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        高麗 仁宗代 '維新政治'와 『三國史記』

        김정권(Kim Jeong Gwon) 한국사학사학회 2014 韓國史學史學報 Vol.0 No.30

        고려 인종대 개혁정치라고 할 수 있는 '維新政治'와 그 직후에 편찬된 『三國史記』는 개연성이 크다고 할 수 있다. 사실 고려사회에 구축된 儒敎의 진지들은 견고했다고 할 수 있다. 다시 말해 권력적 장치로써 유교가 고려사회에 펼치는 그 위력은 참으로 가공할 만했다. 그런데 유교의 이념적 정체성은 他者에 대한 '구별짓기'와 배제를 만들어 낸다. 특히 그것에 기반하고 있는 君主論은 국가나 사회를 동질적이고 통일된 역사적 시간의 틀로 파악한다. '維新政治'는 그러한 성격을 가장 극적으로 보여 주는 역사다. 그런 면에서 보면 儒敎의 사회적인 시간구조는 '확산'이라는 메커니즘으로 작동한다. 곧 유교가 지배의 거울이 된다. 따라서 중국의 상고시대에 대한 그리움은 고려 정치사회의 절박한 과제였다. 당시 정치인들은 '중국의 고대는 이러 이러 했는데, 지금 고려의 정치사회는 엉망이다'라고 인식하고, 그 이상을 따라가기 위해서는, 우리의 고유한 과거 속에서 중국 三代와 같은 극적 요소들을 찾아내려고 했을 것이다. 따라서 儒敎는 고려에서 선대왕이었던 '太祖와 文宗의 나라'를 발견하는 중요한 지렛대가 된다. 결국 김부식은 『三國史記』를 써서 고려도 중국의 三代처럼 되어야 한다고 주장한다. 아울러 김부식은 결국 군주를 위한다하면서도 군주를 제한할 수밖에 없었다. 결국 유교로써 상충적이고도 양극적인 메카니즘을 탄생시키는 것이다. 김부식은 타자로 척결된 親王論者인 묘청을 미워하면서 결국 묘청을 배워간다. 서로를 타자화 하는 정치적 대립구도에도 불구하고, 김부식과 묘청은 維新政治라는, 儒敎政治라는, 親王論者라는 儒敎政治의 연쇄 고리로 한데 묶여 소통했던 것이다. 따라서 역사 논쟁의 텍스트인 『三國史記』는 그 자체에 대한 실증적 이해를 넘어서, 또 다른 정치적인 해석의 여지를 가질 수 있다. There is a clear probability between 'Yushin politics' and 『Samguk Sagi』 born shortly after it during the reign of Injong of the Goryeo Dynasty. In fact, the strongholds of Confucianism built in the Goryeo society can be said to be robust. In other words, the power of 'Confucianism' as an authoritative tool exercised over the Goryeo society is really fearful. By the way, the ideological identity of Confucianism produces 'distinction' and exclusion for others. In particular, autocracy based on it identifies the development narrative of the country and society as the framework of homogeneous and uniform historical time. 'Yushin politics' during the reign of Injong of the Goryeo Dynasty is the history demonstrating such nature the most dramatically. In that sense, the social time structure of Confucianism acts as the mechanism of "spreading". Confucianism becomes a mirror of the ruling. The longing for ancient times in China, indeed, was a imminent challenge of the Goryeo political society. Recognizing 'This was the way things of the ancient times in China were but the political society of Goryeo is a chaos' through the conventional self-diagnosis, it becomes a major challenge to find and develop the elements of advancement like Three States in our unique past. Therefore, the ideological identity of Confucianism is an important lever to discover the country of 'Taejo' and 'Munjong' in our past. Eventually, Kim Bu-sik claims that we can be like ancient Three States in China in his book 『Samguk Sagi』. In addition, though in favor of a monarch, Kim Bu-sik could not help limiting the monarch after all. Finally, the conflicting and bipolar mechanism is born in Confucianism politics in the Goryeo Dynasty. While hating Myocheong, a pro-king theorist eradicated as the other, Kim Bu-sik learns him after all. Despite the political confrontation of othernizing each other, Kim Bu-sik and Myocheong were tied together with a chain ring of Confucian, 'Yushin politics', Confucian politics related to the power of king and communicated each other. Thus, 『Samguk Sagi』, the text of historical controversy requires an understanding of the political landscape in the middle of the Goryeo Dynasty when the text has been placed beyond the empirical understanding of itself. In that sense, the margin of historical interpretation of 『Samguk Sagi』 can be said to be full.

