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      • KCI등재

        콜슨 화이트헤드의『니클의 소년들』에 나타난 비폭력 윤리와 “애도 가능한 삶”에 대하여

        권신애 한국중앙영어영문학회 2024 영어영문학연구 Vol.66 No.1

        This paper explores the ethics of nonviolence and grievability as represented in Colson Whitehead’s The Nickel Boys. Judith Butler emphasizes the importance of life, approaching the ethics of nonviolence and grievability through the logic of human vulnerability and interdependency. Recognizing this interdependency becomes crucial for fostering the possibility of equal social relations. Incarcerated in the Nickel Academy, Elwood confronts a microcosm of the racial segregation prevalent in American society. Faced with extreme systemic violence, Elwood strives for an egalitarian interdependency, not just for blacks but also for the white individuals who discriminate against and control him. He practices nonviolent resistance by writing letters to expose the corruption of the authorities, including the US government and the Nickel Academy. Witnessing Elwood’s death, Turner breaks free from racial defeatism and chooses to live a ‘sturdy’ life, akin to Elwood’s, thereby restoring the life of his fallen comrade, who was denied a proper obituary and mourning, to a life worth living and grieving. While Elwood’s journey comes to an end, the hope remains that future Turners will carry on the torch of nonviolent resistance, envisioning an egalitarian world where all subjects can experience grievable lives.

      • KCI등재

        어혈변증 설문지를 통한 오십견의 어혈변증 평가 및 통증, 견관절 운동범위와 어혈변증과의 관계

        권신애,이정우,김민정,송지연,성원석,서병관,우현수,백용현,박동석 대한침구의학회 2011 대한침구의학회지 Vol.28 No.4

        Objectives : The purpose of this study was 1) to investigate the possibility of taking blood stasis pattern as a clinical parameter of frozen shoulder, using blood stasis pattern questionnaire (BSPQ) to frozen shoulder group comparing with normal group, and 2) to find out the relationship of the severity of main frozen shoulder symptoms (pain and limited range of motion of shoulder) and the level of blood stasis pattern through BSPQ analysis. Methods : During the period of January 2010 to July 2010, fifty five frozen shoulder patients who visited outpatient clinic of department of acupuncture and moxibustion in East-West Neo Medical Center, Kyung Hee University and fifty five normal people without shoulder pain nor limited ROM in shoulder joint were evaluated through BSPQ, and to the frozen shoulder group, also evaluated three different visual analogue scales (VAS) of pain (pain on average, pain at night, and pain on motion) and active / passive range of motion (ROM) of shoulder joint. Results : Mean blood stasis pattern score of frozen shoulder patients group was significantly higher than the score of normal group (patients vs normal group : 4.85±1.68 vs 3.49±1.54). Three different types of pain VAS (on average, at night and on motion) showed low to very low positive correlation with BSPQ scores when analyzed with Pearson’s correlation coefficient. ROM levels in shoulder joint were not significantly related to BSPQ scores, though active external rotation range showed low positive correlation with BSPQ scores. Conclusions : Patients with frozen shoulder showed higher blood stasis pattern score in BSPQ but the level of blood stasis pattern is not significantly related to the severity of pain or limitation of ROM in shoulder joint.

      • KCI등재

        미국 흑인 남성의 부재를 초래한 법과 제도들 : 또 다른 이름의 노예제도

        권신애 동국대학교 영어권문화연구소 2023 영어권문화연구 Vol.16 No.3

        This paper explores why and how African American men in the U.S. are missing from their homes, communities, and society. In American literary works, a large number of black men leave their homes throughout history. In many cases, they drop out of school early, wander the streets in poverty, or are incarcerated for committing crimes. In response to this phenomenon, American society and its members have attributed the absence of black men from their homes to the fact that they are lazy, incompetent, and criminal by nature. However, a close examination of the absence of black male characters in the works of Toni Morrison has confirmed that it is not justified to classify them as criminals who have been dishonest or engaged in evil deeds since childhood. Even after the abolition of slavery, American society has not recognized freed slaves as fellow citizens to fill their seats. Although slavery was abolished, the 13th Amendment to the Constitution, the Black Codes, the Vagrancy laws, the Convict leasing system, and the Jim Crow laws all blocked the way for black men to enter the industrial sector and live. Since African American men did not voluntarily leave their homes, but were subjected to structural and institutionalized discrimination and exclusion that made them behave in such a way, it is necessary to have a perspective that distinguishes the cause and effect of the phenomenon.

