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      • KCI등재

        18세기말 오키도(隱岐島)의 죽도전승

        권정 일본어문학회 2014 일본어문학 Vol.65 No.-

        Yada-Takamasa, who written this book(Cyosei-Takesimaki), makes sure in the introduction, he is a Shinto priest. The temple name of a Shinto shrine is Unyou. The Unyou Temple is famous for the relation of Kojiki(a book of japanese myth). This temple was maden when a god named Okuninusi, handed over the country to the god named of Amaterasu. So Yada had a pride as a Shinto priest of Unyou Temple. So there were many episodes related with the 'Kojiki' and 'Nihonsyoki' in the introduction of this book. The theory of Kojiki is that Japan is the center of the world. Therefore Yada also written this book based on the same theory. He written that Matsu-sima located in the west sea of Oki and the Matsu-sima is an island of Japan. This sentence is a distortion which was made on the need for ethnocentrism. It also conformed in the name of the sea. Yada called the sea which named East sea in the times, the West sea. This name influenced by the ethnocentrism. When we think the truth which Yada was a Shinto shrine of Unyou Temple, we can understand the meaning of fiction included in this book.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        일본문화수업을 통한 미디어리터러시 교육

        권정 한국일본언어문화학회 2020 일본언어문화 Vol.51 No.-

        This paper discusses how students in the information age can improve the media literacy through their classes, the ability to critically understand it and become a wise media consumer in the flood of various information. As a concrete method, the Japanese culture was searched for high interest by students through the Internet, and discussion and presentation were conducted based on this. The discussion topics selected by the students were the World Heritage of Japan, the Tokyo Olympics in Japan, the average life expectancy in Japan, the My Number System, the Dokdo issue, the Korean Wave, and the economic policies and politics of Abe. Presented. Students were asked to discuss the differences in the contents of the articles depending on the subjects of the Internet portal articles. Rather than simply organizing and accepting the searched content, the discussions were based on critical interventions to cultivate insightful views and improve student communication and negotiation skills. As a result, the overall media literacy skills improved, as indicated by the survey conducted two times before and after class. In the first questionnaire, the scores of opportunity areas were high, whereas in the second questionnaire, the scores of the critical competence areas were able to understand the media’s attributes and influence and to accept them critically. The citizenship area showed low scores in both the first and second surveys. In the area of ​​citizenship, the level of participation is low, so that correct education should be carried out in the future so that active participation in social issues can be achieved. Nevertheless, the scores on the question of generosity in the area of ​​citizenship were markedly improved in the second round, and it was judged that it was effective to instruct students to actively express their opinions on their own and other opinions. In conclusion, the results of the instruction to critically accept the differences between Korea and Japan media in class are considered in the survey. Media education based on such critical thinking is essential to living the knowledge-based society of the 21st century and the era of the 4th Industrial Revolution, and is essential for students to go out and become wise media consumers and members of democratic society. .

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        일본 외무성 독포팜플렛의 기록변화 - 「독도문제10의 포인트」의 내용의 변화-

        권정 한국일본언어문화학회 2018 일본언어문화 Vol.44 No.-

        This report is about the relation of the government guidelines for teaching about Takeshima and The 10 points to understand the Takeshima Dispute of MOFA. The guidelines was revised in 2014. The Revised Contents are different from the past guidelines which about Takeshima. Before the revision, it insits that the Northern Territories have been under illegal occupation by the Soviet Union. But after revision it insits that Takeshima is indisputably an inherent part of the territory of Japan, in light of historical facts and based on international law and The Republic of Korea has been occupying Takeshima based on such an illegal occupation have no legal justification. Such attitude is reflected to The revised 10 points of MOFA. Many illustrations of students who question about Takeshima are printed in The points. It shows us the targets of the education about this issue are students. The pamphlet of MOFA faithfully supports the educational policy of Abe’s government. 本稿は2014年に作成された「学習指導要領解説書」の内容変化が日本外務省ホームページの竹島関連のパンフレットにどのような変化をもたらしたのか、また外務省はその内容の改定を通じて何を主張したかったのかを考察したものである。2014年度に改定された解説書をみると、「竹島」に関連した内容が以前のものと大きく二点の違いを見せている。 第一に、北方領土だけが固有の領土であり、ロシアによって不法占拠されているとの立場であったのが、竹島やはり日本固有の領土であるのに韓国によって不法占拠されているとの内容が加わった。第二に、竹島は国際法で正当に日本の領土に編入されたとの内容が加わった。 このような政策の変化は当然外務省のホームページにも反映され、同年「竹島問題10のポイント」やはり修正された。まず、学生たちが質問する挿画を新しく掲載することによって、教科書問題とともに教育対象の的を学生たちにおいていることを明確にしている。また竹島の名称関連のないようを新掲載し、竹島が日本の固有の領土であるという点を強調している。さらにポイント8に最後の挿画を載せ、アメリカが竹島を日本の領土と認めているという、いわゆる国際法の上でも日本の領土であるとの見解を強調している。外務省のパンフレットの改定は安部政権の教育方針を徹底的に裏付けするためのものであった。