      • KCI등재

        한국형 입학사정관제의 개념창출과 발전방안

        김정권 ( Jeong Gwon Kim ) 아시아.유럽미래학회 2010 유라시아연구 Vol.7 No.4

        본 논문은 한국의 입학사정관제에 대한 현상학적 검토를 목적으로 하고 있다. 특히 그 출발 점에서 나타난 여러 문제점과 시사점을 성찰적으로 제시하고자 하였다. 현재 한국교육에 있어서 입학사정관제는 大勢이고 大局인 것 같다. 이는 명백한 Top-down 접근방식이다. 정부주도의 사교육 문제 해결, 입시제도 개선 등 현실적인 교육 문제의 해결이 당면과제였던 것이다. 그런데 이 Top-down 접근방식은 장단점이 너무 분명했다. 충분한 현상학적 검토나 존재론적인 점검을 거치지 않는다면 결국 의도에 상관없이 혼돈이 발생하게 되는 것이다. 그래서 인지 입학사정관제는 대체로 부정적 시각이 농후한 편이다. 그리고 오해와 편견의 소지가 다분하다. 다시 말해 수학능력시험과 같은 정량평가는 객관적이지만 입학사정관제의 정성평가는 아무래도 주관적이며, 나아가 그 신뢰성에 심각한 문제가 있다는 것이다. 현재 입학사정관들의 전문성이 지속적으로 강조되고 있는 것도 역시 전형제도의 신뢰성과 공정성을 확보하기 위한 하나의 방편이라고 할 수 있다. 그런데 이 오해와 편견의 연쇄작용은 입학사정관제의 근본 취지를 무색하게 하는 조금 우려되는 상황으로 확산되어 가고 있는 것 같다. 그럼에도 불구하고 입학사정관제는 대세와 대국인 것임에 틀림없다. 시대변화에 맞추어 한국 교육의 정체성이 ``열림과 다양함``이라는 개방적 코드로 바뀌고 있고, 또 바뀌어야 한다는 점에서 그 중심에 입학사정관제가 있는 것이다. 그 동안 한국교육의 정체성이라고 할 수 있었던 ``이성과 진보``, 그리고 그것에 기반한 극단적 정량평가는 어찌되었던 새로운 변화의 시대를 맞고 있는 것이다. 따라서 이제 대국은 ``이성과 진보``의 정량개념을 가로질러서 ``열림과 다양함``의 정성적 개념으로 전환(transform)되어야 하는 것이다. 입학사정관제가 당위론을 넘어 존재론으로 자리매김 하기위한 방법론(methodology)을 찾을 수 있다. 입학사정관제의 표면에 나타나고 평행선과 교차점을 적시하면서 한국대학의 정체성 변화와 관련하여 새로운 입학사정관제 발전방안을 제시하였다. 소위 ``한국형`` 입학사정관제, ``MUD 식`` 입학사정관제가 그것이다. 아울러 본 논문에서는 ``사람들``, ``컨텐츠``, ``시스템``이라는 지극히 현실적이고도 구체적인 항목 설정으로, 우리나라의 현재에 있어서 실제적이고 적당히 만족하는(satisfying) 선에서 제안하였다. 소위 입학사정관제는 정량적 형태의 시험성적이 아닌 정성적 형태의 다양한 지원자 정보를 주관적 또는 종합적으로 평가하는 방법이 제시된 것을 말한다. 그런데 여기서 가장 중요한 것은 학생 스스로 포트폴리오를 기입하고 입학서류를 작성해야 한다는 점이 중요하다. 학생들의 교육활동에 대해 최대한 기록을 해서 입학전형에서 알맞게 표현하고 재현해야 한다. 그런데 한국교육에 있어서 이 ``스스로``란 단어는 정말로 새롭고도 신기한 부사의 하나라고 할 수 있다. 그만큼 그동안 한국의 교육환경은 타율적으로 이루 어졌다는 말이 된다. 이런 면에서 한국형 입학사정관제는 정부에서 지원하는 관련 지원 시스템을 이해하고 활용하는 것이 중요하다. 특히 정부주도로 그동안 초중고 교육과정에서 소홀히 취급된 수사학, 서사학, 논리학, 그리고 글쓰기, 말하기 학습이 혁신적으로 이루어 져야 한다. 결국 이러한 노력들은 시간이 지나면서 학생들과 부모, 그리고 학교(정부)가 함께해야 한다. 그것에 입학사정관제 전형, 또는 자기주도 학습전형의 당위론과 존재론이 있다. 결론적으로 말하지만 탈도 많고 말도 많은 한국교육에 있어서 입학사정관제는 가히 혁명적이다. 빠른 시간 내에 교육의 여러 문제점의 실마리를 찾을 수 있는 특별한 계기가 될 것이다. 그것은 가깝게 내 아이를 제대로 키우기 위한 하나의 공식적인 제도인 것이다. This thesis is purposed for phenomenological review on the admission evaluator system in Korea. Especially it tried to suggest many problems and implications appeared in the starting point introspectively. The admission evaluator system in current Korean education is the main trend and the main feature. It is a clearly an approaching method of top-down pattern. The face problems were the solution for the realistic problems in education such as the problem solving of private education and improvement in entrance examination. But the merits and demerits in such top-down approaching method were too certain. There must be confusions regardless of intention eventually if it is not examined by means of the phenomenological review or ontological examination. The admission evaluator system is permeated with negative viewpoint mainly perhaps due to this matter. And there is more room for misunderstanding and the prejudice. In other words, the quantitative evaluation like the Learning Ability Test is objective, but the qualitative evaluation of admission evaluator system must be subjective. Furthermore, there is a serious problem on its reliability. The consistent emphasizing on the speciality of the admission evaluator can be one of the methods to acquire the reliability on the evaluation system and the fairness. But, the chain reaction of this misunderstanding and prejudice has been spreading into the worried situation which puts the basic willing of the admission evaluator system into the shade. Nevertheless, the admission evaluator system must be a main trend and main feature. The admission evaluator system is seated at the center of the situation that the identity of Korean education has been changing into the open code of ‘openness and variety’ in accordance with the change of times and it have to be changed. The ‘reason and progress’ which was the identity of Korean education in the past times and the extreme quantitative evaluation based on such identity are encountering a phase of new changes at any case. Consequently, now the main trend is to transform into the qualitative concept of ‘openness and variety’ from the quantitative concept of ‘reason and progress’. The methodology for admission evaluator system to be positioned as an ontology beyond the rationale can be found. The developmental method for the new admission evaluator system was suggested in relation with the identity changes of universities in Korea while pointing out the parallel lines and the crossing points which emerged in the surface of the admission evaluator system So called, ‘Korean style’ admission evaluator system and ‘MUD style’ admission evaluator system are the methodology. This thesis suggested it in a realistic and moderate satisfying level at present in Korea by means of setting very realistic and the specific item setting in terms of ‘people’, ‘contents’ and ‘system’. The admission evaluator system is a suggestion of the method for subjective or integral evaluation on the information from various applicants in qualitative pattern not by the test score in quantitative pattern to be true to its name. However, the most important point in here is that the student shall fill the portfolio by himself and provide the application document. It shall be properly expressed and realized according to the admission evaluation by recording in maximum for the educational activities of the students. But, the word of ‘by himself’ can be regarded as really one of the fresh and mysterious adjectives in Korean education. It means that the education environment in Korea had been established in other-directed way in such extent during the past times.

