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        Idophore 및 석회수(石灰水) 처리(處理)가 낙농기구(酪農機具)의 세척(洗滌)및 살균(殺菌) 효과(效果)에 미치는 영향(影響)

        김용국,김종우,Kim, Yong Kook,Kim, Jong Woo 충남대학교 농업과학연구소 1975 Korean Journal of Agricultural Science Vol.2 No.2

        석회수(石灰水)(Limewater)가 낙농세척(酪農洗滌)-살균제(殺菌劑)로서 이용가치(利用價値)가 있는지를 구명(究明)하기 위(爲)하여 idophore와 비교(比較)하여 세척(洗滌)-살균시험(殺菌試驗)을 실시(實施)한 결과(結果)는 다음과 같다. 1. 착유백수(搾乳白數)에 따른 유석(乳石) 형성(形成)은 착유(搾乳) 6일(日) 착유(搾乳) 전세척제(前洗滌劑)로서 idophore를 처리(處理)(0.1119~0.876mg per sq. 10Cm)한 것이 가장 적었고 다음이 석회수처리(石灰水處理) (0.4639~1.5831mg)이며 무처리시(無處理時)(0.6230~4.3575mg)가 가장 많았다. 2. 착유전세척수(搾乳前洗滌水)의 온도(溫度)가 높을 수록 idophore처리(處理), 석회수처리(石灰水處理) 및 수도수(水道水) 처리(處理)는 모두 유석(乳石) 형성(形成)의 증가(增加)를 보였다. 3. 유지방(乳脂肪)의 제거(除去)는 석회수처리(石灰水處理)($10{\ell}$ 세척시(洗滌時) 78~88% 제거(除去))였으며 효과적(效果的)이였고 다음이 idophore 처리(處理)(66~86% 제거(除去))였으며 수도수처리(水道水處理)(56~68% 제거(除去))는 가장 효력(效力)이 떨어졌다. 4. 우유고형물(牛乳固形物) 제거효과(除去效果)는 idophor 처리(處理)($10{\ell}$ 세척시(洗滌時)73-78%제거(除去))와 석회수(石灰水) 처리(處理)(68~73%)가 비슷했으며 수도수처리(水道水處理)(44-52% 제거(除去))가 가장 떨어졌다. 5. 세척제(洗滌劑) 살균효과(殺菌效果)는 idophore 처리(處理)가 석회수처리(石灰水處理)보다 강(强)했으나 큰 차이(差異)는 보이지 않았다. 6. idophore 및 석회수처리(石灰水處理)는 모두 위생적(衛生的)인 우유생산(牛乳生産)을 기(期)할 수 있었다. The purpose of this investigation was to study whether limewater can be used as dairy detergent-sanitizer for dairy farm euipment compared with idophore in the milking machine. 1. Milkstone deposition was increased slightly by idophore and limewater pre-rinse but seriously increased by milking without pre-rinse for 6 days milking. 2. Milkstone deposition was increased by increasing temperature of pre-rinse sanitizer solutions. 3. Limewater rinse was more effective than idophore rinse and tap water rinse in removing butterfat. 4. Idophore and limewater rinse was more effective than tap water rinse in removing milk solid. 5. Both of idophore and limewater were found to be significantly effective for milk bactericidal. 6. It was conclused that good hygienic raw milk can be producesed from dairy farm by idophore and limewater per-rinse.

