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      • 봉건체제의 모순과 그 소설적 대응

        권순긍 世明大學校 1994 世明論叢 Vol.3 No.-

        This paper shows that novels used two ways to react to the feudalistic system: statire and resistance. Tokki-Chun and Seopaeju-Chun represent the former and Chun Wuchi-Chun and HongKilDong-Chun the latter. It can be argued that the writers of the latter had some allusions on idealistic government while the others had more realistic views on the system.

      • KCI등재

        20세기 초 활자본 고소설 연구의 지평과 전망

        권순긍 한국고전문학회 2023 古典文學硏究 Vol.63 No.-

        The printed classical novel stands out as the most prominent genre in Korean literary history during the late 19th and early 20th centuries. Rather than considering them solely as relics of the past, it is crucial to perceive them as modern entities that were vibrant and active during their time, and find the possibility of 'multipie modernities' other than western modernity in them. In this regard, it is essential to investigate the media characteristics and distribution methods of these works, as well as the cognitive systems and aesthetic perspectives of the readers who enjoyed them. The cognitive system and aesthetic perspective of the widespread acceptance of the printed classical novel can be characterized by the notions of 'popularity' and 'conventionality,' as previously noted by writers like Kim Ki-jin and Yeom Sang-seop. However, these concepts must be reevaluated in the context of the 'people' or 'democratic spirit' emphasized by Yeom Sang-seop, rather than the 'popularity' and 'conventionality' associated with colonial elite writers who catered to the vulgar interests of the masses. Understanding the popularity of printed classical novels from the perspective of 'multipie modernities’ can provide insights into the ways in which colonial subalterns pursued modern civilization via alternative paths. A prime example of a printed classical novel is Okjunghwa (1912), an adaptation of the pansori Chunhwangga by Lee Hae-jo, which ushered in the era of printed novels. The story of Chunhwang was already a top bestseller in the modern enlightenment era and beyond the colonial period. Which features a love story through a sequence of events that includes meeting, love, separation, suffering, and reunion. However, the work also contains the perceptions and aesthetics of modernity required by its contemporary audience. It make a counterproposal of how men and women should relate to each other in the midst of the turbulence of modernity, which brought about a new ethic of love based on mutual respect and trust.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        古典에서의 일상생활과 문학 : 문학생활화의 방식을 중심으로

        권순긍 한국문학교육학회 2001 문학교육학 Vol.7 No.-

        Harmonizing literature with daily life means that literature settles into the whole aspects of life as a significant mechanism. It is one of the important tasks in the education of literature. I tried to present the ways of harmonizing literature with daily life centering on folk songs, traditional Korean novels, and Paesasopum. First, in Jeong Seon Arari, one of the most famous folk songs, life and literature are well harmonized into one and are reflected in social motives of the contemporary world. At the same time, folk songs release the stress of hard life. Moreover, the attachment to the daily life reflected in these folk songs shows the striking recognition of the contemporary society and history. In short, harmonizing literature with daily life such as singing folk songs, means the very high recognition of life. Secondly, in case of traditional Korean novels, daily life started to appear in Pansori, by which literature could pose the questions of life and provide the alternatives. Various copies of Pansori were the gates through which to explore the alternatives of life. The positive reception of daily life in the traditional Korean novels paved the way for harmonizing literature with daily life, which is itself pursuing the ideal life. Thirdly, I tried to find the ways of harmonizing literature with daily life in Lee Ok's(李鈺) proses - miscellanies. His writing dives into the daily life, trying to find out the meanings of the trivial things hidden in the daily life, and portrays them vividly. Thus his writings could identify the lives of the people and give comforts to them. Thus literature enables people to realize their own beings. We can see easily the ways of harmonizing literature with daily life in the classiclal literature, in which literature and life cannot be separated explicitly. In short, the study of harmonizing literature with daily life is to examine how literature exists and functions in the whole aspects of life. The ways of harmonizing literature with daily life are widely varying as much as the ways of living of the individuals. What is the most certain is that it enlightens and enriches our lives.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        <신숙주 부인 일화>의 소환과 역사적 사실의 ‘이야기 만들기’