      • KCI등재

        한국중소기업의 수출마케팅전략과 성과의 구조적 관계

        김정권 ( Kim Jeong Gwon ) 한국국제통상학회 2003 국제통상연구 Vol.8 No.2

        The purpose of this study is to identify the structural relationship of export marketing strategy and performance, and also to investigate the determinants of export performance by Korean small and medium firms. The research model of export marketing strategy and performance is proposed and tested by covariance structure analysis. The questionnaire focused on the export product-market venture, not on overall export performance by the firm. The sample studied comprised small and medium Korean manufacturing firms, with a substantial involvement in exporting. The results support the contention that promotion adaptation, product adaptation, support to foreign distributor(or branch) and exporting experience are the key determinants of export performance. Product adaptation is influenced by export market/industry attractiveness and international competence, and promotion adaptation is influenced by international competence, export market/industry attractiveness and the competition intensity of export market. The support to foreign distributor(or branch) is influenced by export market/industry attractiveness and the competition intensity of export market. This study`s findings offer executives the important insights and a useful framework for understanding the skills and resources specific to achieving competitive advantage and higher performance in an export venture.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        고려 仁宗代 ‘維新之政’의 추구와 정국동향

        김정권(Kim Jeong-Gwon) 한국사연구회 2006 한국사연구 Vol.133 No.-

        Yi Jagyeom's Revolt, which broke out in Febuary 1126(the 4th year of King Injong chronological), was shocking event especially for its treatment. It was a 'time' problem and people called it as 'clearing(淸算)'. After the Revolt, many political groups became impatient for time. And Seogyeong Party got their power through rapid political changes. It was an urgent issue for Seogyeong Party to repair the burned palace. Also they wanted a speedy reformation for political stability. Many other political powers, at that time, expressed their political hope to Seogyeong Party directly and indirectly. They supported Seogyeong Party to reveal their various hopes. It saws us a unity and a union of Yushin politics. We should pay attention to the relations between the royal authority and Yushin politics during King Injong era need to be mentioned, because Yi Jagyeom's Revolt was a challenge to the royal authority. In cleaning with Yi Jagyeom's Revolt, King Injong tried to restore his royal power. For him, royal authority might be a main topic of his life. In that situation, it was enough to occur power transference for Seogyeong Party to understand a centralized royal power. They took part in a restoration of national rules and an application of policy with center on King Injong. However, Confucian politics was a central and a powerful political value of Goryeo. So Seogyeong Party became a minority group in Coryeo, in where all the political actions. symbols, emotions and situations were related with Confucianism. Myocheong and Seogyeong Party were far from Confucian politics. Seogyeong Party was supposed to be lost their power. They became a scapegoat of Confucian politics, which would center on Royal authority. The society after a scapegoat concreted their Confucian politics. And political groups turned back to ethical discussions for example punishment of Seogyeong Party from Kim Busick without a royal command, declarative letters of Yun Eoni that he wasn't a member of Seogyeong Party, and Moon Gongin who was a pro-Seogyeong Party, kept a distance from Seogyeong Party right after Myocheong's Revolt. Finally these political valuations enlarged and reproduced to common sense and senselessness, and it is quiet ethical. Ethical valuation occurred cleaning, and cleaning became political mechanism to make Seogyeong Party as a political scapegoat.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

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