설의 환경생태학적 특성과 문학사적 의미를 고찰해 보고자 한다. Today the world is due to the serious environmental pollution and ecological relationship between humans and normal humans belong is going crumbling day by day. Global warming, destruction of the ozone layer, water pollution, the crisis of the environment, such as the reduction of the species will be bleak future. Industrial modernization that had improved the human living environment is now threatening the human life. This is caused because of neglect dealing with environmental issues that caused the industrial modernization. The seriousness of environmental problems is to have a total economic impact that Stepping, as well as the tremendous effort and cost to the probation. Thus came to an ecological insight into the development of growth-oriented policies that destroy ecosystems and humanity, environmental ecological literature to seek its solution emerged. The purpose of this study is, and how is it expressed in the novel ecological problems through novel ecological Kim Won-il, and how was investigated in terms of the ecological literature to see if they offer an alternative to the ecological crisis. First, this paper analyzed the composition between the people in the story and characters to gain access to the essential cause ecological problems you are experiencing. Modern environmental problems that can only destroy and not simply a problem of environmental pollution aspects of the ecosystem. Political, economic, and social issues are engaged. Must not think to relate the relationship betweenthe hierarchy and oppression and environmental issues. Ecological crisis of the existing political, economic and cultural crisis is a crisis and the other to a whole new level. It is a crisis of human survival, and overall risk of human behavior. This paper will try to establish the concept of ecological novel by examining the ecological consciousness of Kim Won-il appeared in the novel, the environment, ecology and environmental ecology fiction literature Historical Meaning of Korea and want to review.

      • KCI등재

        소설 창작 실습을 위한 수업 방안 연구

        김춘규 ( Chun-gyu Kim ) 현대문학이론학회 2015 現代文學理論硏究 Vol.0 No.62

        이 논문은 학습자들의 소설 창작 능력 향상을 위한 수업 방안에 대한 몇 가지 제안을 위해 기획되었다. 필자가 제안하는 수업 방안은, 기성작가의 작품 속 문장 채집과시점 활용을 통하여 학습자의 창작 능력과 자신감을 향상시키는 방안이다. 이를 세분화 하여, 1인칭 주인공 시점, 1인칭 관찰자 시점, 3인칭 관찰자 시점, 전지적 시점으로 나눴다. 끝으로 학습자에 대한 교수자 평가항목으로 정리해 보았다. 이는 소설 창작을할 때 나올 수 있는 부족한 부분을 보완할 수 있다. 이에 본 연구는 문장과 시점을 활용하여 소설 창작 교육에 연계함으로써 학습자 주도의 능동적인 창작활동을 유도하고, 창의력을 증진시킬 수 있는 가에 대해 논의하고자 한다. 또한 이러한 방향 설정은 소설 창작 수업이 교수자의 일방적인 교육학적 요구가 아니라 학습자와 다양한 통섭의 관계를 구축하는 일이 될 것이다. This paper was planned for some suggestions on teaching methods for enhancing creative skills of student fiction. The most basic one among problems that student encounter in student etude writing at the Department of Creative Writing is related to their basic skills and fluency skills in sentence. This granularity, first-person protagonist point, first-person observer point, the third-person observer point, shared by omniscient point. And lastly, it equips students with advanced sentence skills as well as an active and creative attitude toward novel writing. This study utilizes a sentence and the point of View writing induce active student-driven education by linking the novel creation, and arrangement which composes the sentences in literary works. This orientation will also be to build relationships, not one-sided consilience learners with a variety of pedagogical needs of creative fiction class instructor.