        권순긍 한국구비문학회 2016 口碑文學硏究 Vol.0 No.42

        <Shin Suk-Ju's Wife Episode> tells us what is wrong with the past history by dramatically contrasting the wife's suicide attempt and her husband Shin Suk-Ju's political treachery. During the bloody years of historical whirlwind from Kyeyu-jeongran to the affair of restoring King Danjong, it was almost impossible to talk about the history. However, the episode was meant to be a challenge against such social belief. It does not really matter whether the affair took place in Kyeyu-jeongran [<Seongongshiksorok>], in King Danjong's abdication [oral transmission], or in the time of Six Martyred Courtiers' deaths in jail [<Songwajapki>, <Yenryoshilkisul>]. Rather the episode sought to be a fake story-telling by designating different time scales. In fact, the writer's major intention of <Shin Suk-Ju's Wife Episode> is to demonstrate the cause for which she is even willing to throw her own life. By mentioning the execution of the six faithful courtiers, the episode made the betrayers like Shih Suk-ju feel greatly ashamed of themselves. For that reason, <Shin Suk-Ju's Wife Episode> was a clear attempt to excuse and restore the history, in which historical records were regarded as only those of the winners. The seed of this episode came to sprout during the Japanese colonial period. Its modern versions appeared in various forms of recalled works including <Mok maynin Yeja (Hanging Woman)> by Park Jong-Wha. By that time, oral transmissions were no longer necessary, but only recorded works received the real attention of readers. In order to clearly testify the treachery of Shin Suk-Ju, the story revealed his intimate relationship with Seong Sam-Moon and his eight sons for further explanations. Unlike reality, his wife Yoon took a very firm attitude in rebuking and even spitting to her husband. She ultimately hanged herself or took poisonous medicine so that she labelled her husband's treachery unquestionably unforgivable. The reality of the colonial rule, in which renegades enjoyed prosperity, brought up such a story. <신숙주 부인 일화>는 변절한 신숙주와 극명하게 대비되는 부인의 자결기도를 통해 지나간 ‘역사’에서 무엇이 잘못 됐는가를 얘기하고 있다. 계유정란(癸酉靖難)에서 단종복위 사건에 이르기까지 피 비린내 나는 역사의 소용돌이 속에서 감히 ‘역사’에 대하여 거론할 수 없었던 시대에 신숙주 부인을 통해 그 ‘역사’의 횡포에 맞서는 이야기를 만들었던 것이다. 그 사건이 계유정란 당시에 있었던 일인지[<惺翁識小錄>의 기록], 단종 선위(禪位) 때에 일어나 미담으로 전하는 일인지[구비전승], 단종복위 사건의 실패로 사육신이 옥사를 치를 때 벌어진 일인지[『松窩雜說』‧『燃藜室記述』의 기록]의 사실성 여부는 중요하지 않다. 오히려 시간을 다르게 설정하여 그 이야기가 거짓이라고 말함으로써 진실을 위장하는 수법을 취했다. <신숙주 부인 일화>에서 ‘이야기 만들기’를 통해 말하려고 한 것은 연약한 여자의 몸으로 그 부당한 ‘역사’에 대해 자결을 시도하려하여 대의명분을 밝혔다는 점이다. 사육신의 처형을 거론하여 신숙주와 같이 권력을 쫓는 사대부들을 부끄럽게 만들었던 것이다. <신숙주 부인 일화>는 승자의 역사로 기록되어 감히 거론하는 것조차 불가능한 시대에 짧은 일화를 통해 거세된 역사에 대하여 변명하고 복원하려는 시도인 것이다. 일제 식민지시대를 맞아 그 이야기의 씨는 다시 발아했다. 근대작가들에 의해 소환되고 가공되어 박종화의 <목 매이는 여자>를 비롯한 다양한 작품들이 나타난 것이다. 이미 그때는 역사에 대한 금기가 풀려 구비전승의 ‘소멸되는 말’들이 아닌 기록된 작품들로 나타나게 되었다. 신숙주의 ‘변절’을 분명히 증거하기 위해 성삼문과의 친밀한 관계가 드러나고, 그 이유를 설명하기 위해 여덟 명의 자식들이 등장했으며, 여기에 대응하는 윤부인의 태도도 실제와 다르게 강경하여 꾸짖는 것은 물론 침까지 뱉을 정도로 극단적이며 결국에는 목을 매거나 약을 먹고 자결함으로써 신숙주의 변절을 도저히 용서할 수 없는 사실로 만들었다. 변절자가 득세하는 식민지 시대의 현실이 이야기를 그렇게 만든 것이다. <신숙주 부인 일화>가 시대를 증거하는 불씨가 되고 당대를 성찰하는 이야기로 다시 살아난 것이다.

      • KCI등재

        李鈺 傳의 시정세태 묘사와 諷刺

        권순긍 한국한문교육학회 2004 한문교육논집 Vol.23 No.-

        본 논문은 일상성을 중심으로 하여 李鈺의 傳을 비롯한 서사물에서 시정 세태의 일상, 곧 구체적 삶의 현장이 어떻게 그려지고 있으며, 그 과정에서 어떻게 풍자가 이루어지는가를 살펴본 것이다. 李鈺은 특히 소품을 통해 일상성을 많이 드러냈던 바, 그것이 서사물에서는 어떻게 나타나는가를 다루고자했다. 흔히 리얼리즘에서 거론되는 '치밀한 세부묘사'의 차원에서 조선후기 시정세태의 묘사와 그 근거를 파악한 것이다. 시정세태를 다룬 李鈺의 작품에서 핵심적인 문제로 거론되는 것은 돈, 곧 이익추구에 관한 것이다. 이것을 중심으로 시정의 잡다한 인물군상들이 움직였다. 李鈺은 특히 반사회적 이익추구에 관해 집중적으로 관심을 기울여 ① 물건을 훔치는 도둑 ② 시체로 공갈, 협박하는 모리배 ③ 남을 속이는 사기꾼 등을 중심으로 시정세태를 다루었다. 당연히 풍자의 대상은 이들이고, 李鈺이 풍자하고자 하는 바는 이익만을 좇는 시정세태와 인간군상들인 것이다. Focusing on usuality, this paper will investigate how the whole routine of city, namely the scene of concrete life is described satirized in epic materials including Lee Ok's Jeon, Lee Ok, who especially showed usuality through his miscellanies, tried to deal with it in his epic materials. Generally, he comprehended the description of the manners of late Lee Dynasty mid its ground on a plane of 'compact detail description of realism. The essential problem of Lee Ok's work which dealt with the manners of city is about the pursuit of profit. Many characters of the city moved around it. Lee Ok was much concerned with the antisocial pursuit of profit and dealt with the attitudes of thief, rogue, and swindler. Of come they are the object of satire, and what Lee Ok wanted to satirize is the manners of city and its characters pursuing only profit.

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