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      • 거문고 창작곡 “유년의 여름” 분석 연구

        김준엽 전북대학교 대학원 2010 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        A geomungo duet with piri, called "Summer in Childhood", created by Yun Hwa-Jung, consisted of three movements. This study analyzed each movement in terms of form․melody, expression technique․rhythm, and beat, and finally the following results were obtained. First, the first movement, 'Sky' was slow quadruple beat music of 󰁜=50 and consisted of a total of 44 phrases. They were divided into three paragraphs according to the changes of melody. In the first paragraph(the 1st∼12th phrase), theme melody which was repeated most in the whole movement appeared and was performed by a geomungo solo. In the second movement(the 13th∼28th phrase), different theme melody was developed from the theme melody of the first paragraph and piri was played to a geomungo accompaniment. In the final paragraph(the 29th∼44th phrase), the main melody of geomungo played in the first paragraph replayed by piri. Geomungo played a role of accompaniment and sometimes played main melody. By using a tie of geomungo, phrases were not divided and the interlude of geomungo was performed to the maximum. Second, the second movement, 'Play' consisted of a total of 80 phrases and was divided into three paragraphs according to tempo and rhythm. The first paragraph(the 45th∼79th phrase) was Eotmori rhythm with tempo of ♪=180. Geomungo was developed in connection with the theme melody of the first movement through rhythm transformation and performed by Eotmori rhythm and various tones. Piri was played with rhythm division. In the second paragraph(the 80th∼92nd phrase), the melody of a traditional nursery rhyme, called "Toad, Toad∼", appeared. Geomungo and piri were played alternately and the quadruple beat music of 󰁜 was divided into four triple beats for phrases to go to quick Eotmori rhythm. The final paragraph(the 93rd∼124th phrase) was very quick Eotmori rhythm(tempo of ♪=230) with a variation to Gyemyeon melody using theme melody of main tone of eb(la), the acciacatra from gb(do) to f(si), and vibrato of bb(mi) which contrasted with the first paragraph and was played vividly and lively. Eotmori rhythm was used for 10/8 beat and various main rhythms of Eotmori rhythm of geomungo appeared 28 times. Finally, the third movement, 'Home-coming' consisted of a total of 78 phrases and was divided into three paragraphs. The first paragraph(the 125th∼183rd phrase) was Taryeong rhythm(tempo of 󰁜=65). The theme melody of the first paragraph was emphasized by adding the theme melody of the first movement to Taryeong rhythm, and Gyemyeon technique was played by using acciacatra of gb(do) → f(si) to maximize the dissimulation of Taryeong rhythm. Furthermore, musical tension was given by rising accidental notations to a half tone and tension was maximized in the geomungo solo by using the highest tones of geomungo, gb(do) and f(si). By repeatedly playing triple and duple beats with an eight note, magnificent sound effects were given and tension reached the climax to go to piri cadenza. In the second paragraph(the 184th∼190th phrase), piri cadenza was played and a performer played optionally with reference to the score. The third paragraph(the 191st∼202nd phrase) replayed the theme melody of the first movement but was not boring because it used the last part of theme melody first and was finished by playing it repeatedly. Taryeong rhythm was used for 12/8 beat and various main rhythms of Taryeong rhythm of geomungo appeared 28 times. Based on this result, it is expected that the detailed analysis of a geomungo duet called "Summer in Childhood" will contribute to creative activity by providing information on playing, appreciation, and methods to use the structure of geomungo.

