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        八溪 卞獻의 생애와 시세계에 대하여 : 崔有海의 「東槎錄」 소재 변헌의 시를 중심으로

        金相日 동양한문학회 2012 동양한문학연구 Vol.35 No.-

        이 글은 卞獻(1570~1636)의 생애와 시세계를 살핀 것이다. 변헌은 임진왜란에서 胡亂으로 이어진 외침의 시기를 살았던 평안도 安州 출신의 佛僧이자 시인이었다. 그는 士族의 후예로 어려서 불승이 되었지만 임진왜란 뒤 환속하여 儒家的 出世를 지향하였다. 그가 유가로서 재출발하게 된 계기는 임진왜란 때 전공을 세워 벼슬을 역임한 것과 李廷龜와 같은 중앙문단의 사대부문인들로부터 시적 재능을 인정받았기 때문인 것으로 보인다. 그러나 환속한 前歷과 문학적 재능이 오히려 그의 인생을 신산하게 하였다. 반면에 그의 이러한 생애와 그가 살았던 시대적 상황은 그의 시문학을 풍성하게 한 토양이 되었을 것으로 생각된다. 한편, 변헌은 환속한 뒤 燕行使나 問安使의 從者로 활동한 적이 있었다. 그것은 明·淸 교체기 명과의 외교와 관련된 정보를 탐지하거나 문서를 작성하는 일이었다. 그는 만년에 명에 齎咨使로 가게 된 崔有海를 따라 바닷길로 명의 登州에 다녀왔다. 이때 그는 布衣 신분으로 최유해를 수행하면서 외교문서를 전담하여 文章報國의 재능을 보였다. 변헌은 시문집인 『寓庸集』을 남겼지만 지금은 전하지 않는다. 다만 최유해의 「東槎錄」에 17수, 金地粹의 『苔川集』에 2수 등 19수의 시가 전하며, 산문은 『仁祖實錄』에 2편, 『朝鮮金石總攬』에 1편 모두 3편이 전해진다. 최유해의 「동사록」 소재 변헌의 시 17수는 명에 사행을 다녀오며 지은 사행시이다. 그것은 최유해 및 명나라 선비와 酬唱한 시, 명의 불승에게 준 시들이다. 그 제재는 대체로 사행 도중에 겪은 간난신고와 이국의 새로운 경물과 풍물을 보고 느낀 작자의 정감을 담은 것이다. 그의 시는 대부분 서글픔의 정조를 띠는데, 그것은 懷才不遇했던 그의 인생에 대한 회한이 형상화되어 있기 때문이다. 한편, 변헌의 시는 수창의 현장에서 지어진 卽興作으로 작품성이 낮다고 생각할 수 있다. 그러나 변헌은 경물과 풍물 속에 생애의 이력을 끌어와 시상의 변화를 꾀하는 작시방식과 함축과 같은 표현수법으로 작품성을 유지하고 있다. 이처럼 변헌은 사대부문인들에게 인정받을 정도로 시문에 뛰어났다. 특히, 그는 17세기 전반 변경의 지방문사로 문학적 성취가 뛰어난 使行詩를 남긴 시인이었다. 이런 점에서 그의 시문학은 마땅히 조선시대의 문학사에 편입되어 논의되어야 할 것이다. This paper is written about Byun Hun's life and poems. He was a Buddhist monks(佛僧) and Seungjang(僧將: A monk who fights in wars) in Japanese Invasion of Korea in 1592 and the Manchu war(胡亂). He also went to Myung(明: China) as a envoy because he was a Yuga(儒家: Confucian) who writes novels and poems very well. He was a poet who was born in Pyunando(平安道) Anju(安州) where is in the frontier of Chosun(朝鮮). He was a monk descended from a classical scholar but he returned to secular life since Japanese Invasion of Korea in 1592. So, he sought Confucian life through Confucian exam. It may be the reason why he pursued Confucian life that he had successively filled government posts and recognized his poetic talent from the literary noblemen. However, his life was changed to hardships by his past career and literary talent. On the other hand, It was the base of his literary talent that his life and the situation when he lived. He worked as a Yeonhengsa(燕行使: a envoy who goes to Beijing). It was to acquire informations and write documents in diplomacy between Chosun and Myung. He went to Deungju(登州) in Myung with jeJasa(齎咨使) Choi Yu Hae(崔有海) when he was a diplomat. He completed his mission as Munjangboguk(文章報國: Raging the fame of country through literature). He wrote the book that collects his masterpieces but it don't be handed now. Its name is Wooyongzip(寓庸集). But his 19 poems was written in others' books, his 2novels was written in Injosillok(仁祖實錄) and another one was written in Chosungeumseokchongram(朝鮮金石總覽). His left masterpieces now was almost written when he was a diplomat. These are what were corresponded with Choi Yu Hae, Chinese and what gave to Chinese monks. These show his emotions through his hardships and fresh feeling in his travel. So, his pieces mostly make us feel sadness. It was embodied his regret to his life because he had many talents but his life was very hard. His poems was made of special poetic format, rhetorics and fresh words although his poems was written on impulse when he correspond poems with someone. So, his pieces show high expressivity. In this sense, his poetry ought to be incorporated in the literary history of the Chosun Dynasty will be discussed.