      • KCI등재

        피콜라, 제이딘에서 브라이드로의 ‘차이 생성’: 토니 모리슨의 『이 아이를 도우소서』를 중심으로

        권신애 한국영미어문학회 2020 영미어문학 Vol.- No.137

        Toni Morrison’s last novel, God Help the Child uses the technique of narrative repetition. Several different characters and motifs from the previous novels including her first novel, The Bluest Eye and Tar Baby are represented in a similar way in the last novel. I found that God Help the Child and the repeatedly represented works in it are closely related in terms of the novel’s theme. This study aims to analyze the aspects and the meaning of the repetition: whether they can produce the meaningful difference or not and if they can, what the important causes and the conditions are on the basis of Deleuze’s concepts of difference and repetition. Pecola Breedlove from The Bluest Eye and Jadine from Tar Baby are represented the 21st century’s Bride in God Help the Child. Though their times and spaces are different from each other, their life obsessed with the white-dominated capitalist values without subjectivity makes no difference, ending up with negative repetition. Luckily, after breaking up with her lover, Booker, Bride starts to contemplate all the past experiences of Pecola, Jadine and herself including black people in the U.S., synthesizing the past and the present together. She poses lots of questions to the repetition and tries to get the answer from the contemplation. The results indicate that Bride could have her own subjectivity, leave her(their) past racial agony behind, move on to the next life, making differentiation of being a whole person.

      • KCI등재

        한국전통문화도시의 정체성 및 지역브랜드자산 비교연구 - 안동, 공주, 전주를 중심으로 -

        기백,신애,기대 한국브랜드디자인학회 2019 브랜드디자인학연구 Vol.17 No.1

        오늘날 국민소득 3만불시대가 도래 하면서 물질적풍요로 움보다 정신적 휴식과 치유를 위한 전통문화에 관심이 고조 되고 있다. 이를 치유(Healing)하는 마중물은 바로 조상의 숨 결이 담긴 전통문화를 오감으로 체험하는 길이다. 이러한 맥 락에서 안동, 공주 그리고 전주를 중심으로 전통문화도시의 정체성과 그 지역에 소재한 브랜드자산을 비교ㆍ연구하였다. 도시선정은 3개 도시가 자매결연도시이고, 방법은 현장답사, 지역의 선행연구, 매스컴의 보도자료 그리고 도시의 홈페이 지 등 2차 자료를 활용하였다. 이론적 토대는 박철희ㆍ이정수 (2010)의 전통문화도시 기준, Proshansky et. al.(1983)의 도 시정체성, Aaker(1992)의 브랜드자산을 적용하였다. 결과는, 첫째, 안동은 유네스코 세계문화유산 ‘10년 하회마을, ’15년 기록유산 영가지 등의 유교책판, ‘18년 봉정사 등을 보유하고 있어, 한국전통문화도시로서의 지속가능한 역량을 확인할 수 있었다. 둘째, 공주는 ‘15년 공산성과 송산리 고분군, ’18년 마 곡사 산사의 세계문화유산 등재는 백제고도로서의 저력을 보 았다. 셋째, 전주는 문화유산이 곳곳에 산재해 있었지만, ‘12년 유네스코가 창의도시로 전주의 비빔밥을 세계 4번째로 선 정되었다. 3개 지역을 지역브랜드자산맥락에서 볼 때, 안동은 다른 두 개지역보다 우리 민족을 대표하는 정신적 유산을 가 진 전통문화도시의 원형을 구비하고 있었고, 공주는 찬란한 백제라는 브랜드자산과 먹거리 공동브랜드 활용을 통한 역동 적 이미지를 추구하고 있었다. 반면 전주는 3한(韓)의 한옥ㆍ 한식ㆍ한지 등 한국의 전통문화, 한국의 먹거리 비빔밥, 한옥 마을의 지역적 매력요인을 보완한 신바람 나는 이미지로 포 지셔닝(Positioning) 되어져야 한다. 본 연구의 결과는 이들 3 개 도시로의 선순환되어 지속가능한 경쟁우위를 위한 정책으 로 활용되기를 기대하며, 둘째, 유관 도시에게 전통문화도시 의 학습기회를 제공한다는데 큰 의미를 둘 수 있다. This study aimed to explore comparative study on urba n identity and regional brand assets among representativ e andong, gongju and jeonju in korean traditional cities. The result of this study will supply help for the new urba n design with regard to unique identity and differentiatio n strategy. Study methodology of this paper is on-site in spection. This study was analyzed systematically and co mprehensively using prior research review and secondar y data of home page, newspaper focused on city identity and regional brand equity. Results in the secondary data of home page, newspaper research, we found that three cities pursued similar and identical goals in terms of the identity of the city and its regional brand equities. That is, andong was ‘the capital of korean spiritual culture’, go ngju was ‘an exciting and tour city’, and Jeonju pursued a new movement of ‘hanbatang jeonju’ and ‘the korean fl ower spirit pole’. In conclusion The research showed tha t the power of a city depend on its urban identity, its loca l brand equity and its discriminatory competence factors. This is the city's future strategic asset. This is an ideal strategy to attract tourists rather than other promotions. Suggestions for future research should be made using a survey technique to attempt empirical research.