      • KCI등재

        문학 텍스트로서의 공간 연구 - 이청준 작품을 중심으로 -

        김춘규 ( Kim Chun-gyu ) 한민족어문학회 2017 韓民族語文學 Vol.0 No.75

        소설은 일반적으로 서술, 대화, 묘사 등 세 가지의 상이한 보고 양식을 사용한다. 이중 서사의 독립 부분이 공간에 대한 정보 제시에 집중할 때, 그것을 묘사라고 한다. 공간의 묘사는 작가가 세계에 대하여 갖는 관심의 정도와 그 관심의 질을 나타내 보인다고 할 수 있다. 이때 인간은 한 공간으로부터 도피하기도 하고, 그 공간으로 숨어들기도 한다. 더러는 그 공간을 통해서 자기 인식에 도달하기도 한다. 따라서 엄격한 의미에 있어서 소설의 공간은 은유적이며 상징적이다. 그리고 소설에서 공간의 전개는 두 가지 고찰을 포함한다. 첫 번째는 텍스트의 형식적 구성물로서 공간의 사용이고, 두 번째는 텍스트를 읽는 비평 방법으로서의 공간의 본질이다. 본고에서 다룰 문학 텍스트로서의 공간 연구는 특정 인물이 지각하고 반응하는 공간의 양상이다. 아울러 소설에는 물리적 배경으로서의 공간뿐만 아니라 화자의 서사 공간, 작중인물의 의식적 공간, 삶의 배경으로서의 공간, 운명의 공간 등 다양한 차원의 공간을 상정할 수 있다. 공간은 공간이 지닌 의미나 상징을 통해서 2차적으로 느껴지는 심리적·상징적 의미를 지닌다. 본고에서는 이청준 소설에 나타난 문학 텍스트로서의 삶의 공간에 초점을 맞추어 논의 할 것이다. Novels generally use three different forms of reporting: narrative, dialogue, and description. When the independent part of the narrative focuses on presenting information about space, it is called a description. The portrayal of space shows the degree of interest and interest of the artist in the world. At this time, humans escape from one space and hide in that space. Some even reach their perception through the space. Thus, in the strict sense, the novel space is metaphorical and symbolic. And the development of space in the novel involves two considerations. The first is the use of space as a formal construct of text, and the second is the essence of space as a criticism of reading text. The study of space as literary text to be discussed in this paper is the aspect of space in which a specific person perceives and reacts. In addition, novels can assume spaces (fate, poverty, sea) in various dimensions such as narrative spaces of narrators and conscious spaces of narratives, not just spaces as physical backgrounds. Space has a psychological and symbolic meaning that can be felt secondary through the meaning or symbol of space. The text of Lee Chung-jun`s literature to be discussed in this paper will focus on `space of destiny, sea, literature and text`.

      • KCI등재

        소설 창작 교육의 효과적인 방법론 모색

        김춘규 ( Kim Chun-gyu ) 한민족어문학회 2020 韓民族語文學 Vol.0 No.87

        이 논문은 소설 창작 교육의 효과적인 방법론에 대해 방안을 모색해 보았다. 이는 소설 창작 교육의 변화와 동향, 텍스트 읽기와 소설 창작 교육의 통합 방안, 소설 창작 활성화를 위한 책 만들기 프로그램을 통해 창작 교육의 방향성을 연구하였다. 더구나 창작 과정에서, 직·간접적으로 읽었던 다양한 텍스트가 글쓰기에 영향을 끼친다는 점은 여러 연구자가 공동으로 지적하고 있다. 본 연구에서 주안점을 둔 것은 텍스트 읽기와 소설 창작 교육의 통합 방안, 그리고 책 만들기 프로그램이다. 이 프로그램의 목적은 학습자에게 무엇인가를 창작할 수 있는 존재임을 깨닫게 하고, 장차 자신의 책을 출간할 수 있는 능력과 태도를 길러주기 위함이다. 따라서 이 프로그램의 시작은 학습자의 관심, 흥미와 연관된 주제를 스스로 선정하여 소설 창작을 해보는 것이다. 그러기 위해 텍스트 읽기와 창작 과정을 단계별로 지도하는 과정을 상세하게 기술하였다. 또한 책 만들기 프로그램은 교수자와 학습자의 협동수업으로 진행하기에 적절하다. 이 프로그램의 최종 목표는 텍스트를 읽고 분석하는 능력을 기르고 좀 더 구체적인 방법으로 소설 작품을 완성하는 것이다. 따라서 소설 창작 교육의 효과적인 방법론 모색은 책 만들기 프로그램과 창작 방법을 구체적으로 도와주는 방안이 될 것이다. The purpose of this study was to identify paths toward developing an effective methodology for novel creation education. This study explored the direction of creative education through changes and trends in novel creative education, an integrated plan for reading text and novel creative education, and a book-making program to promote novel creation. Also, several researchers have noted that various texts read directly or indirectly in the creative process influence writing. This study focused on integrating text reading, novel creation education, and book-making programs. This goal of this program was to enable learners to realize that they can create something, and develop the ability and attitude to self-publish books in the future. Thus, learners can create novels by selecting subjects related to their interests. To this end, the process of teaching text reading in creative step by step fashion is described in detail. Additionally, the book-making program is suitable for proceeding as a collaborative class of instructors and learners. The final goal of the program is to develop the ability to read and analyze text and to complete novels in more specific ways. Thus, the search for effective methodology in novel creation education will be a path towards facilitating the book-making program and creative methods in detail.

      • KCI등재

        한승원 소설에 나타난 생태학적 양상 고찰

        김춘규(Kim, Chun-Gyu) 문학과환경학회 2013 문학과 환경 Vol.12 No.2

        In「Bull Frog」?『Lotus Sea』, Han Seungwon has warned the devastation of rural communities and the extinction of life by industrial modernization. Loss of Amenity of the natural environment, tourism and resort industry in the metaphysical aspects of environmental issues by depicting lotus, especially the sea accuse environmental issues. Rural society is no exception. Day by day, ecosystems and in human and part of a normal relationship due to the severe environmental pollution is being crushed. As humans awake the normal relationship of the ecosystem and human, they will not be able to live on the planet. The awareness of ecological consciousness is an urgent task. This awakening may improve the living environment of human industrial modernization and the threat to human life. The awareness about human nature and human beings ‘life’ as a spider’s web of connections will yield the following results: the recovery of organic relationship, forming interdependent relationships. Today, environmental issues, growth and development of capitalism, and that link is based on the expansion of the awareness of environmental issues, environmental changes, the ecological literature. These new perspectives bear literary significance in the history of the implementation of the development of new ecological consciousness and aesthetics to be shaped in future.