      • 공기식 태양광/열 집열기 내 공기 유동 조건과 반원 저항체 형상조건에 따른 열전달 성능 평가

        김준엽 부경대학교 대학원 2023 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        Today, our convenient lives are based on the abundant energy produced by various machines and fossil fuels. However, the exhaustion of fossil fuels is just around the corner, and the transition to renewable energy is taking place. Among them, photovoltaic(PV) power generation has improved costs from hundreds to thousands of times since 1970, compared with the underlying energy industry of all other resources. PV power generation emerges as a representative player for new and renewable energy, and its demand also tends to increase. However, in the existing PV modules, natural heat generated during the power generation process causes a rise in module temperature, which also lowers power generation efficiency. Research was conducted on photovoltaic/thermal(PV/T) collectors that use waste heat by using heat generated during power generation as heating and hot water while increasing power generation efficiency. The PV/T collector is divided into an air-type PV/T and a liquid-type PV/T collector depending on the type of heat fluid. Air-type PV/T collectors have a lower heat recovery rate than liquid-type collectors. Therefore, in this study, semicircular turbulence promoters were attached to the back of the PV cell to improve the heat recovery rate. Based on computational fluid dynamics, the heat-transfer performance and pressure drop were evaluated by changing the Reynolds number (Re) and semicircular turbulence promoter shape conditions. The turbulence promoter shape conditions include the relative height and relative pitch of the turbulence promoter. In addition, the increasing ratio, which means an increase in height of the turbulence promoter in the direction of flowing air, the length of the turbulence promoter, and the distance between the turbulence promoters were considered as design parameters. Consequently, the heat transfer performance increased with a decrease in relative height of turbulence promoter, while the pressure drop increased with an increase in relative height of turbulence promoter. Also, both the heat transfer performance and pressure drop show better performance as the increasing ratio of turbulence promoter decreased. The thermos-hydraulic performance parameter considering both the heat transfer performance and pressure drop presented the maximum value of 1.92 for the relative height of 0.02, increasing ratio of 1.

      • 보험금 지급의무의 법적 쟁점에 관한 연구 : 자살보험금 사건을 중심으로

        김준엽 忠南大學校 大學院 2018 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        ABSTRACT A Study on Legal Analysis on Payment Obligation of Insurance Compensation - Focused on Suicide Insurance Compensation- Jun-Yuop Kim Department of Intellectual Property Law, Graduate School Chungnam National University There have been numerous studies on suicide-related insurance cases; however, a clear answer to the question of whether insurance companies would settle claims made after the exemption period in respect of policyholders whose deaths resulted from suicide has yet to be provided. In this paper, the requirements necessary in order to oblige insurance companies to settle suicide claims made after the exemption period will be clarified. Insurance companies inserted a clause for suicide indemnity limitation which has been supposed to be only applied to a contract agreement for disaster death accidently. Consequently, disputes over the payment of suicide benefits arose. Suicide indemnity limitations can be categorized into five different types according to the terms and conditions of an insurance policy. Depending on the type of suicide indemnity limitation, the Supreme Court's rulings have differed. This paper, therefore, examined the controversial issues surrounding the Supreme Court’s verdict in case 2015Da243347 delivered on May 12, 2016. Based on the investigation, this paper suggested compensation requirements for the settlement of insurance claims that concern death resulting from suicide. An active discussion on improving the statute of limitations for suicide insurance claims is ongoing, and a number of proposals for legislation have been suggested. The period of extinctive prescription, the starting-point of extinctive prescription, and the reasons for interruption were investigated to determine whether the statute of limitations policy for insurance claims needs to be improved. Because the statute of limitations extends beyond rights relating to insurance compensation claims, until a comprehensive review has been undertaken, partial improvements could be implemented concerning the suspension and the stopping of extinctive prescription. Keywords: suicide insurance compensation, obligation to pay insurance benefits, indemnity clause, insurance compensation for death resulting from suicide, suicide indemnity limitation, extinctive prescription