      • KCI등재

        세계체제론의 외교정책 분석방법

        금상 국제지역학회 2000 국제지역연구 Vol.4 No.1

        After the Cold War, the World-Order reveals as the form of the Capitalist World-System. It proves that the former USSR and the eastern socialist states are collapsed and incorporated into the Capitalist World-System entirely and voluntarily. Furthermore, remaining socialist states in the world, like China and Cuba, participate on the Capitalist World-System in order to survive. So, all the states in the world are adapted and forced to survive in the capitalist World-System in the name of globalization. Particularly, weak states are adapted and forced to survive in the open world-market. In this context weak slates' foreign policy accords with 'the logic of open world-market', namely the economic logic of the Capitalist World-system For example, One of the weak states' foreign policies invites foreign capital not to fall into the state bankruptcy. In this reason, this paper presents the foreign policy in the World-System theory. So, this thesis deals with the approaching methods on micro analysis of foreign policies which is understood from to part to the whole and macro analysis of foreign policies from the whole to the part and the World-Systemic approaching method of foreign policies. And in this thesis, the framework off foreign policy analysis followed the World-System theory. Decision-making in foreign policy of a state is limited by the environmental factors of the World-System namely changing world-market and core state, and is accomplished by the dominant classes representing the interest of bourgeois, and is practiced by the relative state autonomy. According to the World-System theory, decision-making mechanism in foreign policy of a certain state is based on and acts with the capital accumulation, and this mechanism appears in accordance with the various forms of surplus capital derived from the existence or non existence and more or less of capital accumulation and time and place which are affected by the Kondratieff circles and Hegemony circles.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        이슬람 슈라와 서구 민주주의 비교 -사우디아라비아에서 이슬람 슈라 원칙 적용을 중심으로 -

        금상 한국외국어대학교(글로벌캠퍼스) 중동연구소 2009 중동연구 Vol.28 No.2

        The aim of this article is to compare western democracy principles and Islamic Shura principles. In this context, this article deals with the concepts of the western democracy and Islamic Shura. Namely Justice, Liberty, Equality, Dignity of Human are dealt within the concept of the western democracy and Islamic Shura. In particular the principles of the western democracy and the Islamic Shura; origin of sovereignty, government of state, constitutionalism, concentration and decentralization of power, decision by majority are dealt. And this article deals with the harmony of the western democracy and islamic Shura. And in the context of the comparison, the case of the Saudi Arabia is studied because Shura Concil of the Saudi Arabia is established in 1993 based on the Islam and Western democracy which America forces th the Saudi Arabia.

      • 纖維素分解酵素에 關한 硏究 (第 1 報) : Cellulase 生成菌의 分離 및 酵素의 諸性質 Isolation of Cellulase Forming Molds and the Propeties of the Crude Enzymes

        金相達 대구보건대학 1977 대구보건대학 論文集 Vol.3 No.-

        Some 150 cellulase producing strains were isolated from feces of herbivorous animal, soil of farm. Among them, the strain B-7, G-56 were found to be highly active in the degradation of Carboxy Methyl Cellulose. The propeties of their cellulase which was obtained from wheat bran culture were investigated. 1) As a result of observation by microscope, G-56 strain was decided Penicillum and B-7 strain was Aspergillus. 2) Optimal reacting condtion of these cellulase were G56 strain ; PH 3.0, temperature 50℃ B-7 strain;PH3.5, temperature 40℃ 3) As a result of investigation on their their thermal stability, G -56 strain's cellulase was lost harf part of its activity be heat treatment at 60℃~60min, 70℃-6 min, and B-7 strain's cellulase was lost harf part of its activity by heat treatment at 60℃-30 min. 70℃ C-5 min. 4) B-7 strain's cellulase was very stable in the range of PH3.5~6.0, and G-56 strains' was stable in PH 3.0~5.0.

      • 女性 性Hormone 과 避妊劑가 P-Dimethylaminoazobenzene 投與에 依한 白鼠의 肝 腫瘍 發生에 미치는 影響에 關한 硏究

        金相道 충남대학교 의과대학 지역사회의학연구소 1977 충남의대잡지 Vol.4 No.2

        In order to study the effects of female sex hormones and oral contraceptive on hepatic tumorigenesis in rats fed with p-dimethylaminoazobenzene, growing female albino rats, which weigh 70∼90gm were fed with 0.06% p-dimethylaminoazobenzene in basal diet for 4 months, and injected or administered with estrogen, progesterone and oral contraceptive, respectively. As a result of study, I have obtained the following results; 1. The incidence of hepatic nodular hyperplasia, hepatic cell adenomas and hepatocellular carcinomas was highest in the case of estrogen-injected and oral contraceptive administered groups, whereas the incidence of estrogen plus progesterone-injected or progesterone-injected groups were lower than that of the control rats fed with p-dimethylaminoazobenzenene. 2. The incidence of cholangiofibrotic nodules and cholangiocarcinomas was, more or less higher in the case of estrogen-injected and oral contraceptive-administered rats than those of the other groups. 3. Fibrotic changes in the liver were also more extensive in estrogen-injected and oral contraceptive-administered groups than those of the others. 4. The rate of increase in body weight of experimental rats was lowest in oral contraceptive-administered group, and highest in estrogen plus progesterone-injected group.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재후보

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