      • KCI등재

        조세희 소설에 나타난 사회생태학적 담론에 관한 고찰

        김춘규 ( Chun Gyu Kim ) 한민족어문학회 2015 韓民族語文學 Vol.0 No.70

        본고에서는 조세희 작품을 논의의 대상으로 삼아 그의 작품에 나타난 사회생태학적 의식을 고찰해 보고자 한다. 물론, 사회생태학을 보는 시각은 다양하다. 산업근대화의 부산물로 대두된 생태문제에 문학적 대응으로 출현한 생태문학을 두고 생태지향, 사회생태, 환경, 녹색, 생명, 환경생태, 생태주의 등 여러 가지 관점에서 연구되어 왔다. 본고에서는 ‘사회생태학’에 초점을 맞추어 난쟁이로 상징되는 소외계층과 환경파괴에 대한 비판적성찰로서의 사회생태학, 오염된 공간과 대안사회를 위한 제언까지 논의하고자 한다. 더하여 조세희의 소설을 통해 사회생태 문제가 소설 속에서 어떻게 발현되어 있고, 사회생태 위기에 대해 어떤 대안을 제시하고 있는지를 고찰할 것이다. 우선 사회생태문제가 발생하는 본질적인 원인에 접근하기 위해 소설 속 인물과 인물간의 구도를 분석하였다. 조세희는 그의 작품에서 ‘난쟁이’로 상징화 된 소외계층과 그 반대편에 위치한 지배계층의 대립을 통해 1970년대 한국 사회의 불평등 구조를 해부하고 있다. 이에 본고는 조세희의 소설에 나타난 생태 의식을 살펴봄으로써 사회생태 소설의 특성과 문학사적 의미를 고찰해보고자 한다. In this paper, the subject of discussion in Jo se-hee work to review and evaluate the ecological and social awareness shown in his work. Of course, looking at the ecological perspective varies. The ecological problems that emerged as a by-product of industrial modernization with the ecological literature emerged as a literary response ecology-oriented, social ecology, environmental,environment,ecology,environmentalism, such as the research literature from various perspectives It came. In this paper, we discuss the problem to the hierarchy, including inhuman treatment of the capitalists and the working conditions of workers in the workplace, focusing on disadvantaged and environmental destruction symbolized by the dwarf, as well as social ecology literature. In addition to ecological and social problems through social ecology Jo se-hee’s novel it is how the expression in the novel, will examine society from the standpoint of presenting some alternatives and that the social ecology literature about the ecological crisis. This paper is a review year to evaluate the nature and meaning of social ecology fiction historical literature by examining the social ecology of Consciousness in the Fiction jo se-hee.

      • KCI등재

        한국 해양소설에 나타난 서사 연구 - 한승원 작품을 중심으로

        김춘규 ( Kim Chun-gyu ) 한국문예창작학회 2008 한국문예창작 Vol.7 No.1

        Assuming sea literature as a type of literature pursuing the universality, this study denies the relativism comparing it with land literature and the approach overemphasizing experience in the sea. The main focus of this study is on the meanings of sea described in modern novels. The purpose of this study aims to establish the concept of ‘Sea Literature’ and to improve an acceptability of text through elucidating a narrative property of ‘Sea Novel’. The results of this study are as follows. 1. More sea works should be found out and studied. The sea literature is an unexplored field of research than any other literature fields in Korea. To solve this problem, we should read each work from land perspective but from sea perspective. 2. We need the deepening of the sea literature methodology. It means to overcome the prejudice that considers the sea as only a direct subject. 3. Along with the deepening of methodology, interdiciplinary studies are required. This sea science field as well as the sea literature field, could be considered. The oceanography which is a synthetic science should be discussed actively in order to enlarge the creative field of literature. Futhermore, it is worth to try to colaborate various fields such as the philosophy on the sea, the history of sea literature, the comparative sea literature, ect. 4. The space cognition appeared in Sea Novel is connected with the social situation of the contemporary period. In this context, the author examined the space cognition in Sea Novel according to the deviation and the dailiness. The deviant space cognition in Sea Novel according to the deviation and the dailiness. The deviant space cognition in Sea Novel appeared as the fear and death and the escape and relief. And the daily space cognition have been described as the workplace and the contracted society. 5. The author inquired how writers make the good use of sea space and life on the sea to write novel on the viewpoint of narrative strategy. The results are as follows; 1) The narrative strategy based on the sea space could be categorized as navigation type and sea information type. 6. Although this paper could not account for the characteristics of narrative in sea novel with perfect, the author might succeeded in giving more reasonable explanation for the concrete concept of Sea Literature, sea writers’ cognition on the sea space and those narrative strategy than conventional theory.

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