      • KCI등재

        『솔로몬의 노래』에 나타난 미국 흑인들의 자본주의적 생존 방식의 문제

        권신애(Kwon, Shinae) 새한영어영문학회 2019 새한영어영문학 Vol.61 No.1

        This research argues that African Americans’ pursuit of the capitalist way of life can cause a variety of serious problems when it comes to their survival. They believe it is the only good way to survive and live a decent life to mimic white people’s capitalist way of life. The upper middle-class blacks in the U.S. think they could pass for whites and get the power and freedom as much as white people do when they accumulate more wealth. However, the nature of capitalist values and ideologies makes African Americans’ life even worse and makes them subordinate to whites in the society. The more black people try to imitate the capitalist way of life, the more they confront fetishism, the racial hierarchy between blacks and whites, and the conflicts in the black communities. Thus, for blacks in the U.S., accumulating wealth and internalizing capitalist culture like white people will not help them survive and set them free at all. Rather, by giving up accumulation, vanity, and fetishism that weigh them down, African Americans can get a better chance to live a healthier life with their strong identity.

      • KCI등재

        자본주의와 인종차별의 착종

        권신애(Kwon, Shin-Ae) 신영어영문학회 2016 신영어영문학 Vol.64 No.-

        Toni Morrison’s ninth novel, A Mercy is set in the seventeenth century, when Africans were first sold as slaves in New World. Black people in the U.S. are a direct product of the massive economic and social forces set in motion during this period by the Western powers. This research focuses on the slave trade, which was one of the foundations of capitalism. It will show how capitalism became entangled with racism, and how that has affected black people’s lives. I trace Florens’ mother, a minha mãe’s Middle Passage and capture the moment when she became a victim of racism. In part two, I examine how Jacob Vaark, who is from England, became engaged in the slave trade. In the beginning he was generous enough to help wounded animals and avoid trading slaves. Later, however, Jacob changed his attitude and got into the slave trade. He took advantage of racism to pursue more money. Finally, I follow Florens’ journey of self-discovery to see how she recovered and managed to become free while still a slave.

      • KCI등재

        『오루노코: 고귀한 영혼의 노예』와 『자비』에 나타난 시혜적 자비와 고귀한 저항에 대한 고찰

        권신애(Kwon, Shinae) 새한영어영문학회 2021 새한영어영문학 Vol.63 No.2

        Both Aphra Behn’s Oroonoko: or the Royal Slave and Toni Morrison’s A Mercy are set in colonial America at the end of the 17th century, when the slave trade began to increase significantly. But interestingly enough, the titles of the above novels imply the attitude of antislavery and the notion of a generous colonialist, respectively. I argue that all the praises and kindness the white narrator in Oroonoko gives to the royal slave, and a mercy the white colonialist in A Mercy has on the young slave are nothing more than hypocrisy or the patronizing mercy. I also examine the African slaves’ noble resistance to slavery to show that they are not savage and barbarous. We will find out that the African slaves try to keep their dignity while struggling for freedom.