      • KCI우수등재

        여과처리가 우유의 진애도 및 세균함량에 미치는 영향

        김종우,김용국 ( Jong Woo Kim,Yong Kook Kim ) 한국축산학회 1977 한국축산학회지 Vol.19 No.4

        To select milk filter cloths for farm milk filtering and to investigate the suitable condition of milk filter cloths, several textile fabrics (Table 1, Fig.1) were tested the effect of filtering by sediment tester, the time taken for filtering, the effect of filter cloths on bacterial number in milk by filtering and the possibility of contamination of bacterial in milk from filter cloths in case of nonsterilization of cloths. And the results obtained are summarized as follows. 1. The effect of filtering was much better with Galgari, Sochang and Kwangmok than Eunchosa and Mangsa and the time taken for filtering was faster with Eunchosa, Mangsa, Tongsia and Galgai than Sochang and Kwangmok. 2. By filtering milk with Sochang and Kwangmok, the bacterial number in milk was reduced more than with other cloths but when filter cloths was not sterilized effectively, more bacteria was contaminated to milk from milk residue in cloths with Sochang and Kwangmok. 3. It was concluded that filter cloth of synthetic like nylon and about 0.05㎟ openings was suitable for milk filter cloths.

      • 볏짚, 클로버 및 고구마덩굴 Silage 調製를 위한 생고구마 添加의 效果

        金鍾禹,金容國 충남대학교 농업과학연구소 1984 農業技術硏究報告 Vol.11 No.1

        In order to improve the quality of silages made of rice straw, clover and sweet potato stalk, crushed fresh sweet potatoes(CFSP) were added at various levels to each silage. When the fermentation was completed. the chemical composition, pH and main organic acid contents of each silage were analized. The results obtained were summarized. 1. The moisture content of sweet potato stalk silage was highest among all silages tested. The clover silage showed the highest value in crude protein content. On the other hand. the rice straw silages were high in NFE and crude fiber contents. When the level of CFSP increased, the NFE contents tended to increase and crude fiber decrease. 2. The content of total organic was highest in clover silage. However. the percentage of lactic acid in total acid content was highest in sweet potato silage. The percentage of lactic acid in total acid content was increased in parallel with the levels of CFSP. 3. The sweet potato stalk silages showed the lowest pH value(4.10-4.20), The highest pH values were 4.75-5.22 in rice straw silage. The addition of CFSP tended to loner the pH. 4. It appears the quality of clover and rice straw silages can be improved by adding CFSP at 5 and 10% levels, respectively, on fresh weight basis. The addition of CFSP to the sweet potato stalk silage, however, was not effective in this experiment.

      • 家畜糞 湫加 고구마 silage의 品質에 關한 硏究

        金鍾禹,金容國 충남대학교 농업과학연구소 1983 農業技術硏究報告 Vol.10 No.2

        In order to improve the quality of sweet potato silage by adding some additives, sweet potatos(80%) were ensiled with one (20%) of the followings ; wheat bran, layer waste, swine waste or cow waste. The chemical composition, pH and acid contents of silages were determined. In addition, the silage intakes by Korean native goats were measured to estimate the palatability. The results were summarized as follows. 1. The pH of silages were decreased from the original 6.95 to 4.00 for WBAS (wheat bran added silage), to 4.50 for LWAS (layer waste added silage), to 4.40 for SWAS(swine waste added silage) and to 4.10 for CWAS (cow waste added silage) after 40 days ensiling. 2. The contents of total acid and latic acid were 3.50% and 3.32% for WBAS, 9.55% and 9.23% for LWAS, 8.51% and 8.50% for SWAS and 0.93% and 0.90% for CWAS, respectively. Therefore, good results for acid content were abtained from WBAS, LWAS and SWAS. 3. The bacterial counts were 2.6×10^7/g for WBAS, 2.8×10^7/g for LWAS, 2.6×10^7/g for SWAS and 1.9×10^7/g for CWAS. The number of lactic acid bacteria were 4.0×10^7/g for WBAS, 5.5×10^7/g for LWAS, 4.6×10^7/g for SWAS, and 4.2×10^7/g for CWAS. 4. The content of crude protein was highest in LWAS, that of crude fat was highest in SWAS and that of crude fiber was highest in CWAS. The contents of crude protein and crude fat in the silages were slightly increased while the moisture contents decreased as the fermentation was progressed. 5. The silage intakes by Korean native goat were slightly lower for animal-waste-added silages than wheat-bran-added silage. Among the animal-added silage, the intakes of LWAS and SWAS were slightly higher than CWAS.

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