      • 공동주택 소형열병합발전시스템 효율성 향상을 위한 개선방안에 관한 연구

        김준엽 한양대학교 공학대학원 2017 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        전 세계에 에너지 절약 및 지구온난화 방지를 위해 많은 연구와 시도가 이루어지고 있으며, 신재생에너지의 지속적인 연구개발로 자연을 이용한 발전설비인 태양열, 지열, 수력, 풍력 등으로 에너지 절감 및 지구온난화를 위한 이산화탄소 저감을 이루어지고 있다. 에너지 절약 및 온실가스 저감을 위한 대체에너지로 소형열병합발전 시스템이 보급되었다. 소형열병합발전 시스템은 외부 전력회사의 전기을 의존하지 않고 자체 발전을 이용하여 전기를 생산한 후 배출되는 폐열을 회수하여 이용하는 방식으로 고효율 에너지 이용기술이다. 해당 연구는 고효율 에너지 이용기술인 소형열병합발전설비에 국내외 보급현황파악 및 국내 만족도 조사결과를 분석결과 문제점 발견하였다. 공동주택의 소형열병합 시스템의 가장불만족이 에너지비용효율 저하에 따른 운영상의 문제점을 발견하게 되었다. 이는 전력비용의 정책적 요금인상을 제한반면, 주연료인 천연가스요금은 환율에 따른 인상폭이 좌우되면서 2000년도 초반 보다 2배정도 인상된 요금으로 설치 시점에 투자회수율이 길어지며 민원이 발생되고 있다. 또한, 시스템 국내 공동주택 소형열병합발전 운영사례조사검토결과 전문운영관리 되지 않아 에너지 효율이 더 저하되고 있는 실정이다. 이러한 에너지 효율저하를 높이는 방안 및 운영시 문제점의 해결하기 위한 방안으로 운영관리시스템화 하여야 한다고 판단된다. 운영관리시스템 사용전후 보면 에너지 비용효율이 연간 11%정도 차이 보여 주고 있다. 이는 운영시스템화 적용하여 에너지비용효율은 높아지는 것이 기존 설치된 소형열병합발전시스템의 활용률을 높일수 있을 것으로 판단된다. 난방 열수요와 전기사용 수요시간의 다른 패턴의 대안으로 전기 에너지 저장시스템(ESS)을 제시하였으며, 또한 지구온난화 방지를 위한 정책으로 소형열병합발전시스템은 발전가능이 가장 높은 시스템중하나이다. 투자비 부담을 줄여줄 수 있는 대안으로 에너지 비용효율을 높일 수 있도록 열병합발전에 대한 가스요금은 현재 전기요금(1kwh/147원기준)대비 1N㎥/500원까지 인하가 필요하다. 고효율 에너지 이용기술인 소형열병합발전설비를 기존설치시설은 에너지 비용효율을 높여 사용자의 비용절감율 높일 때 더욱 활성화 되리라 생각한다. 설계 검토시 무리한 투자로 인한 사용자 부담을 주는 일이 없기를 바라며, 정부정책도 일관성 있게 투자해주어, 고효율 에너지 기술이 활성화 될 수 있도록 지원을 바랍니다.