      • KCI등재

        고토 이쿠코의 초기 시 연구 - 제1시집 『오전0시』와 「경성일보」를 중심으로 -

        권정 일본어문학회 2022 일본어문학 Vol.98 No.-

        This paper reviews the poetry 『0 A.M』 of a female poet, Ikuko Goto, who wrote during her stay in Korea and her poems in 「The Keijo Nippo」. Research on her has not been conducted in Korea. However, her poems must be reviewed because they contain a sense of criticism of Japanese imperialism during the Japanese colonial era. This paper reviewed the poems related to her husband, her life in Korea, and the evaluation about her poetry in 「The Keijo Nippo」. In 1924, in the poem 「Flowers Under the Cliff」, through which Goto had an exchange with Uchino, she expresses sympathy and comfort for his ordeal. A poem written in 1927 expresses her depression in Korea. This is considered to reflect realistic trials such as the injunction of 「Asa」 in 1926 and that of 「Azia Simyaku」 in 1927. However, she is also determined to overcome the ordeal at the same time. This is well illustrated in the passage 「I feel a strong desire to be positive about living tomorrow」 in the preface of 『0 A.M』. Her poems were widely supported by Japanese intellectuals at that time. This fact can be seen by looking at the related articles in the newspaper 「The Keijo Nippo」. Rather, this success strengthened the surveillance of the Governor-General of Korea, and the Goto and Uchino couple was deported to Japan. Consideration of her literary activities in Japan will be an issue for future work.

      • KCI등재

        『죽도 및 울릉도』의 「한조여운」에 나타나는 오쿠하라헤키운(奥原碧雲)의 사상

        權靜 단국대학교 일본연구소 2012 일본학연구 Vol.36 No.-

        This report is about the idea of Hekiun Okuhara which appeared in 「Hanjyoyoin poetry」 of 『Takesima and Ulleung island』. This book looks like objective geographical book. But the aggressive idea of Hekiun appeared in here and there. He said this poetry is the collection of inspection groups of Dokdo. But truly it includes Korean’s poetry such as Kim kuang ho and Sim hung taek, who isn’t the member of inspection group. Also it contains imaginary people’s poet. Editor used such imaginary names to secure objection.「The rock」and「The pine tree」appeared in Japan’s poetry mean the eternity of emperor. The word like 「The rock root」used in 「Hanjyoyoin poetry」, means the root is very strong, so it is never pulled out eternally. Therefor the meaning of planting pine tree in top of the Dokdo is a part of ceremony which prayer the endless rule of Japanese emperor in the new territory.

      • KCI등재

        일본어 온라인 수업에 메타인지 전략을 적용한 수업 사례 연구

        권정 한국일본언어문화학회 2022 일본언어문화 Vol.58 No.-

        パンデミックのせいで、授業のあり方に大きな変化があった。外国語を教える授業の場合、学生と直接コミュニケーションをとることが不可欠である。しかし、オンライン録画授業ではフィードバックが実時間で行われず、授業の効率性が低下してしまう。このような短所を補完し、メタ認知戦略を適用したオンライン教授法を考案した。基礎日本語授業の授業目標である 書取り、読解、スピーキング、聞き取り能力の全般的な認知能力が向上するよう、生徒たちを指導し、非対面学習環境の中でも実時間オンライン方式を通じて、学生に自己主導的な学習戦略を提供した。SNSを活用したオープンチャットルームをクラス別に作り、毎授業の重要内容を日本語で入力させたり、音声録音をして送らせたりすることで、学生が主導的に学習できるよう指導した。教授者は学生から受け取った内容を検討し、間違った部分をリアルタイムでフィードバックして、学生たちの授業力量を個別的に管理した。生徒たちは、自分が学習した重要部分をチャットルームを通じて確認し、足りない部分を自ら補完することができた。 このようなメタ認知戦略を適用した教授法が、実際に学生の認知能力向上に役立ったかを確認するため、授業前半と後半の2回にわたってアンケート調査を実施した。その結果、認知理解・認知管理・認知評価の3分野で向上したことが確認された。パンデミック以降、対面授業が可能となった後も、スマートデバイスを活用したメタ認知戦略は、学生の自己主導学習能力の向上に役立つものと判断される。

      • KCI등재후보

        컴퓨터 이미지 분석법을 이용한 마우스 골수세포에서 소핵의 계수

        권정,홍미영,고우석,정문구,이미가엘 한국독성학회 2002 Toxicological Research Vol.18 No.4

        The present study was performed to validate an automated image analysis system (Loats Automated Micronucleus Scoring System) for the mouse bone marrow micronucleus assay, comparing with conventional microscopic scoring. Two studies were conducted to provide slides for a comparison of micro-nucleated polychromatic erythrocytes (MNPCEs) values collected manually to those collected by the automated system. Test article A was used as an example of a compound negative for the induction of micronuclei and test article B was used asa micronucleus-inducing agent to elicit a positive response. Cyclophosphamide was included to provide an positive control in two studies. Bone marrow samples were collected 24h after administration of test article A and B in male ICR mice. The cells were fixed with absolute methanol and stained with May-Grunwald and Giemsa. The number of MNPCEs was determined by the analysis of 1000 total PCEs per bone marrow sample. In addition to micronucleus scoring, an index of bone marrow toxicity based on PCE ratio (% of PCEs to total erythrocytes) was determined for each sample. The automated and manual scoring was similar when the MNPCEs incidence incuced by each test article was less than 10. However, manual scoring was able to effectively enumerate micronucleated PCEs in mouse bone marrow when MNPCEs incidence was more than 10, such as cyclophosphamide treatment. Conversely, PCE ratio was superior in computer-assisted image analysis. Taken together, it is suggested that improvement of the automated image analysis may be necessary to render the automatic scoring as sensitive as manual scoring for routine counting of micronuclei, especially because it is superior in objectivity and high throughput scoring.

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