      • KCI등재

        자본주의와 분쟁 : 토니 모리슨의 『타르 베이비』

        권신애(Shin ae Kwon) 한국영미어문학회 2016 영미어문학 Vol.- No.122

        This paper examines various types of conflict caused by capitalism in Toni Morrison s Tar Baby. The setting of the novel may remind readers of a sugarcane plantation in the West Indies in the 18th century, when the slave trade prevailed. The first conflict found in the novel, therefore, is that between a white master and black slaves. Ever since the time of slavery, most of the black people have suffered from poverty and they still have to depend on their white master to survive in a capitalist society. This gives rise to a perpetual tension in their relationship because although they hate each other one must continually be submissive to the other s power. The second conflict is one within the black community. Wealthier, educated blacks think they are superior to poorer, uneducated ones and this mechanism simply reflects the white capitalist society. Poverty originating from the slave trade keeps most blacks in the underclass in a capitalist society. It seems difficult for them to escape from the power of capital.

      • KCI등재

        뷰티숍의 브랜드자산 구성요소가 브랜드 카리스마 및 전환행동에 미치는 영향

        신애,기대 한국전략마케팅학회 2017 마케팅논집 Vol.25 No.4

        본 연구는 브랜드시대를 맞아 브랜드자산의 구성요소 중에 한 요소만을 다룬 연구들뿐만 아니라 브랜드자산의 구성요소(브랜드인지도, 브랜드이미지, 지각된 품질, 브랜드충성도, 그리고 관계적 특유투자에해당되는 독점적 자산) 다섯 가지 모두를 포함한 연구를 설계하였다는 점에서 선행연구와의 차별성을갖는다. 이에 수도권에 소재하고 있는 뷰티숍을 이용하는 387명의 고객들을 대상으로 실증 분석한 결과를 정리하면 다음과 같다. 첫째, 가설 1의 '뷰티숍의 브랜드자산 구성요소는 브랜드 카리스마에 정(+)의 영향을 미칠 것이다'를 분석한 결과, 지각된 품질과 브랜드의 관계적 특유투자를 제외하고, 브랜드인지도, 브랜드이미지, 그리고 브랜드충성도는 브랜드 카리스마에 정(+)의 영향관계인 것으로 확인되었다. 둘째, 가설 2의 '브랜드 카리스마는 전환장벽에 정(+)의 영향을 미칠 것이다'는 통계적으로 유의적인 영향관계로 나타났다. 셋째, 가설 3의 '소비자의 뷰티숍에 대한 브랜드 카리스마는 브랜드자산 구성요소와 브랜드에 대한 전환장벽 간에 매개효과가 나타날 것이다'는 모든 변수가 통계적으로 부분적인 채택인 것으로 해석되었다. 즉, 뷰티숍을 이용하는 고객들은 브랜드자산의 구성요소와 전환장벽 간에 브랜드 카리스마가 다소의 유효하게 나타나고 있음을 뜻하였다. 본 연구의 결과에 대한마케팅전략의 함의와 연구의 미래 제언은 결론부분에 언급해 두었다. This study was aimed to investigate an effect on structural elements(brand awareness, brand image, perceived quality, brand loyalty and brand relationship specific investment) of brand equity on brand charisma and switching barrier in beauty shop. It's a subtitle is focused on mediation effects of brand charisma for beauty shop in metropolitan region. A total of 387 questionnaires were used for the final analysis. Data were gathered from respondents who use in metropolitan region market. For this study, Data were analyzed by SPSS 21.0 ver. After reliability and validity check using exploratory factor analysis, and multiple regression approach was used to test the hypotheses. As expected in the hypotheses, Except of perceived quality and brand relationship specific investment. brand awareness, brand image, and brand loyalty in structural elements brand of equity does directly influence to brand charisma. brand charisma positively impact on switching barriers. In additional analysis, brand charisma has mediating role between brand equity and switching barriers. This result strongly supports our research model. Theoretical and managerial implications of this study are discussed and the limitations and future directions are presented in the part of the end.

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