      • 人保險約款의 解釋原則과 保險者의 說明義務에 관한 硏究

        김준엽 忠南大學校 大學院 2021 국내박사

        RANK : 247631

        이 연구에서는 보험약관의 해석원칙과 보험자의 설명의무와 관련하여 논란이 많았던 최근의 사건들에 대해 검토하였다. 자살보험금 사건, 코로나-19의 재해해당 여부, 유암종 사건, 즉시연금 사건, 갑상선 전이암 사건이 그것이다. 이들 사건을 검토한 결과 드러난 문제점은 다음과 같다. 약관의 해석원칙에 대한 명확한 규정이 없다. 우리 대법원은 신의성실의 원칙, 객관적 해석의 원칙 등 약관해석의 원칙을 적용하여 해석을 거친 후에도 약관조항이 불명확할 경우에만 작성자불이익의 원칙을 적용하고 있다. 그런데 최근의 사례를 보면 다른 약관해석의 원칙에 따라 합리적인 해석이 가능한 경우에도 무리하게 작성자불이익의 원칙을 적용하려는 경향이 있다. 보험약관의 합리적인 해석을 위하여 상법에 약관해석의 원칙을 규정할 필요성이 있으므로 이를 위한 상법개정의견을 제시하였다. 불합리한 보험약관을 합리적으로 개정하더라도 개정 전 약관에 소급하여 적용되지는 않는다. 그러므로 약관개정 이후에도 기존 약관에 의해 체결된 보험계약들에 있어서는 불합리한 현상이 지속되게 된다. 또한 보험약관의 해석이 쟁점인 동일한 유형의 사건에 대해서 법원의 최종적인 판단이 내려진 경우에 이를 일괄적으로 적용할 수 있는 법적 장치를 마련할 필요가 있다. 그리고 약관의 해석에 대한 법원의 최종 판단이 내려진 후에도 보험금청구권 소멸시효로 인해 판결이 적용될 수 없는 문제도 해결할 필요가 있다. 이러한 문제들은 보험업법에 규정되어 있는 금융위원회의 기초서류에 대한 명령권 조항을 일부 개정함으로써 해결할 수 있다. 이를 위한 보험업법 개정의견을 제안하였다. 최신 정보통신기술을 활용하여 보험약관의 이해도가 제고되고 중요한 내용의 설명이 가능한 환경이 조성되고 있다. 이에 따라 현재의 청약철회기간을 조정하여 보험소비자가 제공된 설명 자료를 충분히 검토할 시간을 부여할 필요가 있다. 보험소비자가 주요내용에 대한 설명을 충분히 검토할 수 있는 시간을 부여할 수 있도록 하는 금융소비자보호법과 약관 개정의견을 제안하였다. This paper is an in-depth study on recent controversial cases involving the interpretation principle of insurance policies and insurer's duty to disclose terms and conditions. These cases centered on insurance compensation claims concerning suicide, Covid-19, carcinoid tumors, thyroid metastatic cancer, and immediate annuities. The results of the investigation found no clear application of the interpretation principle regarding a policy's terms and conditions. The Supreme Court in South Korea applies the contra proferentem rule when insurance clauses are ambiguous, even after the interpretation principle has been invoked observing the principle of good faith and objective interpretation. However, the contra proferentem rule tends to be enforced in some cases despite rational interpretation being possible according to the other terms and conditions in the interpreting principle. Stating the interpreting principle of terms and conditions in a commercial contract is necessary for rational interpretation. This leads to commercial law revision. Even if an insurance policy is reasonably amended, the subsequent amendment is not retroactively applicable to the prior terms and conditions. Consequently, legal disputes arise when insurance contracts are concluded according to their existing terms and conditions even after an amendment. In addition, it is necessary to establish a legal precedent to apply the final judgment of the court to similar disputes in which the interpretation of insurance terms is an issue. Also, there is a need to address the issue of when a judgement cannot be delivered due to the insurance claim and extinctive prescription, even after the court's final ruling on the interpretation of the terms and conditions. These problems can be solved by a minor amendment to the provisions of the order right in the basic documents of the Financial Services Commission as prescribed in the Insurance Business Act. For this purpose, this paper suggests revising the Insurance Business Act. This would improve comprehension of insurance terms and conditions, and important contents could be sent to the necessary parties by utilizing the latest information and communication technology. Accordingly, it is necessary to extend the current insurance contract withdrawal period to allow policyholders sufficient time to review the main contents of agreements. To realize this, a revision of the Financial Consumer Protection Act is proposed in this paper. These problems can be solved by partially amending the provisions of the order right to the basic documents of the Financial Services Commission as prescribed in the Insurance Industry Act. For this purpose, this paper suggests to revise the Insurance Industry Act. Comprehension of insurance terms and conditions would be improved, and important contents could be sent to the necessary parties by utilizing the latest information and communication technology. Accordingly, it is necessary to adjust the current subscription withdrawal period to allow insurance consumers to sufficiently review the explanatory date provided. This paper proposes an option on the revision of the Financial Consumer Protection Act and its terms and conditions, allowing insurance consumers to have time for going through the main contents.

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